Blood Moon (A Louisiana Demontale): Book 1 of the Crescent Crown Saga

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Blood Moon (A Louisiana Demontale): Book 1 of the Crescent Crown Saga Page 20

by Schuyler Windham

  “And please do.” Arachne smiled. “We are also grateful for your camaraderie. Freedom suits you.”

  Aziza stretched as she stood and shook the grass and flower petals from her fur. Eshe stepped back with wide eyes.

  “May we cross paths once more.” Aziza bowed her head toward the group. She turned and pressed her nose to Eshe’s forehead. Then she unfurled her wings and sprang into the air.

  “Utterly fascinating . . .” Saint-Germain marveled at the sphinx soaring across the skies of New Orleans. Then he clapped his hands together, making everyone jump. “So! You’ve got the crown, but were unable to procure the sword and the sceptre.”

  Leo and Monette nodded, somewhat ashamed. Arachne put her hands on her hips.

  “Look, we got the crown. Isn’t that good enough?”

  “No.” Monette frowned. “We need all three relics to perform the implementing spell which will initiate ownership to you.”

  “Well, if the relics weren’t in the Tomb of the Fallen, they have to be somewhere.”

  “True.” Saint Germain smiled weakly. “But they could be anywhere.”

  “Perhaps Eshe could perform a locator spell?” Arachne supplied. “We couldn’t perform one before without a piece of what we were looking for. But now that we have the crown, these relics are made from the same materials, or at least magically bound together. The spell might work.”

  “We could at least try?” Leo shrugged.

  “This is ancient magic. Protective concealing magic most likely shrouds these relics.” Eshe shook her head somberly.

  “Like how the sphinx can conceal herself?” Leo wondered.

  “Yes, and much more powerful.”

  “Worth a try,” Arachne scoffed.

  “We have until the next celestial event to find the relics, or we miss our soonest opportunity,” Monette spoke up. Leo and Arachne gaped at her. Saint-Germain and Eshe nodded soberly. “The ceremony should take place on the next blood moon . . .”

  “A double blood moon,” Saint-Germain interjected.

  “Yes—a double blood moon,” Monette agreed. “The soonest celestial event is a lunar eclipse in October.”

  “The month of the blood moon,” Arachne murmured. “A blood moon eclipse . . .”

  Eshe walked from the grass and up the steps, her gaze intense on them all. “But the poem Monette translated requires the heirs of the winter moon and summer sun.”

  “What, pray tell, does that mean?” Saint-Germain asked nervously.

  Eshe looked to Monette, who shrugged.

  “We have time to figure it out,” Arachne said briskly.

  “Of course! Please, remain in the Magnolia Mansion as my guests for safety in the meantime,” Saint-Germain welcomed them inside. “We can better guard the crown from those who would want to steal it, and keep an eye on Leo and Monette. Until we activate the spell and bind Arachne to it, we cannot guarantee its possession.” He led them through the mansion and to his study. Once there, he pulled a book from the shelf and it slid open to reveal a safe. He held out his hand.

  “Are we sure we want to put it in there?” Leo raised his eyebrows. “Is that so secure?”

  Keres crossed her arms over her chest, pressing her rose red lips tight together, not saying a word.

  “My dear Leo! I have a state-of-the-art safe. The only people who will know the combination are myself and dear Arachne.”

  Leo sighed as Arachne handed the glowing crown to Saint-Germain. He inspected it closely and then carefully placed it in the safe, locking the door into place.

  “Now.” Saint-Germain clapped his hands together joyfully. “It’s time for a celebratory dinner!”

  The feast reminded Leo of a Cajun last supper. Red wine in gold-rimmed glasses punctuated the table, surrounded by garnished fried catfish and blackened gulf fish sprinkled with Cajun spices, charbroiled oysters smothered in butter and Gruyère cheese, artisanal sourdough bread, roasted garlic green beans, courtbouillon, frenched rack of lamb, au gratin potatoes, crawfish étouffée, trout amandine, and crème brûlée for dessert.

