Billionaires in New York Boxed Set: Billionaires in the City Books 1-3

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Billionaires in New York Boxed Set: Billionaires in the City Books 1-3 Page 37

by Laura Burton

  Mandy adjusted her pink scarf, the bangles on her arms jangled, and she fluttered her giant false lashes at him.

  “I am very intuitive,” she murmured. “I have a super power. Do you want to know what it is?”

  David shifted uncomfortably in his chair and looked wildly around the room for an escape. He briefly made eye contact with Joffrey, who stood resolutely by the door. Giving a curt nod, Joffrey responded with a small smile.

  “Oh, sure…,” David said, wondering how quickly he could get out of this situation. From the moment Mandy walked into the secluded dining room, a flume of sickly-sweet perfume flooded the place. It was as if hands were draped around David’s neck, squeezing the air out of his lungs.

  Mandy leaned forward, with her ample bosom pressed against the table, and stared wide-eyed at David as if offering confession.

  “I can read auras,” she breathed. Garlic fumes floated through the air as she spoke, his nostrils flared instinctively.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  Mandy sat back in her chair and surveyed David with look of total seriousness. “You are the kind of guy with a big heart, you know, and even though you have bags of money, you’re totally down-to-earth,” Mandy said with her Bronx accent.

  “You can tell that by reading my aura?”

  The waiter returned with their drinks and silently placed them on the dinner table. Mandy ignored him and nodded fervently at David with a dramatic smile.

  “We have a connection you know. I felt it as soon as I laid eyes on you.” David nonchalantly shifted his gaze to Joffrey, who smirked.

  Firing him tonight.

  “You did?” he asked faintly as he took a sip of his drink. “Well, I don’t really know anything about you, perhaps—”

  “I thought you’d never ask about me!’ Mandy exclaimed gleefully; her blue eyes flashed as she smiled up at the ceiling. “I’m a Gemini, and I have my own business selling crystals. I offer life coaching too.”

  “Oh, interesting,” David said politely.

  Mandy nodded appreciatively at him as if she were accepting an Oscar.

  “I couldn’t be where I am today without my cat.”

  “Your… cat?”

  Mandy pulled out her phone; the back was bedazzled and twinkled in the candlelight.

  “Sparkles, he got me through some very dark times.” She thumbed through her pictures before holding it out for David to see. What he saw was the grumpiest-looking cat he had ever laid eyes on.

  “Isn’t he the best?” Mandy said. David looked to see her eyes tearing up. He wanted to cry as well… for different reasons.

  “He really helped me go through a nasty divorce.” Mandy sighed as she put her phone away. David swallowed and shifted his weight in the creaky chair.

  “You’ve been married?” he asked, glancing at his watch. It seemed like an eternity had passed since they ordered food, when in fact, it had only been ten minutes. Mandy tilted her head to side and shrugged.

  “I’ve been married a few times. It’s hard to find a guy to really commit, you know? And a lot of men find my success intimidating,” she simpered, pouting her oversized lips at him.

  David held his breath as an awkward silence followed.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Marks.”

  Startled, David looked up at Joffrey.

  Mandy twirled her hair as she looked up at him curiously.

  “I apologize for the interruption, but I’ve just received word that they need you to call the office.” Joffrey’s nostrils flared as he spoke. David knew he was lying, and considered giving him a raise.

  “I’m so sorry, Mandy, I’ll just be a moment.” The chair scraped across the floor as he got to his feet. Mandy shrugged and pulled out her phone again as David followed Joffrey out of the room.

  “You took your time,” David murmured to him once the door closed behind them.

  “Sorry, sir,” Joffrey said. David couldn’t tell if he truly was sorry, though he thought not as his guard tried suppressing a laugh.

  “What do you want to do?” Joffrey asked as he scratched the red bristles of his beard.

  “Go in there and apologize for me. Say I had to go, um… you can eat my food and—”

  “What? I’m not having dinner with her!” Joffrey whispered frantically; his wide eyes were full of fear.

