Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 47

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “Tija, search for any signs of malevolent spirits. They will be summoned for this ritual,” Kaija said.

  Tija drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from her vial and was energized with the power to communicate with the spirit world. She concentrated and said: “I do not sense anything just yet.”

  “My greatest fear is that our other enemies – the sun worshippers – are at this very moment shedding the blood of innocent children to give worship to a different spirit of evil, no less wicked,” Kaija said.

  “Send me to spy on them,” Saku said.

  “No, Saku. We must stay together to combine our powers and support each other. We cannot do all good works at the same time. Instead, we must do our best at one thing at a time, where we are,” Kaija said.

  “If Reko doesn’t see anything, we can’t help anyone here. I’ll continue sailing along the western coast for now and listening to the stars. There are several minor solar alignments. Any of these could be used by the sun worshippers. Let me chart a course to Nataloridivu so we can intercept them and at least rescue some children,” Annaliisa said.

  “No, Annaliisa. We must leave the sun worshippers for later. And the stone worshippers only use major solar alignments to plan their own rituals. They do it to insult the sun worshippers and mock their ceremonies. The Glivoran Trail is the land they have chosen to despoil with their idolatry. We must focus on them for the moment, because that is where we are,” Kaija said.


  Captain Porfirio sailed the Azure Solar Acolyte southeastward across the Lujladia Ocean until reaching the Jeshirinko Barrier land bridge. At that point, he pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevated the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the ship southward across the land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Zovvin Ocean. From there, he sailed the Azure Solar Acolyte southeastward until reaching the Road of Kovoxotu land bridge. At that point, he again pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevated the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the ship eastward across the land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Kazofen Ocean. From there, he sailed the Azure Solar Acolyte eastward.

  The Azure Solar Acolyte came to a sudden halt with a crashing sound. Captain Porfirio fell to the floor inside the wheelhouse.

  On deck, Duchess Uliana and the Torches of Majesty – Blazer Endrit, Blazer Luken and Blazer Darakizar – all felt the disturbance and lost their balance.

  “We crashed into land or another ship!” Duchess Uliana said.

  The Azure Solar Acolyte started drifting toward the northwest.

  Blazer Luken drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial and was energized with the power to listen to the stars, and with the power to turn water into fire. He held out his hands and drew up the water from the ocean below, igniting the water stream as it passed through his hands. He used this to look into the distance, all around the ship, but saw nothing. “I see no land or ship!” he said.

  Captain Porfirio stood up, exited the wheelhouse and ran out on deck. He peered over the sides of the ship and said: “The hull is damaged. I don’t know how badly, yet. It feels like we’re still moving. But we didn’t crash into any land or ship that I can see!”

  “Can you steer the ship away from here, Captain?” Duchess Uliana asked.

  “I’ll try, as long as the hull isn’t completely breached!” Captain Porfirio said. He ran back into the wheelhouse and steered the Azure Solar Acolyte westward, hoping to avoid the unseen obstacle by reversing course. He felt the vessel handle poorly and tilt in the water. Knowing that this meant the hull was no longer seaworthy, he pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevated the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the ship back toward their port of origin, knowing that was the only safe choice.

  Duchess Uliana and the Torches of Majesty entered the wheelhouse.

  “You converted the ship to an airship. Why? Where are we going, Captain?” Duchess Uliana asked.

  “We have to return to Nataloridivu, as an airship all the way. The hull is no longer seaworthy. Whatever we hit, the impact was too powerful. I’ve never had this happen before in this ocean. The Lujladia Ocean is where mountains, islands or ships in one place appear somewhere else because of the light distortions. The Ikkith Tar Ocean is where things can’t even be seen because of the darkness. But I can’t explain what just happened here, in the Kazofen Ocean. I’ve never hit an unseen object here before,” Captain Porfirio said.

  “Narsvet will be angry with us if we fail to perform the ritual. We have to be quick about returning the ship, repairing it and acquiring the sacrificial victims. Make great haste, Captain!” Duchess Uliana said.


  Inside their cave high up in the mountains of the Glivoran Trail, Bashkim watched the children as the days passed. When they had fasted for nine (9) whole days and seemed weak, he said: “Stand up, children. It is time for the ritual walk along the trail.”

  The one hundred five (105) children stood up with great difficulty and slowly followed Bashkim out of the cave. Hakan followed the children as they exited the cave and walked onto the mountain trail behind Bashkim.

  “We will walk the trail until you can walk no more. When you have reached a state of ritual purity, then you will be ready to please Lord Ralithos,” Bashkim said.

  “Will I see my mom again?” one of the children – a nine (9) year old boy – asked.

  “I’m too hungry to walk far. Does Lord Ralithos have food for us after the ritual?” another child – a ten (10) year old girl – asked.

  “How far do we have to walk?” a third child – an eleven (11) year old boy – asked.

  “Be quiet, children! Do as you are told. Ask no questions or Lord Ralithos will be angry,” Bashkim said.

