A Baby For Christmas - A Billionaire's New Baby Romance

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A Baby For Christmas - A Billionaire's New Baby Romance Page 18

by Layla Valentine

  “It’ll be a nice break from work,” he said.

  “Maybe for you,” I said. “But remember what happened earlier today? I’m officially unemployed.”

  Colton smirked. “I think I might be able to do something about that, you know. I can offer good pay, good benefits, and I can see talent like you moving up the ladder pretty darn quickly.”

  My eyes went wide, but his expression told me he was serious.

  “Deal,” I said.

  Silence fell again as the two of us held one another.

  “This has all been so wonderful,” Colton said. “And being here with you and Lucas and everyone else…I can’t imagine a more perfect holiday.”

  “I feel the same way,” I said. “A year ago I never would’ve guessed this is where I’d be, but now that I’m here, I’m so happy I can hardly stand it.”

  Colton cast a glance at the party.

  “You ready to head back in?”

  I smiled. “You bet.”

  “I love you, Shayla,” he said. “More than I can even believe.”

  “And I love you, too.”

  We kissed before going back inside, where we were surrounded by love and warmth and cheer. I never wanted the night to end.

  Chapter 33


  Five Months Later

  Seated at my desk, I regarded the latest iteration of the CooperWare VR project with skepticism. The representatives from my R&D team stood in a neat shoulder-to-shoulder line, all of them waiting for me to put on the device and give it a spin.

  “What have we got here?” I asked, sitting back and crossing my legs.

  “CooperWare VR Mark II prototype,” said one of the techs, a skinny thirty-something man with expectant brown eyes. “Name pending CEO approval, of course.”

  I picked up the headset, noticing right away that it was significantly lighter than the first model. I turned it around and upside down, noting all the design changes. It was sleeker and more stylish than the first model, that was for sure.

  “What can I expect?” I asked, setting the headset down and turning my attention back to the team.

  Another one of the team spoke, a petite redhead who looked fresh out of college, her face splattered with freckles.

  “Improvements up and down the board,” she said. “In performance, memory, and, of course, graphics.”

  I smiled at that last part, knowing who was responsible for any change in graphics.

  The brown-eyed tech spoke again. “The first CooperWare VR set was such a smash that we didn’t want to mess too much with a winning formula. But we listened carefully to feedback from all of the schools which use it now—that is, a lot of schools.”

  “Okay,” I said. I didn’t need to hear any more. I was ready to check it out. “Let me give it a shot.”

  I slipped the headset on, noting immediately just how comfortable it felt. The first VR set definitely made you aware that you were wearing something, but this new one was so light and perfectly shaped that it seemed to weigh no more than a pair of reading glasses.

  I flicked the headset on. It came to life so quickly that I was more than a little surprised—I wasn’t expecting them to boost the processing speed so much, but they pulled it off.

  After five minutes or so, I’d seen enough. I took off the headset, revealing an office full of techs, all of them with wide-eyed expressions on their faces, eager to hear what the boss thought.

  “It’s…amazing,” I said, not able to hold back my smile.

  All of them breathed a collective sigh of relief, congratulating one another.

  “I’m going to need some more time to play around with it, but so far it’s looking like you went above and beyond what I was hoping. And I’d expect nothing less from you all. Feel proud of your work today.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Cooper,” said the redheaded tech.

  “Take the rest of the day off, everyone,” I said, noting that it was late afternoon. “Hell, take tomorrow, too—get a head start on the weekend. You’ve all earned it. We’ll reconvene next Monday to go over the next steps.”

  The team left me with more thank-yous as they left my office. When I was alone again, I picked up the headset one more time, shaking my head in disbelief at the incredible piece of equipment in my hands.

  It made me want to do a little celebrating of my own.

  I pressed the button for my intercom.

  “What’s up, boss?” asked Trey, his voice tinny through the speaker.

  “Would you mind sending Ms. Zielinksi up to my office? I had some thoughts on the latest prototype I wanted to run by her.”

  “I don’t know,” said Trey. “You want to get the head of the graphics division on such short notice? Maybe you’d have better luck seeing if I can pencil you in for some time next week.”

  I laughed.