  “I can’t leave her on her own! Besides, you love sushi. And hey, maybe you two will find something in common?”

  “I’m allergic to cats,” Joffrey said frankly.

  “Well, luckily I’m not paying you to take her home.” David clapped a hand on the shoulder of his suit jacket.

  “I’m not—”

  “Isn’t it your job to protect me from people?”

  “But, if I’m in there with her, who’s going to—”

  David raised his finger and smiled.

  “Robert is waiting outside,” he whispered triumphantly. He gave him a hard look and bit the inside of his cheek.

  “Do this for me, please.”

  The two men stood in the cramped hall to the sushi restaurant having a silent staring contest. After a few moments, Joffrey blew out his breath and his shoulders slumped in defeat.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You can call me David, you know.”

  Joffrey laughed.

  “Tell you what, I’ll go in with you and say goodbye.” David clapped him on the shoulder again and the two men strolled back into the room.

  David paced the bedroom of his penthouse suite as he replayed the conversation he had with Emily. It had been a long week since their meeting. He had been on several dates since then, each one more disastrous than the other. He couldn’t figure it out. Emily was the best matchmaker in the city, or so Harold said. He had to see her again, he’d already wasted time… time he didn’t have. In theory, this plan was going to be easy.

  But then he met Emily; a confident, gorgeous woman, who was also from England! The way she blushed when she dropped the pen on the floor… and tried to pick it up discretely. Her sleek dark hair reached the small of her back, right where her waist narrowed. How could he tell her that she was exactly the type of person he would want to date? How could he persuade her to be with him within the deadline? David swallowed against the dryness in his mouth and coughed.

  Snap out of it.

  He hatched a plan and picked up his phone.

  “Find My Companion, Jaqueline speaking,” a sing-song voice echoed out of the speakers in the room.

  “Yes, hello. This is David Marks. I need to speak to Emily Stewart.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Marks. Ms. Stewart left the office an hour ago, can I assist you?”

  “You can have her give me a call, it’s urgent.”’

  “Of course. Ms. Stewart will be in touch as soon as possible.” David threw his phone on the king-size bed and cracked his knuckles as he kicked off his designer shoes. What was he planning to say?

  “Hi Emily, so these women you’ve set me up with are crazy. Are you single?” He shook his head and laughed at the ludicrous thought. Before he could gather his thoughts, the phone vibrated on his bed.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be on a date right now?” Emily’s musical voice flooded the room after David answered the call.

  “About that,” he said frankly. Already, his irritation was fading just hearing Emily speak.

  “Oh dear, don’t tell me you’ve left poor Mandy all alone, have you?”

  “I didn’t. Joffrey is having dinner with her,” David admitted, sheepishly.

  “Your bodyguard is on a date with Mandy? That sounds like a great movie premise.” She laughed. The sound was so much more charming than David expected it to be.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Your dates have to sign a non-disclosure agreement before they find out who they are meeting. Your secret will be safe.”

  “Honest question, do you think Mandy is the type of woman who would care about legalities?”

  “I think she is th
e type of woman who has a lot of experience in the courtroom.” Behind Emily’s professionalism, David sensed a hint of amusement.

  “So, you knew she was married?”

  “Yes, is that a problem?”

  “Three times. That’s a red flag, yes.” David sighed and rubbed the back of his neck with frustration.

  “Why? I’m sure she would be open to signing a prenup.”

  “I’m not looking to have just any wife! I’m concerned you’re not really—”

  “Not what?”

  David swallowed at the strength in her voice, then paced the room again. A rustling sound interrupted his thoughts and the doorbell rang; the sound ricocheted off the walls of his penthouse.

  “Hold on, please,” he said as he put Emily on hold. He marched across the suite and opened the door.

  “Evening, Mr. Marks. I made sure the chef cooked the steak rare for you.”

  David smiled and nodded as the portly man walked through the doorway pushing a trolley laden with food.

