The Essence of You

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The Essence of You Page 13

by Owenby, J. A.

  “Good.” He carried me to my room and gently placed me on the bed. He kicked off his shoes, closed the door, and flipped the lock. Then he quickly shed his dark-burgundy polo shirt and tossed it on the floor, exposing his muscular chest. I rolled over on my side and reached out to run my fingernails down his abs. He was beautiful, absolutely delicious. Leaning over me, he took my mouth with his. I threaded my hands in his hair and pulled him to me. I wanted to feel every inch of him.

  He fumbled with my pants and sat up while he pulled them down my long legs. Then he stood and dropped his jeans. His thick shaft bobbed free. Although I’d seen him before, he hadn’t been hard when he was passed out in my bed.

  “Dear God,” I muttered, staring at him.

  His brows knitted together. “Are you all right? We can stop.”

  I shook my head furiously. “No. I want to be with you.”

  He pulled my black shirt off and unhooked my white bra. His eyes darkened as he tentatively slipped the straps off my shoulders. Cupping my breast, he leaned me onto the bed as our gazes locked.

  “Hang on.” He picked up his jeans and grabbed his wallet out of his back pocket. A second later, he produced a condom.

  “Thank you. Maybe to a lot of girls, using protection wouldn’t mean anything, but you just showed me you care about me.”

  “You have no idea how much.” He rolled it on, then focused on removing my panties. After removing them quickly, he tossed them to the floor where they joined the rest of our clothes. For the second time in my life, I was naked with someone I cared deeply about. The first time had been the other night with Layne.

  “I need to taste you,” he whispered before disappearing between my legs. Layne wasn’t wasting any time—he went right for my sensitive bud. His tongue skillfully worked its magic while I moved against his mouth.

  “That’s it, baby,” he said.

  I wasn’t sure if Layne was incredibly talented in the bedroom or if my emotional attachment made his touch that much more intense. Regardless, I was putty in his hands, and he could make me do anything he wanted, including come in record time.

  “Layne!” I cried, stars exploding behind my eyes.

  He wiped his mouth and smiled while he kissed a trail up my stomach and to my breasts. He nipped and sucked my nipples, giving each of them equal care as he settled his hips between my legs. His long member rested on my waist, and butterflies broke out in my chest. He rolled over slightly and guided his dick over my swollen clit, and his eyes fluttered closed briefly.

  “I’ve thought about this so many times,” he confessed. He kissed me passionately before I could respond. The tip of his cock paused at my entrance, and in one smooth, gentle motion, he buried himself inside me.

  My fingernails dug into his back as a cry escaped my throat.

  “Are you okay?” He stilled, waiting for me to reply.

  Before I knew it, my chin trembled, and tears slipped down my cheeks. “I need a minute.”

  “Dammit. I hurt you.” His lips brushed against my damp face.

  I shook my head. “No. I mean, it’s been a while, and you’re bigger than … I didn’t take this step lightly. It’s the first time I’ve willingly been with someone. Before I left Arkansas, it had always been forced on me or for survival, not because I wanted it.” I dried my face with the back of my hand.

  He kissed the tip of my nose and made eye contact with me as his thumb stroked my lower lip. “I love you,” he whispered.

  More fucking tears escaped. I’d never experienced such a deep connection to someone, and it was overwhelming me. His touch, his words, his gentleness left me speechless, yet wanting more: more of him, his mind, his soul, and his body. In return, I would willingly give him everything inside me. No more walls, no more hiding. Just him and me.

  “I love you so much,” he whispered again. “I won’t hurt you. Just let me love you.”

  I’d never felt so wanted and cherished. Layne had just given himself to me. For the first time, I held someone’s heart in my hand, and I swore I would protect it. There was no turning back. He’d unlocked all the emotions I’d kept tucked away. Layne Garrison held the key, and all I needed to do was say yes.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  He moved tentatively inside me and I leaned up to kiss him. I ran my hands up and down his back, my fingers dancing over the rippling muscles in his ass.

  “You feel so good,” I said, relaxing into him.

