I Dated a Hot Assassin (Blind Date Corporation Book 2)

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I Dated a Hot Assassin (Blind Date Corporation Book 2) Page 22

by Viola Grace

  She smiled. “It’s a good start.”

  “Then, when they are teens, I could tell them that the first time we met, I rented you by the hour and then had to run to your rescue twice. After that, it was easier to just keep you with me. Less of a commute.”

  “What about the time I grabbed their grandma and hauled her into a burning warehouse to save your sorry butt?”

  “That is the second lecture.”

  She snorted and bit the side of his neck. “That had better be the first.”

  He chuckled. “Feeling comfortable?”

  She sensed what was coming. “Yes.”

  “Hang on.”

  He jumped from one tree to the next, and she clung to him as they flew from place to place. Eventually, they ended up at the edge of the trees where Torenne was lying in the grass and looking up at the sky. She got up leisurely and smiled. “All is good?”

  “All is change. I will get used to it.”

  Torenne walked up and caught her when she slid off Salat’s back. Torenne looked down. “You are smaller than I remember.”

  “I am sorry that I grew you. Maybe I can undo it.”

  Salat blinked. “You did what?”

  Torenne chuckled. “She likes her sexual partner taller, so I got taller. So did you.”

  Salat snorted. “I knew about me. I had no idea about you.”

  “I also have more muscle mass and can lift her easily.” She chuckled. “She is remaking us in her ideal.”

  Khytten shrugged. “It isn’t on purpose, I am usually horny when you ask me what I want, and that is when it comes out, and we all know where the remaking happens, so you just have to steer clear of my breasts during sex, and you will stop changing.”

  The other two looked at her as if she had just told them to blot out the sun. They blinked, and they had a quiet argument between the two of them. Khytten took her shoes from the grass and walked up to the house while they discussed who would go for her breasts and who had to wait, or guess what she would do to them next. It really was at her discretion, but she couldn’t think about what she wanted when they started to ask her that stuff; she just went on impulse. The impulse depended on her perfect image. That was it.

  She turned and ran back to her lovers. “I’ve got it. Draw me your ideals. Write a description of what you consider your ideal stats. If I have a list, I can focus on that, and I won’t warp you outside of it. Got it?”

  They blinked. Salat smiled. “So, draw ourselves with all our stats listed, and you will keep your redesigns to that?”

  She nodded. “I will. Promise.” She bit her lip. “Just don’t give me any suggestions at times where I am distracted or you are inside me or when you are going down on me... or when we are having sex? That would be safest.”

  They both looked at her as if she had grown another head. Salat blinked. “You want us not to talk to you during sex?”

  “Um, no. That wasn’t how I thought about it. I just meant that you give me suggestions and ask me what I want, and my body responds accordingly.”

  Torenne walked up to her and wrapped her arms around Khytten. She kissed her neck softly and whispered what she wanted right then.

  “Uh, this is kind of exposed.”

  “And yet extremely private.”

  “So, Salat’s going to watch?”

  “For a while, and then, he may choose to participate or not.” Torenne smiled and sat on the grass, reclining on her side.

  Khytten lifted her skirt and knelt over Torenne’s head while leaning forward. It was her first sixty-nine, and she had never anticipated an audience, but once she had shivered and Torenne had groaned and cum, Salat pulled her away, on her knees, and slid into her, pounding hard and fast.

  * * * *

  Melker blinked from the window and nodded. So, that was how it was going to work. Salmet had been vague, but there was a gleam of understanding now.

  The highly trained team of operatives at the manor was looking forward to a challenge, and apparently, that challenge was having sex in the grass at the rear of the house. Things were about to go from occasionally stressed to interesting. Kids in the house. How bad could it get?

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Four months after moving in, the babies started arriving. Khytten got a call and took the flier into the city to claim her new foster child and twin.

