A Dragon for Christmas: Shifters for Christmas #2

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A Dragon for Christmas: Shifters for Christmas #2 Page 11

by Chant, Zoe

  Garrett clenched his jaw, fighting down his instinctive anger at her accusation against the Corps. He glanced at Georgia to see what she made of all this, and found her gazing at him steadily.

  “No, Garrett’s not going to turn a blind eye.” Her voice was low but powerful. “We’re going to help you.”

  Ilara looked up, surprise plain on her face. “What?”

  “Just what I said. We’re going to help you,” Georgia repeated.

  Garrett looked at her, more than a little surprised. Of course, he didn’t think Ilara was lying, but he couldn’t go charging in on his own.

  “Georgia, can we talk for a moment?” he asked, standing up, and moving across the room.

  Georgia followed him, her eyebrow cocked and her arms folded across her chest.

  “What’s there to talk about?” she asked when they were in the kitchen. “You heard what she said. And didn’t you say yesterday there was something about Barston you didn’t like?”

  Garrett frowned. “That’s true,” he admitted. “But I don’t know that it’s this – and besides, she’s making accusations against the Shifter Patrol Corps.”

  “So prove them wrong,” Georgia said calmly. “I don’t know anything about those other agents, but I do know you. I can tell you believe her. And that you want to help.”

  Garrett had to admit that it was true. If Ilara’s father really had had an agreement with Barston, then it was his responsibility as a Shifter Patrol agent to make sure it was honored. But first, he had to be sure.

  “What makes you so sure she’s telling the truth?” he asked Georgia.

  Georgia shook her head. “Maybe it’s stupid, I don’t know. But it’s the way she talks about her kids – about wanting to make sure they’re looked after, and that they get what their grandfather promised them: a safe place to grow up. It’s the same thing I want for Logan. And I know I’d do anything to make sure he got it.”

  Our mate knows of what she speaks, his dragon said, eyes glittering. She would do anything to protect what is hers – what is ours now. And we cannot begrudge anyone who tries to do the same.

  Garrett grimaced. It was true. He may not have agreed with Ilara’s methods at all, but she was fighting back the only way she could, for the sake of her family and the other shifters who lived on this land.

  “All right,” he said at last. “But I’m not letting her wolves off the hook, regardless. What they did was stupid and dangerous. They deserve any trouble they catch from that.”

  “I agree,” Georgia said. “But let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

  Garrett nodded. “Of course not. But the Shifter Patrol agents she spoke to are right about one thing, even if they are under Barston’s influence. We still need that agreement between him and Ilara’s father.” He shook his head. “And if the agents here really can’t be trusted, then I’ll have to ask for backup. I’ll need to justify to Hardwicke why I think it’s worth the hassle of sending agents out here.”

  “Hardwicke?” Georgia asked.

  “My boss. He’ll have my guts for garters if I push for anything and it turns out to be a bunch of horseshit.”

  “Oh,” Georgia said, a smile twitching at her lips. “Wear many garters, does he?”

  Garrett groaned. “Thank you for that horrible mental image.”

  “Anyway,” Georgia continued breezily after a moment, laughter in her eyes. “I believe Ilara’s story. If there’s even a chance it’s true and the shifter police here won’t help her, don’t you think you need to try to do something?”

  “Of course,” Garrett said. Truth be told, the parts of him the dragon controlled wanted to fly right over to Barston’s place, demand to see the agreement and threaten to burn his fancy office to the ground until he handed the land back over to the rightful inhabitants. But he knew he couldn’t do that – Hardwicke might literally have his guts for garters in that case, and it wouldn’t help Ilara one bit. If she wanted her land back, he had to do things the right way.

  “Thank you, Garrett,” Georgia said, her eyes shining. “I’m really glad you listened to her.”

  She reached up, giving him a light kiss on the cheek. Her lips were warm, and the touch sent a shudder straight through him, making his gut clench.

  If only Ilara hadn’t been here and his vacation hadn’t suddenly become a lot more complicated, Garrett would have loved to pick Georgia up and take her back to the bedroom, but he knew that’d have to wait now.

