Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 32

by Jeremy Dwyer

After two (2) days of marching, Duchess Siana, Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael and the five hundred eighty-two (582) soldiers of the seventeenth battalion arrived at the northern end of a wooden bridge that extended southward over a river of dead waters. A set of steps led them up to the deck of the thirty-five (35) foot high structure. As it was fifteen (15) feet wide, three (3) people walked abreast. The bridge was six hundred twenty-eight (628) feet in length, with ropes and wooden railings providing safety to those on its deck. The duchess, the lieutenant colonel and the entire battalion crossed the river by walking along the bridge slowly and carefully, feeling it vibrate with each step.

  “We should rebuild this bridge, Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael. It seems weak, unable to hold up to great pressure,” Duchess Siana said.

  “Yes, my lady. After this mission, our engineers can design a stronger bridge. Then, we can have our stonecutters build it to withstand heavy loads,” Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael said.

  “A stone bridge? That will be very rigid. No amount force will bend or break it. It will last for years, and never disappoint me,” Duchess Siana said.

  “That is true, my lady. Now, I wish to keep my promise to you, and enter the villages to collect taxes and recruit soldiers,” Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael said.

  “Yes, of course, Lieutenant Colonel,” Duchess Siana said.

  The lieutenant colonel, the duchess and the five hundred eighty-two (582) soldiers of the battalion marched southward until reaching a busy mining village.


  “It looks like there’s plenty of work to do,” Ruth said as she walked through the mining village. Men and women were chiseling stone from a quarry and polishing it. She drank anew of the waters of the Kazofen Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of crystal and stone, ready to do some work for pay.

  “I guess we should all get ready,” Ciaran said. He drank anew of the Kazofen waters from his own supply. Sean, Molly and Sophie followed his example.

  Patrick moved close to Elise and whispered: “Keep listening for anything and everything. I don’t care what they say. We are putting ourselves at risk by coming here.”

  Elise drank anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from her vial and was energized with the powers of music and sound. She listened for any sign of trouble, in every direction.

  Ruth went into the quarry where she started to extract sandstone and polish it, following the lead of the other stone workers already there. Ciaran, Sean, Molly and Sophie followed Ruth and did the same.

  Odhran moved closed to Elise and said: “I’m going to look for available fields to work. These other farmers who came with us need to keep productive. We should all earn something, so that we can afford to travel.” He then led the farmers to the nearby fields to work as much as they could for the remainder of the day.


  “Order your men to begin collecting taxes, Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael,” Duchess Siana said while standing at the northern edge of the village.

  “Drink up, ready yourselves, and collect the payment due from these peasants,” Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael said.

  The lieutenant colonel, along with all five hundred eighty-two (582) soldiers in his battalion, drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from their vials to be energized with the powers of strength and speed. They drew their swords and marched into the village. The soldiers approached the resident mine workers and farmers and demanded payment in copper, silver, gold or platinum coins, according to what they had earned from selling their yields of stones or crops.


  “The trouble is here. Soldiers are collecting taxes, at sword point, at the northern end of this village,” Elise said.

  “Fools! I told them this was a bad idea. We’ve only been here a single day. If we can’t pay their taxes, we’ll be taken as slaves,” Patrick said.

  “We know that people are corrupt, Patrick. It was only a matter of time before trouble appeared. None of us knew there would be so little time,” Odhran said.

  “Let’s warn the others and get out of here, fast,” Patrick said. He led Elise, Odhran and the other fifty-six (56) farmers toward the quarry, where they knew Ruth and her companions were working.


  “Now, come with me, Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael. We are going to recruit the soldiers you promised. I’m going to help you, so this should be much quicker and easier than if you did it yourself,” Duchess Siana said.

  “Yes, my lady,” Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael said.

  Duchess Siana drank anew of the waters of the Trerada Ocean from her vial and was energized with the powers of beauty and health. She disrobed and walked into the village, walking past every man and tempting him with her flirtatious eyes and fully-revealed figure.

  Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael followed Duchess Siana closely – too closely. He forgot his mission and simply gazed at the beautiful feminine figure before him, lusting after her with every step. Arthfael was of a mind to have his way with the duchess at that very moment, but he knew that there would be a stern punishment if he didn’t adhere to her rules. Still, he placed his hands on her shoulders, to show that he was present to defend her. He massaged her shoulders, and imagined doing more later.


  “Ruth! We have to get out of here! Now!” Patrick said as he approached from behind.

  “That didn’t take long. Have we even been here a day?” Ruth asked.

  “That’s about it. I knew this was risky. Come on,” Patrick said. He tapped Ciaran, Sean, Molly and Sophie on their shoulders and said: “Trouble’s here. Soldiers collecting taxes. Let’s get out.”

  The entire group – Ruth, Ciaran, Sean, Molly, Sophie, Patrick, Elise, Odhran and the other fifty-six (56) farmers – hurried out of the quarry area and into the village proper. They headed south and caught sight of the most beautiful woman who was completely undressed, seductively walking among the villagers.

  Ciaran, Sean, Patrick and even Odhran were all transfixed by her exposed feminine form. Thirty-four (34) of the fifty-six (56) farmers were men and they were likewise charmed by the stunning undressed beauty walking through the village and heading in their direction.


  “Young, strong men like yourselves could do better than working in the mines in this village. Some of you could join my army, defending me, collecting taxes for my treasury and enforcing my laws. You’ll learn discipline and how to stand at attention. I am a very, very demanding woman, and I expect perfect obedience. I’ll work you day and night until I get everything I want,” the beautiful and undressed woman said.

  “I want to obey you, right now! Who are you?” a young man asked.

  “That’s so good of you, young man. I am Duchess Siana, wife of Duke Rhys. Have you never heard of me? There are so many stories you can only wish you knew,” the beautiful and undressed woman said.

  “I so envy the duke who is your husband,” the young man said.

  “No need for that. He is not my only husband. He shares my affections with others. If you’re very obedient, and successful, you can be my husband, too,” Duchess Siana said.

  Five (5) more young men approached Duchess Siana, all with lust in their eyes.

  “Are you ready to join my army? Are you ready to enforce my laws and defend me? Are you ready to obey?” Duchess Siana asked all of them.

  “Yes,” each of the young men said.

  Sean, Ciaran, Patrick, Odhran and the thirty-four (34) male farmers accompanying them all stepped forward and approached Duchess Siana.

  Elise spoke out in her sing-song voice and said: “Wait! Do not be misled! This is a trap! This woman will seduce and then destroy you. She is no wife to anyone. She is a harlot, who admits to betraying her husband and her love has no meaning. She offers only momentary pleasure in exchange for a lifetime of servitude. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. She will use and discard you when she becomes bored of the meaningless intimacy. There is no love to this woman, only lust. Find loving wives w
ho will respect you for more than your flesh. Reject this temptation. It will not end well for any man who enters her body.”

  All the men – including Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael – stepped away from Duchess Siana, who was angry and mortified.

  “Who are you to call me a harlot?! Who are you to deny my authority?! Kill her!” Duchess Siana screamed.

  Sixty-seven (67) of the soldiers under Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael were nearby. They heard the orders from Duchess Siana, but could not obey, because their lust was dulled by the rebuke from the woman with the sing-song voice.

  Odhran, Patrick, Ciaran, Sean and the thirty-four (34) male farmers accompanying them increased their distance from Duchess Siana and rejoined Elise, Ruth, Sophie, Molly and the twenty-two (22) female farmers.

  “Let’s get out of here before this gets real nasty,” Sophie said.

  “Agreed,” Elise said. She led the way toward the southern end of the village, and Odhran, Patrick, Ciaran, Sean, Sophie, Ruth, Molly and the other fifty-six (56) farmers followed.

  They moved at a brisk pace and traveled a half (1/2) mile southward to the edge of the mining town, which was situated along the northern bank of the Pika Huojin Lava River.


  “I said kill her! Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael, send your soldiers and kill that woman! She mocked me and my exquisitely beautiful body! She defied my authority! I want her dead! I want all of her friends dead! Now!” Duchess Siana said.

