Born of Darkness

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Born of Darkness Page 19

by Jamie King

  I glance over my shoulder at Rae who is currently attempting to move the boulder that is Luka from his seat. I giggle as Rae almost falls from tugging at Luka’s arm. “You guys are ridiculous.”

  “And you need to loosen up.” Dominic pulls me close and sways to the music. “Just let go of all the worry and the rules. Enjoy feeling free.” He whispers into my neck before twirling me into a crowd of dancers.

  A hand catches me, and I look up into hooded silver eyes. Pale silky white hair falls over his shoulder. His angular clean-shaven face is translucent in the lights. Blue veins spider out from the corners of his eyes. Narrow lips part in a smirk flashing white teeth and long canines that are pointed like a thin needle. Unlike Dominic’s, these seem perfect for piercing rather than chomping. Vampire? A twinge of fear spreads through me. Wait, why am I afraid of a vampire? I’m a Daesidh. What could he do to me?

  He presses his body into mine and moves against me suggestively. I stare into silver eyes as his hands roam down my back. A hand cups my neck and tilts my head back. His fingers are surprisingly warm. I always thought they would be cold to the touch. Lips brush the soft skin of my throat.

  “Leave.” A hoarse voice commands. My eyes flutter open at his voice. Luka’s shoulders are stiff and his rage is tangible.

  The man releases me. “You have a problem man?” He balks at Luka.

  “Yes, I do.” His eyes flash with anger and his hands clench and unclench as he sizes up the vampire. “You see, you’re about to bite someone very important to me.” He steps closer to the man. “And you really don’t want to do that.”

  The man falters slightly before giving in. “Sorry man, didn’t know she was spoken for.”

  Spoken for? “I’m not spoken for. What is this, the sixteen hundreds?” I spit. “I belong to no one.”

  Deep green eyes shoot daggers at me as Luka erases the space between us. He bends into me and pulls my body tight against his. “No, this isn’t the sixteen hundreds, but why does it matter? Were you really going to let that vampire bite you?” He tightens his arms around me.

  “I don’t know, I was thinking about it.”

  A growl emits from deep in his chest. “Why would you do that?”

  “I wanted to see what would happen.”

  “What would happen?”

  “Yeah, like could he hurt me? What would it feel like? I just wanted to know.”

  He groans and buries his face in my shoulder. His arms engulf me as he holds my body against his. “I just don’t know what I would do if something happened to you, Ri.” He whispers into my neck.

  “What?” I breathe.

  He presses his forehead to mine. “I don’t know.” He squeezes his eyes shut. “I don’t know anymore.”

  “You don’t know what, Luka?”

  “Never mind.” He whispers as he releases me.

  He slowly walks back to our table and sits in a slump. He looks sad like his life just crashed down around him. He presses a shot glass to his lips and gulps it down.

  “I’m trying you guys.” I huff out as I swing the door open with Dominic and Rae trailing behind dragging a confused and semi-conscious Luka with them. I danced the night away with Dominic and Rae while Luka sat at our table wallowing in a sorrow. He continued to knock back shots of alcohol and god knows what other Fae drinks. The ride home consisted of holding a bag to his face in fear that the countless number of drinks would come back up. I flick on the foyer light and rush ahead to Luka’s room.

  I hear him groan as the boys drag him through the apartment. I swing his door open and pull back the covers on the bed. I pick up the black trashcan beside the bathroom sink and spin around to leave when a flash of white on the countertop catches my eye.

  Set neatly on a small bracelet holder are the leather bracelets with the white dragon ouroboros that Luka used to wear. My breath catches as I brush my finger over the worn leather bands. “You must be heartbroken.” I whisper. “I can’t even imagine.”

  A scoff comes from the doorway startling me. Luka has his shoulder pressed against the door frame and his arms crossed over his chest. “Do you feel sorry for me?”

  “Are Rae and Dom still here?”

  “No. I told them to leave me alone.” He wobbles forward. “Answer the question.”

  I back against the counter at his approach. “I-I do feel responsible for what’s happened to you.”

