Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 12

by Jeremy Dwyer


  “For a village so small, I must admit I was surprised at first, my lady,” Colonel Nekoda said, from under the cover of darkness.


  “I don’t like the sound of this, Colonel. However, please continue your report,” Countess Eurybia said.


  “There was a militia of eight hundred seventy (870) sword fighters with chainmail armor defending them, most likely assembled from neighboring territories. Our short swords pierced their armor readily enough and finished them, with no losses or injuries to our side. Additionally, only five (5) farmers resisted and we killed them and five (5) others, along with all of their families, my lady. The severed heads of the defenders and the resistors were all passed around the village and the other farmers came to accept our authority. The chest holds the six thousand five hundred eighty-two (6582) gold coins we collected in taxes,” Colonel Nekoda said, from under the cloak of darkness.


  “Excellent, Colonel. You shall soon have the newly designed short sword pairs for all thirty-five thousand (35000) of your troops. Captain Gennadios, you are to begin to forge the improved weapons immediately,” Countess Eurybia said.

  “Yes, my ever-gracious lady. I am eager to serve,” Captain Gennadios said. He returned to the armory to begin the work on crafting the diamond-ruby composite short swords.

  CHAPTER 7: Plans for Oppression and Desolation

  On Tilvonix Island in the Ursegan Ocean, in the central building that served as the Banking Capitol, the six (6) premier governors stood around the map table within the global banking management room.

  “The first matter on our agenda is the vote on our proposed architecture and expansion policy. The central bank has numerous opportunities at hand for construction in territories with higher trading volume where we have a large investment. Specifically, for resuming our trade agreements with the architect, Fantine, to apply her constructor to the development of cities, aqueducts and other infrastructure,” Premier Governor Jinhai said.

  “A show of hands, then, by those in favor of expansion,” Premier Governor Petronella said. She kept her own hand down.

  Premier Governor Jinhai raised his own hand and said: “I am in support of the architecture and expansion policy.”

  Premier Governor Macarius kept his own hand down.

  Premier Governor Dustin raised his own hand and said: “I am in support of the architecture and expansion policy, with some amendments to extend its scope.”

  Premier Governor Enrichetta raised her own hand and said: “I am in support of the policy, with amendments.”

  Premier Governor Kynthia raised her own hand and said: “I am in support of the policy, with amendments.”

  Premier Governor Petronella was disappointed and said: “Am I understanding you correctly, my esteemed colleagues, that you are supporting a policy that finances architecture and construction under the technical direction of a person whom we cannot trust? Who – despite her proficiency in design – has a frigid emotional composition and deeply egocentric personality?”

  “Fantine’s personality is of little concern to us, Premier Governor Petronella. She is capable of providing the design services we need and operating the constructor as we see fit,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “Large scale construction projects are best handled by the existing workers, who are quite capable of molding the gems and stones. Fantine’s expertise with architecture might make her the most qualified to provide the design, but the constructor’s unnaturally high efficiencies imbalance the labor market and will depress prices and contribute to unemployment,” Premier Governor Macarius said.

  “Adjustments can be made to pricing in other markets to compensate. Our strategy needs to be holistic, expanding construction needs to be done in conjunction with the calibration of rates and taxes in other markets, including farming and fishing. Those are the amendments we need to the policy,” Premier Governor Kynthia said.

  “As well as making adjustments to pricing in financial services and transportation services,” Premier Governor Enrichetta said.

  “Prices of precious gems and other stones can be adjusted, as well as mining and refinement prices. Additionally, standard prices for water purification are subject to change. The trade guilds and labor unions will come to the rate and tax negotiations and these matters will be settled at the central bank’s main office at Haza’Kedro’Maral Island. Governor Aranka has been placed in charge there and is experienced in handling those matters,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “You are assuming that all goes well. Construction accidents can and will occur. We must assume this and prepare. Fantine is extraordinarily capable, but she will eventually fail, and this will be catastrophic. Her own hubris will prevent her from seeing her flaws and lead to at least one, large disastrous outcome, if not several. Her personality is very relevant because it affects her work,” Premier Governor Petronella said.

  “Premier Governor Petronella is potentially correct in that one regard. The architect’s own achievements may fuel her pride and ambition, and these character traits could blind her to design or construction errors. The resulting structural failures would bring casualties and stir controversy, reducing our profits. We need to manage our reputation in that event. Do you have a contingency plan, Premier Governor Dustin?” Premier Governor Enrichetta asked.

  “Design and construction contracts will be written to price in that risk. The clients will sign waivers to indemnify the central bank. Occupants of these new structures will assume personal liability. The central bank has no liability other than to repair the structure under contract. Our operating governors will be directed to limit our liabilities,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “That answer is valid and sufficient,” Premier Governor Enrichetta said.

  “I am not convinced. Even though we will not have immediate liability for structural failures, we will have difficulties when the labor markets are impacted by the high unemployment. Your contingency plan for that – to adjust all other rates – is hardly convincing. We will have to disrupt every other market to support the architecture and construction industry. I repeat my objection,” Premier Governor Macarius said.