  “Keep walking the trail. Empty your minds. Be patient and you will find peace,” Hakan said. He drank anew of the waters of the Ursegan Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to slow the passage of time. He exerted this power within himself to extend his own long life. He also used the power on the area around him so that he could perceive fast-moving events in time to react to them. Hakan had more than adequate time to practice the virtue of patience, and preferred caution when he traveled.


  From inside the wheelhouse of the Consecration of the Hopeful, Reko kept watch. “I see people walking along a mountain trail. It looks like children – I count one hundred five (105) of them – along with two (2) men,” he said.

  “That is almost certainly them. Saku, prepare to cloak us in darkness. Tija, guard against evil spirits. There may be a dangerous struggle. Annaliisa, bring us to the shore. We have little time. When we get close, I can probe their thoughts to be sure we know all their plans,” Kaija said. She then drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of telepathy and empathy. After this, Kaija exited the wheelhouse, walked across the deck, went into her cabin and brought out a backpack. She rejoined the others in the wheelhouse, strapped on the backpack and said: “The children will be malnourished. I will carry enough to feed them each a little. When they return to the ship with us, I will feed them more.”

  Saku drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from his own vial to be energized with the power of darkness. “I will protect you from prying eyes,” he said, with his own eyes focused on Tija. He wanted her more with each passing moment.

  Tija drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from her vial to be energized yet again with the power to communicate with the spirit world. “I’m ready, in body and spirit, to put an end to their depraved rituals,” she said. She noticed Saku’s eyes probing her, but wished Reko had expressed interest in her instead. Tija looked in his direction and smiled.

  “Reko, prepare to use light to follow them, and to fight against them, if w
e must,” Kaija said.

  Reko drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of light and far sight. He noticed Tija’s gaze and dismissed it. He didn’t know her past: he merely assumed it could have been troubled, and so he didn’t want to be involved with yet another woman who might be dangerous. Despite being an oblate of the Vital Navigators of Sanctity, Reko realized that all people were sinful, including himself, although some oblates were much more compromised than others, even having prices on their heads from past misdeeds.

  Annaliisa steered the Consecration of the Hopeful to the western coast of the Glivoran Trail land bridge, where she pulled levers to drop the anchor and extend the boarding ramp.

  “Juho, wait here with Annaliisa,” Kaija said.

  Annaliisa watched Juho’s eyes as they probed her with desire. She wasn’t sure if being alone with him was a blessing or a curse.

  Kaija noticed Juho’s thoughts of desire for Annaliisa and gave him a stern look with her eyes to warn him against any distractions. She also noticed Saku’s wishes to be intimate with Tija, despite the considerable age difference. Kaija detected Tija’s thoughts concerning Reko – which were very intimate and sensual – and became worried that the mission was compromised by the lustful ambitions of her crew. “We must focus on protecting these children. For the moment, we must put aside all personal concerns and desires, so that we can prevent the impending evil. These children must live for the One True God, rather than dying for false gods. They are in great peril on that mountain trail,” she said.


  Saku exerted his powers of darkness and cloaked himself, Tija, Reko and Kaija. They disembarked from the Consecration of the Hopeful and went ashore, sight unseen. From there, they hiked up a mountain trail, in search of the procession of children.


  On board the Consecration of the Hopeful, Annaliisa exited the wheelhouse and went out on deck to wait for the return of the crew. She felt more comfortable out in the open, rather than in the enclose space, which might prove tempting to Juho. She wasn’t against him, but wasn’t ready for anything too intimate just yet.

  Juho went out on deck and waited with her, hoping to find a way to win her favor.


  While walking along the mountain trail, seven (7) of the children fell.

  “Get up!” Bashkim yelled. He grabbed each of them by their necks and forced them to stand. Three (3) of the children fell back down again.

  “You said flesh is weak! We can’t get up! We’re hungry and tired!” the ten (10) year old girl said.

  Bashkim swung his hand to slap the girl but the limb did not make contact. Instead, he felt it burn as if it were on fire. A moment later, he became cold in body and mind, unable to move or even to think, as black ice enveloped him completely.


  Hakan saw this attack and exerted his own powers to slow the passage of time around himself such that light did not reach him. He vanished from sight and ran away along the mountain trail to hide.


  Under the cover of darkness, Kaija and her oblates surveyed the situation.

  Kaija probed the thoughts of everyone around her and said: “The other man vanished. I cannot sense his thoughts nearby.”

  Reko used his powers of light to look into the distance and around corners but saw no one. “I cannot see him. He is not hiding in the darkness.”

  “I did not sense him slip into the spirit world,” Tija said.

  “I sense no false light nearby, so he is not concealed by it. What should I do with the man frozen still? Kill him now?” Saku asked.

  “Just rescue these children. If this evil man dies, so be it. If he lives, he has a chance to do right. I am not here for war and vengeance. I prefer to save laves rather than shedding blood,” Kaija said.

  “Then, should I end the cover of darkness?” Saku asked.

  “Yes. The children must see us and be led to safety,” Kaija said.

  Saku eased his powers of darkness so that he, Kaija, Reko and Tija reappeared.

  “Who are you?” the nine (9) year old boy asked.

  “A worker for the One True God, who loves you,” Kaija said.

  “Come with us to our ship,” Saku said.

