Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 76

by Jeremy Dwyer


  “We need to know what’s going on – who’s planning what,” Captain Fernao said.

  “I guess I’ll try to probe their thoughts, if I can figure out who I’m looking for,” Saskia said. She drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of telepathy and empathy. She then focused her power to find anyone who knew about the ship named the Silver Jackal. Presumably, the captain of that ship would know its name and the thought would be detected on arrival.

  “Bartel, start setting up those crystals,” Captain Fernao said.

  Fernao walked around the ship with Bartel as he mounted crystals in divots along the perimeter of the ship’s deck.


  On board the Resolute Traverser, Captain Pradrock considered the proper next move. His crew watched him pace back and forth across the deck as he mulled over the limited information, although Torin couldn’t see what was going on because everyone was quiet.

  Jolene probed the captain’s thoughts momentarily but she detected something elsewhere.

  “I know some of what’s going on,” Jolene said.

  “What are you talking about?” Akantha asked.

  “Please do share,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “We’re not the only ones interested in the central bank. More people are waiting nearby, ready to pounce. I’m picking up their thoughts now. The governor was expecting a giant freighter – the Silver Jackal – to pass through here. It’s carrying a supply of cheap gems. They’re going to be taken to a hidden, movable island in the Ursegan Ocean where they get converted into those expanding gems. Then, they’re going to be distributed across the world, not just to the Jenaldej Empire. The central bank wants to collapse the global precious gems market, along with every other market that depends on the gems as currency. If that happens, they can bankrupt everybody and own their land,” Jolene said.

  “Giant freighter?” Akylas asked.

  “Two thousand three hundred (2300) feet long, with eighteen (18) pairs of masts and sails. This thing should be impossible to miss, but it’s cloaked,” Jolene said.

  “Light distortion crystals can hide a ship. Fritz, can you prepare an array of crystals to penetrate the cloak? We’ll need crystals in different configurations, because we don’t know what we’re looking for,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “I could use a little bit of assistance with the design,” Fritz said.

  “Let me give you a starting point, and you can make several variations,” Pradrock said. He drank anew of the waters of the Medathero Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power of calm, rational thought. He concentrated to make several mathematical calculations and then sketched a geometric diagram using a pen and a notepad he took from his coat pocket. He handed the notepad to Fritz.

  “I’ll get to work on it,” Fritz said.

  Alonso looked over Fritz’s shoulder and copied the sketches from the notepad into his own book.


  Fritz returned to his cabin and drank anew of the waters of the Kazofen Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to manipulate crystals and stones. He opened up cabinets containing various gem stones and began to alter their low-level structures to distort light – or counter a distortion of light – in various angles, according to the geometric sketches in the notepad. Fritz made six (6) variations of these crystals, to cover different possible patterns that might be used to conceal the other vessel.


  Fritz then went back out on deck and handed a single crystal to each of Captain Pradrock, Akylas, Akantha, Jolene, and Massimo. He kept the last crystal for himself.

  “Jolene, it would also make sense to probe for the thoughts of the captain and crew of the Silver Jackal. We don’t know them, but they will know the name of their ship, and that could serve as a sign they’re passing through. This is not a guarantee, and if there is a powerful telepath on board, they might be shielded from your probing, but it offers us another chance to detect them,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “I’ll focus on that,” Jolene said. She drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of telepathy and empathy. She concentrated to detect any signs that the crew of this giant freighter was passing through the port.

  Alonso recorded all of these conversations into his book.

  “I guess sticking around here is for the best. You get to see this ship, if it passes through,” Akantha said.

  “I see with my own eyes. If the ship is cloaked, and you say that you see it, that’s not my observation – it’s yours. I can only write in my book what I witness,” Alonso said.

  Captain Pradrock held up the crystal he was given and looked through it. He saw how it twisted the light that passed through it. Alonso moved in to look through it and saw the effect.

  “You can just follow each of us around and look through the crystals when we do,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “I will, but observations made through these crystals are not as reliable, because I can’t see what the crystals are doing, at their low-level structure,” Alonso said.

  CHAPTER 47: Mixing of Fire and Poison

  Fisnik sailed the White Spruce westward across the Kazofen Ocean. The three hundred seventy (370) foot long frigate had six (6) pairs of pivoting, double-masted sails. The vessel was armed with twenty-six (26) cannons along each side. The fifty-one (51) year old man kept his eyes forward while he spoke to the woman next to him and asked: “Julija, do you see them?”

  The younger woman – Julija – drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from her vial and was energized with the powers of light and far sight. She exercised her powers and gazed westward to see the island where they were headed. “Yes, Fisnik. I see the coast of Norinivix Island. It is one hundred thirty-two (132) miles to the west. They are waiting on the docks. Governor Taulant is there, along with Jakov, Dardana and Mergim.”

  “Is there a company of soldiers, armed and ready, standing with them?” Fisnik asked.

  “No, it’s just them, and a few hundred dockworkers and a few dozen cargo captains,” Julija said.

