Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 49

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “That’s why I trust you, always, Captain,” Akantha said.

  “We’ve worked for bad captains. We’ve worked for good ones. But never anybody this good,” Akylas said.

  “I trust you too, Captain. But there’s no saying where the trouble is, or that we’ll find it again. The next deal we get might be nothing special,” Torin said.

  “I’ll count all the cargo twice or more,” Massimo said.

  “I’ll inspect it more closely. Now, I think I know what to look for in the low-level structure to detect that kind of gem,” Fritz said.

  “Akylas, chart a course for the Port of Hithagredil,” Captain Pradrock said.


  Akylas returned to the wheelhouse. He drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial and was energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. He concentrated to learn their paths and positions. He used this information to chart a course to the Port of Hithagredil. He then pulled levers to raise the anchor and retract the boarding ramp. Akylas then steered the Resolute Traverser out of port.


  Nina sailed the Escapade eastward across the Zovvin Ocean until reaching the Road of Kovoxotu land bridge. At that point, she pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevated the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. She steered the ship across the land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Kazofen Ocean. From there, she sailed the vessel southeastward until reaching the Glivoran Trail land bridge. At that point, she again pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevated the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. Nina steered the Escapade across the land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Trerada Ocean. From there, she sailed the ship to the southwestern coast of Emeth. Upon arrival, she pulled levers to drop the anchor and extend the boarding ramp.

  “Tristan, Yared and I will find a buyer for the yellow-green gems. That way, we can be sure we get an honest deal,” Tomiko said. The Chronicler Niels followed Tomiko as he and Tristan went out on deck and found Nerine waiting there, with Yared standing beside her.

  “I want to come with you when you sell the gems. Once you get paid, I’d like to collect my percentage and stay in Emeth. This life isn’t for me,” Nerine said.

  “Let’s get to business, then. Yared, I’ll need you to help us be sure we’re getting a fair appraisal, and make sure the merchants aren’t hiding what they know about the true value of the gems,” Tomiko said.

  Yared drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of telepathy and empathy. “I can spot a liar before they give us a bad deal, but I can’t make them give us a good deal,” he said.


  Tomiko, Tristan, Yared, Nerine and Niels walked down the boarding ramp to go into town.

  “I have an idea of where to start. Let’s follow the Chronicler when he gives his report. Danek will read the report, so if he has any interest, we try to sell some of the supply to him, if we can agree on a price,” Tomiko said.

  Niels approached the Library of Tedorik and saw that the Verifier Alyona was waiting outside. Niels handed over his book along with the two (2) yellow-green gems he held onto and Alyona examined his report.


  “Niels, come with me. I have instructions for you,” Alyona said. She led Niels into the Library of Tedorik and then into Danek’s private quarters.

  “This may be of interest to you. The last part, about the yellow-green gems,” Alyona said and she handed the book of events that Niels had given her over to Danek, in addition to the two (2) yellow-green gems he had submitted.

  Danek examined the book and the two (2) gems and said: “I will buy Tomiko’s supply of these yellow-green gems, all nine hundred thirteen (913) of them.” He opened a book on his desk to a blank page and wrote down a financial transfer document but left it unsigned. He removed the page from the book and gave this to Alyona. “Offer them this financial transfer document. When they deliver the gems, you can sign it,” Danek said.

  “I’ll take it to Tomiko,” Alyona said. She left the room and exited the Library of Tedorik.


  When Alyona came back outside, she handed the document to Tomiko and said: “Danek wants to purchase your findings. Bring all of those gems here and this financial transfer document will be signed.”

  Tomiko looked at the document and both Tristan and Yared looked over his shoulder. Nerine peered at the document and saw the amount: four million five hundred sixty-five thousand (4565000) platinum coins. She quickly figured than even one (1) percent would be plenty for her, and her help was probably worth more than that to these adventurers.

