Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 66

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “This is dubious. Can we actually hope to maintain permanent control over the Jeshirinko fleet guarding the valley?” Premier Governor Enrichetta asked.

  “Our influence will last long enough. We will deploy other resources over time, eventually relieving them of their duty,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “If they know too much, we will have to relieve them of their lives,” Premier Governor Kynthia said.

  “Let’s assume they already know too much. Use the Jeshirinko fleet for the very short term. Once we have more trustworthy personnel in place, we will exterminate these pawns,” Premier Governor Enrichetta said.

  “I didn’t think you trusted anyone at all, Premier Governor Enrichetta. What does more trustworthy mean?” Premier Governor Dustin asked.

  “I don’t completely trust anyone. Yet, some people are more reliable than others. We need to test our agents – be they counselors, governors or Conservators – much more thoroughly before assigning them to critical missions. A single failure – even a large one – may not ruin our plans, but it does demand substantial improvements in our processes,” Premier Governor Enrichetta said.

  “That’s a reasonable statement. Additional interrogations, loyalty tests and performance trials should be implemented at the highest levels,” Premier Governor Kynthia said.

  “I agree. We will design those processes together. First, however, we really should give the orders to execute our plan to protect Cinder Valley,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “Yes, Premier Governor Dustin. Issue the orders,” Premier Governor Kynthia said.

  “I suppose your plan is better than nothing. Go ahead with it, but demand reports from the Conservators. We need to be kept apprised of the situation. They are to alert us of the first sign of a threat,” Premier Governor Enrichetta said.

  “Athamus, send your minion spirits to inform Conservator Nikon of our plans. He must travel to Cinder Valley and direct Conservator Klemens to order the Jeshirinko commanding officers to dock their fleet between the mountains. The warships must prevent anyone from entering the valley or gaining access to the lava flowing through it. Also, he is to direct Conservator Perikles to reconfigure the constructor and use it to build a high wall barring entry to the valley. That region is now central bank owned territory, reserved for our private development, if anyone should ask,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “I will send my minions to inform Conservator Nikon of your instructions, my master. Also, I can guard Cinder Valley personally – and immediately – if you wish,” the voice of Athamus said, vibrating through the ruby spire.

  “I would prefer to have the strongest defense possible. Is there a way for Athamus to guard the valley?” Premier Governor Enrichetta asked.

  “To be of service to us, Athamus must remain within the ruby spire, so he cannot personally go there,” Premier Governor Dustin said.

  “I could make the valley a place of fear and dread and death that none would dare enter without your permission,” the voice of Athamus said, vibrating through the ruby spire.

  “Beg as you might, pathetic demon, I will not relent. Your permanent place is within this ruby spire. Do not bother me with your pleading and bargaining, Athamus. Just send the message to Conservator Nikon and I will rely on him,” Premier Governor Dustin said.


  Athamus sent the message to one of his minions in the spirit world, who then relayed the message to Conservator Nikon.


  On board the Greatest Future, Nikon waited in the wheelhouse for his orders to be received through his link to the spirit world. After a few minutes, he received them and said: “I have new instructions from the Premier Governors. Klemens must send the Jeshirinko fleet to Cinder Valley in Waderav and have them dock there. Once in position, General Tiglath and Admiral Erisinni must command the warships to prevent access to the land and to the lava flowing through it. Perikles is to reconfigure the constructor and use it to build a high wall barring access to the valley.”

  “I will command the fleet to travel there at once,” Klemens said. He drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of telepathy and empathy. He then focused his powers through the telepathic relay crystals on all the ships, including the command ship, Coherent. Klemens transmitted the order for them to go to Cinder Valley and guard it.

  “I’ll design the wall and the necessary modifications to assemble it. Once we arrive in Cinder Valley, I’ll modify the crystals on the pillars and have the constructor build it,” Perikles said.

  “What do you need from me?” Arisha asked.

  “When we arrive, you’re on guard duty,” Nikon said.

  “Guarding what, exactly? An entire valley?” Arisha asked.

  “You’ll be guarding this crew. This mission is both critical and dangerous. I don’t know what threat we’re guarding against, but relying on an enemy to protect our assets is a risky proposition,” Nikon said.

  Fotini looked out the window and said: “Look, the Jeshirinko fleet is already on its way.”

  “Good. Chart a course and get us there second. If there’s any danger to arriving vessels, let the Jeshirinko ships get there first, absorb the impact and serve as a warning,” Nikon said.

  “Perikles, is this ship still cloaked?” Fotini asked.

  “I couldn’t see the ship until I stepped on board. That’s cloaked as far as I’m concerned,” Arisha said.

  “There’s no need to worry about it, Fotini. The crystals are still in place on this ship, distorting light and dampening sound. No one else can see or hear this vessel,” Perikles said.

  “I just like to know we’re safe. Sometimes I need you to remind me,” Fotini said.

  “And we need to remain cloaked…and safe,” Nikon said.

  Klemens nudged Perikles and then telepathically reminded him to be more courteous – and caring – toward the woman who obviously loved him.

