Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 20

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “What are we to make of the constructor? Does that not increase our ability to manufacture structures and improve our efficiencies? There was a question of its reliability and safety after the collapse of the city on Yihartec Island, but my subordinate officers and I have verified that the cause of failure was external. Given that, how do we proceed?” Admiral Tiede asked.

  “I have been researching that matter, including taking your report into account. I believe that the constructor is both reliable and effective for assembly of various projects on small, medium and large scales. Fantine’s design skills were never in doubt – not by me, anyway – because I’ve reviewed the constructor’s schematics in great detail. The unknown root cause of the destruction of the city on Yihartec Island is, therefore, concerning. Also concerning is the appearance of the aurora, but neither you nor your crew can offer significant insights regarding that matter. I know about the lightkeeper that Agent Glyn used to capture the aurora’s image, but that does not impress me as being useful. I will deploy other agents to investigate the matter of the aurora. For now, it is a lower priority in your queue,” Director Shirong said.

  “Cardinal Briar-Malgier is still a threat. His plans for the restoration of the extinct plant and animal species are no doubt still underway. He is difficult to find, and his plans are more difficult to obstruct. I haven’t seen him in over four (4) years. That suggests he has had just as long to continue his work,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “The Cardinal is quite dangerous, primarily because of his methods rather than because of his goals. He used the crystal-encased spirits when you last faced him, so you were unable to put an end to his dubious environmental manipulations. It is possible that he may be entangled with funding the exchange of those crystals, so I would not be surprised if you encounter him again in the short or medium term. He is not our greatest threat, however. The revival of lost plant species may introduce new poisons into the environment, but this is likely to be offset by the revived animal species that are capable of consuming them. Briar-Malgier is devoted to a full restoration of first age ecology, and evidence we have indicates it was sufficiently balanced so as to not represent an existential threat to people on the scale that many others have cautioned, although it would present elevated risks in some regions,” Director Shirong said.

  “Director Shirong, I ask that we make Cardinal Briar-Malgier a higher priority for another Scouting Corps officer, if not for me. That man is capable of a great deal of harm. He is not rational, but has clearly stated that he has a higher regard for the plants and animals than for any person, and is not interested in balancing our needs with theirs,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “I have many operations underway, and many contingency plans, to properly respond to the Cardinal’s activities. Do not overly concern yourself with him, Admiral. There are security-classified details that are segmented among my other agents. You know what you need to know regarding that threat,” Director Shirong said.

  “Understood, Director Shirong,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “However, there is another threat of which you should be more aware. King Xander’s former herald, Aura, used musical enchantments to subjugate Ihalik, Meridianus, Waderav and parts of Revod. Aura’s voice is too powerful, although not as powerful as that of Taesa, who countermanded her with another song. An agent in our network – a telepath by the name of Claudia – was recently deployed to the Port of Illumination, a constructed city around Haza’Kedro’Maral Island. Claudia was sent there to investigate price manipulation by the central bank, and she encountered Aura,” Director Shirong said.

  “I am somewhat surprised she survived for so long. A telepath ought to have discovered her, and exacted revenge. It suggests she was very effective in her enchantments, preventing others from remembering her involvement in King Xander’s tyranny,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “I might just agree with that assessment, Admiral. Also interesting is that Claudia met Aura’s sister, Kassia, who is a Medathero drinker with research supposedly proving financial fraud and industrial sabotage having been committed by the central bank, hidden in scattered journals. Kassia was accompanied by a man named Daley, an Ikkith Tar drinker, who gives her cover. Claudia probed Aura’s mind and learned her background: she had two (2) other sisters, a promiscuous Trerada drinker named Lyssa and a spiteful Zovvin drinker named Rivka, who assisted in summoning the spirit of King Xander. Aura and Rivka were jealous of the physical attention Lyssa received so they poisoned her – which would imply crixalethicis, since she is a Trerada drinker and no other poisoning could be effective. Kassia left home to work on her research and avoid the other sisters, whom she distrusted. During King Xander’s reign, Rivka was chosen to carry his heir. Aura learned of this, became jealous and killed Rivka. This background is telling, however. Aura became fearful when King Xander seemed close to discovering the supposed ‘unified ocean water’ so she turned against him, singing to convince his subjects to flee. The singer cannot be trusted by anyone. However, she has a young son named Arik, and the father is likely deceased, so she appears to be protective of the boy,” Director Shirong said.

  “It is unfortunate that she has a young son. Still, she is an enemy, and must be dealt with. We can make every reasonable effort to protect the child if we confront her,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “A confrontation with Aura is possible. However, a significant event occurred in the Port of Illumination. Aura went there in search of influence and power over the central bankers. Instead, she had a dream of danger – that the children of the city’s residents were to be captured under the pretense of registration and used in a ritual sacrifice. When the summons for registration proved to be true, she feared for her own child and used a song to enchant the residents, warning them to flee. Hundreds of ships left the constructed city in various directions. Aura escaped on a ship that sailed to the Port of Hithagredil in the Scholar’s Path land bridge, and Claudia went with her to learn what she could before returning to give her report, which I received indirectly through intermediate agents,” Director Shirong said.