  He picked up the pace as our bodies and hearts continued to connect. All the pain of the past and all the fear of the future simply slipped away while I surrendered to this man. I rocked my hips against him, and sweet sensations spiraled through me.

  “Layne,” I moaned. “I … I …” I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside me. “Oh God. I’ve never …” I panted. “Oh …” I clawed at his skin, my body igniting from the very core of my being. My pussy clenched tightly around him, and my head tilted back as I screamed his name.

  “Jesus,” he cried, shuddering and tensing as we climaxed together.

  Satisfied emotionally and physically, I went limp, and so did he. He planted kisses on my neck, chin, and mouth. We locked gazes, and I melted.

  “I love you, Ten.”

  “I’m falling for you too. But I’m scared out of my head. Please don’t break my heart.”

  “I promise.” His entire face lit up with his gentle words.

  “Besides, you’re the first man that’s ever made me come during sex.” I giggled as Layne grinned like a happy fool.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Layne tossed the condom in the trash can near my window, then crawled back into bed next to me. “Come here.” He wrapped his arm around me.

  I nestled my head on his chest, loving the soft rise and fall of his breathing. It was calming and peaceful.

  His fingers toyed with my hair, and for a painful moment, my butchered flagpole haircut flashed before my eyes. Pushing the memory out of my mind, I reminded myself that he’d seen me at my worst, yet there he was next to me.

  “Have you ever considered trying to find your family?” he asked.

  I propped up on an elbow and stared him down. “That’s a really intense thing to ask me right now.”

  “I didn’t mean for it to be. I’ve been meaning to ask you, but I didn’t want to step on your toes. If you wanted to do or something, I’d do it with you. I hear the results are posted online, and I’d love to be a part of you reuniting with your family. If that’s what you want, I mean.”

  “Really? Why?”

  His jaw tightened briefly. “Because I’d give anything to have Nicole back, and if you have a chance to find your mom, dad, cousins, aunts, and uncles, I’d encourage it. And if you wanted to find out who they were but not meet them, that’s all right too. I just know how important my family is … was. I wanted to offer to help was all.” He stroked my hand with the pad of his thumb while he spoke. Then his eyes clouded with regret. “Maybe it’s not the best idea I’ve ever had.”

  “No, I get it. You’ve lost part of your family, but you still have a loving and supportive mom and dad. It wasn’t like that for me. Dad skipped out when I was three years old. I never heard shit from him. He made his choice.”

  Layne twirled a strand of my hair around his finger. “What about your mom?”

  “My mom sold me to her dealer for heroin.” The door of my heart slammed shut as the words left my lips. I’d never been able to forgive her for it.

  Layne bolted upright in bed, a look of horror twisting his face. “Shit. I had a really bad idea, babe. I’m so sorry. Your mother doesn’t deserve to see what a beautiful and wonderful woman you’ve turned out to be. Holy fuck.” He ran his hands through his hair, his mouth opening and closing as if he were struggling for something positive to say, but the words were beyond his reach.

  “You didn’t know.” I sat up next to him and pulled my knees to my chest, the dark-green sheet still covering me
. “I was twelve,” I whispered, unwilling to look at him. “Mom was jonesing really bad when her dealer showed up at the house with a fix, but then she admitted she didn’t have any money. Before I knew it, he’d slapped his big, gruff hand over my mouth and jerked me out the front door. I never saw Mom again.” My words fell flat and lifeless, almost as though I hadn’t been the one to live the trauma. I wasn’t sure if it was normal to shut down in that way or not.

  Layne’s breathing came in short bursts as he clenched his hands into fists.

  “He tried to rape me, and I fought him with everything I had. He beat me to a bloody mess, then raped me. I was in and out of consciousness the entire time. When he was finished, he tossed me in a dumpster full of trash. I didn’t even know where I was, nor did I care, but it was the first night I prayed to God to let me die. He ignored me. I stopped praying after that.”

  Layne pulled me into his lap, enveloped me in his arms, and rocked us slowly. I wasn’t sure if he was comforting himself or me. I’d lived with what had happened to me for years, but he’d just heard it for the first time.

