At First Sight

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by Riley Ashby












  About the Author

  This story is part of the Erotica Collective. Visit our website at to learn more.

  Also by Riley Ashby:

  Happened So Fast

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2019 by Riley Ashby

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, address:

  [email protected]

  Cover design by James,


  I was wearing an entirely inappropriate shade of pink. Well, the pink wasn’t really the problem. It was the the fact that my pink outfit happened to be a bikini. None of my coworkers were even in bathing suits—they wore shorts and tank tops at the most. This was a pool party, for goodness’ sake. Why wasn’t anyone cutting loose? For once, I didn’t think the stares I was receiving from the men in the room had as much to do with how my boobs looked as it did with how out of place I seemed.

  How was I supposed to know everyone was so boring outside of work? This was absolutely humiliating, but I wanted to make the best of it. I was here, and I needed to ingratiate myself with these people if I wanted to keep this job. I had recently started getting along with the people on my team after a rocky storming period. It took a lot to adapt to the personalities of these men and women, all so much older than me.

  I made my way over to the punch bowl, hoping to find something there to calm the anxiety in my chest. My heart sank when one sip of the red substance told me there was no alcohol in it. Maybe that was why everyone had dressed so depressingly. No booze at the company party? Unacceptable. If Sadie had come, she would back me up, but my one work friend had bailed on this party earlier in the evening.

  Sadie had been the person to flag me down at the career fair for graduating seniors at my college. She refused to let me walk away until I applied for the project manager job, even though I didn’t think I was qualified. I couldn’t believe my shock when I got an interview and then a job offer all within two weeks. While many of my friends were working part time positions, I was lucky enough to have a salary and benefits for a position I didn’t even know existed until a few weeks ago.

  Leaning against the wall, I flinched as my hip pressed into something hard. Of course! How could I forget? I stashed a hip flask in my tiny purse just in case this situation presented itself. Now to find a quiet corner where I could take a swig without being noticed.

  I jumped and turned around quickly as someone spoke in my ear. “If you don’t take chances, you might as not well be alive.”

  My eyes widened and my jaw dropped as I found myself face to face with a very bare-chested man clothed only in a Speedo. A very attractive man in a Speedo. Were abs like that even legal? I shook my head a little, forcing my eyes back to the man’s face. Finally, someone with the guts to be creative with his outfit!

  I laughed out loud and extended my hand. “So glad I’m not the only one here afraid to get a little dressed up,” I said as he took my hand in both of his with a warm, firm grasp. “I’m Amanda.”

  His blue eyes twinkled, reflecting the light bouncing off the surface of the pool. Honey-brown hair fell across the top of his forehead. “Jason. I always make it a point to be the first to get into my bathing suit at this party. No one else seems to want to let loose.”

  My head bobbed emphatically, all thoughts of my search for alcohol extinguished. “I’ve been waiting to see some of these people let their hair down, but it appears no one likes to have fun. I’m just so glad people aren’t staring at me anymore.”

  “Yes, they’re staring at us.” We laughed in unison. “I invited my mother to one of these things once, to see what would happen.”

  “And?” I leaned closer, placing my hand on his arm.

  “She spiked the punch.” His devilish grin nearly sent me over the edge with giggles again. No need for booze; I was completely loopy in this guy’s presence. Why was I acting so silly all of a sudden?

  “I bet that went over well.”

  “Like a lead balloon.” He sipped his own punch, then offered me his cup. I took a small sip and sighed happily at the sharp tang of vodka on my tongue. “But it was fun while it lasted.”

  We spoke for hours, passing his cup back and forth and ignoring the strange stares we got; the knowing glances as our voices rose in pitch the more alcohol we put back. When he pulled my hand and guided me toward the edge of the pool, I followed all too willingly, and our fingers remained intertwined as we jumped into the cool water together. We came up laughing, and some of our coworkers finally began to shed their extra layers to join us in the pool. I felt a shiver of excitement as he pulled me onto his shoulders, my legs wrapping around his neck as he lifted me up high above the water to play chicken with some of the coworkers who had seemed so stuffy only minutes before. Whoever this guy was, he really had a way of making people relax.

  At the end of the night, we leaned on each other for support as we stumbled out of the party together. He flagged down a cab on the busy street in the humid night air, but when I scooted across the bench to make room for him, he simply smiled and closed the door. Dejected, I halfheartedly returned his wave as the cab sped me towards home, alone. Well, that was embarrassing as hell. I thought we might have had something there, but now I just looked desperate. Still, when I got home, I teased myself to an orgasm with the memory of Jason’s head between my legs before falling asleep.

  Sunday morning came with a hangover, a sugar-induced stomachache, and a sinking sense of shame. Who the hell was I, inviting my coworker home with me the night of the summer party? We had only just met, and besides, we would have to work together. When we saw each other again, I’d have to muster up the courage to apologize for my behavior. I could see my mother shaking her head at me when I told her I would have to find a new job because I hit on my coworker.