  “Don’t you dare!” He closes in on me. “Don’t you dare pity me. I do enough of that myself.” He rests his palms on the countertop caging me in.

  My heart breaks for him. How can I make this better? Can I ever give him what he needs? I ripped him from everything he’s ever known. “I’m sorry.”

  “Ha! Sorry? Why are you sorry?” He slurs.

  “I ruined your life.”

  His brows furrow heavily. and he stands up straight and takes a step back. “Ruined my life?” A strand of hair falls from his bun and dances over his face as he breathes. He steps closer to me again sliding his hands over my hips. His face softens as he inches closer. The heat of his hands burns through the layers of the dress and my breath catches. He’s only behaving this way because he’s drunk.

  I lean harder into the counter and wish he would end the torture. He lifts me from the floor and sets me on the counter. I drop the trashcan in surprise. I can’t read him. What does he want from me? I thought he needed space or time to think things through and then he behaves the way he has tonight.

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you look in that dress?” He breathes.

  “No.” My voice is barely audible.

  He leans his body into me. His hands cup my hips and he pulls me close. He rests his forehead on mine and gazes into my eyes with hooded lids. “Breathtaking.” He says huskily. His voice sends heat spreading through my body. I bite my lip and look away from his intense gaze.

  Fingers lightly grip my chin forcing my gaze back to him. Our breath is heavy and uneven. My heart slams in my chest ready for anything. He leans in closer until our lips are nearly touching.

  I close the small gap and press my lips against his. The contact sparks the fire between us. Luka pulls me closer and presses my body tightly into him as his mouth devours me. His breath tickles my skin. His body presses me back forcing me to lean back over the sink. He places his hand on my lower back and pulls his lips away. He nips my throat with his teeth and slides his tongue up my neck. He growls and bites my lip. I taste the faint hint of iron as a trickle of blood from the bite drips into my mouth.

  Luka pulls away. “Oh.” He breathes as he blinks rapidly as if coming out of a dream. He releases his hold on me and backs away to the door. He leaves the room and then I hear the front door shut behind him.

  I lean forward catching my breath. I look down at my trembling hands. Anger, frustration, and rejection hit me once again.



  Today is day twelve of the awkward silence between Luka and me. Well, more like avoidance. He’s been completely ignoring me and hasn’t come to a single training session. I occasionally hear him leaving his room, but each time to rush to meet him he’s already gone. I press the stop button on the treadmill and hop off. I scoop up the hand towel hanging from the dumbbell rack and wipe the sweat from my face.

  “See-ya tomorrow, Dom.” I wave as I push open the training room door.

  “Have a good night, tell Luka to stop by my place. We haven’t seen him since the night at Elements and we’re starting to think we offended him.”

  I cringe inwardly. “It wasn’t you guys, I promise.” I throw another wave in his direction and step into the hallway that leads to the elevators. The elevator doors open and Susie staggers back when she sees me.

  “Oh.” She presses her hand to her chest. “I uh, I was looking for you actually. Priestess Kamila would like to meet with you.”

  I glance down at my gym clothes and grimace at the sweat marks. “Do I have time for a shower?”

nbsp; She openly looks me up and down and shakes her head. “You’re to come immediately.”

  “Okay then. Lead the way.”

  I trail behind Susie through the familiar double doors to the industrial conference room. At the head of the table is Kamila seated with a scruffy man that looks to be in his forties. His sharp features are softened by his well-groomed beard. His red checkered flannel shirt is rolled up to the elbow and his light blue jeans are frayed at the knees and are tucked into scuffed cowboy boots. He shoves his fingers through his mahogany brown hair and click his tongue. Luka sits across from him to Kamila’s left and Rae is beside Luka. None of them look happy. Is it too late to turn tail and run?

  “So glad you’re here, Nuri.” Kamila extends a hand in the direction of the scruffy man. “This is Ethan Baver, alfa of the Scarlet Tail pack.”

  My eyes widen in surprise. “Oh, very nice to meet you, Ethan.” I smile and take the seat next to Rae.

  Ethan nods his head in my direction, but the concern still mars his face. “Pleasure’s mine, miss.”