  “Yes, my lady. We will pursue and kill her,” Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael said. He proceeded to gather the five hundred eighty-two (582) soldiers in his battalion and they all marched toward the southern end of the mining town.


  “We should head west,” Patrick said.

  Sean and Ciaran looked back toward the village, as did several of the thirty-four (34) male farmers. Odhran, however, looked toward Elise.

  “We should look west. Your eyes and minds are all back there, looking up and down at her curves. She’s trouble. Cool off before you lose your sense of…purpose,” Ruth said.

  “We’re being followed. I can hear the soldiers coming, quickly. They want us all dead,” Elise said.

  “Never mind going west. Or east. We can’t outrun an army. They drink the Nabavodel waters – I saw the markings on their vials. Like most soldiers in Waderav, they’ve got strength and speed,” Patrick said.

  Ruth looked at the bubbling, smoking Pika Huojin Lava River and said: “We’ll go south.”

  “That river is two hundred fifty (250) feet wide at the very least. You can’t swim it or jump it,” Patrick said.

  Ruth drank anew of the waters of the Kazofen Ocean from her vial and was energized with the powers of crystal and stone. “Lava is just molten rock,” she said.

  “It’s hotter than you think. It’s going to burn you as soon as you touch it,” Sophie said.

  Ruth held out her little finger on her left hand and quickly touched the surface of the lava river to manipulate the low-level structure of the molten rock. She felt pain and pulled back fast.

  “Told you!” Sophie said.

  “Wait! Look! She made a little stone block,” Molly said.

  “I think I know what you’re trying. Let’s all work together and make a little path of stepping stones,” Ciaran said. He drank anew of the Kazofen waters from his own vial. Sean, Molly and Sophie followed his example until they were all energized with the powers of crystal and stone.

  Ruth – together with Ciaran, Sean, Molly and Sophie – began solidifying globs of flowing lava into cool blocks of stone by manipulating their low-level structure. Little by little, then more and more, they formed a walkway.

  “I can hear them getting closer,” Elise said.

  “Is this thing ready?” Patrick asked.

  “Yeah. It gets easier the more we do. Step on,” Ruth said.

  Ruth, Sophie, Molly, Sean and Ciaran all stepped onto the stone walkway, which was forty-seven (47) feet long and thirteen (13) feet wide. Elise, Odhran, Patrick and the other fifty-six (56) farmers followed them.

  “Sophie, Molly, Sean and Ciaran – you can build the pathway forward. I’m going to break down the pathway behind us, so the army can’t follow us across the lava,” Ruth said.

  “Good idea! But breaking the path behind us might be more important. If the soldiers are far enough away, we can take our time going forward,” Patrick said.

  “Alright, Sean and Ciaran, you help me do the breakdown. The rest of you, build forward,” Ruth said.

  Sean, Ciaran and Ruth manipulated the stone walkway behind them, causing it to break apart and meld with the lava river’s flow. Sophie and Molly continued building the pathway forward, and everyone followed.


  Duchess Siana dressed herself again, as she was no longer in the mood for seduction. She wanted revenge and she waited in the village for a report from her military.


  Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael and the five hundred eighty-two (582) soldiers in his battalion arrived at the northern bank of the Pika Huojin Lava River.

  “Look, Lieutenant Colonel! The targets are on the far side of the lava river!” one of his soldiers said.

  “These stone workers crossed the lava river by a bridge and broke the bridge behind them. That was clever of them. Turnabout and march back into the village. We will report that the targets were chased into the lava river and were scalded to death,” Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael said.


  Ruth, Ciaran, Molly, Sean and Sophie stepped off of the stone walkway and onto the dry land of the southern bank of the Pika Huojin Lava River. Patrick, Elise, Odhran and the other fifty-six (56) farmers followed them.

  “Good thinking. We actually escaped that disaster. Next time, listen to me, and we can avoid it altogether,” Patrick said.

  “We still need some work…and some rest,” Ruth said.

  “And something to put on this burn,” Molly said, holding up her finger.

  “You’ll be fine,” Ruth said after looking at it.