  Together, they went back out to the living area, where Ilara was sitting nervously at the dining table, her back rigidly upright. Her eyes darted from Garrett’s face to Georgia’s, as if she was trying to read their minds.

  “Will you help me?” she asked, her voice small and trembling, as if all the fight she’d shown earlier had gone out of her while they’d been gone.

  “I will,” Garrett said, nodding. “But you’ll have to be patient. No more trying to cause havoc at the resort, you understand me? If you have any wolves or lions or anything else lurking around, pull them out now.”

  “I – I don’t,” Ilara said, looking stunned. “After yesterday, I –” She blinked, swallowing hard. “Thank you. I didn’t expect – I thought –”

  “Thank Georgia,” Garrett said. “She’s the one who convinced me to listen to you, because let me tell you, when you first showed up here, I wasn’t inclined to.”

  Ilara’s eyes shot to Georgia’s face. She bit her lip.

  Garrett could tell from Ilara’s various mutterings that she didn’t hold humans in very high esteem. It was common among some shifters, especially those who went out of their way to shun human contact.

  Maybe this’ll help her see that not all humans are worthy of contempt, he thought. He looked at Georgia as Ilara made her none-too-gracious thank yous, which Georgia did graciously accept, and felt his heart beating in his chest.

  Mine. My mate. Forever.

  He’d known it from the first moment they had touched, of course, but now that their bond was sealed, he felt it with every beat of his heart. Nothing could tear them apart. He was hers forever now.

  “All right,” he said, when Ilara had finished her grudging thanks. “When I said you needed to be patient, I meant it. I have to go call my boss to request permission to go ahead and to get some backup. After that it may take a few days while we get everything in order. I better not hear of any disturbances during that time. Clear?”

  Ilara nodded. “You won’t. I promise.”

  “Good.” He turned to Georgia. “I’m going to have to make some phone calls. I won’t be long.”

  “And I better make some breakfast, and then go pick up Logan from the camp out,” Georgia said. “I better hurry if I don’t want to be late.”

  “I’ll be out to help you as soon as I can.” Garrett leaned down to kiss her on the top of her head, before turning to head to the bedroom. Behind him, he heard Georgia brightly ask Ilara if she was hungry, and grinned. If anyone could win Ilara over, it’d be Georgia.

  Pulling his cell phone out of his pocket, Garrett found Hardwicke’s number. As per usual, he didn’t have to wait long for Hardwicke to pick up.

  “Aren’t you on vacation? Why are you calling me?”

  “And a very good morning to you too, boss,” Garrett said, shaking his head. Sometimes he wondered exactly how much of Hardwicke’s hardassery was just an act.

  “Answer the question, Garrett. You’ve only been away two days. I can’t imagine what trouble you could’ve gotten into during that time.”

  Garrett hesitated. Naturally, he wanted to tell everyone who’d listen about the fact he’d found his mate. But in this instance, it would probably just complicate matters. Better just to tell Hardwicke what Ilara had told him, and try to convince him he thought it was worth checking out.

  “Boss, you probably aren’t going to like this, but just hear me out.”


  Garrett took a deep breath. Oh boy.

This was going to be harder than he thought.

  Chapter 9

  “You like eggs?” Georgia called out as she flipped the ones she was frying over in the pan.

  Over easy, she thought, letting them cook for the barest second before sliding them onto the buttered toast on the plate, next to the bacon. She didn’t have time to cook waffles anymore, but that didn’t mean they had to skimp on breakfast. She picked up the two plates, heading out to the dining room.

  “I… haven’t had them before,” Ilara said, eyeing her suspiciously from the table. “Not chicken eggs, anyway.”

  “Well, here,” Georgia said, putting the plate down in front of her. “See what you think.”

  Ilara picked up her knife and fork as if she wasn’t quite sure how to hold them, cutting into the egg awkwardly before putting it into her mouth, chewing slowly. At first she didn’t seem to know what to make of the taste, but then her eyes darted up, her surprise showing plainly.

