Contest (The Stork Tower Book 6)

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Contest (The Stork Tower Book 6) Page 38

by Tony Corden

  “Three that I can prove. There are, of course, several epic enigmas that are also fluttering around the fringes that have me slightly concerned.”

  Franklin stopped breathing for a moment when he realised what Leah had said. He actually looked around the room before saying, “Perhaps you have a point about security. You suggested that an official investigation would be hampered. Where does that leave you? Or us, if we decided to become allies of a sort?”

  “I’ve been chipping away at the 250 million and could do with some help. I also suspect that finding and revealing the original Leo Barnsworth would be a good thing.”

  “Surely the authorities aren’t condoning virtual slavery.”

  “Of course not. When examples are brought to their notice, they are quick to help. However, they will not approach the problem proactively. Unfortunately, those who help identify slaves often find themselves losing the necessary access to continue helping.”

  “I see. Do you know where the original earl is?”

  “I know where his virtual self is.”


  “In a high-security vault inside the World Bank.”

  “How do you know?”

  “It’s possible someone was wandering around and peeking where they shouldn’t and stumbled across the vault.”

  “Could that person find their way back to the vault?”


  “Atherleah, please stop being cryptic. I need specifics if I’m going to do something.”

  “Major, I’m scared. I was shot less than two days ago, and my mother has had a miniature claymore mine embedded in her skull. But OK! I think I can get back, but I need help. I’m meeting someone this evening who may have access to the vault where he and two others have been archived. I’d appreciate some backup when I meet the person. I also have another ten thousand names of people who are being kept as slaves but have no way of releasing the names anonymously.”

  “Why not? There are always anonymous ways to send information.”

  “Major, I could have found out who you were if I really wanted to. All it takes is time and money. These guys have both. But this case is different. I happened to steal the data from a rather vindictive violent group, and they’re already looking for me. They’ve offered millions of VCr for information.”

  “Who’d you steal it from?”

  “The Mafia.”

  “OK, I’ll provide backup for the meet. When and where?”

  “I left a message including several meeting times. The next one is for three am Pacific Standard Time today, which is about four hours from now. We’re meeting at Mozzi’s saloon in Cambria, California.”

  “A public bar. Are you crazy?”

  “Often, but usually with good reason.”

  “OK, can we meet somewhere beforehand to at least talk it through?”

  “I’ll have my PAI send you the details.”

  “Anything else?”

  “I need to contact an ex-American Union Marshall and give him some information.”

  “The mafia stuff?”


  “What’s his name? I’ll reach out carefully.”

  “Linc Gerard.”

  Franklin got to his feet and said, “I’ll send you an invitation to join Ascendent. It’s expensive, but the security is excellent. You’ve become famous, and people will expect you to have a membership.”

  Leah nodded but said, “I understand, but I’m not really an Ascendent type person.”

  The ex-major smiled and said, “That’s the only thing you’ve said which I can totally disagree with. You’re exactly the sort of person this club was designed for. I know, because I’m one of the founding members. I’ll see you just before nine your time.”

  As he logged out, the receptionist appeared and handed Leah a card. She said, “Major White has left this invitation for you. Congratulations on meeting his exacting standards.”


  Leah nodded, took the invitation and logged out of Ascendent to arrive back in the Tower. After a break in the real world, she made her way to her new bedroom, and Gèng brought her to NREM3 sleep for an hour.


  Chapter 54

  December 17, 2073 - Afternoon - Part 7

  When Leah woke from her deep sleep, she logged out because she was expecting to spend two-and-a-half hours in Dunyanin. Marie and Mia helped her back and forth from the bathroom, and she managed to eat another full meal. Kevin had checked on her bandages at the previous break an hour before, so he didn’t need to see her. After being helped back into the Pod, Leah headed for the Dunyanin portal but asked Gèng if there was anything important to deal with.

  “The interested parties in the Swanbank Power Station meeting have asked to reschedule the meeting for tomorrow morning. The meeting is virtual, and they’ve asked to meet at either three or six in the morning.”

  “Three suits me better as I’m hoping to be in Survival by six.”

  “Sharon, Peter and one of Leon’s new assistants, Thomas Mitchell, will be here shortly to discuss the opportunity for marketing Atherleah Action Figures and the like. Susan is sending one of her new assistants, a Lillian Lucas, to cover your legal requirements, and Ernst is going to represent me.”

  Leah changed direction and said, “I forgot they were coming. Why Ernst? I’d imagine they would send a junior member.”

  “When Ernst received the request he volunteered. Apparently, his grand-daughter collects ‘action figures’.”

  “Where are we meeting?”

  “I constructed a small studio gallery at the entrance to the Dunyanin exhibits. Sharon sent the draft figures already, and I’ve arranged them for viewing. The studio has an office where you can discuss the options. I’ve arranged for everyone to arrive outside.”

