Victory in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 6)

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Victory in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 6) Page 9

by D Patrick Wagner

  “I can go for that, Cap.”

  “You’re always looking for R and R, Brooksy.”

  “Only with you, Toast.”

  “That’s what, twelve?”

  “Yes, Captain. Twelve.”

  “Toast, set a jump for the yards. We’ll take a day and recoup.”

  “Copy that, Captain.”

  “I got the coordinates, Cap.”

  “Get us there, Brooksy.”

  Within half a minute of Heimdallr’s arrival in Arium space, the three crewmates heard over their com, “Ahoy, Heimdallr.”

  “Ahoy, the Yard,” Torres answered.

  “Please wait one while I contact Doctor McCauley.”

  Shortly, they heard the Gregor Shipyard manager’s voice.

  “Welcome, Captain Scott. What can we do for you?”

  “Nothing at the moment, Doctor. If you don’t mind, I would like to bring my ship and crew in for some downtime. We’ve been hitting it pretty well for a while, now.”

  “Absolutely, come aboard. Give me an hour and I will have Aston make room in bay one. You can land there.”

  “We could link to a hatch, if that would be easier.”

  “Nonsense. Besides, I want Aston and his team give Heimdallr a look-over. Find any sleeping bugs waiting to bite.”

  “That would be appreciated, Doctor. We’ll wait for your call.”

  As the hour passed, the three dry-washed and changed to civilian clothes.

  “I see you learned your lesson, Brooksy.”

  “Yup, Toast. Nothing but low-profile. Just one of the boys for me. Looks like you thought the same.”

  True to his word, within the hour, Hank gave Heimdallr an ‘all clear’ to land in bay one. Brooksy babied Heimdallr in and set her down. After the bay reacquired its atmosphere, the three crewmates exited and ran into one of Gregor’s employees.

  “Welcome aboard, Captain, ma’am, sir. I’m Aston Sumner, the repair manager for Gregor Shipyards.”

  “Good to meet you, Aston.”

  “Mind if I run some diagnostics on Heimdallr?”

  “Why not. Your people have been all over it to install the X-cannon. Go ahead.”

  “Have you changed the security codes since the last time you were here?”

  “I didn’t see the need. She’s all yours.”

  Heimdallr’s three crewmates watched Sumner walk towards their ship as four more yardmen hustled to catch their boss.

  “I’m thinking real steaks, Cap.”

  “You read my mind, Brooksy. Starry Night it is.”

  “If they have any steaks.”

  “Don’t be a pessimist, Toast. Of course, they have steaks.”

  “And beer. Lots of beer. I plan on tying one on, tonight, Cap. This last year has been a grind.”

  “I plan on matching you tonight, Brooksy. I’m burned out, too.”

  “Burnt Toast. I like it.”

  “Where you lead, we follow, Captain.”

  v v v

  The maid service for the rooms they had rented needed to pound on the doors, waking the three crewmates from the sleep of the overindulged, the hungover. The cleaners waited while Scotty, Toast and Brooksy struggled into their previously worn clothes, washed last night’s revelry from their mouths and staggered down the stairs.

  Resisting the holding of their heads and not letting their stomachs take command, the three made it back to Heimdallr just as Aston climbed down the gangway and trotted up to face them.

  “This is a well-maintained ship, Captain.”

  “Please, a little softer,” Brooks chimed in.

  “Rough night?”

  “A good night, actually. With a cost, though.”

  “Been there, myself, Lieutenant Torres. As I was saying, Captain. You’ve maintained your ship extremely well. We found some questionable circuit boards and replaced them. Some traps in your reclamation system needed de-oxidizing. But, other than that, she’s good to go.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Sumner.”

  After the maintenance foreman and his crew left, the three spacers climbed back into their ship and immediately downed painkillers followed by copious amounts of water.

  “Breakfast, anyone?”

  “Don’t even think of it, Cap. Just more sleep.”

  “Okay. You two, take the bunks. I’ll take my chair. We hit lunch then hang out for the rest of the day. Tonight, we sleep in Atlantius and resume the search tomorrow.”