  Yared examined Alyona’s thoughts, not because he expected a deception, but he wanted to know why the offer was so generous. He found no explanation, because Alyona didn’t seem to know what the true value of the yellow-green gems was. He did find a suspicion that these gems were related to the gems the central bank was harvesting – which Danek had informed Alyona about – and that acts of horrific cruelty were involved. It was enough that the Chroniclers were being sent to investigate the central bank.

  Tomiko and Tristan met eyes and Tristan nodded in agreement with the offer.

  “It’s a deal. We’ll be back in a few minutes,” Tomiko said.

  “I’ll stay here, on dry land, if you don’t mind,” Nerine said.


  Alyona went back inside the Library of Tedorik and entered Danek’s private quarters where he and Niels were still waiting.

  “Did Tomiko accept the offer?” Danek asked.

  “Yes, he’s going to bring back the gems,” Alyona said.

  “Niels, we need you to investigate the central bank and look for evidence of financial fraud. Follow any signs of interest, as the opportunity arises,” Danek said.

  “Is there a particular place you would have me begin?” Niels asked.

  “The central bank controls many ports. Their illicit activities could be hidden anywhere,” Danek said.

  “I suggest the Farmer’s Road land bridge, at the Port of Nasharev,” Alyona said.

  “I’ll go there first,” Niels said.

  “I’ll go wait for Tomiko to return with the yellow-green gems,” Alyona said. She and Niels both left the room and exited the Library of Tedorik. Niels headed to the docks and Alyona waited at her post.


  Tomiko, Tristan and Yared hurried back to the docks and boarded the Escapade. Genevieve, Carter, Stephan, Nina and Gabrielle Ramalaxis were all waiting on deck.

  “You’re back in a hurry. Was the price right?” Nina asked.

  Tomiko showed her the unsigned financial transfer document and Nina said: “Not bad. Right, Tristan?”

  “It’s better than the price I was expecting…better by far,” Tristan said.

  “And we were quick. I thought we might have to deal with a lot of shifty merchants and negotiations. It can be tough to get an honest appraisal, even though I can spot a dishonest one,” Yared said.

  Genevieve looked at it and said: “We still have to set aside the twenty (20) percent for Alistair.”

  “And that’s what we’ll do. Let’s get the gems,” Tomiko said.

  “Nerine was serious? She really gone?” Stephan asked.

  “She’s not gone…not yet, anyway. She’s waiting for the deal to close, to get her percentage. Then she’s going her own way,” Tomiko said.

  “Not everyone is cut out for this line of work,” Genevieve said.

  “Nerine is a very talented musician. It’s a shame to lose her. The challenges we face put us all to the test. Her assistance could have made us more successful,” Carter said.

  “We accept certain risks in this business, and it is not always easy. Her talents will be missed, but she needs do what she believes is best for her,” Tomiko said.

  “At least we still have Stephan. He’s almost as useful,” Nina said. />
  “I know my way around a flute, and a lyre, harps and organs, and the musical scales,” Stephan said. He ran his fingers across the strings of his lyre just to prove his point.

  “Stephan accepts the risks, and is a very capable musician,” Tomiko said.

  “Stephan accepts working with Nina. That alone makes him a good member of the crew,” Yared said.

  “I’m not that difficult to work with,” Nina said.

  “You can tell yourself that, Nina, or you can work to make it true,” Yared said.

  “We need to work to deliver these gems and collect payment,” Tomiko said. He led his crew into the cabin where they stored the nine hundred thirteen (913) yellow-green gems, which were kept inside of a lockbox. Tomiko unlocked and opened it.

  Tristan counted the gems and made sure they were all intact and said: “We’re ready.”


  Tomiko closed and locked the box. He, Yared and Tristan left the Escapade and returned to the Library of Tedorik. Alyona and Nerine were waiting there. Tomiko handed over the lockbox and the key to Alyona.