  Saint-Germain announced each guest as they bowed and entered the dining area. But the real treat was welcoming Arachne to the long table, surrounded by her friends and allies. Leo gasped when she strolled into the dining room, her head held high. Ferocious applause erupted from the table. Her rose gold hair in soft ringlets, decorated with a single elegant braid at her temple, cascaded down her back. She wore a flowing white dress with intricate patterns across her midriff and silver high heels. A sterling and pearl headband glowed golden under the chandelier lights to accent. The amethyst heart pendant Leo had given her hung above her breasts, contoured with the sweetheart cut of her white dress.

  Leo blushed when he saw her and tried not to stare. He grinned as he pulled out the chair at the head of the table for her. He leaned over to murmur in her ear, “You are . . . absolutely stunning.”

  She blushed, a small smile on her pink lips, and sat down. Leo took his seat at her right hand across from Saint-Germain. Leo gazed up and down the table at the strange gathering, thinking back to how the Casquette Sisters were released, and Ulric’s words about a dark force working against them. Any of these people could be loyal allies, Leo considered. Or they could betray us.

  Monette sat to his right, with Eshe across from her. Next after Eshe and Monette sat Keres and Vrykos. Keres wore a scarlet red dress and a heavy gold and ruby amulet. Her ebony hair was thrown into an elaborate updo. Vrykos sported a gentleman’s coat and scarf, his wolflike ears alert and a bored expression on his pointed face.

  Next sat the butterfly and frog demons. Chio Akuma, who wore an ornate silk robe of colorful butterflies, sat daintily, her hands serenely in her lap. She tucked her translucent rainbow wings politely behind her poised back. Bael sat across from Chio and incessantly blew her kisses throughout the dinner. Chio’s eyes narrowed and she looked away, refusing to make eye contact with him. Instead, she waved a silk fan in front of her face. The last spaces at the end of the table were filled by vampire Josephine, the Mayor’s chief of staff representing the humans, who twitched nervously in his seat throughout the dinner, and Madame Serafine, representing her coven. The seats reserved for Marceline and Ulric remained empty.

  Saint-Germain lightly tapped a knife to his wine glass. The pure tone rang out through the chandeliered hall.

  “Welcome friends,” he shouted jovially. “We are here this evening to celebrate the excavation of an ancient regalia, which harkens the dawn of Madame Arachne’s reign over creatures of the night, Lilith’s Crescent Crown of Stars.” A low murmuring erupted at the table.

  “Ahem . . . your attention please!”

  The table slowly quieted, and Saint-Germain continued. “Madame Arachne, joined by Leonidas and Monette Gaumond, bravely faced the trials of the Assyrian guardians in the Tomb of the Fallen and took into their possession the Crescent Crown of Stars.”

  Arachne then stood at the head of the table, her wine glass cupped in her hand. Everyone watched her intently. She took a few breaths and waited as the silence to morph into anticipation.

  “For over a millennia, I have watched helplessly as creatures of the night were without leadership and humans without protection. With the Crescent Crown, we will unify under a new era of peace and prosperity, under a Queendom of Night. Thank you for joining me in this endeavor to build a new regime.” Arachne raised her wine glass. “To the Queendom of Night!”

  The table raised their glasses and echoed her. “To the Queendom of Night!”

  The guests feasted on blood wine and the accoutrements, laughing at stories retold from centuries prior. Leo competed with Eshe to eat the most food, but in the end, he couldn’t win. She devoured everything which crossed her path. Monette rolled her eyes and smirked at the two of them, but she was somewhat distracted during the meal herself. Leo noticed her making eyes at Keres, who quirked an eyebrow back at her curiously. Leo tapped Monette’s foot with his own, and she ga
ve him a sideways look. He raised his eyebrows at her, and she shrugged like she didn’t understand what he was trying to say.

  “Keres!” Leo suddenly called across the table. “What a lovely amulet.”

  Keres turned her face like a bird about to strike a worm, but fought away a steely glare.

  “Thank you, Leo.” She forced a smile as she touched her fingers to the gold amulet with rubies encrusted at the center in the shape of an hourglass. “It was a gift.”

  Monette cleared her throat awkwardly and took a sip of wine. Leo followed suit, but gulped his down, letting the warmth spread through his limbs. Yes, it wasn’t over, but they were close. He felt pride that they had triumphed over these challenges. And he felt it in his bones that they could be victorious, that humans could be safe and creatures of the night reordered. He let these feelings rule rather than the uneasiness of unknowing . . . A mysterious demon was trying to thwart everything they built. The sword and sceptre were still missing. And what did the prophecy mean? Would they even be able to access the magic for a coronation?