  Gazelle, Arium

  “Hello, Fairstar. Welcome back.”

  “What have you got, Jesse?”

  “Fairstar just jumped in, Captain.”

  “Hello, Addy. How was your trip?”

  “The trip? Boring, Hornet. If you can call jumping between solar systems boring.”

  “Wimp. About the munitions. Have you got something for us?”

  “Ready and waiting, Hornet. Just get those Stingers close and I can start shuttling gravity rockets as fast as they can receive them.”

  “We’ve still got two in the grey. So, we only need to load seven Stingers and Gazelle. I’ll set up a delivery schedule.”

  “You line them up. I’ll load them up.”

  “Afterwards, I think Hawk needs you in Tolimar. You’ll be shuttling pilots and crew to Atlantius.”

  “Crews for those hulls Heimdallr’s running down? Not a problem. I’ll contact him after we finish.”

  Chapter 09

  Aboard Griffin

  Dawn on Tolimar. Griffin squatted on the open field, surrounded by wild grasses and flowers soaking up the warmth of morning after the cold of night, her black skin absorbing the golden glow of Tolimar’s star. The bright light of a new day shone through her transparent Transilium viewing shield, bringing warmth and peace to the four beings sitting in their gravity chairs, sipping breakfast drinks or nibbling on finger food.

  After swallowing his latest mouthful, Krag asked, “Igaklay, please contact Mack.”

  “Oy, Cap. How’s Tolimar?”

  “Almost back to normal, Mack.”

  “Ay, Wee-One, Iggy, Guppy. Miss me?”

  “Legate Buster, Maybe. And Mz. Sue. You? Not very much.”

  “Ha! You’re getting mouthy with me, Guppy. That’s right good. Showing your spine. Cap, what can I do for ya?”

  “Just a status report, Mack.”

  “Well, Jewel is ready to go. The wreck of the recreational vehicle is secured in its hold. So, it’s ready. The freighter, she’s named ‘Galactic Express’, by the way, she’s ready. She’s mid-sized, a good four times as big as Fairstar. About the size of a Federacy destroyer.”

  “Then, that’s what we’ll make her. And I have just the pilot. Any others coming online?”

  “Me and Tinman, we’re just getting into another freighter, Cap. A big one. Bigger than Galactic Express. Not sure what we’ve got.”

  “Keep me apprised, Mack. Fairstar and Griffin will be there tomorrow. We’re going to crew Jewel and get her moving.”

  “We’ll be ready.”


  “Captain Scott has been waiting to speak to you.”

  “Put him on, Igaklay. Scotty?”

  “Hey, Hawk. I just wanted to give you an update. We’ve found thirteen hulls, so far.”

  “What’s the distribution?”

  “You know about the cruise liner and rec-vec.”

  “And Galactic Express.”

  “Mack and Buster are heading over to a large freighter, Cruiser-size.”

  “Mack told me.”

  “We’ve found another mid-sized freighter, five small freighters and three personal transports. That’s the thirteen.”

  “Good work. Keep finding and tagging. Do you need any downtime?”

  “Nah. We’re good. We hopped over to the Yard for a day and night. Recharged our batteries.”

  “More like polluted them, knowing you three.”

  “There was a certain amount of polluting going on. But, we’re back on track, good to go.”
r />   “Well, go good. See you tomorrow, Scotty.”

  “Tomorrow, Hawk. Out.”

  ”Krag, a transport just arrived. A bunch of Federacy crewmen are exiting,” Keiko interrupted.

  “That was fast. Commander Kelly must have cracked the whip.”

  “Or they want to get back into space.”

  “That too. Let’s go greet them. Gopai, you’re with us. Igaklay, you have the bridge.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain. I have the bridge.”

  As the three passed the galley, Krag looked in and stopped. Keiko and Gopai stopped with him.

  “Tribune Ambakai, please have your squad follow us.”

  “At your command, Commander.”

  Upon hearing the request, Tribune Ambakai, Guardsman Soraya and Corporal Wadji quickly bussed their mess and joined the three in the hall. Griffin’s crew, minus Igaklay, descended the gangway, reached the cargo bay and exited by way of her cargo ramp.

