Copper (Hell's Handlers MC Book 4)

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Copper (Hell's Handlers MC Book 4) Page 4

by Lilly Atlas

  The truth shamed her to no end to admit, but if Beth were anyone but her daughter, Shell just might claw her eyes out. Thankfully, Copper was never seen disappearing into any rooms of the clubhouse with the Honeys. If he had been, there’d be a lot of bleeding club whores scattered in Shell’s wake.

  “So, what’d you need, Copper?” Shell asked, folding her arms across her chest. Acting unaffected was nearly impossible. Especially with the memory of being in Beth’s position less than twenty-four hours ago so fresh in her mind.

  “Hey, princess, can you give your mom and me a minute for some grown-up talk?” Copper asked.

  Beth wrinkled her button nose as though the idea of grown-up talk was akin to eating spinach in her eyes.

  “Why don’t you run and get me the picture you made me. Actually, how about you make one for me to give to Uncle Mav, too.”

  “Okay!” Beth charged off to her room, little feet clomping down the hallway.

  The moment she was out of sight, tension filled the space. Shell should have known this would happen after last night. Despite her feelings, she’d always been able to keep from acting awkward around Copper. Now after ten minutes of affection, their entire dynamic had shifted. She should have been stronger and resisted, but his touch had been so enticing. And felt so amazing.

  “Listen, Shell, about earlier…”

  If he repeated his words from the diner she just might sink into the floor, never to be seen again. “It’s nothing, Copper. The guys were ribbing you. You had to set them straight. I get it. No worries.”

  He stared at her with narrowed eyes.

  “Seriously. It’s no big deal.”

  For a moment, it seemed as though he’d let her get away with the lie, but that wasn’t Copper. He didn’t let shit go. If he saw a problem, he fixed it. No matter what.

  As though she hadn’t spoken, he said, “I’m sorry for what I said. They were ragging me for being all over you last night. I don’t remember a fucking thing, so I assume they were just shitting me. Pissed me off because they know we don’t have that kind of relationship, so I barked all that shit at them.”

  Her heart sank a little lower with each word from his mouth. Here he was, thinking he was fixing it. Giving an apology—which is something he rarely did, and in reality, he was driving the stake even deeper into her heart. God, how she’d love to fall on the floor and wail in an epic tantrum that rivaled Beth on her worst days. But that wouldn’t solve a damn thing. Instead, she forced her lips to curl into a smile. “Totally understand. And to set your mind at ease, they were definitely exaggerating about last night. You weren’t all over me. I pretty much just gave you a birthday hug. That’s it. You know they’re just a bunch of jerkoffs looking for something to hold over you.” The lie tasted bitter but she’d rather him think that than remember just how much his hands had been on her and continue with his speech about the kind of relationship they had.

  He nodded. “Thought as much. Don’t worry, I’ll make ’em clean the clubhouse floor with a toothbrush or something.”

  Despite her mood, that had her chuckling. “Not necessary. But if you go through with it, make sure they know I had nothing to do with it. I don’t want the payback.”

  “You got it, babe. And, Shell, I know you’re not a kid. You work harder and are more responsible than anyone I’ve met. The guys were ragging on me.” He shrugged. “That was a dick thing to say knowing how mature you are.”

  Hard working, responsible, mature…how sexy. Just what every woman wanted to hear from the man she lusted after. She swallowed down immense disappointment.

  After clearing her throat, she said, “Thanks, but it’s no big deal.”

  He nodded.

  Guess that was that.

  “Hey, can I borrow Beth for a while? I was thinking of taking her to get some ice cream then bring her back here so Mama V can take over while you’re at work.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You want to take Beth out? Really? Why? You need me to do some heinous task for the club?”

  Copper threw back his head and laughed. The action had the muscles in his shoulders bunching in a way that showed of his raw power.

  Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic.

  “Don’t look at me like that. There’s no catch, I promise. Just a peace offering for being a dick this morning. Thought you might like a few hours of peace and quiet.”