  As everyone left for the evening, whether for the rooms or their homes, they shook hands with or embraced Arachne, congratulating her and wishing her well.

  “Goodnight, Leo.” Madame Serafine smiled warmly as she strolled out of the room with the Mayor’s chief of staff. Leo nodded and smiled faintly at her, and then pulled Monette aside to whisper in her ear.

  “There is a traitor among us.”

  “How are you so sure?” Monette frowned. “What proof do you have?”

  Leo crossed his arms over his chest. “Why would these demons align themselves with Arachne? I’m pretty sure spiders eat butterflies, and frogs and bats could eat spiders. None of that makes any sense. Also, Keres is not a big fan of me. And definitely stay away from Saint-Germain.”

  “Leo!” Monette protested.

  “Shh . . .” Leo whispered. “He knew this was sensitive information, and yet he immediately told everyone. Shortly after that is when you got attacked . . .”

  “Because you led the vampires to the library,” Monette scoffed.

  “Okay, but someone released the Casquette Sisters.”

  “I won’t flirt with Keres if she doesn’t like you. Though I super don’t appreciate being told who I can and can’t see romantically.”

  Leo tried to interject. But Monette spat, “But. Saint-Germain is my friend. We really connected over the prophecy translation, and I trust him. I don’t care what you think of him. You might as well put Eshe on trial, too, while you’re at it.” She glowered up at him.

  Leo wavered, uncertain.

  “You’re getting paranoid. I’m worried about you,” Monette sighed. “Just chill.” She gave him a reassuring squeeze on his arm and strolled past toward the hallway. Leo then gazed over at where Keres stood with Arachne. Keres murmured something in Arachne’s ear, which made her giggle, and then Keres swiftly kissed Arachne on her cheek.

  “Goodnight.” Arachne grinned back and waved. She turned toward Leo and flashed him a warm smile.

  “Well, ready to go back to our new home?” Arachne led the way up the great hall stairs and to their room. She unlocked the door with a bronze key, and Leo held the door open for her.

  “So . . .” Leo closed the door behind them. It had been a long day of preparations and moving some of their belongings over to the Magnolia Mansion. Saint-Germain insisted on paying their rent in the meantime. But a question had been gnawing at Leo since Jerusalem. “What’s up with Indiana Jones?”

  A scowl crept on Arachne’s face. Leo waited, crossing his arms over his chest. The wine was going to his head, but he refused to let this one go. Arachne sighed and shook her head slowly.

  “He’s an old flame . . .”

  “Yeah, real old!”

  “Will you let me finish?” She pouted. Leo nodded tentatively. “Around 40 years ago, Cliff was a hot-shot vampire hunter. He ravaged the vampire population, including any other creatures of the night which crossed his path. He even slayed a few demons. He realized if he killed the demon, their progeny would die with them.”

  “Wait, what?”

  Arachne gave him a look and he snapped his mouth shut.

  “So he was eager to kill me, because it would take care of all the vampires for him. Easy enough . . . or so he thought.” Arachne bit her lip. “The thing is, demons are difficult to kill. Yes, he slayed a few lowly, dim-witted demons, but he’d never dealt with someone like myself. And truth be told, as he chased me across the world, only to be foiled time and time again, things got . . . heated. Eventually, he left for other adventures and we forgot each other. I haven’t seen him in forty years.”

  “Is that the last time . . . ?”

  “I . . . ? Arachne peered up at him curiously. “Oh . . . yes.”

  “Forty years? And with him?!”

  “It doesn’t seem so long ago to me . . .”

  “Like six months is the blink of an eye?”


  “Well, six months feels like forty years to me,” Leo laughed.

  “No doubt.” Arachne rolled her eyes. Leo leaned in and pecked her on the cheek. She turned and kissed him fully on the lips. Then she pulled him in close, kissing him more deeply. Leo wrapped his fingers around the tendrils of her hair and looped his other hand around her waist, where the soft white fabric flared to accentuate her golden, sun-tanned legs.

  She trailed kisses down his neck. He shivered, and his heart skipped a beat as she began to unbutton his shirt. She breathed in sharply as she peered at his abdomen.