  As the six stepped onto Tolimar’s earth, one of the Odin’s maintenance crew stepped forward, came to attention and saluted. While she did this, the other ninety-nine formed up and also came to attention.

  “Sergeant, First Class, Morales, Sir.”

  After returning the salute, Krag responded, “At ease, Sergeant. Let me introduce you to Tribune Ambakai.”

  Upon hearing his name, the Elonian officer smartly stepped forward and performed his own salute, tail high, the back of his paw pressed against his fur-covered forehead.

  The Sergeant returned the salute. With no hesitancy, she held out her hand. Ambakai took it in his paw and gave it a single, strong shake.

  “I heard about you cats. Saw the videos. I am sure glad that you are on our side.”

  “As are we, Sergeant Morales. Commander Marston has proven to be an honorable, worthy leader.”

  “I keep hearing that.”

  “I see we got our crew for Jewel of the Stars. Did you have any trouble recruiting them?”

  “The entire maintenance crew wanted to volunteer, Commander. It was a bitch whittling it down to these.”

  “You got the best?”

  “I think so. With a full range of skill sets. We should be able to keep her in the Deep Dark, Commander.”

  “Good. Fairstar is due to arrive in Arium today to resupply the Stingers. She should arrive here tonight. Are you and your team ready to board?”

  “Very ready, sir. We want some payback.”

  “That’s the plan Sergeant. Preceptor Igaklay, have you been listening?”

  “As always, Commander.” Krag heard the formality in Igaklay’s voice, denoting the Ballisonian avatar’s recognition of the formal situation.

  “Would you please contact Fairstar?”

  A moment later, Krag heard the Captain’s voice.

  “Addy here, Commander. What can I do for you?”

  “Just checking in. what’s your twenty?”

  “We’re in Arium, resupplying the Stingers, Commander.”


  “Three left. Two hours?”

  “We have a hundred crewmen and two captains that need to get to Jewel of the Stars. A third captain over to Galactic Express. After you are done there, could you shuttle them over?”

  “Easily, Commander. Have them plan on a pickup in, say, four hours.”

  “Will do, Captain. Thank you. Out.”

  “Sergeant, did you hear that.”

  “Loud and clear, Commander. Four hours. We will be ready.”


  Sergeant Morales came to attention, saluted, about faced, marched the few steps back to her troops and began issuing orders.

  “One more meal at Shar’s?” Krag asked.

  He got vigorous approvals all around.

  “Let’s take the morning and square away Griffin. Then lunch. Igaklay, join us.”

  “I am on my way, Commander.”

  “Krag, I was thinking,” Keiko stated.

  “What will it cost me, this time?”

  “Nothing. Well, maybe a little grovelling.”

  “You know that I’m no good at that.”

  “You need the practice. Sub-Captain Desinal.”

  “The Sub-Captain that betrayed Captain Kakkarna. What about her?”

  “We are short on captains.”

  “And, you’re thinking that we could use her?”

  “Maybe. I think that it would be worth checking out.”

  “Let’s kick it around. Like you said, maybe. Now, let’s eat.”

  Krag saw nods of approval all around.

  Aboard Wisdom Seeker

  The majestic Elonian science vessel floated above her new home, Ballison. Mount Rhetho’s twin peaks pointed at the massive ship, as though creating a psychic bond between planet and machine. With her sensors pointed planet-ward, the observers saw the Elonian village nestled within the high, snow-covered valley. The abandoned Ballisonian science station stood as a remembrance of times gone by.

  Sitting in his captain’s chair, Captain Kakkarna casually reviewed his ship’s operations, pleased with her workings and his crew’s performance.

  “Captain, I have a link from Commander Marston.”

  “Thank you, Lieutenant Lumahani,” Wisdom Seeker’s Captain responded to the level two Synthetic. “Commander Marston?”

  “Hello, Captain. I trust your sailing is safe and successful?” Captain Kakkarna heard over his quant-com link.

  “It has been, Commander Marston. I have just finished our last journey. All Clan Kaporine members who wish to relocate to Ballison have been transported safely.”