  “Would you have me go to the Scholar’s Path and capture Aura? I will need reinforcements – a more powerful singer. Agent Kenaz is a Pirovalen drinker, but his innate potential is not nearly that high as the enchantress,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “Yes, if you can, but recruiting more personnel is at most a tertiary priority, Admiral. I must apologize that I do not have a sufficiently powerful singer to send with you. Instead, you must rely on your own tactical and strategic abilities. The Medathero waters will serve you well,” Director Shirong said.

  “Aura may be amenable to telepathic control, but we will need to be within range for it to be sufficiently effective. Her songs are clearly powerful over great distances. That is not a confrontation anyone could hope to win – except Taesa, as you mentioned. I’m not looking to do her harm, so I would rule out most poisons. The summoning of spirits is too unreliable. The cover of darkness could enable us to take physical hold of her. Illusions, however, are a possible approach to mislead her, having a greater range than darkness powers,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “These tactical decisions are yours, Admiral, and they are circumstantial. Do not direct undue attention to Aura, but do consider her a greater threat than the Cardinal. She has directly attacked us, while he has not directly acted against our interests,” Director Shirong said.

  “Is there anything else, Director Shirong?” Admiral Tiede asked.

  “Yes. Kassia’s knowledge may be of great importance. The woman’s life is in danger because of her knowledge about the central bank, so she staged the appearance of her own death. If she has journals proving their economic crimes, they may be of use. Despite her familial connection to Aura, Kassia is not a threat to us, Admiral. Give her assistance, if possible. Be forewarned, however, that she considers our military to be incompetent and doesn’t believe we can assist,” Director Shirong said.

  “We’ve had some failures and
inefficiencies, Director, yet our senior officers, troops and scouts are not incompetent. Some divisions need additional training, and some promotions were unmerited, but corrective steps have been taken,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “I have conducted several reviews of the official military’s activities, across all branches. Their average performance is unacceptable. Unfortunately, Kassia is correct. Do not count the Scouting Corps in your assessment, Admiral. We have exceptional training and highly selective recruitment practices, and operate under a different authority. Our existence is not publicly acknowledged, or generally known,” Director Shirong said.

  “As you stated, we are concerned about the cause of the destruction of the city on Yihartec Island. Will you have me investigate that further? And what is the priority for that?” Admiral Tiede asked.

  “The organic substance that was found in the debris should be closely examined at the first opportunity. Agent Glyn does not have sufficient expertise – or the proper waterbinding – to perform the analysis in detail. When an agent with a Gradaken waterbinding becomes available, I will notify you. Until then, Agent Glyn should inspect the collected sample to the best of his ability. This is the least of your concerns at the moment, Admiral,” Director Shirong said.

  “Do you have additional instructions or updates for me, Director?” Admiral Tiede asked.

  “No, Admiral. You are dismissed,” Director Shirong said.


  Admiral Tiede opened the door and exited the office, closing the door behind him. He descended the spiral staircase of the central tower. From there, he made his way through the diagonal crosswalks and the various hallways leading to the outermost ring of the grand castle. He exited through the same gateway he entered and then walked across the empty field, peering over his shoulder to see the grand castle disappear behind him. He returned to the Incisive and began to issue orders to his crew. His first command was: “Agent Prudencia, it’s your turn to navigate. Chart a course to the northeastern region of Revod, in Port Number One Hundred Six.”


  Agent Prudencia walked across the deck of the Incisive and entered the wheelhouse. Once inside, she drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from her vial and was energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. She concentrated to learn their paths and positions and used this information to plot a course.

  She pulled levers to raise the anchor and retract the boarding ramp. She then sailed the Incisive eastward across the Kazofen Ocean until reaching the Glivoran Trail land bridge. At that point, she pulled levers to pivot the masts and sails to the sides of the ship and elevate the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. She steered the ship eastward across the land bridge, returning to sea level in the Medathero Ocean. Agent Prudencia then sailed the Incisive northeastward, following the coastline of Revod, until reaching Port Number One Hundred Six in the northeastern region. Once the ship arrived, she pulled levers to drop the anchor and extend the boarding ramp.


  Out on deck, Admiral Tiede approached his spirit reader and said: “Agent Cheveyo, you are to monitor the resource coordinator, Nathan, as well as Imperial Prince Trahaearn. We need to be sure they are not under the influence of hostile spirits. Rendezvous with Agent Claudia, who is assigned to this region.”


  Agent Cheveyo drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to communicate with the spirit world. He walked down the boarding ramp and entered the port. From there, he traveled by riverboat until reaching the castle that served as the military academy. He entered the castle and began his reconnaissance, seeking out the presence of dangerous spirits meddling in the affairs of the living.


  On board the Incisive, Admiral Tiede returned to the wheelhouse and issued his next order: “Agent Prudencia, chart a course to Emeth.”

  Agent Prudencia drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from her vial to be energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. She concentrated to learn their paths and positions and used the information to plot a course. She pulled levers to raise the anchor and retract the boarding ramp. She then sailed the Incisive southwestward across the Medathero Ocean until reaching Emeth, where she pulled levers to drop the anchor and extend the boarding ramp.