  Salat was off on assignment but chuckling as she flew home, and the flight was silent. Bassinettes were already in place, clothing for infants had been arranged, and diapers had been stockpiled.

  Khytten flew home and landed on the pad, carrying the small seats in either hand as she headed for the house where the little ones were taken and swept away for a bath and a change of clothing. Torenne had enjoyed the challenge of small-scale clothing design, only after Khytten got the idea through that the child might need to be changed eight to ten times a day.

  There were a lot of outfits that were stored in the baby rooms, and at least, the food wasn’t an issue.

  Khytten looked at the nanny. “So, Tigel, what do you think?”

  He looked at her and snorted. “I think you shouldn’t have carried them in. You are just passing your first trimester, and you need to be careful.”

  She smiled. “You think you can manage these two while I am studying?”

  “Easily. Have you fed them?”

  “Enough to get them through to dinner, easily.” She smiled.

  Tigel nodded; his blue skin with green stripes was bright and cheerful, as were his orange eyes. His obstetrics speciality had been a calling, and he was a pretty good monitor for her. He didn’t normally let her overdo it unless she snuck out on assignment, and then, he had to deal with her when she crept in afterward. The exams were annoying, but she knew he meant well. Her unstable biology meant that—like other actives—her body was more likely to reject a pregnancy, at least in theory. Her early delivery with her first child was a concern that needed to be watched.

  “You have a call from Thirteen. She wants to know if you will make it for tea at the resort today. Someone named Eighteen is in town.”

  Khytten chuckled. “I will call her. I have been looking forward to meeting Eighteen. Maybe they can come up here for tea.”

  “Hm. Are they safe?”

  She laughed. “They are. Zera’s security protocols are way more stringent than that of the Aksalla government.”

  She opened her com to the resort’s number and called to invite Thirteen and Eighteen to tea.

  Tigel sat in a corner of the patio with the double stroller nearby.

  Thirteen kept looking over. “So, he’s the nanny?”

  “Yes, and an actual physician. He’s an obstetrics specialist focusing in high-risk pregnancies.”

  Eighteen looked concerned. “High risk?”

  “Triplets in an active is always high risk. The Aksalla government wants Salat to have an heir and is hoping for another strong active, so there was a budget meeting to pay for Tigel. He’s considered a necessary national expense.”

  “In the meantime, he is helping you foster?” Thirteen smiled.

  “Yup. All the staff here have clearances for exposure to kids in tenuous situations. It is nice to live in a secure place.” She grimaced a little.

  Thirteen chuckled. “I know the feeling. All snug but not really free to do what you want.”

  Eighteen nodded. “You make me happy I am at the resort in a professional capacity.”

  Khytten poured the tea for them. “How does that work?”

  “BDC has hired me to do all the training for the support staff. They will be trained to be as invisible as possible, work without speaking, and not flirt with the patrons.”

  Thirteen frowned. “Where is the fun in that?”

  “They are human. The wrong patron and things will go very wrong very fast. We have security guards, but they are either strong or fast. Not both. So, it is best that we avoid those situati
ons at all times. The patrons know the rules. But, mild cocktails will be available for them, and some get carried away.” Eighteen’s expression was grim. “No one wants that.”

  Khytten frowned. “You have some experience with that?”

  Eighteen waved it off. “Another world, another life. I know Zera doesn’t mind catering to organized crime, but it always sets my teeth on edge.”

  Thirteen snorted. “You haven’t been on any dates yet.”

  Khytten cocked her head. “You haven’t?”

  Eighteen chuckled. “I am registered, but I am not a physical activation, so I am not as in demand as some of the others. I am a dime a dozen.”

  Khytten looked her over and noticed that she was wearing excellent quality clothing, she wouldn’t really have noticed before. “You are actually a corporate trainer.”

  “Yeah, it isn’t role play.” She sipped her tea. “I have been doing it for a few years and actually have a pretty good time at it. Learning different industries, breaking them down, and then educating folks with actual repeatable procedures is really rewarding.”