  The doors open and Dominic glides through. It looks like he didn’t get a chance to change his clothes either.

  “Ah, Dominic. Good.” Kamila places her hands on the table. “Now that you’re all here, we have an important matter to discuss.” She leans back and folds her hands in her lap. “An informant has brought some concerning information to my attention. It seems that someone noticed you two at Elements and reported it to the white coven.”

  My blood runs cold. Dominic pales and his eyes dart around the room to each of us. “Kamila, I took every precaution. Only gray coven members and allies can enter Elements. Who could have been the informant?”

  “From what my informant has heard, it was a young vampire eager to gain favor and power with the white was the one to come forward.”

  “That weasel. I knew I should have killed him where he stood.” Luka growls through clenched teeth.

  “Don’t fret. This is why you’re all here. I’ve spoken with Ethan and we think the Georgetown hide out will suit our needs for the coming months.”

  Dominic looks surprised. “Georgetown? You want us to go into the city? You know what kinds of people are in that area.”

  “Exactly.” Ethan steps in. His voice is calm and demanding. He looks directly at me. “The covens would never think that we would be hiding in the District. The cities are too dangerous. Too many eyes watch the comings and goings.”

  “Georgetown?” I question. “You mean were going into D.C.?”

  Ethan nods. “Yes, we have a safe house there that we use to patrol the supernatural residents of the district. Now, they will be suspicious of two people arriving to the house, so we’ve come up with a cover story. Two newly turned pack members are arriving tomorrow night. That would be you two.” He points between Luka and me. “We will arrive under the cover of darkness and we will disguise the two of you so that you aren’t as recognizable.”

  “There isn’t much option. We cannot risk an attack on this sanctuary. We have too many residents that would be in danger.” Kamila sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. “To top it off, both the black and white covens have placed bounties on Nuri and the white has placed one on you as well.” She motions to Luka.

  He doesn’t look surprised. “How long will we be staying in Georgetown?” Luka asks.

  “That would be hard to say, I assume for the foreseeable future.” Kamila says.

  “I do have one condition for the two of you.” Ethan says. “You will not under any circumstance leave the safe house unless ordered to do so.”

  Cage after cage these people place me in. I’m so tired of never seeing the light of day. “I understand.” I say dejectedly. Luka grunts his agreement.

  “Good. Get some sleep and we’ll pick you up tomorrow night.” Ethan announces before saying his goodbyes.

  “I know it will take some getting used to, but I want to keep you both safe and this is the best way to keep the coven and the two of you safe from harm.” Kamila says.

  “I truly appreciate everything you have done for us.” Luka says. “We will do whatever you wish, priestess.” He bows his head to her. “If you’ll excuse me, I have preparations to make.”

  “Yes, of course.” She stands with him.

  When he is out of ear shot, Kamila sits back down. “Nuri, do you mind if you and I speak for a moment?”


  Rae and Dominic both stand. “Thank you, Kamila. We’ll be leaving as well.” She acknowledges them with a nod and turns her attention back to me.

  “Come, sit closer.” I hesitate. “I don’t bite.” She laughs. I feel like she does though. I move to the chair that Luka had been sitting in directly next to her. “A little birdy told me that you and Luka seem to be avoiding each other. Did something happen?” I fidget and avoid eye contact. What do I say?

  She leans closer. “I know that there are certain things that aren’t easy to discuss with the boys and I am merely offering some kinship and an ear.”

  “I noticed something very special to him that reminded me of his life in the white coven and we exchanged some words about it. He hasn’t spoken to me since.” I fidget with the hem of my shirt. “I think I crossed a line, but I didn’t realize I was doing it until after.” I can’t tell her the complete truth, but I’m not exactly lying to her either.

  “Was it about Aurora?”

  “A little. I think he resents me.”

  “It may take him some time to come to terms with everything that’s happened, but don’t think he resents you.” She touches my shoulder. “I can see that he cares deeply for you, even if he isn’t showing it openly.”

  I choke back tears. “Thank you. I should be going.”