  “I swear to you, Tensley Bennett, I will never allow someone to hurt you again.” His voice was stern and protective.

  I didn’t reply because, although I understood where his heart was, I knew shit happened that was completely out of a person’s control, and so did he. We were both living proof.

  We held each other for a while, allowing the silence and the nightfall to comfort us. Maybe sharing the agony of the past would allow us to heal. Even if it didn’t, no one had cared enough to share the weight of the pain and memories so deeply and intimately.

  Finally, I wiggled off his lap and gave him a quick peck on his mouth. “Thank you.”

  He placed a kiss on my forehead and leaned back. “Anytime.”

  “I have to pee.” I gave him a reassuring smile that I was okay and bounded out of bed. I scooped his shirt off the floor and slipped it on. It hit me midthigh, just enough to keep my ass covered if Avery was home. “Do you want anything to drink? A soda? Beer? Um, our dinner?” I giggled. “I totally forgot the food is on the island. If you want to eat in here, we can. I’m happy to warm it up and bring it to you.”

  “That sounds fantastic. A beer sounds good too.” He licked his lips as his eyes greedily scanned my body. “I’d love dessert as well.”

  I gave him a playful wink. “You got it.”

  I hummed happily under my breath as I made my way down the hall. I hurried to the bathroom and quickly relieved myself. My core throbbed from the intense sex, but it didn’t stop me from wanting more. After I washed my hands, I poked my head into the hallway and noted that Avery’s door was closed. Although I didn’t hear anything, I wasn’t sure she if was in there or still gone.

  I tiptoed down the hall just in case. The last thing I wanted was to run into Justin. I would die of embarrassment. I ducked into the kitchen, darted to the fridge, and threw the door open. I grabbed two beers and popped the lids off. I took a big swig and grinned. It had been one hell of a night, and for the first time in years, I was happy. Shit, I was finally in love. A silly grin spread across my face.

  A loud bang and shouts filled my house, and a scream ripped through my throat as men dressed in black filed into my living room. “FBI! Hands up!”

  “What the literal fuck?” It happened so fast, I barely had time to process that guns were trained on me. The beer bottles slipped from my grasp, crashing to the linoleum floor.

  Heavy-booted men scattered through the rooms and down the hallway.

  “Layne!” I shouted, attempting to give him a heads-up. Surely, he’d heard the commotion, though.

  “Hands behind your head!” the agent yelled at me, his authoritative voice sending chills down my spine.

  “Tensley!” Layne rounded the corner in his jeans and no shirt, halting when he realized a weapon was trained on him.

  “On the floor!” another agent commanded.

  “Layne, what’s happening?” Terror traveled through me, and my body began to shake as I kneeled in the spilled beer and shattered glass. My eyes cut over to Layne, a sob escaping my throat.

  He slowly sank to the floor, his hands in the air.

  What the hell? What is going on? There was no reason the FBI should be in my house. Other than stealing food to eat when I was younger, I’d never broken the law. Even with all the insane activity around me, a horrifying thought gnawed at me then materialized fully. Layne. He was the only new person in my life, and I’d only reconnected with him a few months ago. There was no way the FBI could be after Benji or Avery. They weren’t even home. Oh my God. I’d just fallen in love with a criminal and had no fucking idea.

  Chapter Fifteen

  My mouth clamped shut as the cruel reality stomped on my heart. Layne didn’t love me. He’d used me to hide from the FBI and cops. But what did he do? I struggled to breathe above the panic running riot inside me. I’d been so stupid to trust him.

  “No one else is here,” one of the agents reported.

  I refused to look at Layne, but kept my focus on the front door, which was wide open, causing the cold air to rush into the living room. The blue and red cruiser lights cut through the black night.

  A police officer stepped inside, eyeing the situation skeptically. “Bring them down to the station.”

  “Sir! Please. We will fully cooperate, but can my girlfriend get her pants? She’s only wearing my T-shirt,” Layne explained, his words full of concern.