  Leah discussed the final few things and then as she walked, she began to sort through some of the correspondence Gèng had put aside for her. Gèng projected it across Leah’s vision and one part of her brain focussed on the words while another focussed on the path in front of her. When she’d mastered that, she asked Gèng to communicate out loud while walking and talking sub-vocally. Gèng explained they affected the same region of the brain. After some discussion Gèng broadcast both sets of words at slightly different volumes and frequencies and Leah was soon able to separate the two conversations and to reply to one orally and the other subvocally. By the time they were standing and waiting for Sharon to arrive, Leah was able to continue reading, discussing and responding even as she focussed on her guests.

  Sharon and Peter arrived first, followed by Ernst Schulte, then Thomas Mitchell and Lillian Lucas arrived together. Leah introduced everyone and suggested they walk through the Tower to the studio Gèng had prepared. As they walked, Lillian Lucas moved to walk beside Ernst and said, “Mr Schilte, I’ve read a lot about the Emerald Trustees. When Susan said you were going to be here to represent Gèng, I was seriously intimidated. Unfortunately, she didn’t explain who Gèng was. She said I should ask you or Ms Carroll before the meeting started. While you intimidate me, she positively scares me after the fighting today, so I thought maybe you could explain while we walk, if you wouldn’t mind?”

  Ernst chuckled and said, “I don’t mind. Please call me Ernst, and I know our egalitarian host will insist you call her Leah. Gèng, the young lady Leah introduced, is Leah’s PAI. The Emerald Trustees have agreed to manage her interests as a free individual for she is prohibited by law to manage her own estate. In fact, she is prohibited even from having an estate. We hold it until such a time as she is permitted to take possession of it.”

  Stunned, Lillian stopped walking, causing the others to turn around to see if everything was OK. Ernst waved them on and said, “Lillian and I will be right behind you. Please carry on. Gèng, another avatar if you don’t mind?”

  A second Gèng appeared beside Ernst as the others followed the first Gèng into the Tower. Ernst said, “Let’s walk slowly. Gèng is a
PAI and as such, an artificially created individual whom many in our society consider a tool. For reasons outside of our discussion, both she and Leah have asserted her right to self-determination. Personally, I’ve reached the opinion that her assertion alone is sufficient, but it certainly helps that she has Leah’s unqualified support. They recognised that although Leah could manage Gèng’s affairs, it was a pseudo-independence. Susan was one of the lawyers who suggested Leah and Gèng approach the Emerald trustees to manage Gèng’s affairs. We are still coming to terms with how this might work, but Gèng has asserted that Atherleah’s success as a player is in some sense dependent on Gèng’s skills and involvement as a PAI. As such, I am here to ensure that she is fairly compensated.

  “Additionally, Gèng has opened a virtual business in the multiverse known as Paige Boutiques. As a part of her compensation, she desires to have royalty-free access when providing virtual clothing for Atherleah Action Figures. Also, I suggest, she may insist that certain of Atherleah’s accessories may not be copied as she holds the basic copyright. For example, Atherleah’s gown at the gala the other night was her creation.”

  “But she’s an AI.”

  Gèng chuckled and said, “I am indeed.”

  They walked in silence as Lillian processed the information. Finally, she said, “Sentient AI are illegal.”

  Ernst said, “That is not quite correct. AI with full ipseity are illegal. That, however, is not our brief. I am not concerned with Gèng’s classification but with her freedom as an individual and her rights as the creator of different media and experiences. I suggest you consider her as such and put aside such distracting questions as to how to classify her. Those classifications are of extreme importance personally, but as a lawyer, they do not stop you doing the task for which you are trained and for which you receive remuneration. Leah is currently under suspicion for murder, and yet you represent her without any misgivings.”

  “But she’s innocent.”

  “With regard to murder, that is undoubtedly true. I suggest, however, that she is an accomplished thief and that she has stepped outside the law on numerous occasions. Nonetheless you will seek to apply the law here, not for her indiscretions as a thief but to ensure her rights are protected by those who want to make action figures which represent her. I represent Gèng’s interests, and I am professionally disinclined to consider how she might be classified. In the privacy of my own mind, however, I have pondered that very issue many times. My conclusion, one which I hold strongly, is that she is my friend.”

  They finished the walk in silence as Gèng led them into the Tower. Leah and the others were already walking around and looking at the various figures that had been proposed. Lillian did a double take when she realised there were now three Gèngs. One was walking with Leah and Peter while another was showing Thomas Mitchell around the room. Gèng said, “I apologise for startling you. Everyone except Thomas has been here before, and Leon spent some time explaining things to him. Susan believed Ernst would be able to explain the situation more clearly.”

  Lillian nodded and seemed to settle down. After a few minutes, they’d looked at all the figures, and Leah said, “I have to go, but Peter here has a handle on the business aspects of Dunyanin and Gèng can always ask me a question if you need my input. I’ve discussed the different figures with both Peter and Gèng, and they know my views. Are there any questions before I have to go?”

  Nobody had any, so after saying goodbye to each of them she and Gèng walked to the Dunyanin portal. When they arrived, Gèng said, “You received several messages during the contest, and I believe some are important. I suggest you deal with them as soon as you arrive.”

  Leah nodded and stepped through into Dunyanin.


  Chapter 55

  December 17, 2073 - Afternoon - Part 8


  When she arrived, Leah looked around and was pleased there were no predators.

  The first message was concerning the Blessing by Umut.