  “It’s good.”

  Georgia smiled. “Try the bacon.”

  She wasn’t going to pretend it wasn’t an effort to keep being polite to Ilara after the way she’d burst in here and her obvious belief that humans were somewhat beneath her, but Georgia was determined to try anyway. She supposed if shifters had suddenly started swarming all over her home after she’d been swindled out of it, she might not feel too friendly toward them either.

  Cutting into her toast, Georgia looked out the window. Gentle snow was beginning to fall, drifting down between the trees of the thick, dark forest. Despite the obvious cold outside, the chalet still felt cozy and safe. But it was so secluded that she could hardly believe there was a bustling resort of bright Christmas lights and ice skating, of restaurants and sixty-foot Christmas trees just down the road.

  Which reminds me…

  Did that mean Ilara didn’t want the resort here either? Had the whole thing been built by Barston after he stole the land?

  She swallowed, feeling disappointment stabbing through her chest. The resort was beautiful, and it had clearly brought a lot of joy into people’s lives even if it had been built by a greedy, lying man. On a more personal level, this place had given her her first truly good Christmas since Tim had walked out. Even if she hadn’t met Garrett, she knew that she and Logan would have had wonderful memories to share for years to come.

  She shook her head, focusing on her breakfast. Either way, it wasn’t her choice to make. Once Ilara got her family’s land back, it would be up to her what she did with it.

  Ilara seemed to be enjoying her food, and the two of them ate in silence, since Georgia wasn’t sure what else to say.

  I hope Garrett comes back soon with good news.

  As if she’d summoned him with her thoughts, a moment later Garrett emerged from the bedroom, stopping by the kitchen to pick up his breakfast on the way.

  “This looks amazing, Georgia. Thank you,” he said as he sat down. “Sorry, that took a little longer than I thought it would. I’ll make it up to you by doing the dishes.”

  “I don’t care about that,” Ilara broke in impatiently. “Will you still help me?”

  Georgia held her breath as Garrett nodded slowly.

  “Yes. My boss has agreed to send some agents to help me get to the bottom of this. But they won’t arrive for a few hours at least.”

  Georgia couldn’t stop the grin that spread across her face.

  “I knew you could convince him!”

  Garrett shook his head, chewing his eggs and bacon slowly. “It still might not be that easy. You say Barston’s a liar, but is he dangerous?” He looked at Ilara. “What does he shift into?”

  “I don’t know,” Ilara said. “I’ve never seen him shift – I’ve never really seen him much at all. He only ever dealt with my father, and he’s dead now.”

  Garrett nodded. “Well, it can’t be helped. Though I suppose we have Jared Crane to worry about as well, if he’s in on this thing too.”

  “I think he is,” Ilara said. “He’d have to be.”

  “Well, we’ll deal with that when the time comes,” Garrett said. “He might be a trained Shifter Patrol agent, but we’ll find out how much he knew. But we’ll need to be careful.”

  Georgia’s breath caught in her throat as Garrett talked about the danger. From the way Garrett and Ilara talked about Barston, he seemed like nothing more than a sleazy businessman. But this Jared could be more dangerous.

  “Promise me you’ll be careful,” she blurted out suddenly, gripping her cutlery as if her life depended on it. “Please don’t put yourself in any danger.”

  Garrett looked up at her as if surprised, but his blue eyes quickly took on a warm look, comforting her. “I won’t, Georgia. I promise. To be honest, if this were a few weeks ago, I might have gone charging in. But now…”

  He reached across the table, taking her hand.

  Georgia understood the gesture immediately. He didn’t have to say it aloud.

  Now I have you.

  She’d always had Logan in her life to remind her she wasn’t just living for herself, but for both of them. It’d given her purpose and drive when it was hard to get up in the morning and yet again drag herself to work. She supposed Garrett must have found meaning in his work, but…

  But it wasn’t the same as having someone to live for, as well as something.

  She smiled at him, feeling warmth fill her heart.

  At least until she glanced at the clock.