  “Thank you, Joseph.”

  “Is there anything else I can get for you, Mr. Marks?”

  “No, Joseph, thank you.”

  “Give me a call, anytime.”

  The door closed behind him. David lifted up the domed silver cloche covering his dinner. The mouth-watering aroma of meat juices flooded his senses. His stomach rumbled in response.

  “Are you hungry?” David asked after he took Emily off hold.

  “Hungry? That’s the last thing I thought you would say to me.”

  “Well, I’m looking at a steak dinner that’s big enough for two here, and I hate to eat alone.”

  “Are you asking me to come over?”

  “Well, it looks like I need to be clearer about what it is I want in a woman.” David couldn’t stop himself from smiling.

  “Oh, I see. This is a business meeting.”

  He sensed she was warming to the idea.

  “With chocolate fudge cake, indeed.” David instinctively licked his lips as he anticipated Emily’s reply.

  “As it is, I haven’t had dinner yet. Send across your address and—”

  “If you give me yours, I’ll have a car come and get you,” David offered. Henry, his driver knew the best routes to get across town in optimal time. There was also something about Emily being in his car that excited him.

  “They’re not going to blindfold me and make me swear not to tell anyone where you live, are they?”

  “Who is ‘they’?” David laughed as he poured a drink.

  “I don’t know… you know what I mean.” Emily laughed too.

  That laugh again! What a wonderful sound.

  “All right, sending the address now. I hope that steak is well-done. I hate the sight of blood.”

  David hung up the phone grinning to himself and looked down at his watch. The night was still young and dangerous ideas were starting to brew.

  Chapter Three

  A Change of Plan

  Emily stared at the stack of bank statements lying on the kitchen table to her small apartment. Living in New York was exorbitant and truth be told, it would make financial sense to live in New Jersey. It would also make sense to shop at the designer outlets, rather than on Fifth Ave. Emily had mastered the art of putting up appearances long ago. From the very first day she arrived in New York, with just $200 in her fake Gucci wallet and her sister’s hand-me-down designer clothes… she knew she needed to use smoke and mirrors to “get to the top” of the food chain.

  She placed a pink candle in one of the cupcakes she ordered from her favorite bakery and closed her eyes.

  “Happy ten-year anniversary,” she whispered aloud. It was ten years to the day since she first arrived in New York to set up her business, Find My Companion. It had been labor of love. And now it was a local “hot spot” for wealthy singletons to find their soul mates. Or, a date for an upcoming event. A lot of her clients were celebrities; actors, NBA players, the occasional Wall Street journalist. Word of mouth brought new business in, but keeping up with the image of a money-rich, successful company hit Emily’s platinum cards hard. What did she have to show for it? Matthew’s words echoed around her mind like a tin can rolling down an empty alleyway. What do you know about love?

  A full week had passed since that conversation with the investor. Emily’s new plan was going perfectly well. David had endured several dates that did not turn out as well as he hoped. He was primed and ready to be introduced to the allure stage of her plan. All she needed to do was convince David that she was perfect for him. Once they were officially together, she would call the investors, open up her business in LA, and move to the sunny state of California.

  She needed a fresh start. Moving to LA was just as much about being by the sea as it was about expanding her business. Was she going for domination in the match-making world? No. She just needed to get out of the city and be free from the debts dragging her down. With the raving success of her LA office, she’ll be debt-free. Then she could let David go, to find his true love, and she’ll live happily ever after… alone. Or maybe she’d get a little dog to carry around in her handbag.

  With the vision clear in her mind, Emily opened her eyes and blew out the candle. At precisely the same moment, her phone rang.

  The dark of night blanketed across the city, illuminated by embers of light from the streetlamps, and blurred by the pouring rain. Emily strained her eyes to catch a glimpse of an approaching vehicle as she waited under the covered doorway.

  After a few anxious minutes, the damp, cold evening air chilled Emily to the bone. A black limousine pulled up beside her.