  Atherleah (Level 411)

  You have been uniquely blessed by one of the Gods (Lord Umut - God of Hope). He gifted you with some of his power by changing your racial description. His magic has affected you permanently.

  Effect 1—Your affinity to wield Divine Magic has been modified to ten per cent of that wielded by the gods.

  Effect 2—Your essential racial characteristics have been modified by your demigod status (+200 Strength, +200 Constitution, +200 Wisdom, + 200 Ki)

  Effect 3—You are transformed and will be less susceptible to all magical attacks. Your body is more durable than a normal quarter-human quarter-elf half-dragon and will repair at an accelerated rate.

  Effect 4—Your blood has been transformed, and your basic BSP is 304 BSP [9/40 Barbarian Human 8.5, 9/40 Forest Elf 11.5, 9/20 Dragon 30, 1/10 Divine 200 Volume 8 Vials] and your BSL at Level 411 is currently 124944/124944.

  Leah now understood Suzluk’s cryptic remark about ascending to the Pantheon. The next set of messages related to Jonathan’s declaration of her as Doruk.

  Claimant to Imperial Throne

  The Mages of Sihirbazlari have heralded you as Doruk, the First Mage of Vatan. The Mages of Sihirbazlari are categorised as a separate and independent NPC Social Entity. Their claim supports and upholds your claim to the Imperial Throne. Four distinct and independent NPC Social Entities have upheld your claim. You are awarded the World Achievement: First 1 (1, Celestial) Imperial Ruler.

  World Achievement: First 1 (1, Celestial)

  Imperial Ruler

  Atherleah (Level 411) you are the first player to be acknowledged as an Imperial Ruler. This is your first World Achievement: ‘First 1 (Celestial)’.

  Reward 1: 25000 x 411 = 43720125 (325.5%) Experience Points (44650000/44650000) …(1435493/45650000)

  Reward 2: + 20% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 1 x 100 Diamond = 100 Diamond

  Fame: 100000 Fame Points (397575)

  You have achieved the title: Empress (Note: this title may acquire additional descriptors. You have the option to provide these before they are ascribed by others. To change this title to your preferred descriptor, please make a verbal reference to yourself with the desired descriptor - time sensitive)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: Due to the unique nature of this achievement, it will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum.

  Player Atherleah, with respect to the issue of our previous decision, reference number (AC-12A-345260) regarding the unprecedented number of completed Achievements in a short period of time. The Dunyanin Achievement AI placed a hold on a number of contested achievements pending an immediate review. The review is now concluded:

  It was decided that when you are acknowledged as the ruler of the NPC Social Entity then, and only then will you receive the achievement.

  With regard to being the Queen of the Elfauns, you have already received the World Achievement: First 1 (6, Painite) Become Ruler of NPC Social Entity

  For your position as Queen of the Dragonblood Dryads, you have already received the World Achievement: First 10 (4, Diamond) Become Ruler of NPC Social Entity

  For your position as Queen of Yilinlar, you will be awarded the World Achievement: First 10 (5, Diamond) Become Ruler of NPC Social Entity

  For your position as First Mage of Vatan, you will be awarded the World Achievement: First 10 (6, Diamond) Become Ruler of NPC Social Entity

  Should you wish to discuss this decision, then please contact the Dunyanin Administration Customer Service Centre and quote the following reference number (AC-12A-3452600-Resolved)

  Each of the achievements had their own separate message. Then came a message about the orb she had made.

  Level 5 Named Personal Achievement

  Skill - Multi-Tasking (Fae) - First 1 (4, Painite)

  You are the first player to learn this skill. Further development can only be achieved by careful practice. You are the fi
rst player to gain this achievement. This is your fourth Level 5 NPA ‘First 1’

  Reward 1: 10000 x 412 = 8208000 (+355.5%) Experience Points (38659693/45650000)

  Reward 2: 1 Diamond x 4 = 4 Diamond

  Reward 3: +4% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 1000 Fame Points (413575 FP)

  You have achieved the title: Multitasker

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Level 5 Named Personal Achievement

  Skill - Time Dilation (Draconic) - First 1 (5, Painite)

  You are the first player to learn this skill. Further development can only be achieved by careful practice. You are the first player to gain this achievement. This is your fifth Level 5 NPA ‘First 1’

  Reward 1: 10000 x 412 = 8208000 (+359.5%) Experience Points (45650000/45650000)(11941093/46650000)

  Reward 2: 1 Diamond x 5 = 5 Diamond

  Reward 3: +4% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 1000 Fame Points (414575 FP)

  You have achieved the title: Time Mage

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Level 6 Unique Skill (Celestial)

  Combine Magics (Level 4)

  You have discovered a unique skill based on your character’s racial makeup. (Mundane, Fae, Draconic, Divine)

  You combined four spells using Divine Light, Fae Gravity, Dragon Time and Mundane Lightning to trap the Demon Ölükardezik.

  Reward 1: 20000 EP x 413 (+363.5%) Experience Points (46650000/46650000)(3576193/47650000)

  Reward 2: 1 Diamond x 10 = 10 Diamonds

  Reward 3: +5% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 5000 Fame Points (419575 FP)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.


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