  “Oh my God!” she said, jumping up. “It’s ten forty-five! I have to pick up Logan in fifteen minutes!”

  She went to grab Garrett and Ilara’s empty plates, until Garrett’s large hand closed over hers.

  “You get going,” he said, laughter in his eyes. “I said I’d take care of the dishes.” He stood, beginning to clear them away. “And don’t be too worried if I’m not here when you come back. Hardwicke’s setting up a rendezvous with the other agents. I’m going to fly out to meet them and give them a briefing. I’ll be back this afternoon.” He paused. “Perhaps it’d be best if you go back to your chalet. I’ll be over as soon as we’re done, okay?”

  Georgia nodded, before what Garrett had said fully registered in her brain.

  Fly…? Oh. Right. He’s a dragon. And I still haven’t seen him shift!

  Well, there was no time for that now. Georgia ran to the bedroom, throwing her robe aside and taking the world’s shortest shower, before throwing on her clothes. Running back out to the living area, she shoved her feet into the boots she’d discarded yesterday when they’d stumbled in through the front door, locked at the lips.

  “Okay, I’m going!” she said, checking she had her key and her wallet.

  Aaargh, where’s my phone…

  Deciding it didn’t matter, Georgia threw one last longing glance at Garrett before she ran out the front door. He returned her gaze, just as longingly.

  Be back soon, Garrett. I don’t think I can take a long separation!

  She felt like a teenager in the first flush of a hormonal crush, but Georgia decided she didn’t care. She’d been completely heartbroken and then completely alone – even once she’d come to realize that she and Logan were better off without Tim, it hadn’t fully healed the hole in her heart, or helped with the struggle of knowing that everything was down to her. Even when she was knocked flat with the flu or was bent double with period pain she’d made herself get up, make Logan breakfast, get him to school, and then get herself to work. She hadn’t had any other choice.

  Just knowing that from now on, she’d have someone else to rely on put a little spring in her step.

  And the fact that that someone is a man like Garrett, who also happens to be my fated mate…

  Well, who could blame her for feeling a little dizzy in love?

  Not to mention lust.

  Georgia felt herself blushing a little as she made her way down to the gate. The memories of yesterday played through her mind, and she had to stop thinking about it or she’d
be in no fit state to appear in public.

  She supposed it was just as well they’d made the most of their time, since they’d have to keep it down tonight. Unless there was another camp out Logan wanted to go to.

  The tiniest twinge of guilt plucked at her heart at the thought. She was here to spend time with Logan after all, and she was looking forward to seeing him again and hearing about what he’d done at the camp out. She was excited for the new friendships she hoped he’d made. Hopefully Charlie had introduced him to some more kids, and brought him into their circle. Even if the kids he met here would have to be long-distance friends, perhaps the experience would make Logan more interested in talking to local kids in Fairhill and making closer friendships there.

  But she also wanted Logan to spend more time with Garrett and get to know him better. Just because Garrett was her mate didn’t mean Logan would bond to him just as quickly too, though she could tell that he liked Garrett already. These things couldn’t be rushed. Logan and Garrett would have to build their own relationship, and Logan would have to do it at his own pace.

  Georgia made her way through the snow-filled streets of the resort. The smell of food was tempting her, even though she’d just eaten. If Garrett was going to be away for a few hours, then perhaps she and Logan could have lunch together, take a walk, do some more skating. Whatever Logan wanted to do.

  Excitement filled her. For the first time in years, Georgia felt light-hearted.

  She almost skipped up the steps of the main hall, where a large group of mothers and fathers were collecting their excited children from the camp out.

  It seemed like there’d been some kind of arts and crafts activity, judging by the way some of the kids were enthusiastically waving pieces of paper and origami bears in their parents’ faces, and each and every one of them was smiling brightly, chatting with excitement.

  Once again, she felt a little stab of sadness that if the land were returned to Ilara, all this would be gone, but she quickly shook it off. It was such a petty thing to be worried about in the face of the injustice Ilara and her family had faced. She should simply focus on the fact that she’d been able to experience it once, and be grateful for that.


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