  “You didn’t have to get burned, Molly. We could have avoided this if we never went into that village. Consider it the price of learning a lesson. I warned you. Patrick warned you. Robber barons are all over this part of Waderav. It’s never long before they show up to collect taxes, or conscript soldiers,” Sophie said.

  “I’ve never seen conscription like that,” Sean said, smiling.

  “Forget about her, Sean. Women like that aren’t actually interested in you. Even if they are, you’ll have more trouble than fun,” Sophie said.

  “A woman is more than…you know…that. Don’t get any ideas, Sean,” Molly said.

  “You’re very convincing, Elise. You cooled down a lot of overheated guys,” Ruth said.

  “I must admit that Duchess Siana had our attention, and not in a good way,” Ciaran said.

  “I’ll try to forget I ever saw her,” Odhran said.

  “Yes, you will forget you ever saw her, Odhran. Just remember our wedding. And let that be the end of this discussion,” Elise said.

  “It’s time to move on. Let’s get going. Where do we go next?” Ruth asked.

  “Let’s keep going west,” Patrick said.

  CHAPTER 21: Knowledge of Temple and Stone

  Erikkos and Kastor hiked through the Javanda forest and entered the port town located at the northernmost latitude of Grand Redwood Bay. They walked along the docks, searching for an available ship.

  Kastor still had the telepathic power conferred by the mists they encountered within the ruined Citadel. He used the power to probe the minds of the captains and crew nearby. When Kastor found what he wanted, he said to Erikkos: “Captain Ibriy is an Atrejan drinker. He owns and sails the Cypress Advantage, a two hundred ninety (290) foot long cargo ship. He has charted a course to Oxatrissa in Waderav, with stops at Norinivix Island in the Kazofen Ocean, the Glivoran Trail, Emeth, the Colossal March Warpath and the Bazavadoran Isthmus along the way. It may be
to our advantage to take this longer journey as an opportunity to explore. His prices for travelers are more than fair, as long as we have patience.”

  “The world is ours to explore. Lead the way. I will be sure to listen carefully on our journey. Ocean travelers tell many tales, and some are even true,” Erikkos said. He drank anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of music and sound.

  Erikkos followed Kastor as he walked along the pier that led to the Cypress Advantage. The vessel had four (4) pairs of pivoting, double-masted sails, and the crew was busy adjusting them. The boarding ramp was lowered.

  Like Kastor, Erikkos also had a measure of telepathic power remaining and he probed the thoughts of the crew. “They’re leaving soon, heading south and west,” he said.

  “Catch their attention. Your voice is more powerful than mine. Tell the captain and crew we need to go to Oxatrissa in Waderav,” Kastor said.

  Erikkos raised his voice loud enough for the crew up on the ship’s deck to clearly hear, saying: “We request permission to come aboard. We seek passage to Oxatrissa in Waderav.”

  A weak-looking man – who appeared to be in his fifties – walked halfway down the boarding ramp. With every step, the man winced with pain. After stopping at the midpoint, the man said: “I am Captain Ibriy, owner and operator of the Cypress Advantage. Who are you?”

  “I am Kastor, a scholar. My companion, Erikkos, and I seek passage to Oxatrissa,” Kastor said, as he was standing at a point on the pier that was closer to the boarding ramp and directly facing the captain.

  “We’ll get there, but not directly and not for several days. I have some deliveries to make to islands in the Kazofen Ocean. Then, I’ll be going to the Glivoran Trail to pick up some cargo. Next, I have to make stops in Emeth, the Colossal March Warpath and the Bazavadoran Isthmus. After that, and not before, I’ll be going to Oxatrissa,” the weak man – Captain Ibriy – said.

  “What is your price to transport us, Captain?” Kastor asked.

  “Three (3) platinum coins and one (1) gold coin each,” Captain Ibriy said.

  Kastor reached into a pocket in his robes and took hold of seven (7) platinum coins. He extended his hand and showed the coins to Captain Ibriy, who was still standing at the midpoint of the boarding ramp, eight (8) feet above and away from the pier. “I have theses seven (7) platinum coins to pay you, Captain. If the current exchange rate is five (5) gold coins to one (1) platinum coin, then this is a bit extra for your trouble,” Kastor said.


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