  A short gentleman, wearing a full black tux and carrying an umbrella got out of the driver’s side and walked over to Emily.

  “Ms. Stewart.” He touched the front of his driver’s hat. “I am Henry,” he said, holding out his arm for her to take.

  Emily slid her arm through the crook of his elbow and clutched onto the cotton jacket, careful not to snag the fabric with her long, painted nails.

  At close proximity, Emily could see lines along his forehead and greying sideburns sticking out from under his hat.

  “Nice to meet you,” Emily said as politely as she could. Henry opened up an oversized umbrella and held it above their heads as they walked across the path to the limousine.

  “Mr. Marks is expecting you.” He opened the door and Emily stooped down to enter.

  Emily had been in a limousine before, on more than one occasion, in fact. But this was not just a limousine with fancy leather interior and champagne glasses propped up on little tables. This limousine had two large armchairs facing a flat screen TV with an expensive-looking surround sound system.

  “Oh, this is fancy!” Emily said as she sidled past the minibar and collapsed into the armchair. The leather squeaked as it stretched to support her weight and cushioned her slim frame.

  “New car?” she asked Henry, his head appeared in the doorway as he bent over to smile at her.

  “Quite new.”

  Emily nodded with approval as she looked at her surroundings. “It’s got that new car smell.” She flashed Henry a charming smile; he nodded and closed the door. No expenses were spared on the interior, Emily noted as she eyed the plush carpeted flooring and the piano black marble edging.

  The engine started and only the sound of a faint rumble entered the cabin. As the limousine pulled away, Emily settled back into her comfy seat and fastened the seat belt.

  “This is luxury,” she said aloud and proceeded to daydream for the entire journey. As the car came to a gentle stop, Emily peered through the dark glass.

  The Marks Hotel towered over the city street.

  Of course, David is staying here, Emily mused. She craned her neck to look up at the building. It looked like a venetian palace with decorative pillars along the front. It stood out in the contemporary streets of New York. Such was the Marks Hotel brand. Anyone would know a Marks Hotel based on the architecture alone.
  Robert stood with his hands clasped together and waited for Emily by the front doors. He inclined his head at her as she approached.

  “Hello Robert,” Emily said as he held open the glass door for her to enter. Emily walked inside with her head held high and shoulders back. She knew the game… the expectations.

  “Ms. Stewart,” he said in acknowledgement.

  Do I hear a hint of disdain in his voice?

  “Please call me Emily,” she offered graciously.

  Robert offered a small smile in return. They walked along the marble flooring in silence and turned to a doorway that looked like it led to a service area.

  Robert held up his wrist to a black electronic pad on the side of the door. At the sound of a click, the heavy door swung open and he stood beside it, patiently waiting.

  Emily peered through before taking a step. It wasn’t a dirty alleyway, nor a service cupboard, but a private room with a red Persian rug overlaying a gold-colored carpet. A set of French chairs and brocade couches were assembled around the rug and a glass coffee table stood in the center. A set of golden doors hung proudly to the right.

  “If you follow me, I’ll take you up to Mr. Marks,” Robert said formally as he strolled over to the golden doors. He held up his wrist to a scanner and a shrill ping filled the air. The double doors opened up to an elevator.

  Cool. Very cool.

  Emily concealed a grin with her hand as she waltzed into the elevator.

  “So, Robert, how long have you been bodyguarding David?’ Emily said in an attempt to strike up a friendly conversation.

  Bodyguarding? What the heck? Why did I say that?

  She grinned sheepishly at Robert, who remained silent as the elevator started to move. The heavy silence in the air indicated David’s bodyguards like to keep a professional distance. With her at least. Point taken, she remained quiet as the elevator slowly made its way up to the top floor. Interestingly, there was only one button; it had a picture of a house engraved on it.

  The elevator pinged and the golden plated doors rolled back to reveal a small white lobby. Emily walked up to the white door and looked back to see Robert still standing in the elevator.


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