The Sweet Road Home

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The Sweet Road Home Page 6

by Jacki Kelly

  A dim light illuminated the enormous kitchen. Without turning on more lights Simeon set her bag down and walked to the refrigerator.

  “My housekeeper is a very good cook, I’m sure there are some leftovers in the fridge. Care to join me.” He sat several casserole dishes on the counter and removed the lids.

  “After being stood up, I went home and ate a pint of ice cream. Chocolate.”

  “That hardly sounds nutritional.”

  Simeon pulled two plates from the cabinet. After loading lamb chops, garlic mashed potatoes and broccoli au gratin on two separate plates he took turns heating them in the microwave.

  “I wasn’t looking for healthy, I wanted yummy. This smells good though and you do owe me dinner.” Asa pulled her stool closer to the counter.

  The heavy clang of cutlery as he placed it on the granite started her stomach juice churning. He slid wineglasses from the overhead grid in the butler’s pantry and with three swift moves popped the cork on a bottle of Merlot.

  “You know your way around the kitchen, don’t you?” She asked.

  “I had to learn at an early age. Being slow when it was time to eat could mean no dinner.” He handed her a glass of wine. “How about you, can you cook?”

  “I do all right. But ask me to bake something special and I’m all over it.”

  “It’s late tonight, so I won’t challenge you.” He bent his tall frame down and met her at eye level. His lips were inches from her mouth. By leaning forward she could lock lips with him, instead she grounded her hips to the stool.

  “So you do the sweet thing, huh. Pies, cakes, cookies?”

  “Oh, I do way more than that. I’ll have to prepare one of my specialties for you.”

  Asa scooted forward, without diverting her eyes away from his mouth. One more taste of his succulent lips and the day would go down in her journal as perfect. Her lips were still warm from his earlier kiss. She couldn’t tear her eyes away his touch had fueled a desire in her that needed release.

  The microwave sounded and he broke eye contact. Asa pulled in a deep breath before taking a big swallow from her glass.

  He removed the plates from the microwave and sat next to her at the counter. “Dig in,” he said as he sliced the meat.

  The hearty plate in front of her smelled delicious. She tasted a forkful of mashed potatoes. The pungent taste of garlic filled her mouth. “These potatoes are divine.”

  “Ruthy is a good cook.” He poured more wine in her glass, tapped his glass to hers and sipped his wine. “Are you worried about your house?”

  “Since I got home, the house has had one problem after the next. Nothing will surprise me now. I’ll make some calls in the morning.”

  “No need. I called one of my guys to check it out in the morning.”

  “You have guys? And when did you have time to make these arrangements.”

  “I own a company and I made a call on the drive here. Try not to worry. If it’s something that can be fixed then he’ll make the repair.”

  “But how will he get in the house?” Asa ate another forkful of potatoes.

  “He’s going to stop by here on his way to your house tomorrow.”

  “You got it all planned. I should thank you,” she hesitated. “Thank you.”

  He nodded.

  Having someone looking out for her is all she ever wanted. Most times it seemed too much to ask or to expect. Simeon’s easy-going magnetism was hypnotic. Eating dinner next to him, the causal flow of conversation, seemed about as perfect as the sun rising in the east.

  After several moments of silence Asa asked, “So why does a single man need such a big house? Are there any little Simeons running around that you haven’t told me about?”

  His playful smile brightened his eyes. He put his fork down turned to face her. “There are no little Simeons. Yet. Are you applying for the job?”

  She ignored the tingle between her legs. Hell, yeah! “I don’t know. Does it pay well?” She teased.

  “Very well.”

  She tried to swallow, but her tongue wouldn’t move. “Are you trying to seduce me, Simeon?” She picked up her glass and sipped the wine.

  “Only if it’s working.”

  “Let’s see, good food, good wine, beautiful surrounding, one gorgeous man. I’d say that’s a recipe for the ultimate seduction.”