  “I’m too weak and hungry to walk,” the ten (10) year old girl said.

  Kaija took off her backpack and opened it up. She reached inside and pulled out small cakes and handed them to the children. “They’re chocolate. That should give you a little something to fill your stomachs and keep you going. We have more food on our ship,” she said.

  The children began eating the cakes and started to feel better.

  “How far away is your ship?” the eleven (11) year old boy asked.

  “About two (2) miles,” Reko said.

  “It’s all downhill, so it won’t be bad,” Kaija said.

  “He died. I felt his spirit leave,” Tija said, looking toward the frozen body.


  The spirit of Bashkim appeared in a place of fiery darkness and confusion, where he felt the crushing weight of stone pressing down upon him.

  “Where am I?” he asked.

  “This is the Maelstrom of Vengeance,” a deep and terrifying voice said.

  “Who are you? Why am I here?” the spirit of Bashkim asked.

  “I am Gadamalto, the Master of Spirits in this realm. You served the false god, Ralithos, by torturing and sacrificing many children to worship him. Now, you will suffer an even worse fate,” the deep and terrifying voice said.

  “I served Ralithos, the Eternal King of All Mountains and Stones. He is supreme!” the spirit of Bashkim said.

  “You relied on a spirit who did not save you from your enemies. While you were among the living, you ruined young lives to honor that false spirit. Now, your own spirit will be ruined, as you are tortured without end,” the deep and terrifying voice said.

  Gadamalto tormented the spirit of Bashkim with every form of cruelty imaginable, intensifying it as he pleased, for eternity.


  “Let’s get back to the ship,” Kaija said. She led the one hundred five (105) children down the mountain trail. They were flanked by Saku, Reko and Tija, who made sure they didn’t stumble due to fatigue.

  Once the group reached the shore, Kaija and her fellow oblates of the Vital Navigators of Sanctity escorted the children on board the Consecration of the Hopeful. After walking onto the deck of the ship, Kaija said: “Annaliisa, we have the children. It’s time to take them home,” Kaija said.

  “Where is home?” Annaliisa asked.

  “Chart a course for the Port of Reliance. Lady Onora will find a place for them, and she will teach them about the One True God, who sent us to save them from evil,” Kaija said.


  Annaliisa walked across the deck and entered the wheelhouse. Juho followed her there.

  “Annaliisa, I can purify your potion of Atrejan waters again if you need me to. I am always at your service, and wish for the voyage to be smooth,” Juho said.

  “You can help me next time, Juho. I still have enough of the pure Atrejan waters for now. Thank you,” Annaliisa said. She then drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from her vial and was energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. She concentrated to learn their paths and positions and used this information to chart a course. “We’re on our way,” she said. Annaliisa then took the wheel and began sailing the Consecration of the Hopeful along the route she plotted.


  Out on deck, Kaija gathered the children together and said: “The One True God has great things planned for all of His Children. He created you and He loves you. You will come to know these things and live well, as long as you follow His Laws.”

  “What are his laws?” one of the children – an eight (8) year old girl – asked.

  “The first law is to love the One True God above all else. The second law is to love each other, which me
ans to deal fairly, never lying or cheating or stealing or killing. It also means to help those in need,” Kaija said.

  “And that help means feeding the hungry, so let’s get them some more food, like you promised,” Reko said.

  “Yes. I didn’t forget,” Kaija said. She and Reko went into a cabin containing supplies and brought out more cakes, cookies, salted meats and citrus fruits and began handing the food to the children, who ate well.

  “What happened to the man who died?” the eleven (11) year old boy asked.

  “He answered for his sins. He will be punished for worshipping a false god, and trying to hurt you in the process,” Kaija said.

  “I hope his spirit gets torn apart,” Saku said.

  “Don’t say that, Saku. It’s not right to wish ill on anyone’s spirit. God is the judge, not you. The spirit world doesn’t submit to your physical laws or ideas,” Tija said.

  “I’m sorry, Tija, but what they were doing was evil. That man was about to beat that girl severely, just for falling down,” Saku said.

  “The greatest evil was what Bashkim was going to do afterward, during the ritual to worship Ralithos. I read his thoughts before you made him become still and cold using the darkness powers. He was an evil man. May the One True God have mercy on his wicked soul,” Kaija said.

  “Unless he was sorry – really sorry, in a hurry – you can bet he went down to the Maelstrom. He’ll know what the pain of vengeance feels like down there,” Reko said.

  “You can’t be sure, Reko. You don’t get to say how much mercy God shows. Some do suffer vengeance. Some are saved in their final moments. You and Saku both have to trust in God’s plan, not your own sense of justice and mercy. You both committed sins that need to be forgiven, too. Neither one of you is perfect, even if your sins are smaller. Before you die, you need to get right with God on everything, and be sorry for what you’ve done. Don’t be too quick to judge,” Kaija said.

  “God is spirit, and the spirit world is outside your experience and beyond your understanding. God’s ways and thoughts are not like yours,” Tija said.

  “My mommy died when I was seven (7). I’m nine (9) now. When will I see my mommy again?” the nine (9) year old boy asked.


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