  “Thank you for talking with me.” I make my way to the door as quickly as possible. “And, Nuri.” Kamila says as my fingers grasp the door handle.

  I glance over my shoulder at her. “Yes?”

  “Stop blaming yourself for what happened. You didn’t cause the circumstance to occur or unfold how they did.”

  “Thank you, priestess.” I bow my head and leave the room.

  “All right, grab your things! Grab your things!” Dominic shouts through the apartment. “Is this coming?” He dangles a pink bag in the air at the threshold of the hallway.

  I peer around the wall to see him holding my bag. “Yes, that’s mine!” I shout from the doorway of my room.

  He tosses it to Rae. “That too.”

  I drag my duffle bag through the hallway and drop it near the kitchen. “Okay. I’m ready.”

  “Where’s Luka?” Dominic peers down the hallway again.

  “I think his room still.”

  “Rae, do you mind grabbing him from his room?”

  “Aye-aye captain.” He chuckles as he disappears into the hallway. A moment later Luka appears with Rae and two travel bags.

  “Good, now about those disguises.” Dominic smirks.

  Dominic pulls the SUV onto Constitution Avenue and I catch a glimpse of golden blond hair staring back at me. My disguise ended up being a blond wig and green contacts. Dominic gave me a tattered black hoodie with blood stain and ripped jeans. He said it would make it more realistic. I wiggle my toes in the blood-stained tennis shoes and giggle. He went all out for this. I glance over at Luka who has a black wig and brown contacts with a black hoodie pulled over his face. Dominic didn’t go as far with Luka’s attire. He gave him a few mud and blood stain, but otherwise his clothes are intact. He’s pouting because Rae forced him to trim down his beard. His new look sports a clean jawline and trimmed goatee.

  “We’re taking the scenic route.” Dominic says as we turn down a few different streets and pass by tall buildings with store fronts lining the side walk. The SUV turns down a dark one-way street lined with sizeable townhomes. Dominic pulls up to a two-car garage door painted a chestnut brown. The structure is composed of painted white brick with three square windows over the garage door
. Rae presses a button on the visor. The door comes to life and the lights inside the garage flood the driveway. I glance to my left. A brown shed surrounded by tall bare bushes juts up against the neighbor’s driveway. The bushes lead to the edge of the house like a fence separating the two driveways.

  Dominic pulls into the garage and the door closes behind us with a thud. “All right everyone, two at a time. Rae and I will meet you on the first floor.” Dominic announces as he and Rae step into an elevator. The metal stainless steel frame encases thick glass walls and a cream tile floor.

  I gape in awe at the box as Dominic and Rae wave goodbye and disappear into the ceiling. Luka presses the touchscreen set into the wall beside the elevator. The glass box slides silently into view and I step in with my bags. Luka follows behind me with his bags. The close space forces us to touch. Heat shoots through my body at the contact. I shift nervously and avoid eye contact.

  Luka clears his throat. “Sorry, it’s a tight fit in here.” He spins around to find the keypad and bumps me with a bag knocking me back into the glass wall.

  Irrational fear overcomes me. The idea of falling as the glass walls crumble under my bodyweight send my stomach into knots. I suck in a deep breath and hold it. There is no reason to think the glass will break. I close my eyes and push myself off the glass. I release my breath and open my eyes.

  “You okay over there?” He grunts as he struggles to hit the button for the first floor. The elevator has five buttons. G for garage and one through four. I didn’t get a very good look at the building, but I didn’t think it was that large.

  The elevator opens, and Luka and I squeeze ourselves out with our bags. To the right of where we're standing, a gorgeous bamboo staircase rises to the elevator and turns as it juts up against the glass barrier. At the base of the staircase a glass door allows a view of the street. The door is encased in a white frame and the door handle is made of a dark brushed metal. The floor is white tile with accent lights sunken into the floor along the walls. A study is across from the staircase. A wooden desk and two loveseats are surrounded by built in bookshelves and a fireplace adjacent to a bay window that’s been converted into a reading nook is covered in pillows and blankets. Books line the cove beneath the nook and a tiny overhead lamp is positioned perfectly center.


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