  “I hope you find my charm as captivating as I find you.” His eyes darkened, lust sparkled in the depth of his pupils.

  “Very.” She had to push words out. Warning signs buzzed in her head. She squelched her enthusiasm. Finish what you’ve started this time. The studio, the show, the house. Show your family you’re not a screw-up.

  She pushed away from the counter and stood up. “I’m full. I better take the dog out and get ready for bed.”

  § § §

  Simeon released a long breath and watched her disappear into the darkness with her dog close behind. Denying any attraction to her made about as much sense as denying his arousal from the moment he stepped into her house.

  He placed the dishes in the dishwasher. His luck had turned. Even his skilled hand couldn’t have manipulated this situation any better. Her lights going out played right into his hands. Now all he had to do was coax her into his bed.

  All those years thinking about her and not being able to tell her how he felt. He shook his head, so much wasted time. He wiped his brow and reached for his glass of wine. She looked flushed as she allowed the dog to enter the kitchen ahead of her.

  “Are you okay?” Simeon crossed the room.

  “Yes. But do you know you have deer in your yard? That thing scared the bejesus out of me!”

  He gave her a playful hug. “Next time, I’ll go with you and Scruffy to keep you safe. It seems my new task is protecting you.”

  She didn’t pull away, so he allowed his hand to roll across her shoulder and down her arm. Her skin was baby soft. He dropped his hand, returned to the table and emptied his glass of wine with one long swallow.

  “Let me show you where you’re sleeping tonight,” he said after picking up her bags. He led the way upstairs and dropped her bags in the bedroom at the top of the stairs.

  “Maybe it’s a good thing I hadn’t unpacked. Mim used to say every cloud has a silver lining.”

  “I guess so.” He glanced over his shoulder. “I want you to feel comfortable so you can stay at one end of the hall. The master suite is on the other side of the house.”

  “Is that for my benefit or yours?”

  “It’s for your benefit.” He smiled and walked out. Trust me.

  Chapter Eight

  The morning sun filtered through the thin gauze curtains. Asa stretched her legs under the soft cotton sheets and rubbed her eyes.

  “Scruffy, I’m sleeping with the enemy. Or in his house at least.”

  During the night, sleep had come in between fits of passion. Every few minutes an erotic scene of Simeon and all the lusty things she wanted them to do. The penetrating warmth of his hand lingered on her flesh. She woke up more exhausted than when she went to bed.

  Asa flipped on her side, the comfort of the king sized mattress was hard to resist. The dog jumped to attention at the foot of the bed and stared at the door. He started to bark so Asa sat up, resting on her elbows. She heard footsteps in the hall.

  Simeon knocked on the door. “Asa, are you awake? Can I come in?”

  She tightened the sheet over her breasts. Before responding she ran her fingers through her hair, fluffing the curls. “Yes, come in.”

  He opened the door and strode across the room carrying a tray of orange juice and croissants. His unbuttoned shirt exposed his rippled chest. Asa refrained from the urge to lick her lips. She focused her attention on his taut bronze stomach.

  “You’re still in bed, didn’t you sleep well?”

  “I slept like a baby.” She looked away. Liar, liar pants on fire.

  He placed the tray on the nightstand and then sat on the chaise. “G
ood. I brought you a little something.”

  Asa pulled upright in the bed, clutching the sheet against her chest. “Thank you. This is the very first time anyone has ever brought me breakfast in bed.”

  “Well, it’s not exactly breakfast.”

  “It’s still special. Thank you.” She tried to tamp down the stir of excitement mounting in her stomach by sipping the juice, happy to have something in her hands.

  “After my swim, I’ll cook you a real breakfast.”

  “I should cook for you for letting me stay here last night.”

  “You don’t owe me, Asa.”

  “I know, I know. But I feel like I should do something for you.”

  His smile widened. “Join me for a swim and we’ll call it even.”