  “Come with me,” Alyona said. She led them into the Library of Tedorik. Inside, she unlocked the lockbox, counted the nine hundred thirteen (913) yellow-green gems and said: “They’re all present. I will sign the financial transfer document.”

  Tomiko handed over the financial transfer document and Alyona signed it.

  “Now, let’s take care of my share,” Nerine said.

  “Let’s go outside and we’ll give you a percentage, and you can be on your way,” Tomiko said.

  Nerine followed Tomiko, Yared, and Tristan outside of the Library of Tedorik.


  In the northeastern region of the continent of Revod, inside the military academy, Major Calanthe entered the office of the resource coordinator, Nathan. She placed a written report on his desk and said: “Major Calanthe Reporting. You will want to read this immediately.”

  Nathan began reading the report and said: “According to this signed report, by Captain Pradrock, there was a three point zero seven (3.07) percent increase in the number of gems, expanding in the cargo hold during transport from the Port of Hithagredil in the Scholar’s Path to Port Number Five Hundred Seventeen in southern Revod. He was scheduled to deliver these and pick up a shipment of precious gems to return to the Port of Hithagredil. This is a counterfeiting operation. There can be no question about that.”

  “I know. I’ve already telepathically interrogated Captain Pradrock and his crew. They’re not accomplices, and have no blame in this,” Major Calanthe said.

  “I’ll begin reviewing all resource movements flowing into and out of Port Number Five Hundred Seventeen and our transactions connected to the Port of Hithagredil. This may be our first sign leading to the source of our recent problems,” Nathan said.

  Major Calanthe probed Nathan’s mind to see if he was focused on the matter, and if he was trustworthy. She found no sign of dishonesty or distraction. She did find, however, that another telepath was probing for the very same answers.


  From the office adjacent to that of the resource coordinator, Agent Claudia telepathically overheard the conversation between Nathan and Major Calanthe. She detected Calanthe’s telepathic powers, and found them to be a match for her own. They shared an understanding about the matter.

  “Agent Cheveyo, we need to go to Port Number Five Hundred Seventeen. There was an attempt to deliver precious gems there. The cargo expanded in transit, producing a three point zero seven (3.07) percent overage. It was an attempt to inflate the supply and alter market prices,” Agent Claudia said.

  “The source is also suspect. Where did the gems originate?” Agent Cheveyo asked.

  “The Port of Hithagredil in the Scholar’s Path. If I know Admiral Tiede, he’s going to order us to investigate the internal problems first. We’ll get to the source of the gems later. Let’s return to the port and find a ship to take us,” Agent Claudia said. She opened the door and left the room, followed by Agent Cheveyo. They exited the military academy castle and took a riverboat to Port Number One Hundred Six.


  After the Incisive dropped anchor and extended its boarding ramp at Port Number One Hundred Six in northeastern Revod, Admiral Tiede went to the cabin of Agent Gavriela and summoned her to come with him.

  “We need to locate Agent Cheveyo and get a progress report,” Admiral Tiede said.

  Agent Gavriela drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from her vial to be energized with the power of light. She followed Admiral Tiede as he disembarked from the ship and went into the port.


  Agent Claudia drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial and was energized with the powers of telepathy and empathy. She and Agent Cheveyo disembarked from the riverboat and went into the port. She probed the thoughts of those around her, looking for an available captain.


  “Admiral, I see Agent Cheveyo. He is with Agent Claudia,” Agent Gavriela said.

  “Let’s get their attention,” Admiral Tiede said.


  “I found Admiral Tiede and Agent Gavriela. Let’s go,” Agent Claudia said. She sensed the admiral’s thoughts and walked in his direction.

  Agent Cheveyo followed Agent Claudia and they approached Admiral Tiede.

  “Admiral, we have a report and a suspect location to investigate,” Agent Claudia said.

  “Let’s return to the ship. Then, give me your report,” Admiral Tiede said. Agents Claudia, Cheveyo and Gavriela followed Admiral Tiede back to the docks and they boarded the Incisive.

