Tom Swift and His Air Glider; Or, Seeking the Platinum Treasure

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Tom Swift and His Air Glider; Or, Seeking the Platinum Treasure Page 14

by Victor Appleton



  The announcement of Ivan Petrofsky came to Tom with startlingsuddenness. He could say nothing for a moment, and then, as he realizedwhat it meant, and as he recalled the strange appearance and actions ofthe man, he understood the danger.

  "Was he a spy?" he asked.

  "I'm almost sure he was," came the answer. "He isn't one of thevillagers, that's sure, and he isn't a tourist. No one else would be inthis little out-of-the-way place but a police official. He is indisguise, that is certain."

  "I believe so," agreed Tom. "But what was his game?"

  "We are suspected," replied the Russian. "I was afraid a big airshipcouldn't land anywhere, in France without it becoming known. Word musthave been sent to Paris in the night, and this spy came out directly."

  "But what will happen now?"

  "Didn't you see where he headed for? The village. He has gone to sendword that his trick failed. There will be more spies soon, and we maybe detained or thrown into jail on some pretext or other. They mayclaim that we have no license, or some such flimsy thing as that.Anything to detain us. They are after me, of course, and I'm sorry thatI made you run such danger. Perhaps I'd better leave you, and--"

  "No, you don't!" cried Tom heartily. "We'll all hang together or we'llhang separately', as Benjamin Franklin or some of those old chaps onceremarked. I'm not the kind to desert a friend in the face of danger."

  "Bless my revolver! I should say not!" cried Mr. Damon. "What's it allabout? Where's the danger?"

  They told him as briefly as possible, and Ned, who had been working inthe motor room, was also informed.

  "Well, what's to be done?" asked Tom. "Had we better get out ourammunition, or shall I take out a French license."

  "Neither would do any good," answered the Russian. "I appreciate yoursticking by me, and if you are resolved on that the only thing to do isto complete the repairs as soon as possible and get away from here."

  "That's it!" cried Ned. "A quick flight. We can get more gasolene here,for lots of autos pass along the road through the village. I found thatout. Then we needn't stop until we hit the trail for the mine inSiberia!"

  "Hush!" cautioned the Russian. "You can't tell who may be sneakingaround to listen. But we ought to leave as soon as we can."

  "And we will," said Tom. "I've got the magneto almost fixed!"

  "Let's get a hustle on then!" urged Ned. "That fellow meant businessfrom his looks. The nerve of him to try to pick a quarrel that way."

  "I might have told by his manner that something was wrong," commentedTom, "but I thought he was a fresh tramp and I didn't take any pains inanswering him. But come on, Ned, get busy."

  They did, with such good effect that by noon the machinery was inrunning shape again, and so far there had been no evidence of thereturn of the spy. Doubtless he was waiting for instructions, andsomething might happen any minute.

  "Now, Ned, if you'll see to having some gasolene brought out here, andthe tanks filled, I'll tinker with the dynamo and get that in runningshape," said Tom. "It only needs a little adjustment of the brushes.Then we'll be off."

  Ned started for the village where there was a gasolene depot. He fanciedthe villagers regarded him rather curiously, but he did not stop to askwhat it meant. Another odd fact was that the usual crowd of curiousrustics about the airship was missing. It was as though they suspectedtrouble might come, and they did not want to be mixed up in it.

  Never, Ned thought, had he seen a man so slow at getting ready thesupply of gasolene. He was to take it out in a wagon, but first hemislaid the funnel, then the straining cloth, and finally he discovereda break in the harness that needed mending.

  "I believe he's doing it on purpose to delay us," thought the youth,"but it won't do to say anything. Something is in the wind." He helpedthe man all he could, and urged him in every way he knew, but thefellow seemed to have grown suddenly stupid, and answered only inFrench, though previously he had spoken some English.

  But at last Ned, by dint of hard work, got him started, and rode on thegasolene wagon with him. Once at the anchored airship, Tom and theothers filled the reserve tanks themselves, though the man tried tohelp. However he did more harm than good, spilling several gallons ofthe fluid.

  "Oh, get away, and let us do it!" cried Tom at last. "I know what you--"

  "Easy!" cautioned Mr. Petrofsky, with a warning look, and Tom subsided.

  Finally the tanks were full, the man was paid, and he started to driveaway.

  "Now to make a quick flight!" cried Tom, as he took his place in thepilot house, while Ned went to the engine room. "Full speed, Ned!"

  "Yes, and we'll need it, too," said the Russian.

  "Why?" asked Tom.

  "Look!" was the answer, and Ivan Petrofsky pointed across the fieldover which, headed toward the airship, came the man who had sought aquarrel with Tom. And with the spy were several policemen in uniform,their short swords dangling at their sides.

  "They're after us!" cried Mr. Damon. "Bless my chronometer they'reafter us!"

  "Start the motor, Ned! Start the motor!" cried Tom, and a moment laterthe hum of machinery was heard, while the police and the spy broke intoa run, shouting and waving their hands.


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