  Perikles placed his right hand on Fotini’s hand, deliberately softened his ordinarily abrupt tone when speaking with her and said: “We’re going to be fine. We’re all looking out for each other. The ship is well protected. And we’re not rushing into anything dangerous.”

  Fotini smiled and looked at Perikles expectantly, hoping for the tenderness to continue.

  Klemens nudged Perikles again and telepathically said: “You know what to do.”

  Perikles kissed Fotini on her forehead and said: “Just relax. We’re going to be fine.”

  Fotini reached out and hugged Perikles tightly, because her love for him was now strengthened by the first kiss and hope of further reciprocation.

  “We do have our orders,” Nikon said.

  Klemens nudged Nikon and telepathically said: “We need our group to be close. We need to trust each other and to have loyalty and compassion. The enemy surrounds us. We have a few moments to spare to strengthen our bonds.”

  Fotini continued hugging Perikles and he hugged her back.

  “I love you, Perikles. More than you know. I always have and I always will,” Fotini said.

  “Let’s get to where we’re going and settle in. We can talk about this – and about us – in a little while,” Perikles said.

  “I want to talk. I need to talk about us,” Fotini said.

  “We will,” Perikles said, placing his hands on her cheeks and kissing her forehead, then her eyelids, then her lips. It actually felt good – better than he expected – because Fotini returned the kiss with intense affection. He considered that there might just be some good in developing their relationship and getting close. He didn’t even remember the other woman.

  Fotini smiled brightly and then said: “I’m ready.”

  “If you’re ready, then let’s chart a course and get to Cinder Valley,” Nikon said.

  “On our way!” Fotini said. She drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from her vial and was energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. She concentrated
to learn their paths and positions and used the information to chart a course. She pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevated the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. She steered the ship southward across the Jeshirinko Barrier land bridge and returned it to sea level in in the Zovvin Ocean. From there, she sailed the Greatest Future southwestward until reaching the eastern coast of the Way of Raza’Deptorum land bridge. At that point, Fotini again pulled levers to pivot the sails and the masts to the sides of the ship and elevated the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. She steered the ship southwestward across the land bridge, returning it to sea level in the Gradaken Ocean. She then sailed the Greatest Future southwestward until reaching the eastern coast of the continent of Waderav.

  Along the way, Klemens drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from his vial to maintain his powers of telepathy and empathy. He focused his power through the telepathic relay crystals on board the warships and reasserted his control over the commanding officers and their subordinates. “The Jeshirinko commanding officers, their personnel and their fleet are still under our control. Maintain this distance, Fotini, but do not let them get farther from us,” he said.

  “I’ll stay close,” Fotini said, thinking first and foremost of Perikles. She again pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the Greatest Future and elevated the ship to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. She steered the vessel over the eastern coast of Waderav until finding a suitable river, down onto which she returned the ship to water level. Fotini steered the vessel westward along that river, heading toward the central region of Waderav. After some careful navigation, she found a narrow passage leading into a valley, encircled by a ring of mountains. The river emptied into a four (4) mile wide, gray-blue lake and the fleet of three hundred eighty-four (384) Jeshirinko warships was floating on its surface, awaiting orders. Lava flows crisscrossed the fifty-two (52) mile wide valley. Fallen, rotten trees and dead grass colored the land with patches of black, brown and dull green in between the glowing red lava.

  “That lake is enormous, but if this river feeds into it, it should be overflowing,” Arisha said.

  “Oh no! Fotini! Get the ship off the river and onto dry land! Klemens, have the warships get onto dry land! Now!” Perikles said.

  “Yes, of course!” Klemens said. He focused his telepathic powers and transmitted the orders to the commanding officers, who elevated their ships off of the lake and then docked them on the surrounding land.

  “Yes!” Fotini said. She pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the Greatest Future and elevated it fifteen (15) feet above the lake, steered it over to dry land nearby and then lowered the vessel to ground level.

  “What was that all about?” Arisha asked.

  “Yes, please explain that, Perikles,” Nikon said.

  “The color of that lake water is all wrong. It’s not just water. It’s filled with toxic minerals and they make the water so corrosive that it’s tunneling into the bedrock below. That’s why the river isn’t overflowing. It’s digging deeper,” Perikles said.

  “We should check the hull for damage,” Nikon said.

  “Yes. In fact, we should do that before we do anything else,” Perikles said.


  Under the cover of darkness, Daley continued his travels through the Port of Hithagredil in the Scholar’s Path land bridge. He overheard whispers by wealthy traders who were discussing a meeting that was to be held at the mansion of Governor Marijus. The gathering was openly referred to as ‘a party’ to hide its true intent, which was to conduct sly business dealings with the central bank governor. Deciding it was time to act, Daley returned to the rented room in the traveler’s lodge where Kassia was waiting and eased his powers of darkness so that he reappeared.

  Inside their rented room, Aura and Arik were asleep. So as not to disturb them, Kassia spoke quietly and asked: “what did you find out?” She gestured with her hand for Daley to speak in a soft voice.

