Finding Patience

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by Eden Rose

  Finding Patience

  Lucifer’s Lair MC Book 4

  Eden Rose

  Copyright © 2017 by Eden Rose

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Dear Reader:

  Oh, shitballs! I have a story for you! Rabies is the fun-loving, man-whore brother of The Lucifer’s Lair MC. What is he going to do when he comes face to face with the one that got away?







  “Thank you for coming out to see my show! I love each and every one of you!” I bellow out towards the crowd of people screaming my name breathlessly.

  My crowd of multi-aged people are screaming out and chanting my name. It’s a glorious feeling to know that they love me as much as I love them. This is why I do what I do.

  “You want another song?” I taunt to the crowd.

  Simultaneously, they all yell that they do.

  I look towards the back to see my dancers are already lining up to get ready for the next song In Too Deep.

  “Yeah! I know what you want. You want to hear my favorite song?” I hold the microphone out to the crowd to entice them to get louder.

  As the band begins playing the starting notes, I back away from the edge of the stage to get ready to start dancing. The concert version of this song is more dancing in the beginning and then I stop to sing. There’s a lot of high notes in the song making it harder for me to dance and sing at the same time.

  When it’s my turn, I look back to see Josh nodding at me telling me it’s time to go.

  Seductively, we walk towards each other until we’re standing face to face. He takes his left hand to cup my chin for us to look into each other’s eyes. With his other hand, he holds my hip steady.

  “You ready?” He asks me.

  I smile hugely in an encouraging manner. “Damn right!” I murmur back before turning on my headset microphone.

  Josh takes the old one from my hand and one of the stage crew is there to pick it up and take it to the back.

  We begin dancing together in a soulful manner that has the crowd screaming out in glee as the notes to song begin.

  “They love us together, don’t they?” He asks me while looking deeper in my eyes.

  I glare back at him about to ask him what he’s talking about but my music begins to play in my ear. I open my mouth to sing but all of a sudden the power goes out.

  The crowd that was once screaming my name for me to continue, begins yelling in hysteria.

  “What is going on?” I ask through my headset.

  The dead air on the other side of the mic tells me that the power is out through the whole building.

  “Hold on, sweetie, we got you,” Skin, my body guard, calls out from behind me. He’s grabbing my waist and dragging me towards the back of the concert hall.

  I allow him to do so until I see these little flashes of light. They look like the lightening bugs I used to catch at my parents’ lake house. There’s dozens of them that light up the dark arena.

  “What’s that?” People begin asking.

  I wiggle out of Skin’s arms to go and take a look at what it is.

  “No, Patience! You aren’t going over there. It’s dangerous for you to be walking around,” he tsks from behind me.

  Pushing myself out of his arms, I walk towards the lightening bugs. I’m captivated by them and the way the whole arena becomes quiet, I can tell I’m not the only one who’s wondering what they are.

  “Holy shit!” Someone yells from the outside of the stage.

  Turning my head to look at them cautiously, I miss what is about to happen.

  Underneath my feet, the ground begins to shake unsteadily. I scream out into the echoing crowd of people who are doing what I’m doing.

  The ground shakes more viciously than the first time and each time it shakes, more people are yelling at it to stop.

  “Everyone, get out!” Andre screams towards the crowd.

  I know he’s running at me because I can hear him screaming but nothing he’s saying is truly registering with me. His voice is this echoing thing that’s deafening me.

  And that’s when it happens.

  Before I know it, I’m thrown through the air and landing on my back effectively knocking the air out of my body. I fall the wrong way on my leg and feel it snap.

  “Patience! Are you okay? Where are you?” Someone screams from outside of the tunnel-feeling I’m in.

  I’m stuck in a tunnel where I can see just a little light but the smoke from the light is distorting my vision.

  The clouds of smoke are suffocating me. I gasp for air and suck it in as greedily as possible but nothing works. Breathing deeply in again but the air is too thick.

  Billows of smoke invade the air full of screaming people who are trying to figure out what happened. No one knows anything, but I do know this wasn’t an accident.

  People are screaming and crying out for help but no one is here to help. No one gives a fuck about the pop star whose concert got blown up. No one gives a fuck that people’s lives have ended.

  I roll to the side and the pain is almost too much for me to deal with. In my side is a stabbing pain that won’t go away.

  “Patience! Patience! Are you out there?”

  Knowing that someone is talking to me doesn’t do me any good when I can’t register my own thoughts. If this wasn’t planned, who would do something so heinous?

  I try to push myself up off the ground but it doesn’t work. My arms aren’t working and my ears are echoing. They are echoing in the worst way.

  “Well, if it isn’t the little fucking slut my son married,” a voice calls to me.

  When I don’t respond, a hand grabs the leg that’s broken and twists.



  The last time that my dad put his hands on me, I almost killed him. If it wasn’t for the fact that we were at some neighborhood picnic, I would have.