  Usually, I would have been embarrassed, but I didn’t even care. All I wanted were some answers.

  “I’ll escort you to grab clothes and shoes, but don’t even think about running,” the officer replied curtly.

  Layne nodded. “Can I stand?”

  The cop walked over to him, stared long and hard, then gave him permission.

  Layne stood slowly, then the cop’s boots scuffed against the hallway as he escorted Layne to my room. I remained still, kneeling in the beer and shards of glass, but the pain was nothing compared to what Layne had done to my heart.

  Less than a minute later, Layne and the policeman returned. Layne had slipped his shoes on, but I had his shirt.

  The cop strolled toward me, holding my items. His badge read Officer Hazelwood. “Get up.” His voice was clipped and rude. “Get dressed.”

  I blinked rapidly at him. “Here?” I squeaked. “While you’re staring at me?”

  Officer Hazelwood cleared the FBI from the room. “Patrick!”

  A female officer appeared at the edge of the kitchen. “Sir?”

  “Keep an eye on her while she gets some clothes on, then bring her in.”

  I gulped, not because another female would see me naked, but because I was being brought in. My faced burned.

  “Get used to it, honey,” Officer Patrick said, standing in front of me, her hand resting on her gun. “If you’re booked, you’ll never have privacy again.”

  Jesus. What did Layne get me into?

  “I bounced around foster homes for six years. You lose dignity real fast. So you staring at me doesn’t faze me. I don’t know what’s going on, but I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “Save it,” she said, her tone harsh and unfeeling.

  I shed Layne’s T-shirt and stood unashamed in front of Officer Patrick. “Layne will need his shirt. If you’d be so kind as to make sure he gets it, I’d appreciate it,” I said softly. Although I was a bundle of nerves, I was furious and terrified all at once. I just couldn’t allow my mouth to get me in more trouble than I already was.

  The officer tossed my clothes on the floor, and I scrambled to pick them up and dress myself. After I slipped my shoes on, she spun me around and slapped cuffs on me. Before I realized it, I’d been read my rights.

  I clamped my mouth shut. I needed a fucking lawyer, and I had no idea why. There was only one call I could make, and I knew exactly to whom it needed to be.

  Officer Patrick escorted me outside, down the porch ste
ps, and into the back of a police car. The door slammed closed, and I scanned the scene. Layne stood helplessly in the middle of the lawn, handcuffed.

  “I love you. Don’t talk. I’ll get you a lawyer,” he mouthed.

  His words splintered my heart. No way would I trust a word he said ever again.

  I had a front-row seat to the drama unfolding in my yard. The FBI had started to load up and pull away. Although I felt anything but calm, I needed to stay focused. Even if Layne was a criminal, shit was really bad for the FBI to storm into my house like that.

  Twenty minutes later, two officers hopped into the front seat and drove to the station.

  “I want to call my attorney. I won’t tell you anything until I’ve spoken with him first,” I said.

  “That’s your right,” Officer Hazelwood said while driving.

  I leaned back in my seat and attempted to steady my breathing. My head was pounding from being scared shitless, but a slow-burning anger was simmering inside me too. Layne Garrison would regret ever messing with me.

  * * *

  Hours rolled by before I was allowed a phone call. I’d declined anything to drink, so I sat alone with my thoughts in the tiny room with white cement blocks and no windows. I assumed Layne was in a little space similar to mine.

  As much as I hated to, I called Benji. I knew his parents could help with a lawyer. I would work my ass off to pay them back, but I also doubted they would think I’d done anything wrong other than fall in love with a piece of shit.

  Before an attorney arrived, the door swung open, and a handsome, well-dressed man stepped inside. His green eyes, offset by his dark complexion, caught me off guard. His chiseled jaw, perfectly proportioned cheekbones, and full mouth left me mentally panting. These people were nuts. They had to have hired an actor to pretend to be a detective because this guy was way too pretty. Maybe they thought I would roll over and spill my guts because he was possibly the hottest guy I’d ever seen.

  “Victoria,” he said, pulling out the chair across the table from me.


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