  “The markets are interrelated. You know that, Premier Governor Macarius. The surplus labor can still be employed gainfully in mining and crystal bending. Their pay rates can be increased or decreased through negotiation with the labor unions and merchant guilds, who trade in the raw and refined mining products. Those guilds and unions can schedule the miners and crystal benders to work fewer hours, so as to lower supplies of gems and stones, driving up their prices. Alternatively, we can increase their output through decreased pay rates and increased working hours. This will encourage the employment of their services for the numerous smaller scale projects for which the constructor is not suited,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “Fantine’s design and construction work is adequate. The matter has been voted upon and the policy has been approved by a vote of four (4) in favor and only two (2) against. Now we have to return to business, and write the amendments, to specify the rate and pricing adjustments and extend the policy’s scope to other markets,” Premier Governor Kynthia said.

  “Agreed, Premier Governor Kynthia,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “Thank you, Premier Governor Jinhai,” Premier Governor Enrichetta said.

  “I am optimistic that the expansion policy will benefit all industries and markets,” Premier Governor Jinhai said.

  “The amendments have not been written yet, Premier Governor Jinhai. Only when the precise rates are specified – and when the labor negotiations are settled – will you begin to realize your error,” Premier Governor Macarius said.

  “While I am always guarded in my optimism, your pessimistic outlook is unwarranted, Premier Governor Macarius. All rates and labor agreements, taxes, and fees are subject to change, as needed. There will be an adjustment period, of course, a
nd profit fluctuations will be dealt with,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “Of course we can adjust the financial parameters, Premier Governor Dustin. Amendments to the expansion policy will be voted upon and even those can be amended as new economic data becomes available. That was never in doubt. Fluctuations in our profits can be compensated for and are not giving me cause for worry. I am warning you about something much more dangerous. You cannot easily account for arrogance. Fantine is not the only architect vulnerable to pride and overconfidence. Her achievements will inspire others – some who have far lower skill levels – and they will fail even where she succeeds. Then, there is also the risk of too much success,” Premier Governor Petronella said.

  “Too much success? There is no such thing, Premier Governor Petronella,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “Please explain that outrageous notion, Premier Governor Petronella,” Premier Governor Enrichetta said.

  “In the absence of major failure, the constructor could function as a weapon as much as it could a tool. The temptation to use it as such – and declare a war of independence from the central bank’s monetary system – will seduce some of the more ambitious leaders and investors. Remember that Sebastian thought himself capable of financing his own safe haven, and he did for some time. The flaws in that earlier version of the constructor – and his own arrogance – were his undoing,” Premier Governor Petronella said.

  “Sebastian was insanely paranoid and poor at financial planning. His wealth was stolen, not earned through any economic skill. We all knew that. His bid for financial independence was certain to fail. That is why we allowed it to occur. His collapse served as a demonstration of the danger of attempting to operate outside of our monetary system. I am not worried about surplus levels of success, Premier Governor Petronella. We will reap additional profits from any surplus,” Premier Governor Enrichetta said.

  “Any rebellion against our economic control will be crushed, Premier Governor Petronella. Even if the constructor is weaponized, we have the advantage,” Premier Governor Kynthia said.

  “And we have to be going,” Premier Governor Dustin said.


  Premier Governors Enrichetta, Dustin and Kynthia left the global banking management room and then exited the Banking Capitol. From there, a riverboat carried them along a narrow stream, returning them to Depository Building Number Three Hundred Six.

  They climbed the spiral staircases and traversed the spiral hallways which brought them back to their office.

  “The vote has passed, as I said it would. I knew that Premier Governor Jinhai favored the expansion policy. He trusts Fantine, which is all that was necessary. His enduring optimism will only fuel the architectural expansion. Whatever difficulties may occur, he believes that she will overcome the challenges and improve,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “Premier Governor Macarius believes that the market upheaval will be considerable. I don’t believe he is convinced by our promises to make adjustments,” Premier Governor Enrichetta asked.

  “He should be convinced. We can adjust as needed,” Premier Governor Kynthia said.

  “Premier Governor Macarius is correct about the market changes and challenges. We can adjust as needed, yet we will only adjust somewhat, and not evenly, or quickly,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “Then the markets will expand too rapidly and eventually collapse due to construction excesses. We need to be responsive, to maintain control,” Premier Governor Enrichetta said.

  “We will maintain control, by adjusting the speed of the collapse. The time is approaching for economic overhaul. The working class across the world is growing too powerful, and the Jenaldej Empire has resisted integration with our banking system for much too long,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “The working class and their leaders will revolt if we engineer a rapid financial collapse. The powers of the oceans are with them. Some have extremely high innate potential and will seek to act against our interests. Premier Governor Petronella was correct about that, but we couldn’t admit it openly and discredit the expansion policy. We would have lost the vote of Premier Governor Jinhai,” Premier Governor Enrichetta said.

  “We will need to make use of our greatest advantage,” Premier Governor Kynthia said.

  “Yes, I know. And we will,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “Let’s make the preparations now. Bring the top twenty (20) percent of the finished gems, and plant at least eight hundred (800) new trees,” Premier Governor Kynthia said.