  “Brett, can you do anything fucking right? You’re such a piece of shit,” my dad shouts at me while I put ketchup on the hotdog in my hand.

  Neighborhood picnics in a shitty ass trailer park is nothing to be too excited about. A majority of the party is spent talking about who you are related to or whatever.

  I come because it’s free food and I wouldn’t be able to eat dinner tonight without it. With the money getting tighter and tighter, food gets scarcer and scarcer. My mom is useless in the sense that she refuses to get a job. So, it’s up to me to get money doing whatever I can.

  A man’s got to eat.

  My dad is a big dude with a lot of people that hate him. He owes a lot of money to random dealers and I know that he’s not paying them. Everyone in this little shitty trailer park hates my family. I can hear them whispering about us behind our backs calling us trash.

  “You listen to me, boy?” He barks at me from behind me.

  I tense up knowing what is about to happen and it’s not good. I’m about to get the shit kicked out of me in front of all the neighbors. “Yeah, I’m listening,” I reply without turning around.

  My dad is big in getting respect but what he doesn’t realize is that I have none for him. He’s a piece of shit who would rather steal than make money the legitimate way. By me not turning around to talk to him, I’m automatically disrespecting him.

  Truthfully, I’m wondering if h
e’s going to show all the neighbors how he treats his son. I want them to see the kind of bull shit that he does behind their backs.

  Deathly cold fingers grip my arm to spin me around to look at him. My hotdog flies out of my hand and rolls through the dirt making getting dirt stuck in my freshly applied ketchup.

  At least the ants will have dinner.

  “What did I say about you disrespecting me, boy? You think that because we’re out here I won’t put you in your place?” He spits at me through his crooked yellow teeth. Time has aged him way past what it should have done.

  Defiantly, I stand in front of him and don’t say a word. I’m testing him and I think he knows that I am. For the past few years, he’s been taking his anger out on me instead of my mom. The first time that I saw him hit her, I stepped in front of him and he hit me instead. Since then, it has been continuously.

  When I don’t say anything, his hand comes striking out and hits me in the face. My head turns to the side from the force of his hit. I don’t blink or say anything but everyone in the crowd has something to say.

  “What are you doing, Mark? How could you hit your own son?” Betty, the neighbor who lives with her six cats and three grandchildren, asks.

  “He’s a disrespectful little shit!” My dad seethes.

  I still don’t say anything.

  A blinding pain is shooting through my leg and I fall to my knees. The pain spreads through my whole lower half and it’s almost too much for me to handle. I roll to my side to ease some of the weight off my legs but it doesn’t do me any good. My dad is pissed off at me and he’s going to make sure that I know he is.

  He gears up to kick me in the stomach but I’m quicker than he is. Of course, he would forget that I just got back from basic training and am in fighting shape. The loser probably forgot all about that.

  I grab his foot to throw him off his balance. The drunk crumbles to the ground with a thud and a weight I didn’t even know I had on me, is lifted.

  I’m breaking the cycle of being his punching bag and I’m not going to fucking do it anymore.

  “Brett! Stop!” My mom yells from behind me but I don’t even acknowledge her.

  “Get outta the way!” Someone declares to my mother.

  Without even knowing what I have just done, my hands are numb and my back hurts. The pain that was in my legs has dissipated and I can’t feel it anymore.

  “You’re going to kill him!” My mom yells from behind me.

  This very moment, I knew that I had a choice to make. Am I going to keep playing the victim and allow him to fuck with me or am I going to end it? Is killing him really worth me going to jail?

  I shake out of my catatonic state to look at my father. Actually look at him. His face is unrecognizable and there’s welts all over his cheeks. His eyes are already swollen from me hitting him too many times.

  He wheezes but I don’t let it fool me. He’s playing a game with me. “I don’t ever want to see you again,” I spit out. “You come near me and I will finish this.”

  Without looking at anyone else, I get to my feet and walk away. I walk away from all of the bull shit of living at home with my parents. All their fighting that was constant. I walk away from not knowing if I’m going to have dinner each night. I just walk away.


  The highlight of my day working this shitty ass job is staring at the long legs of Patience Monroe. She’s got this Southern charm to her that makes the bad boys want her and girls want to be her. You know the best part? She doesn’t even know how gorgeous she is.

  I took a job as a landscaper to help pay for my shitty apartment above a Chinese restaurant until it’s my turn to go to active duty. It pays well, and gives me enough extra cash to go to the gym to bulk up but I’m here for Patience.

  Her long blonde hair that falls like a waterfall around her face, bee-stung lips with dimples that hug them on the sides of her doll-like face. The woman is an angel that has been put on this earth to tempt white trash like me into wanting her.

  The first time I met her, I had to control myself with how she was dressed. Wearing a yellow sundress and a pair of flip flops, she would walk past me a couple of times and then on the last time, she dropped something in front of me.

  “Excuse me, I’m so clumsy,” she states with a sly smile on her face.