  CHAPTER 12: Plans for Slavery and War

  In the central region of the continent of Waderav was the territory of Countess Shae. The land she controlled extended forty-one (41) miles from east to west and twenty-eight point two one (28.21) miles from north to south, for a total of eleven hundred fifty-seven (1157) square miles. At the center of this territory was a castle three hundred seven (307) feet wide, two hundred eighty-one (281) feet long and sixty-seven (67) feet in height at its walls. At each of its four (4) corners were towers standing one hundred nineteen (119) feet high and thirty-two (32) feet in diameter. Archers stood in the tower windows, drinking the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from their vials to see far and spy on intruders.

  Inside the throne room of the castle of Countess Shae were twenty-two (22) men and eighteen (18) women, who were all shackled to the walls. They were dressed in ripped clothing, dirty and tired.

  At the center of the throne room was a six (6) foot wide circular table with three (3) occupied chairs. The thirty-seven (37) year old Countess Shae sat in her chair and drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of strength and speed. However, this was of little use in choosing how best to play the cards she held: Five (5) of Flames, Nine (9) of Diadems, Seven (7) of Flames, Four (4) of Shields, Eleven (11) of Rubies, Eight (8) of Tombstones, Ten (10) of Vipers

  “You look nervous, Countess Shae? You’ve been staring at those same cards for eight (8) minutes now. They won’t get any better,” a man sitting across from her said.

  “Don’t forget that you are my guest, Count Geordie. As the host, I can take as long as I like. I want to enjoy the moment,” Countess Shae said.

  Count Geordie was a twenty-eight (28) year old man who was more that certain of himself. He drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of strength and speed. Yet, he felt these were a poor choice for his waterbinding. He sensed that he could have done more with a Medathero waterbinding, and left the fighting to others. At least the so-called ‘tiger waters’ increased his stamina with his lovers, but they didn’t otherwise interest him. Countess Shae was nothing more than a slave trader and Geordie wanted to win some of her more attractive female slaves as his personal companions. He held some good cards: Nine (9) of Flames, Twelve (12) of Diadems, Fourteen (14) of Diadems, Three (3) of Vipers, Fifteen (15) of Lyres, One (1) of Tombstones, Six (6) of Daggers. “I am honored to be your guess, Countess Shae. Would you have me stay longer? Is that the reason for taking so much time? I didn’t know you had feelings for me,” Count Geordie said.

  “I thought this was business. The slaves are for our personal needs, or for work, or just disposal if they’re useless. We don’t get personally involved – unless the agreement has changed and you didn’t tell me,” the other seated guest said.

  “No, Count Swithun. The rules are the same. And the host makes the rules, don’t forget, so I can change them if I wish,” Countess Shae said.

  Count Swithun was a twenty-five (25) year old man who had little time for any of these personal matters. He drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of strength and speed. He actually feared that he might need them, because Countess Shae was a sore loser at card games and might try to resist payment when she lost this round. He looked at his own cards: Thirteen (13) of Lyres, Nine (9) of Tombstones, Ten (10) of Shields, Seven (7) of Rubies, Two (2) of Flames, Fifteen (15) of Diadems, Five (5) of Vipers. This was a strong hand, and he would probably win the five (5) slaves he wagered. Shae would definitely be upset at the loss, so he might need to break her kneecaps again.
“If you don’t like your cards, and you reveal a Twelve (12) or higher of any suit, you can discard them all to draw a new hand with one (1) fewer card,” Count Swithun said.

  “She knows that, Count Swithun. She obviously doesn’t have a Twelve (12) of higher in any suit, or she would have made the exchange,” Count Geordie said.

  Countess Shae played the Ten (10) of Vipers onto the table.

  “Ten (10) of Vipers! You played a good move for someone with a bad hand of cards,” Count Geordie said. He then played a Fifteen (15) of Lyres onto the table and said: “However, the snake is charmed by the Fifteen (15) of Lyres.” He then took the Ten (10) of Vipers and placed it in front of him.

  Count Swithun then played the Ten (10) of Shields onto the table.

  “You are afraid, Count Swithun. Ten (10) of Shields is a coward’s play,” Countess Shae said. She then played the Nine (9) of Diadems onto the table.

  “How generous of you, Countess Shae,” Count Geordie said and then he played the Six (6) of Daggers onto the table. “The Nine (9) of Diadems is mine now, since you have no shield to stop my dagger,” he said. Count Geordie then moved the Nine (9) of Diamonds in front of himself.

  “You are too hasty in your greed, Count Geordie,” Count Swithun said and he played the Nine (9) of Tombstones onto the table.

  “You fear us, Count Swithun. You are building up your defenses rapidly without playing any card of value,” Countess Shae said. She then played the Seven (7) of Flames.

  “You’re ready to burn everything in order to prevent us from winning, Countess Shae. Well, I can play that game and make things even hotter,” Count Geordie said. He then played the Nine (9) of Flames onto the table.


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