  Once they were on deck, Admiral Tiede asked: “What is your report, Agent Claudia?”

  “I overheard a report from Major Calanthe – the chief accounting officer in this port – given to the resource coordinator, Nathan. The major received a cargo discrepancy report from Captain Pradrock. His crew was delivering a shipment of gems from the Port of Hithagredil in the Scholar’s Path to Port Number Five Hundred Seventeen in southern Revod. In transit, the cargo expanded and ruptured the shipping containers. The volume of gems increased by three point zero seven (3.07) percent in transit. Captain Pradrock was contracted to deliver the gems there and then pick up a different shipment, returning it to the Scholar’s Path,” Agent Claudia said.

  “What of Imperial Prince Trahaearn and the resource coordinator, Nathan?” Admiral Tiede asked.

  “Nathan had already detected a three point zero seven (3.07) percent overage, but he didn’t understand the cause or know the channels of active fraud. He reported the discrepancy to Trahaearn at that point. It wasn’t until Major Calanthe issued her report that any of us had a lead,” Agent Claudia said.

  “We will investigate immediately. I want to interrogate everyone at that port,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “I’ll prepare, Admiral,” Agent Claudia said.

  “And I want their inventory levels checked closely,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “I will work with Agent Leilah to inspect their holdings,” Agent Gavriela said.

  “And I will take a closer look at the low-level structure of the gems, to detect any other unstable crystals that might still be there,” Agent Glyn said.

  “Agent Cheveyo, you’ll need to continue monitoring for external influences,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “Yes, Admiral,” Agent Cheveyo said.


  Admiral Tiede walked across the deck and entered the wheelhouse. “Agent Noach, chart a course for Port Number Five Hundred Seventeen. Agent Prudencia, steer the ship by that course,” he said.

  Agent Noach drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial and was energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. He concentrated to learn their paths and positions and used this information to chart a course. Noach then wrote the course into the logbook.

  Agent Prudencia read the charted course from the logbook and took the wheel of the Incisive. She pulled le
vers to raise the anchor and retract the boarding ramp. She then steered the ship out of port and sailed it southwest across the Medathero Ocean until reaching the Glivoran Trail land bridge. At that point, she pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevated the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. She steered the ship westward across the land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Kazofen Ocean. From there, she sailed the Incisive westward toward Port Number Five Hundred Seventeen.


  In Emeth, Tomiko led Yared, Tristan and Nerine into the Sixteenth Hall, where Land Surveys, Resources and Commerce were recorded. Financial transactions could be recorded there directly, by a group of thirty-seven (37) Verifiers of the Oath, young and old, under the watchful eye of a rotating group of fifteen (15) different Chroniclers of the Oath, who recorded what they saw.

  Tomiko made a few mental calculations and determined a four (4) percent share for Nerine was appropriate. He deposited the signed financial transfer document from Danek, giving him and his crew four million five hundred sixty-five thousand (4565000) platinum coins. Tomiko then wrote another financial transfer document for one hundred eighty-two thousand six hundred (182600) platinum coins, naming Nerine as the recipient. He signed the document and handed it to her.

  “Thank you!” Nerine said. She deposited this document into her own account and then exited the banking office.

  Nerine then exited the Sixteenth Hall and returned to the Scholar’s Hall to rest before finding her music students.

  “Where to now?” Tristan asked.

  “I know you want to get back to work. I would seriously reconsider what you have in mind, however,” Yared said.

  “We’re going to take our time and be careful,” Tomiko said.

  “What do you have in mind?” Tristan asked.

  “Let me show you. We’re in the right hall. Now, we need to do a little bit of research. There’s an opportunity I’ve been meaning to have us work on,” Tomiko said. He led Tristan and Yared through the corridors of the Sixteenth Hall and they began reading the inscriptions off of the walls, detailing business transactions in various parts of the world.


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