  I would smile and then continue what I’m doing trying hard to not watch her. Then, the pretty girl took her dress off and threw it to the side of the lounge chair. “Do you mind getting my dress?”

  Trying to settle my erection that’s popping out of my pants, I walk over to her dress and pick it up. As I hand it over to her, our fingers brush against the other’s. “Here you go,” I stutter.

  Never in my life have I had to restrain myself from fucking someone against the wall of their own house. There’s something about Patience that tells me she’s trying too hard to be sexy for me. I can’t help it. There’s an innocence that surrounds her like a haze.

  Of course, there’s the other time that I’m inside the pool using the vacuum to get the junk off the bottom and she dives in. I’m waist deep in the water wearing only my board shorts when a splash of water hits me. I look over towards the splash to see Patience coming up from the water. Her blonde hair is matted to her face but it’s the hungry look in her eyes that makes me harder than a rock.

  She giggles while slicking her hair back. Those firm and round tits of hers jiggle from the movement. “I love a clean pool,” she murmurs huskily.

  We need this job. We need this job. Don’t go panting over the boss’s daughter. We need this job.

  “Yeah,” I reply stupidly. I’m forcing myself to look away from her but it’s her little fingers that touch my arm that forces me to look back at her.

  “Why do you keep turning away from me?”

  I blurt out the truth. “Because I want to rip that pathetic excuse of your swim suit off your body, lay you on the deck and feast on your sweet pussy until I’m drowning in your juices.”

  Patience’s eyes dilate. “Then, why don’t you?”

  The chick is good. I will give her that. “Because something tells me that you’re pretty innocent and you deserve more than being fucked against the pool wall.”

  Before she responds, I’m back to cleaning the pool. I face away from her so she can’t see how close I am to saying fuck it.

  Over the course of the next few weeks, the little vixen has tempted me to no end. She wears little dresses, little shorts, flirts with me and even touches me every chance she gets. I’m close to ripping those little shorts off her body and plunging my tongue inside her.

  “Brett,” she calls from the side of the pool wearing a towel over her soaking wet frame.

  “Yeah,” I call back to her only looking at her from the side of my eye. Like Medusa, if I look at her, she will turn me into stone.

  Patience giggles. “Would you like something to eat?”

  My dick jumps at the thought of eating her until she’s shaking against my face. “Yeah, I would love to eat you until you scream and beg me to stop.”

  I don’t realize I have said anything until she gasps behind me. She wraps her little hands around one of mine to bring it to her waist. “What’s stopping you?”

  I’m a fucking stupid man for looking into her innocent eyes that are begging me to fuck her to tell her the truth. I place my other hand on her waist to bring her closer to me. I rub my dick against her toned stomach causing both of us to moan. “What makes you think it’s easy for me to stop? What makes you think that I don’t want you in every way? That I don’t want you to be laid out in front of me like a buffet? That I don’t want to plunge my tongue into every inch of your body. Or that I want to fuck you so hard you can’t walk? It’s not easy. Which is why you need to go inside and get dressed.”

  I’m surprised when she follows my orders to go inside and to leave me alone. There’s only so much a man can take before he loses his shit. I’m too close to that level.
I want her too much not to fuck her stupid. My heart wants her to be mine and only mine. To make her body trained just for me.

  To have her open for me in every way. To feel her body squeezing me and taking everything that I have to give her.

  Why don’t I do it? Because she’s too fucking good for a loser like me.

  Take today for example, I’m cleaning the weeds around their Olympic sized pool and she’s stretched out on a lounge chair tempting me with her pert tits. She’s lying on her back in a little bikini that leaves nothing to the imagination and her hair is balled up behind her head so she’s lying on it.

  “Hey, Brett,” her honey-suckle voice calls to me.

  I’m leaning over the pool to pull the weeds that grow around it and clog the pool filter. I have my shirt off, showing my newly-defined abs and muscles that I have been working on. I chance a glance at her while she’s lying on the chair. “Yeah?” I ask her with my voice husky.

  This woman could tempt a saint into saying fuck this shit, I want her!

  She giggles. “Do you mind putting lotion on my back for me?” Patience asks with pleasantry in her voice.

  Knowing that I’m a masochist, I climb up to my full height and saunter my way over to her. I know that she’s checking me out through her over-sized sunglasses and I decide to give her a little bit of a show. “Sure, princess.” I begin to swagger over to her and rub my hand down my chest a little.

  Patience’s smile becomes bigger when I get closer to her. “Let me turn over,” she whispers.

  The second her body turns over in the chair, I see her heart-shaped ass bounce a little in the tiny bikini bottoms she’s wearing. If I were this chick’s boyfriend, I would lock her away so no one could see her. Fuck.

  I try to adjust my dick in my shorts without her noticing but by the smile on her face, I know she knows. Even with her head tucked into the crook of her elbow, I see her smile anyways.

  “Here, Brett,” she murmurs while holding the bottle out for me to grab.

  My fingers brush against hers giving me the electrical shock of my life. “Sure.”


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