  Thirteen snorted. “Boring.”

  “To you, but then, you like getting chased around in the woods. We all have our different kinks; mine is educating people. I came to education late, so I will now champion it whenever I can.” Eighteen chuckled.

  “You went to education late?”

  “Yeah, until I was in my early twenties, I was... unable to pursue education. As soon as I could, I enrolled and crammed my way through every course credit I could find until my degree was mine. Finding a job in my field was trickier, but I managed to do two years of college and have been doing corporate training for five years. I think my proximity to thirty might also change some of the prospects in my file.”

  Thirteen snorted. “You still have two years to go, Eighteen.”

  Eighteen chuckled. “Yes, but that is more than both of you, so... you can see why an old beast like me would lose attraction.”

  Khytten laughed. “You are happy about it. It’s fine. Zera’s algorithm is pretty good. I would never have ended up with Salat on my own. I definitely wouldn’t have found Torenne. She defies most calculations. I certainly never planned for her.”

  Thirteen blinked. “Is your situation okay? Blink once if you need us to get you out of here.”

  Khytten felt him a moment before there was a press on her neck that made her smile. “Hi, honey.”

  Salat appeared, and Thirteen jumped while Eighteen inclined her head. “Good afternoon, Ikan Salat.”

  He looked at her, and Khytten saw the recognition in him. Eighteen got pale and looked away.

  Khytten cleared her throat. “I am having a girl’s tea, sweetie. Go take a shower; you smell like death.”

  He tugged her hair back. “Only a little. What’s for dinner?”

  “Your favourite.” She smiled brightly. “Whatever shows up and then a nice back rub.”

  He snorted. “Any ice cream?”

  She blushed. “Yes, but it is still fucking weird.”

  He grinned. “I will take it hot or cold, kitten. Have a nice time with your friends. Nice to see you again, ladies.”

  He kissed her deeply and then eased her upright before he headed into the main house.

  Khytten touched her lips and smiled.

  Thirteen chuckled. “I don’t quite want one of those, but something not too far off wouldn’t be bad.”

  Khytten chuckled. “It is a lot of upkeep.”

  “I can manage it. My old boss at work would be fun, but I am not in his league. How about you, Eighteen?”

  “Uh, I am willing to learn?” She played with her hair and bit her lip. “I haven’t really thought about it. Zera just said I should apply, and she accepted me after I ran through my checks.”

  Khytten blinked. “Uh, Eighteen, do you like sex?”

  “I honestly have no idea. I can do it myself, but other folks aren’t really on my radar. I should have gotten to it before this, but I haven’t.”

  Thirteen blinked. “Uh... I have nothing. That astonishes me. You are nearly thirty.”

  “It has never come up, but Zera wanted my help, and this was how I had to register to get it. I am pretty sure that I will just stay on the books indefinitely and train when and where I need to.”

  Khytten nodded. “Right. Yeah, I am sure that it will work out. Do you know Salat?”

  “Uh. We have not spoken before, but I think I have seen him.”

  “That makes sense. Where?”

  Eighteen looked nervous. “I would rather not say.”

  * * * *

  Salat got out of the shower, and he called Zera.

  “Hey, Salat. How is expectant fatherhood treating you?” Zera’s face was bright and cheerful.

  “Pretty well, and Khytten seems happy. Now, about your new recruit.”

  “Who? Eighteen? She’s great, isn’t she?”

  “There is an issue.”

  “If you are talking about her association with Barnacorn crime families, I am well aware of it. She, herself, is fine.”

  “They are looking for her.”

  “I know that, too. She has done a good job of remaking herself. Physically, she has grown up.”

  “Yes, but I have been listening in, and she has not been intimate with anyone. How are you going to handle that?”

  Zera chuckled. “That is between Eighteen and me. Just trust that she won’t bring harm to you or yours, and she is excellent at training staff. You might want to make use of her talents when your family numbers explode.”