  “You have been working out!” She smiled and traced her fingers along the abs peeking from his umber-brown stomach.

  “It’s a lot of work and it’s slow progress.” He shrugged.

  “Well . . . I’m impressed.”

  “And you . . . are absolutely angelic in this dress,” Leo grinned and felt the fabric of her skirt. She blushed and opened her mouth to retort, but before she could, he scooped her up into his arms. She laughed as they fell to the bed together. Their eyes met, and she smiled softly up at him.

  “I’m ready,” she breathed.

  Leo raised his eyebrows. “You sure?”

  “I feel . . . relieved.” She nodded.

  “Maybe I should have invested in a hat and whip.”

  Arachne giggled and rolled her eyes. “I had sex with him because it was meaningless. I am hesitant with you because . . . you’re worth more. I don’t want to hurt you. And because of who, because of what I am . . . ”

  “Just be gentle, then.” A devilish smile touched Leo’s lips and he winked.

  “Not like that,” she laughed and then bit her lip. “I care about you.”

  “I know . . .” he murmured, his fingers caressing her cheek.

  “What you said down there . . . how you were loyal to me . . . No one has ever said that before.”

  Leo swept a strand of hair from her face.

  “Well, it’s true.” He smiled. “I am yours.”

  She closed her eyes and breathed a small sigh. Then she edged closer to him and pressed her lips to his. He stroked her hair and traced his fingers over her dress, from her hips to her breast. The scent of warm honey enveloped him. He loved the way she smelled, the way she felt . . .

  “You are perfection,” he murmured as his fingers found the zipper at the back of the dress. He gently tugged it down, and the dress loosened around her shoulders and breasts. She sat up and pulled the dress off, throwing it across the room. He leaned back as she crawled over to him, his groin beginning to strain against his pants. Arachne peppered kisses down his torso and stomach, and then deftly unzipped his pants, pulling them down over his legs. She softly rubbed his hardening cock through his underwear. Leo groaned, and she flashed a sly smile as she tugged them off.

  Then he wrapped his arms around her and flipped her so she was on her back. He kissed her, one hand in her hair and the other tenderly squeezing her breast. She moaned in pleasur
e as his hand wandered down her stomach. He swirled two fingers inside her, and she gasped.

  “Leo.” She gripped his arms and bit her lip.

  “You’re already so wet . . .” he leaned down and kissed her deeply, fucking her slowly with his fingers. Her back arched up so her breasts pressed against his chest. He whispered in her ear, “What do you want? What do you need?”

  “You . . .” she breathed. “Your cock. Please, fuck me.”

  He gently swirled his fingers out of her and then around her clitoris.

  “Ah!” she moaned.

  “You sure you’re ready?” His stomach pitched in anticipation.

  “Yes, please,” she begged. His cock was hard and ready as he hovered over her hips. She hooked a leg around his ass and pressed down.

  “Hey!” he teased. “You’re a little antsy.”

  She winked up at him and stuck her tongue out. He flashed her a devilish grin, and then slid his cock inside her. She moaned, relaxing into the bed. He gasped at how warm and wet she felt around him. He leaned over, cradling her torso and head in his arms as he thrust into her.

  Arachne moaned into his ear as he buried himself as deep as he could inside her. Her fingers dug into his back, and she moved her hips to the rhythm of his. For months he had flirted and wooed her, culminating in this moment. She was vulnerable in his arms. She trusted him. She felt like pure bliss around him.

  “I am dedicated to you,” he murmured. Her breath hitched, and with a few more deep thrusts, he felt her vibrate in pleasure around him.

  “Leo!” she gasped. He picked up his pace for a moment and then slowed way down, swirling his hips. She moaned, digging her fingers harder in his back. “Ah!”

  “Yeah?” he slowly thrust deeper inside her. “I want to feel you come around me again . . . Arachne . . . Come for me . . .”

  Her hips flexed up to meet his, and he felt how hot and wet she was around him. “L . . . e . . . o . . .” she groaned. Finally she collapsed under him in pleasure. He held her in his arms and fucked her until it was unbearable. He felt an eruption, and wave after wave of pleasure rippled through his release. He rested on her, gasping for air.


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