  “Then they are not ready. We are not going to Waderav without at least five hundred (500) soldiers,” Fisnik said.

  “Tell that to the governor,” Julija said.

  “I will,” Fisnik said. He continued sailing the White Spruce westward for another hour until reaching the eastern coast of Norinivix Island. He steered the ship into the Port of Revaxinus along the coast. He maneuvered the vessel alongside a pier and then pulled levers to drop the anchor and extend the boarding ramp.

  “I will greet them,” Julija said. The thirty-four (34) year old woman did not believe that the governor would accept any excuse. She suspected that Taulant had ways of coercing Fisnik, even indirectly, because they answered to the same authority – General Gratien – who would insist on completing the mission.

  “Exchange all the pleasantries you wish. We’re not going until I see adequate reinforcements. If Governor Taulant disagrees, he can come into the wheelhouse and speak with me,” Fisnik said.


  Julija exited the wheelhouse and went out onto the deck of the White Spruce. She walked toward the top of the boarding ramp as Governor Taulant stepped on board, followed by Jakov, Dardana and Mergim.

  “Governor Taulant, I am pleased to see you,” Julija said.

  “I am not pleased to be here, Julija. However, after some consideration of the risks, I felt it necessary to personally supervise this mission and render my services to ensure it is carried out correctly,” Governor Taulant said.

  “I assured the governor that I had everything I needed without requiring his presence on site, but I am pleased that he is available,” Jakov said.

  “Dardana, you look uncomfortable,” Julija said.

  “She’s very uncomfortable. Dardana was hoping to have a company of properly trained soldiers available to serve under her command and follow us,” M
ergim said.

  “Speak to Fisnik about that,” Julija said.

  “We have a problem, Governor. I’ve already probed his thoughts. Fisnik is not going to agree to travel to Waderav without at least five hundred (500) soldiers as reinforcements,” Mergim said.

  “We will have to explain the situation to him,” Governor Taulant said. He walked across the deck and entered the wheelhouse. Julija, Dardana, Jakov and Mergim all followed.

  “Fisnik, we have all that we need to go to Waderav,” Governor Taulant said.

  “Except for the reinforcements, Governor,” Fisnik said.

  “Jakov has promised us protection,” Governor Taulant said.

  “Yes, I did promise, and I will deliver,” Jakov said.

  “Are there soldiers? Are they hidden within the darkness? If so, Julija should be able to see them. Can you?” Fisnik asked.

  “I see nothing new hidden in the darkness,” Julija said.

  “They are hidden, but not in the darkness. You have no idea of the sheer power and number of the reinforcements we carry with us,” Jakov said. He held up the staff with the lapis lazuli at the tip and tilted it toward Fisnik.

  “You brought a single weapon against the robber barons in Waderav?” Fisnik asked.

  “And a single trained warrior. Dardana is highly skilled. She is a Nabavodel water drinker and fierce in battle. She is more than capable of protecting this small group for the duration of this brief mission,” Jakov said.

  “The dukes and barons and counts have tens of thousands of soldiers under their command. I am not going to take your word that a single warrior, however well trained and equipped, can confront or resist them,” Fisnik said.

  “The staff contains extraordinary energies which will be more than adequate to fend off any attacking army. You need only take us to the destination, Fisnik. Chart a return course and remain on board the White Spruce while we do the work. If there is any difficulty, you will be at the wheel, ready to get us out quickly,” Jakov said.

  “You trust his plan, Governor?” Fisnik asked.

  “Yes. Jakov has given me his assurance of defense. I am here to ensure the acquisition is successful,” Governor Taulant said.

  “You seem afraid, Fisnik. Certainly, Etalpalli will protect you. He is hiding in the darkness right now. I sense his thoughts. He won’t let any harm befall you, because you’ve paid him so generously,” Mergim said.

  “What are the coordinates of this location?” Fisnik asked.

  Governor Taulant reached into his coat pocket and produced the decryption lens and the cryptic note. “The coordinates are written in a secret code. Look through this lens to decipher it,” he said. Taulant then handed the note and the lens to Fisnik.

  Fisnik looked through the lens to decipher the cryptic writing on the note. “That’s right near the Pika-Huojin Lava River. That fact alone makes this a dangerous trip,” he said.

  “The lava river is no threat to us or to the ship at a distance of fifty (50) feet away. It flows toward the continent’s center, in Cinder Valley,” Governor Taulant said.

  “Even if I agree to chart a course and take you there, I am leaving at the first sign of trouble, and you had best be on this ship,” Fisnik said.

  “I can see enemy movements at a range of over one hundred thirty (130) miles,” Julija said.

  “Good, Julija. You will keep us all informed long before any difficulty arrives,” Jakov said.

  “Are you satisfied with our preparations, Fisnik, or do we have to debate this for hours and days?” Governor Taulant asked.

  “Your preparations do not convince me, Governor. However, I am confident in both my lookout and my personal hidden guard. For those reasons, I’ll agree, but I don’t agree to stay should anything happen or any danger approach,” Fisnik said.