  “There’s going to be a party at the governor’s mansion. They’re serving cocktails, but it’s more than a friendly social gathering. The merchants, traders and labor bosses are going there to bribe the governor to get better exchange rates and lower taxes on their shipments. Governor Marijus takes all forms of payment, and has a reputation for being easy to please, especially for very friendly, attractive women,” Daley said, speaking softly.

  “So he’s another piece of central bank garbage. Let’s crash this party,” Kassia said, still speaking quietly.

  “What about your sister and her son?” Daley asked, as quietly as possible.

  Kassia took a pen and a small notebook from her coat pocket. She wrote a note indicating that she had to go, but she would be back, and that Aura was to remain here until then. She left the note on the table by the bed. “I’m ready,” she said, speaking quietly.

  Daley drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of darkness. He exerted this power to cover himself and Kassia. Under the cover of darkness, they exited the rented room, then closed and locked the door behind them. From there, they exited the traveler’s lodge and headed toward the governor’s mansion.

  CHAPTER 41: Master of Plants and Animals

  Among the Provincial Isles in the Gradaken Ocean, Lemikozen Island was the westernmost and the fifth largest. It consisted entirely of swampland, spanning twenty-seven (27) miles from north to south and six (6) miles from east to west. Mosquitoes, snakes, scorpions, spiders, rats and flies plagued the region, feeding upon each other as well as on the plants.

  A young man, dressed in robes of green and red, stood on the island’s western coast. He drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial and was energized with the powers of light and far sight. He looked out over the Gradaken Ocean to the south, north and west. In each direction, he observed the movements of ships at a distance of one hundred fifty (150) miles. He saw two (2) vessels with unfamiliar markings approaching the island group, although he could not discern to which island they were heading. The young man ran toward the island’s swampy interior, along a known safe path, until reaching a large hut made of mud and twigs. The abode was seventy-eight (78) feet in diameter and twenty-two (22) feet in height and it stood at the swamp’s center, surrounded by trees and mud flows, along with the predators and prey. He entered the hut and knelt down in front of a much older, white-bearded man, who was dressed in robes of green and brown.

  “Cardinal Briar-Malgier, two (2) unfamiliar ships are approaching the region, though I cannot be sure which islands they are destined for,” the young man said.

  “I will frighten them away. Follow me, Munroe,” the white-bearded man – Cardinal Briar-Malgier – said.

  The young man of nineteen (19) years – Munroe – stood up and followed Cardinal Briar-Malgier as he exited the large hut and approached a lake of mud. The Cardinal knelt down and placed his left hand in the filthy liquid. A nine (9) foot long snake slithered into his hand and submitted to him. He held up the snake and placed it around his neck. Munroe followed Cardinal Briar-Malgier as he walked across the swamp until reaching the island’s western coast. The Cardinal dipped his vial of water in the Gradaken Ocean and filled it. He drank some of the water from the vial and was energized again with the power to command plants and animals.

  “Where are the unfamiliar ships now, Munroe?” Cardinal Briar-Malgier asked.

  Munroe looked out to sea once again and saw the new positions of the two (2) ships with unfamiliar markings. “There and there,” he said and pointed.

  Cardinal Briar-Malgier waded out knee deep into the Gradaken Ocean and a large serpent reared its head. The creature revealed only fifteen (15) feet of its height, with a four (4) foot thickness. The Cardinal placed his hand on the large sea serpent and it turned about, heading out to sea. He summoned a second large serpent, sending it out in a slightly differen
t direction.


  Uzoma sailed the Sky Lion eastward across the Gradaken Ocean, heading toward the Provincial Isles. He watched from inside the wheelhouse as a large sea serpent – perhaps sixty (60) feet or more in length – leaped across the deck of the ship, returning to the ocean below on the other side. Captain Lusala, Duchess Sarita, Captain Duvall and Goyo all saw this creature’s appearance.

  “Sea serpents of all sizes are immensely dangerous. Yet, they are to be expected in these waters. The poison includes their venom as an ingredient, so the king’s murderers will be coming to harvest it. The herbalists in these isles can work with it effectively, so we need to warn them not to help these men,” Duchess Sarita said.

  “What if the herbalists are of like mind or simply motivated by profit? They might very well help the murderers mix the poison,” Captain Lusala asked.

  “The murderers of King Hamza Bazavador deserve to die for what they have already done, and they must die for what they are trying to do to the world. This includes anyone who helps them,” Duchess Sarita said.

  “I will do what I can to put an end to them,” Captain Duvall said.

  “So will I, but we don’t have an army or a navy. All we have is surprise…if we’re quick and lucky,” Duchess Sarita said.

  “I don’t like to depend on luck,” Captain Duvall said.

  “Sometimes, that’s all we have,” Duchess Sarita said.

  “Please tell me you have a strategy beyond hope,” Captain Duvall said.

  “I do. But it’s going to be dealing with someone I don’t trust,” Duchess Sarita.

  “Who?” Captain Duvall asked.

  “A religious man,” Duchess Sarita said.

  “What man? And what religion?” Captain Duvall asked.

  “He is Cardinal Briar-Malgier. He believes that wild creatures are sacred and should be protected. He wants all of the extinct ones to be revived,” Duchess Sarita said.


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