  Asa remained quiet for several moments. He hadn’t shaved yet, so the hint of stubble on his jaw gave him a rugged outdoorsy appearance. He looked more desirable this morning than he did last night. He was exactly what she wanted, what she dreamed about when she pictured her perfect man. Asa shook her head, dislodging those thoughts. “If that’s all I have to do you’re easy to please,” she finally replied.

  “Not really.” He flashed his infamous half smile, his dark eyes twinkled.

  “O...kay. I’m not going to take that bait.”

  “I’m not trying to trick you. I pride myself on always being honest. So if you don’t know it by now, let me make it very clear. I want you.”

  His penetrating stare accentuated his words. A solid mass of lust lodged in her chest, making it hard to breathe. She opened her mouth, then closed it. The words she always wanted to hear poured over her like warm sunshine, heating up the hunger for him that she had all but given up on.

  The sheet slid off her breasts and settled around her waist.


  “Think about it, Asa.” He stood up, exposing another raw shot of his sculptured physique. “Can I take the dog with me? He’s growing on me.”

  “Sure.” The word was barely audible.

  She watched his tight backside until he disappeared behind the door. Tapping her fingernails against the glass helped settle her racing thoughts. Simeon dropped his casual comment and strolled out the room, leaving her unable to reply with a sensible sentence. Even from ten feet away he made her heart rate accelerate, her palms clammy, and her thoughts jumbled.

  Asa climbed out of bed still trembling from his declaration. Now what. She wrapped the sheet around her naked body before sauntering to the French doors. She pushed them open and stepped out on the balcony. The morning warmth promised a hot day ahead. She peered down at the huge pool, the glare from the water was blinding.

  Simeon stood on the diving board, his arms stretched above his head. Scruffy sat on the side looking up at him. Simeon swung his arms in circular motions then took two graceful jumps and dived into the water. Asa watched as his lean body pierced the water with hardly a splash. He made it half way to the other side by just flapping his feet.

  He’d taken several laps before she ran inside and pulled her skimpiest bikini from her bag.

  “I want you too,” she whispered.

  § § §

  Simeon caught a glimpse of Asa before going in the water. The sheet did little to hide her creamy thighs. His penis jerked against his swim trunks as he broke the plane of water. Maybe the swim would take his mind off of the impossible. She wanted her house. He needed to complete the project. As long as they remained at opposite ends of the spectrum it was useless to pretend they could have anything. He stroked hard against the water until his arms ached.

  Minutes later, Asa glided onto patio in a tiny bikini. Her silky skin gleamed in the sunlight. Any relief the water had provided evaporated when she dived in the water and swam toward him. A goddess would be the only way to describe her. He bit his lip to keep from grabbing her as she neared him. Her round butt bobbed on top of the water. Her awkward form did nothing to diminish his excruciating desire for her. His morning swims helped free his thoughts to concentrate on the day’s matters. No such luck graced him this morning.

  “I’m glad you decided to come in,” he said when she lifted her head out of the water.

  “You made the water look irresistible. Besides I could use the exercise.”

  “I’m just about finished, but I’ll race you back.”

  She looked back as if measuring the distance. “Okay. Go.” She pushed off.

  He eyed her slim legs and butt for a moment before shoving away from the wall and shooting past her. He finished a full length ahead of her.

  “I almost beat you.” She used her hand to swipe water from her face.

  “I’ll let you win next time.”

  “I hope you mean that.” She turned over and floated on her back.

  Simeon climbed the stairs out of the water. The soreness in his arms and legs made it impossible to swim another lap. He grabbed a towel and dried his hair. “I’ll start breakfast so we can meet with the electrician.”

  “I’ll be right in after a few more laps.”

  Simeon nodded. Coffee might get his brain chugging, because the only thing that seemed important right now was getting Asa into his bed. That tiny piece of material she called a bathing suit didn’t help matters. Instead of imagining what lay hidden under her clothes, this morning every curve and contour of her beautiful body was revealed.

  By the time she came in the kitchen, breakfast was on the table and the throbbing in his loins had subsided to a slow burn.