  “Can we please leave immediately, Fisnik?” Governor Taulant asked in a tone of voice that clearly indicated he was annoyed.

  “Yes, Governor,” Fisnik said. He drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. He concentrated to learn their paths and positions. From this information, he charted a course to the destination at the coordinates he saw through the lens. Fisnik pulled levers to retract the boarding ramp and raise the anchor. He then steered the White Spruce out of the port and sailed it westward across the Kazofen Ocean until reaching the Road of Kovoxotu land bridge. At that point, he pulled levers to pivot the sails and the masts to the sides of the ship and elevated it to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the vessel across the land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Zovvin Ocean. From there, he sailed the ship westward until reaching the Way of Raza’Deptorum land bridge. Again, he pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the vessel and elevated it to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the ship across the land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Gradaken Ocean. From there, Fisnik sailed the White Spruce southwestward toward the continent of Waderav. When he reached the eastern coast, he pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevated the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the vessel over land until reaching the destination – a patch of farmland just north of the Pika-Huojin Lava River. Fisnik then pulled levers to lower the ship to the ground and extend the boarding ramp.

  “Julija, refresh your powers and keep a lookout in every direction,” Fisnik said.

  Julija drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of light and far sight. She exercised her powers to gaze out one hundred thirty-seven (137) miles. She turned to look out the wheelhouse windows in every direction.

  Governor Taulant drank anew of the waters of the Kazofen Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to manipulate crystals and stones. “Jakov, Dardana, Mergim, all of you – prepare yourselves and come with me,” he said.

  Jakov drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to connect to the spirit world.

  Dardana drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of strength and speed.

  Mergim drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of telepathy and empathy.


  Governor Taulant exited the wheelhouse, followed by Jakov, Dardana and Mergim. The walked across the deck of the White Spruce and stepped down the boarding ramp onto the ground below, which was a field of dry grass interrupted by a large boulder.

  “You are quite confident in your efficiency, Governor,” Mergim said.

  “Of course I am, Mergim. Pay attention to Fisnik’s thoughts. I don’t want him leaving without us. He seems too anxious. If Julija warns him of any approaching danger, I want to have a moment’s opportunity to actually go back on board the ship,” Governor Taulant said.

  “What am I supposed to do, Governor?” Dardana asked.

  “Be strong and fast – if and when we need it, Dardana,” Governor Taulant said.

  “Perhaps we won’t, if the Governor is quick,” Jakov said.

  “I certainly intend to acquire our prize and leave quickly,” Governor Taulant said. He pressed his hands onto the western-facing side of a nearby large boulder that was sixty-seven (67) feet in diameter and that jutted up sixteen (16) feet from the ground. He analyzed its low-level structure and said: “There is an outer layer of granite, three (3) feet in thickness, and the core is made of quartz. I sense a level of energy deep within that is causing slight fluctuations in the structure of the boulder.”

  “You never said that about the lapis lazuli on the staff,” Jakov said.

  “You have no idea how much power we are dealing with here,” Governor Taulant said.

  “An army of spirits has great power,” Jakov said.

  “The crystal structure has a different geometry, and the energy contained is of a diffe
rent frequency. A raging river is quite unlike a whirlpool. Both are powerful, yet different in size and speed and the effect they have on their surroundings,” Governor Taulant said. He continued pressing on the boulder.

  “You believe that is the stellar core?” Mergim asked.

  “I am testing for that. It is definitely something powerful,” Governor Taulant said. He moved to the eastern side of the boulder and pressed on it, molding its low-level structure.

  Three (3) pulses of bright green light erupted from the eastern side of the boulder.

  The first pulse of green light incinerated Governor Taulant instantly. Dardana screamed.

  “He’s dead! We have to leave!” Mergim said.

  Jakov reached into the spirit world to capture the soul of Taulant, and was able to ensnare him in the lapis lazuli. “I have his spirit!” he said.

  “What good is that to us?” Dardana asked.

  “We can consult with him, and add the power of his soul to that which the staff already contains,” Jakov said.

  “We can’t complete this mission without his stone and crystal manipulation powers, in the flesh,” Mergim said.

  A second pulse of green light was so hot that the dry grass caught fire and the blaze headed toward the White Spruce.

  “The field’s on fire! Run!” Dardana said. She sprinted toward the White Spruce – fifty (50) feet away – and managed to get on board before Jakov or Mergim could run even five (5) feet.


  On board the White Spruce, Julija saw the release of dangerous energy and shrieked. “There’s a fire! Taulant’s dead! The fire’s coming this way!”

  Fisnik pulled levers to retract the boarding ramp and elevated the ship to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the vessel away at full speed.

  Dardana entered the wheelhouse and said: “Sorry! You were right not to trust them!”

  “I know,” Fisnik said.


  The third pulse of green light streaked eastward across Waderav, then over the Gradaken Ocean, and struck a mountain at the center of an island. The sides of the mountain collapsed and the magma within was heated and agitated intensely, leading to a powerful eruption. It spewed ash and fire, and lava flowed down its sides.


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