  Salat smiled. “Our first arrivals are here. The nanny is in action, and Khytten seems calm so far.”

  Zera grinned. “Good. Keep her that way. She deserves to have someone on her side for a change.”

  “She has many, and the numbers are growing daily. The staff here is ridiculously loyal, and my family would gut anyone who came near her. Even the pacifists.”

  “Good. Any word on the other front?”

  “We have narrowed it down to three candidates. We are proceeding carefully.”

  “Right, well, let me know if I can help, though, in Aksalla, you have better connections than I ever could. Anything else?”

  “No, though you know one of your patrons was where I first saw Eighteen, right?”

  “Really? Which one?”

  “Gorith. The auditor.”

  “Ah. Yes, that does make sense. His past is complicated, but it won’t colour the present. He’s a good security risk.”

  “Interesting. Thank you for the insight, Zera.”

  She gave him a formal bow. “Nice chatting with you, Salat.”

  He closed the call and sat there thinking. He had seen Eighteen in the arms of the auditor, being embarrassed in front of a room full of laughing thugs. It had been nearly a decade since that moment. She looked different, but her scent was the same. Luck and trouble. If she kept the trouble from his door, she was welcome to visit, but if Khytten so much as got a hangnail, she was dead. This was no time to be taking any kind of chances with Khytten’s safety.

  * * * *

  Khytten listened to the conversation and understood a bit more about the calm Eighteen. She was lovely and statuesque and deserved to find a patron who respected her for what she could do, not just the curved body that Khytten found distracting. She grimaced when she realized that she found Eighteen attractive. She exhaled. Finding out that she was bi-sexual while pregnant had been a little awkward, but she didn’t have to hit on every woman she enjoyed looking at or every man who crossed her path. They also didn’t have to respond to her interest.

  Eighteen looked at her calmly. “Khytten, why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like I am edible?”

  Thirteen snickered. “Don’t flatter yourself. She doesn’t... oh.” She looked between the embarrassed Khytten and the calm Eighteen. “Wow.
Eighteen, do you prefer women?”

  Eighteen shook her head. “Nope. Don’t worry, Khytten. It happens a lot.”

  Khytten felt a little less embarrassed. “It does?”

  “Yeah, it was how Zera noticed me at first. She asked me a bunch of personal questions but didn’t take not a clue for an answer. So, we met for coffee, she flirted some more, and then, she explained Blind Date to me. It sounded like fun, and she tested me. Apparently, I respond appropriately; I am just fussy.”

  “A fussy escort. Nice.” Thirteen chuckled. “There has to be a market for that.”

  Khytten shrugged. “Well, Zera found a few matches for me. I have no doubt that you will have one eventually.”

  Eighteen chuckled. “How many did it take before you ended up with Salat?”

  “He was the third. One was a normal date, and the other was a healing of sorts. Then, there was Salat. His needs were very specific, and I was super nervous about it. I hadn’t had anyone want anything along the lines of my activation before. It shocked me to the soles of my feet that he actually wanted all of me. I mean, the milk came first, but then, I came, then he did, then me again. It was an interesting first encounter.”

  Eighteen giggled. “It sounds it.”

  Two tiny mewling cries sounded off, and Khytten smiled. “I have to get to work.”

  Tigel snorted and put his book aside. “On our way, Khytten.”

  He brought the babies over, and Khytten looked down at Cira and Ciro. They were cute and had been born to an activated mother who passed away during labour. The father was unknown, and the mother had a mentalist adaptation. She had died of an aneurism.

  Cira and Ciro were going to get big and strong in a hurry. Khytten would see to it.

  Salat came down and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Stealing my dinner?”

  “Co-opting your snack. Your dinner is steak. Torenne is grilling tonight. My iron is low, and in addition to my obnoxious greens, she has some red meat on the agenda.”


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