  “I am very glad to hear that.”

  “How may I be of service?”

  “I am inquiring about Sub-Captain Dasani. Is she still in Wisdom Seeker’s prison cell?”

  “Yes, she is.”

  “Before her betrayal, was the Sub-Captain a good officer?”

  “A very good officer, Commander. And a good leader.”

  “I do not wish to be offensive, Captain, but, why do you think the Sub-Captain took those actions to betray Clan Kaporine?”

  “That is not clear, Commander.”

  “What are your plans for Sub-Captain Desinal?”

  “We have none, at the moment. Normally, she and the evidence would be presented to a court and she would be tried.”

  “if she were found guilty, what would the result be?”

  “If she were found guilty of treason against the Crown, she would spend the remainder of her life in prison doing hard labor.”

  “Oh. Have you talked to Honorable Vidhee about this?”

  “No. I am still struggling with a course of action.”

  “Would it be permissible to have Honorable Vidhee and Ambassador Suzume join our conversation?”

  “I would be extremely grateful if I can remove this problem from my ice flow.”

  “Preceptor Igaklay, would you please contact Honorable Vidhee?”

  “Hello Commander Marston, Captain Kakkarna.

  “Hello, Honorable Vidhee. The Captain and I were having a discussion concerning Sub-Captain Desinal. Ambassador Suzume has been listening in. We would like your opinion on her actions.”

  “Of course, Commander.”

  “Captain Kakkarna, I am not a political person nor a lawyer. I am in over my head. Would it be permissible for Ambassador Suzume to take over?”

  “Of course, Commander. Ambassador Suzume is deeply respected.”

  “You heard the man, Ambassador. It’s all yours.”

  “Thanks a lot, Commander.”

  Krag heard Keiko’s ribbing.

  “What laws has she broken, Honorable Vidhee?”

  “None, Ambassador. That is to be determined in a court of law.”

  “I misspoke. My apologies. What crimes can she be charged with?”

  “On a national level, treason against The Crown. However, I do not think that this would happen.”

  “Why not?”

  “Sub-Captain Desinal took
no action against the Crown, only against King Kaporine.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Sub-Captain Desinal allegedly ignored a command from her superior officer. She secretly recorded a conversation against Captain Kakkarna’s orders. That is criminal insubordination.”

  “We also call that a crime.”

  “Secondly, Ambassador, she distributed that illegally recorded conversation to the Elonian Senate and the Heir-Apparent. The distribution of illegal material is also a crime.”

  “But, not treasonous?”

  “There are a few small Clans which do not recognize the Elonian Kingdom. They reside a great distance form the eleven clans comprising the Kingdom of Elonia. If Sub-Captain Desinal had provided them with the recording, this could be interpreted as a treasonous act, aiding and abetting the enemy. However, she had not done this.”

  “Then, from your experience, treason is off the table.”

  “That would be my interpretation, Ambassador Suzume.”

  “Then her only crime is a criminal insubordination?”

  “And Clan betrayal.”

  “That’s a crime, Honorable Vidhee?”

  “At the Clan level, Ambassador. Our legal system has three levels. The topmost level is Elonian law. The second level is the relationship between the Clans and The Crown. The third and final level is the Law of the Clan. These laws are created and enforced at the clan level.”

  “Where does criminal insubordination fall?”

  “Since Wisdom Seeker is solely owned by Clan Kaporine, this would be a clan-level violation.”

  “And, betrayal? The same? Clan level?”

  “Yes, Ambassador. Very astute.”

  “Thank you. Since this is a clan matter, would she be tried in a clan court?”

  “That is correct.”

  “What would the punishment be if Sub-Captain Desinal were found guilty?”

  “At the least, on criminal insubordination, she would be stripped of all rank, removed from Wisdom Seeker and banned from any further access to space. For betrayal of Clan Kaporine, he would be ostracized from the Kaporine Clan.”

  “The Worst?”

  “Ostracized plus time in prison.”

  “How long would a prison term be for her actions?”

  “Between three and five solar cycles.”

  “Thank you, Ambassador. May I take it from here?” Krag formally asked Keiko


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