  How could he go from saying things that demolished her heart to giving her the one gift every mother longed for each day? A few hours of blessed solitude.

  “Um, that would be incredible. The last time I had a few hours alone was…” Geez, it was probably before she moved back to Townsend.

  He snorted. “Been too long if you can’t even remember. Don’t you get time to yourself at night when she’s asleep?”

  The assessing look he sent her way had her wanting to adjust her clothing. It was then she realized there was a huge wet spot on the front of her sweatshirt. She almost laughed. Greeting him at the door with a souring milk stain on her shirt. The night before he’d had a party full of flexible strippers with triple D boobs and twenty-four-inch waists. No wonder the man wasn’t interested in her. “In theory, sure. But by the time I get home from work, it’s almost nine thirty. I’m lucky if I can stay awake long enough to brush my teeth let alone get anything else done.”

  With a shake of his head, he clenched his fists. “You work too fucking hard, Shell. I wish you’d let the club—”

  She held up her hand. “Not having this argument, Copper. You lost it a long time ago. Know that chaps your ass, but I’m not taking money from the club.”

  “My ass is just fine, babe.”

  Ain’t that the truth.

  He stepped forward, looming over her. That height advantage and intimidating scowl lost its effect on her ages ago. In fact, instead of scaring her, it usually turned her on. She imagined he’d have a similar look on his face as he fucked his way to orgasm. “I don’t give a shit about losing the argument. I give a shit about you working yourself to exhaustion when you don’t have to because you’re too damn proud and stubborn to ask for help.”

  She straightened her spine. “I’m fine, Copper. Beth and I are fine. We don’t need help.”

  He smirked, one reddish eyebrow climbing his forehead. “So, you want me to go, then? Don’t want me to take Beth for ice cream?”

  It was then, thirty pounds of kiddo came racing back into the living room with a white sheet of paper flapping from each hand. “Ice cream!” she screamed as though talking over music at a concert.

  Copper sat back down and cocked his head, waiting. She wanted to shove that eyebrow back in place.

  Fine. With a roll of her eyes, she nodded. “Not so loud, Bethy.”

  Squealing, Beth climbed back on Copper’s lap. “Ice cream?”

  “You bet, princess. Came to take you on a date. You, me and the two biggest bowls of ice cream you’ve ever seen.”

  “Yes,” Beth said on a breath. Her eyes were so wide, both Copper and Shell laughed. “What about Mommy?”

  “Aren’t you sweet to think of your pretty mommy. I think she’s going to stay here and do some mommy things while we’re gone. That okay?”

  Beth frowned, deep in thought. Shell bit her lower lip to keep any more laughter at bay. Beth was like her, she weighed possibilities and didn’t make too many rash decisions, despite her excitement and zest for life. “’Kay. But let’s get mommy ice cream so she won’t be sad.”

  “That sounds like a good idea, princess. You know what kind your mom likes?” He was talking to Beth, but his gaze stayed on Shell.

  His behavior made her head spin in so many directions. Questions popped up from every corner of her brain.

  Why was he doing this?

  Why did he call her pretty?

  Why had he held her on his lap last night?

  None of those would ever be answered, but her mind didn’t seem to care. It loved to torture her with what she’d never have.
/>   “Yep,” Beth said. “Mommy loves chocolate.”

  “Chocolate, got it.” With a wink for Shell, he scooted Beth off his lap. “Go get your shoes and your jacket.”

  She was off in a flash bouncing down the hallway.

  “Thanks for this, Copper.”

  “Happy to do it, babe. You know that princess has got me wrapped.”

  “She’s got all of you guys wrapped around her fingers.”


  They fell into silence as they waited on Beth. Copper had gotten big news today. Shell had to say something. As much as she hated Rusty and wasn’t thrilled about his return to Townsend, Copper had no idea of her feelings. And Rusty was his beloved can-do-no-wrong little brother. For a time, Shell assumed his conviction for aggravated assault would knock him from the undeserved pedestal Copper kept him on, but no such luck. All five years he’d been a resident of Hotel Penitentiary, Copper had stuck to his guns, telling anyone who asked the case was bullshit. “Good news about Rusty, huh?” The words tasted sour on her tongue.