  Premier Governor Dustin created an aperture in his diamond armor around his mouth. Through this, he drank anew of the highly purified waters of the Kazofen Ocean from his vial and was energized with the power to manipulate crystal and stone. Then, he sealed the aperture to reform the diamond armor, to shield himself from the flow of time once again. Dustin approached the ruby spire, placed his diamond-covered hands on it and said: “Athamus! I have further instructions for you.”

  The swirling darkness within the ruby spire came to a standstill. “What are these instructions, my master?” the voice of Athamus asked, vibrating through the ruby spire.

  “Send your minions to contact Governor Winthrop, in the central bank office in the Solkidian Trail. He is to send farmers to plant a new batch of kaiyoyad seeds – at least eight (800) more trees will be needed for the next harvest. Furthermore, they should drain the sap from all mature trees and deliver it to Captain Fausto. Then, send your minions to contact the captain. Instruct him to take the sap to the kiln, and harvest the best twenty (20) percent of the finished gems from the kiln, to bring back to us at the present coordinates, fifty-five point seven eight one two five (55.78125) primalurens south latitude and seventy-five point two two zero nine five (75.22095) primalurens east longitude,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “I will send these messages to Governor Winthrop and Captain Fausto through my minions. Yet, my minions are troubled spirits, my master. They exist in chaos, and their understanding and judgment are sometimes clouded. I fear they may become confused,” the voice of Athamus said, vibrating through the ruby spire.

  Premier Governor Dustin twisted the ruby spire slightly, introducing exotic curvature to its form. The darkness within began to swirl chaotically.

  “No! Stop! I am already tormented, yet you increase my suffering! Please stop!” the voice of Athamus screamed, vibrating through the ruby spire.

  “Do not fail me or attempt to deceive me, Athamus. As a demon, you are useful, but not indispensable. If you serve me well, your suffering will be less. If you prove to be unreliable, I will twist and turn this ruby spire until you beg for destruction. Your existence offers you little hope of joy. Yet, even that little hope can be taken away. I can ruin you completely,” Premier Governor Dustin said. He continued twisting the ruby spire and the darkness within swirled even more violently.

  “Stop! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! I will do anything you command! Please make it stop!” the voice of Athamus screamed, vibrating through the ruby spire.

  “Then obey my orders promptly and precisely, and enforce obedience among your minions,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “Yes. Of course. I will send this message at once through my minions,” the voice of Athamus said, vibrating through the ruby spire.


  Along the southeastern coast of the Solkidian Trail land bridge, at its widest portion, stood the Port of Kanajomis. The port served vessels sailing the Atrejan Ocean, trading lightly in lumber, wheat, oats and corn harvested from the poor quality farmland and woodlands found throughout the land bridge.

  The conditions of the buildings within the port city reflected the poverty rampant across the entire Solkidian Trail. The buildings were mostly dilapidated – hundreds of rotting maple and cedar structures patched with mud and reeds where the walls had been breached. In contrast to these edifices stood a larger, ornate stone building known as the Trail of Wealth – which was two hun
dred six (206) feet long on each of its three (3) sides and forty-one (41) feet in height. This building dominated the center of the port city, and most arriving merchants did business there.

  The Trail of Wealth had an open floor with dozens of tables where farmers, bankers and merchants bartered for goods. Scattered along the three (3) walls were eight (8) offices where banking officials conducted private business. One (1) of the offices on the southern wall belonged to Governor Winthrop. He sat at his desk reviewing his books. He was a fifty-five (55) year old drinker of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean and relied upon his clerks and counselors to check the numbers and approve any loans. He merely directed them, and his own instructions were given from afar.

  A voice from the spirit world spoke into the spirit of Governor Winthrop and said: “Send farmers to plant seeds for eight hundred (800) new kaiyoyad trees. Drain the sap from all mature trees and take it to Captain Fausto.”

  Governor Winthrop wrote a note on a piece of paper and signed it, authorizing the retrieval of the seeds. He then stood up from his desk and left his office, closing and locking the door behind him. He went to the adjacent office, unlocked and opened the door using a master key and then went in, closing the door behind him.

  “Governor Winthrop, how can I be of service?” a very attractive, young-looking woman asked as she stood up from her desk, interrupting her review of several hundred banking books.

  “Counselor Nydia, you are to go with Counselor Lecso and retrieve eight hundred (800) seeds from the vault. Bring them to my office, and then return to your other duties. This is your written authorization,” Governor Winthrop said. He handed her the piece of paper with his signature and the number of seeds written upon it.

  “Yes, Governor,” the eight thousand five hundred nineteen (8519) year old woman – Counselor Nydia – said. She drank anew of the water of the Ursegan Ocean from her vial and was energized with the power of time. Nydia knew only that the seeds were protected assets of the central bank, and they had to be carefully managed. She also knew that Governor Winthrop tired of answering her detailed questions about the seeds. Perhaps the next governor would be more willing to disclose something. She had outlasted hundreds of them, but they were all quite stubborn, despite her frequent questioning. She was a bit surprised that the central bank had never sent a governor weak enough to relent. She suspected that telepathic conditioning – or dire threats – kept them silent. Her flirting never seemed to work, not that she meant any of it.


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