  I walked to my desk on Monday with my head down, ignoring the questioning gazes of my office mates as I powered up my computer. If I could get through the day without any more embarrassing incidents, maybe whatever gossip had percolated over the weekend would die down. I chose to wear a muted maroon blouse and black pencil skirt, along with demure pantyhose and some sensible black flats. This weekend would be my last attempt to stand out with these people, no matter how much fun I’d had with Jason.

  “Doesn’t quite suit you.”

  I forced myself to raise my head slowly, but I recognized his voice right away. Jason was leaning against the wall of my cubicle, looking every inch the businessman in a sharp suit and tie held in place by a gleaming gold tie bar. He had pushed his hair back into a sensible style, not the mussed YA-hero-esque mess it had been on Saturday evening. My mouth watered at the sight of him, and I forced my lips into a tight smile.

  “Well, I’ve learned my lesson about letting loose.”

  He grinned lazily, walking towards my desk. “Is a couple of drinks with your CEO at the company party and going home alone at eleven o’clock your definition of letting loose?”

  My heart ceased beating. I had to force myself to swallow. “I’m sorry, CEO?” My mind raced back through our drunken conversations. How did I not know who he was? What
had I said to him? Had I given away anything too embarrassing, or complained too much about my job? Was he here to fire me? I said an extra prayer of thanks he hadn’t come home with me. I definitely would have needed a new job then.

  His grin was a full-on smile now. He knew I didn’t know who he was, and he was enjoying this. “Indeed. I’m sorry I haven’t been by to introduce myself yet, but it seems we needed the right catalyst. And don’t worry, you didn’t say anything too embarrassing on Saturday. Well, except for talking about how you’ve never been paintballing.”

  I hid my head in my hands. “I told you that? That’s such a lame thing. I don’t know why I even brought it up.”

  He laughed. “Well, we need to rectify this situation. Are you doing anything this weekend?”

  My mind turned blank. Why was he asking me? “Um, I don’t think so. I was probably going to binge watch all the back episodes of Riverdale.”

  Oh my God, stop telling him these things. He’s going to think you’re insane.

  “Well, I’ll pick you up at three o’clock on Saturday. There’s an indoor place across town we can try it out. How does that sound?”

  Wait, was he asking me out on the date? “You want to go paintballing? With me?”

  He nodded patiently. I had the distinct impression I looked like a cow chewing cud in a field as I stared at him.

  “Well, um … yeah. Yeah, that would be awesome.” I forced myself to smile as we exchanged phone numbers and he plugged my address into his cell phone.

  “I’ll pick you up,” he tossed over his shoulder as he disappeared among the cubicles.

  The minute he left, Sadie popped her head over the cube wall separating us. I was suddenly doubly furious she hadn’t come to the party on Saturday. If she had, I might have avoided this entire situation.

  “Did Jason Graves ask you out?” she demanded in a whisper loud enough to be heard around the entire floor. As if everyone isn’t eavesdropping already.

  “I didn’t know who he was when I flirted with him at the party.“ My head fell to the desk. I wanted the floor to swallow me up and deposit me back in bed at home, ASAP.

  “This is amazing. It’s like a romance novel. You guys are going to get married.”

  I sighed a little. Sadie had been walking around with stars in her eyes ever since she’d come back from vacation at her best friend’s childhood home. I was still scandalized at the thought of her sleeping with a man old enough to be her father the same day they were introduced. “Sadie, I just met him! I didn’t even know his last name until now!”

  “Psh.” She flipped her hand at me dismissively. “You’ll see. This is the start of the rest of your life. Enjoy every moment.”


  I was unprepared for Amanda to show up in that tiny pink bikini at the company party. Fuck, she caught me off guard. Sadie had texted to warn me I would like what I saw, but … damn. It was all I could do to turn down her offer to go home with her that night. All I wanted to do was untie the knots holding the fabric together and find out if her tiny pussy was as pink as her suit. I bet it was, and I couldn’t wait to have her legs around my head while I examined her with my lips. I had such a raging hard-on in the pool when she let me put her on my shoulders. I could feel the heat of her pussy against the back of my neck as I lifted her, and if we had been alone I would have fucked her right there in the pool, decency laws be damned. When I got home later without her by my side, I jerked off in the shower and again in bed before I was able to pass out, still hard as a rock thinking of her. As much as I’d wanted to bring her home, it was important to make sure I did everything right with this woman. If I screwed up now, I could scare her off.

  It was a nightmare to wait all week, but I eased the impatience by figuring out ways to call her to my office. I figured it wouldn’t look too weird now we had met, and she worked for me after all. She didn’t need to know I’d orchestrated her hiring personally to get her close, then told Sadie to bail on the office party so I could have her all to myself that night. I needed our first introduction to be perfect, and it had been.