  Copper lit up. Anticipation radiated from every pore in the man’s body. “Fuck yeah. Thought we’d still have a few years before the chance for an early release. Best fucking news I’ve had since you moved home.”

  Her breath caught, and her heart swelled. King of mixed messages right there. Though really, was he? Everything he said could be the words of one close friend to another. Anything deeper she gleaned from it was all in her head.

  “The guys must be excited.”

  Copper chuckled. “Most are, I think. Though not Jig. Those two never meshed.” With a shrug, he scratched his beard. “I know Rusty can be a lot to take, but he’s not a bad guy. Shit,” he laughed at himself. “I pretty much raised him from the time he was ten. Feel more like his pops some time, you know?”

  She nodded because it seemed like the thing to do.

  “Tried to do right by him, but he had it rough. His childhood was violent and fucked up with our asshole of a father. Then he was orphaned at ten, I moved him away from his home, and became immersed in the MC. Fuck, it’s a wonder he’s doing as well as he is.”

  Shell couldn’t keep her eyes from widening. In all the years she’d known Copper, he’d never opened up to her like this. Never given her any glimpse into the inner workings of his brain. Over the years she’d heard snippets about Copper’s father being a vicious drug dealer in Ireland, but that was as far as the gossip went.

  Must have been hard for Copper to take on a ten year old who’d had a violent and unstable upbringing for the better part of his life. Even harder to care enough to try and turn that life around. Part of her understood Copper’s blind love and support of Rusty a little more. It had always gone beyond the bond of brotherhood. Copper felt responsible for Rusty, and probably guilty for Rusty’s rough situation as a kid.

  “I know you, Copper, I have no doubt you did your best by him.”

  Their gazes met and held for a charged second, but the moment was broken when Beth came stampeding back, shoes on the wrong feet and jacket hanging from one arm. After fixing her up, Shell sent her out the door with Copper. From the window, she watched him lift her daughter into the car seat he kept in the back of his truck. Just for a moment, she allowed herself to plot out the fantasy of Copper being Shell’s father. The two of them off for a daddy-daughter outing.

  Why did she torture herself this way?

  With a heavy sigh, Shell made her way into the bathroom, stripping off clothes as she walked. She turned on the water, squirted a healthy stream of bubble bath into the tub, lit a few candles, and grabbed her waterproof vibrator.

  What could she say? She liked her baths.

  As she sank down into the warm suds a few moments later, she sighed in pleasure. Felt like she was playing hooky from life. Her stressors were mounting, especially with the upcoming Monday being the first of a new month. And that meant parting with a considerable chunk of money courtesy of an old debt left by her father. She shoved that thought out of her head. The house was quiet, the water was warm, and she was alone. She wasn’t going to waste her precious solo time with concerns beyond her control. Nothing chased away a bad mood quite like a hot bath.

  And an orgasm.

  On that note, Shell reached for the purple vibrator and turned it up to her preferred speed. Water rippled outward in circles as she lowered it under the foam. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself one of her favorite indulgences. Copper’s face came into view, then his bare chest, arms, and of course his cock. She had no actual proof of its size, but he was a big and powerful man. He had to be packing something drool-worthy, right?

  Later tonight, she could chastise herself for engaging in activities that would only make her fall deeper, but for now?

  Now she’d get some much-needed pleasure from thoughts of the man always just out of reach.


  “ALL RIGHT, PRINCESS, what do you want?” Copper asked Beth.

  From her spot in his arms, she grinned like they were at Disney World instead of an ice cream parlor. “That one,” she said, pointing to a chocolate brownie flavor.

  “You got it. Cone or dish?”

  “Cone. No, dish. No, cone. No—"

  Copper laughed. Being in a shit mood around Beth was pretty much an impossibility. “How ’bout this? We’ll have ’em put the ice cream in a dish and shove a cone on top? Best of both worlds.”