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m starved. After all I ate last night, I shouldn’t eat for a week.” Asa sat at the counter.

  “A woman with an appetite. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of those before.” He placed toast in front of her.

  “Shut up and pass the bacon.” She swatted his hand. “I have lots of stuff to do today, so we better get going. My realtor is nice enough to allow me to use his offices.” She stuffed bacon into her mouth. “But I can’t keep doing that.” She talked with her mouth full.

  “Slow down, we’ve got a little time.” He sipped his coffee. “You can use offices in my suite for as long as you like. We can give you Internet access, a phone, and my assistant can help you.”

  Her eyes widened. “Are you serious? That would be fantastic. I can only use my realtor offices for a few hours a day. Are you sure?”

  “I am.”

  She leaned. “Why are you being nice?. I don’t get it.” over and pecked his cheek.

  Before she could pull away he placed his hand behind her neck, found her mouth and kissed her. Her salty tongue tasted wonderful, sinful. Her pulse drummed against his thumb, heightening his sensation.

  He released her and peered into her light brown eyes. “I couldn’t resist another moment. I hope my behavior or my comment earlier today didn’t make you nervous.”

  She put her fork down. “No, not at all. Surprised, maybe, but not nervous. You’re full of surprises.”

  “How so?”

  “You’re different. Nothing like I remembered. In high school I don’t think I ever saw you smile. Now it seems as if you’ve found your playful side again. I don’t know this side of you.”

  “There wasn’t a whole lot to smile about in high school. Those were rough years for me.” He sipped his coffee. Admitting his family’s dysfunction wasn’t easy. Most days he was able to ignore that period of his life.

  “Rough in what way?” she asked.

  He put down the coffee cup and searched her face. Was she mocking him? The whole town knew his father would rather drink his paycheck than buy food for his family. They even had a nickname for him, ‘boozer the loser’. “It’s getting late. We better get going.” No need to dig up those memories now.

  Chapter Nine

  Two days and nothing. No message, not even a call. “Some seduction plan that turned out to be,” Asa muttered as she made her way down the stairs.

  Her stomach knotted, reminding her of the foolishness for
expecting more. Simeon remained an enigma. She needed to give up. He may have wanted her, but something kept him from crossing that line. He had followed her back to her house, watched as the electrician replaced a few blown fuses, and disappeared.

  She sat down in an overstuffed chair with her sketch pad. A few more pieces were needed for the fashion show. She drew a sketch of Simeon’s broad shoulders and sharp jaw, before crumpling the paper and dropping it on the floor.

  There was a small glimmer of hope for the house. Enough for her to stroke and nurture until she could convince him that this house deserved saving. She wrapped her arms around her waist while staring at the water stain on the ceiling. Did every ceiling in this house have some major defect?

  “Come on, Scruffy, let’s get you outside. I need to get to the bookstore before Dakota starts questioning where we are.”

  The dog bounced out the door ahead of her. He scurried out of sight behind an unruly forsythia bush without its yellow blossoms. She crept down the stairs after him, mindful of splinters from the rickety banister. The tall, damp grass tickled her ankles. No wonder Simeon wanted to level the block. It looked like nobody cared.

  § § §

  “It’s about time you showed up.” Dakota greeted her when she walked in the store. “I wasn’t sure you’d get here before lunch.” Dakota held an arm full of books.

  “I’m not used to having a dog. It takes extra time getting out of the house in the morning. Then I ran into Mrs. Donald, called someone to cut the grass, spoke to my accountant and my seamstress in New York. I’ve put in a full day’s work and it’s only noon,” Asa walked behind the counter and perched on the edge of the stool.

  Dakota set the books on the counter. She eyed the dog for a moment before patting his head.

  “I’ve got a really good idea,” Asa tapped her finger against her cheek.

  “Are you going to stop grinning and tell me what it is?”

  “I could throw a block party to rally the residents against the strip mall. It could be just like old times.”


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