  I hadn’t wanted to go to that career fair at all, but I made it a point to go to one every once in a while to keep a good face with my staff. We’d only spoken with a few unremarkable applicants, and I was ready to pack up and head out early, until she stepped into the room. The first time I laid eyes on Amanda, I had to leave the room and take deep breaths to get myself under control. When I came back into the conference hall, she was at the table right next to ours, and I grabbed Sadie by the arm and told her to do whatever it took to get that girl working for me.

  Now she was here, I had no intention of letting her go.

  I worked in a personal question every time she stopped by my office. I wanted to get the pleasantries out of the way so I could get her into my bed right away. I found out she had two brothers, her parents lived in Florida, and she had a ten-year-old cat named Missy. I sneaked in a comment about my dog Kumo, and she commented that Missy had always been good with her brother’s dog in the past. Then she blushed as she realized she assumed our animals would meet one day. I just smiled.

  As she left my office on Friday afternoon, she paused and turned back around.

  “Why didn’t you come home with me on Saturday night?” Her cheeks flamed red, and I hardened at the sight. She was so fucking adorable.

  Hoping my hard on wasn’t too noticeable yet, I rose and walked over to where she stood. She bit her lip a little as she looked up at me.

  “I’m sorry, that was inappropriate. It’s just, I thought we really hit it off, and I was having a great time, but maybe the boss and employee thing is too weird—”

  “Shh.” I cut her off with a finger against her lips, my other hand falling to her thigh. She gasped a little and leaned against my door. “Trust me, we definitely hit it off. I didn’t go home with you because you were drunk, and when we sleep together, I want you to remember it.”

  She swallowed, and I fixated on the movement of her throat, imagining the way my dick would feel if she swallowed while I was in her mouth. My fingers met the hem of her skirt and pulled it up a few inches.


  I grinned. She picked up on just the part of the sentence I hoped she would.

  “Yes, Amanda, when. Because after I take you paintballing on Saturday, I plan on bringing you back to my house and fucking you all night long.”

  She gasped, and I took the opportunity to swoop in and kiss her. She tasted like cotton candy, just as sweet and light as she’d looked in that pink bikini. My hand was at the top of her thighs now, pulling down her pantyhose.

  “Would you like that, Amanda?”

  “Yes,” she whimpered. “But is it all right? I work for you. Couldn’t we get in trouble?”

  I shook my head and kissed her cheeks, then her neck, moving down to her collarbone. “Baby, I built this company from the ground up. I can do whatever I damn well please. If you want to go on a date with me, there’s nothing stopping us.”

  She shifted so that secret space between her legs was a little more open for me. “Do we have to wait for tomorrow?”

  I laughed. “You’re so greedy for my cock already?”

  She pulled back and bit her lip. “Does that make me sound like a slut? I’m not used to this.”

  I shook my head. “No, baby. It makes you my slut. And since you seem so eager, I’d like to claim what’s mine.”

  Before she could protest, I dropped to my knees and pulled down her pantyhose at the same time. The sheer fabric ripped in my grasp, and I pulled off her shoes before removing the stockings completely and tossing them across the room. She gasped and snapped her legs together, putting her hands on her thighs.

  “We’re in the office! There are people right outside your door!”

  I peeled her hands aside and ran my lips up the inside of her thighs. “No one will bother us, or you—I guarantee it. Now let me see your pussy, baby. I’ve been dying to get a glimpse
since you showed up in that bikini last week.”

  Slowly, she pulled up her skirt until I saw the front of her purple cotton underwear. Between her thighs, the fabric was darker, damp with her need. I pulled them to the side and groaned as I finally laid eyes on her for the first time.

  She was just as smooth and pink as I’d imagined in my fantasies every night since I’d first spotted her.

  “Do you like it?”

  I had to suppress a laugh. “I love it, baby. It’s perfect.” I leaned forward and planted a kiss right above her slit, leaving my lips against her skin as I extended my tongue forward to lick her clit.

  “Oooooh,” she moaned, and I sent one hand up her front until I found her lips.

  “Suck on my fingers, baby girl. I don’t want anyone else to hear those sounds you make for me.”

  I hooked my free hand under her knee and lifted her leg to drape it over my shoulder, granting me greater access to her sweet nectar. I lapped up her dripping juices, my tongue warring with itself to spend time teasing her clit or diving deep inside her pussy where my cock longed to be. All the while she sucked so hard on my fingers I nearly came thinking about what her dirty mouth would feel like on my cock later this weekend. I would have eaten her out for the rest of the day if she’d let me, just to make sure she always associated me with this intense pleasure. When she finally exploded, giving more of her sweet honey on my tongue, neither of us could stifle our moans.

  I stood up and kissed her while she still panted, smearing her own arousal on her lips so she could taste herself.

  “Your pussy is so fucking amazing, Amanda, I could eat you all day.”

  “That was … I never…”

  I pulled back, shocked. “Have you never had an orgasm before?” She’d been so forward at the company party, inviting me back, I was sure she had more experience.

  She shook her head, sheepish again. I felt cum leaking from my cock and knew I had to get her out of here so I could jerk off, or I’d end up fucking her over my desk. Was it too much to hope she was a virgin?


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