  Beth clapped her hands on his cheeks, then rubbed the hair on his face. The girl was obsessed with his beard. They were gonna be in trouble when she got older and was surrounded by young bearded wannabe bikers. He’d be handing out death threats like Halloween candy. “That’s the best idea ever.”

  A scrawny teen with braces and zits appeared behind the counter. Wide-eyed, he glanced at the patch on Copper’s cut before asking, “Uh, you know w-what you want, uh, sir?”

  Sir. That was rich. He appreciated the show of respect, but the last thing he wanted to be called was sir. “Yeah, that one there,” he said pointing to Beth’s choice. “Single scoop in a dish with a cone.”

  “With rainbow sprinkles!” Beth squealed. “And that one!” She pointed to cookies and cream. “And that one too” Peanut butter. “And tha—”

  “Hey, princess,” Copper mock growled as he tickled Beth’s belly and enjoyed the sweet giggles. “You trying to get me killed? You ever seen your mom mad?”

  Beth’s eyes grew huge, and she nodded like he’d asked her if she knew the secrets of the universe. “Yes,” she whispered in his ear. “She is scary when she’s super mad.”

  “Exactly. And what do you think is going to happen to me if I get you five scoops of ice cream?” He rubbed his beard against her cheek eliciting another round of giggles.

  “She’ll be so happy!” Beth threw her little fists in the air as she continued to laugh.

  “Yeah, easy for you to say. It’ll be my ass she’ll burn.” He shifted his attention to the gawking teenage employee. Probably not every day the kid saw a huge biker making a squirt of a four year old crack up. “Single scoop, that brownie thing, dish, cone, rainbow sprinkles. Got it?”

  “Y-yeah. Coming right up.”

  “You getting ice cream, Copper?”

  The kid looked at him. “Yeah, I’ll take a chocolate shake.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Somehow, he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. After settling the bill, he led a bouncing Beth to a booth in the ice cream shop. As he was folding his body in the too small space, his phone chimed with a text. It was Jig.

  Jig: Where you at?

  Copper: Dotty’s Ice Cream.

  Jig: WTF? Whatever, be there in 5.

  Interesting. What the hell could that be about?

  “Good, princess?”

  Beth looked up at him, a ring of chocolate around her smiling mouth. “Yummy. Want some?” She held her dripping spoon up for him. Damn, this kiddo got to him every time. Hard to maintain the image of a tough as hell MC presiden
t if he was melting over Beth faster than her ice cream.

  “You bet I do.” He made a big show of growling and devouring the ice cream which had Beth laughing once again.


  “Yeah, princess.” He sucked his thick, chocolatey concoction through the insufficient straw.

  “How come you aren’t my daddy?”

  There went the shake, straight down his windpipe. Copper coughed as the cold liquid not only cut off his air supply but caused an icy burn in the back of his throat. “Well, I, uh…” Jesus, why the fuck wouldn’t she ask Shell this shit?

  “Cuz, look,” Beth said, grabbing one of her pigtails. “Our hair is almost the same color.”

  That was true. Shell’s was a little more strawberry blond than true red, but it wasn’t far off. What the hell was he supposed to say now? Well, rumor has it, your mother fucked some asshole who looked like me because she was…what? Bitter? Lonely? Desperate? Those questions had tortured Copper from the moment he’d seen Beth’s red curls. “Well, what did your mom tell you about your dad?”

  Huh, why hadn’t he thought to ask her this before? Shell was a steel trap on the subject of Beth’s’ father, but she must have told the squirt something, right? And it wasn’t like Beth could keep a secret to save her life.

  “Mommy said there are lots of types of families. Some with a mommy and a daddy. Some with just a mommy, or just a daddy. Even some with two daddies or two mommies.” She recounted it without emotion in that way children had of making everything seem simple. Even though she spoke, ninety percent of her focus was on scooping both ice cream and sprinkles onto her spoon. “But I heard her on the phone with Auntie Toni once, and she said my dad was a ‘piece of shit sonofabitch.’ What’s that mean? It’s bad words, right?”


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