  “Trey, call her up and then take the rest of the day off.”

  “Now that I can handle.”

  A few minutes later the door to my office opened and in walked Shayla. I took pause when I saw her—despite us having been officially together for five months now, her beauty still caught me off guard sometimes.

  “Hey,” he said, smiling as she shut the door behind her.

  Her eyes flicked onto the VR prototype. “You’ve got it,” she said, her face brightening with excitement as she hurried over to the edge of my desk and took a seat. “What do you think?”

  “It’s…amazing,” I said. “No other way to describe it. The design is incredible, the hardware is improved, and, of course, the graphics.”

  A big, proud smile formed on Shayla’s face.

  “I’m beyond impressed,” I told her. “I knew that putting you in charge of the graphics division was the right move.”

  She blushed and waved her hand through the air. “Not a chance I’m taking even a fraction of the credit for that,” she said. “I’ve got such a great staff down there that you could put a puppy in charge of graphics and it’d come out looking like a genius.”

  “Fine,” I said. “If you’re not going to take any credit, at least let me treat you to a celebration. Dinner, tonight?”

  She blinked. “What about Lucas? We need to get him from his grandpa and grandma in Westchester—”

  “Given that we ended up staying an extra three hours the last time we picked him up, I think they can handle him for a few hours more,” I countered.

  “Good point. It’s a date, then.”

  “Awesome,” I said. “You finish up, and I’ll make a reservation at the Sorensen for seven. Sound good?”

  “Sounds perfect,” she said, flashing me another one of her gorgeous smiles before taking off.

  I watched her leave, my eyes lingering on her body as she disappeared through the door. I was looking forward to dinner, but I already couldn’t wait for what we were going to get up to afterward.

  After calling the restaurant, I met Shayla down in the lobby, greeting her with a kiss on the cheek before we headed down to the parking garage. After a quick trip home to change and relax, the two of us were on our way to one of our favorite restaurants in the city.

  When we arrived, the hostess led us to our usual table, a cozy two-top on the balcony, overlooking Central Park.

  “So,” she said. “How are you feeling?”

  “Pretty incredible, actually,” I said. “Just another month of tweaking and the next VR model should be ready to ship. And I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  I reached across the table and took her hands, giving them a squeeze.

  “Shayla,” I said. “I can’t put into words how happy of a man you’ve made me over these last few months. It’s not even been half a year, and I already can’t imagine what life would be like without you and Lucas. It’s like everything before I met you was some kind of dream, and only now am I leading the life I was meant to have.”

  Shayla’s eyes became wet with tears. She smiled and squeezed my hand before wiping them away.

p; “You took the words right out of my mouth,” she said, surprising me. “You’re…just the most amazing man I’ve ever known. And the way your family has welcomed me… I just don’t know what to say. Other than I love you, that is.”

  I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling choked up.

  “As you know, we’re about to move into a new phase with the company,” I said, “but before our lives become even more complicated, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

  Shayla looked sheepish.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Um, just that I have something to tell you,” she said. “But you can go first.”

  I was eager to get to what I wanted to ask, but she seemed very preoccupied with whatever was on her mind.

  “No,” I said. “You first.”

  She cleared her throat and brought her eyes up to mine.

  “You like being a daddy, right?” she asked.

  “Are you kidding?” I asked. “I love it.”

  “Good,” she said. “Because it’s about to happen again…twice.”


  “I’m pregnant.”

  I nearly burst out of my seat with excitement.

  “Tell me everything!” I said, my voice raising and catching the attention of the diners seated nearby.

  “I’m pregnant,” Shayla said, laughing now. “And we’re having twins!”

  It was like I was underwater. The city was a blur around me, and my heart thudded in my chest. I was totally overwhelmed with joy.

  “Okay, okay,” she said, eagerly tapping on the table. “Now your question.”

  I had to take a moment to recover from what she’d just told me. When I finally did, I reached in my pocket and felt around for the small box. Once it was in my hand, I took it out and opened it up, revealing a diamond ring.

  “Shayla will you—”

  “Yes!” she shouted out, lunging over the table and throwing her arms around me, kissing me hard on the lips.

  “Yes!” she said over and over, kissing me again between each exclamation.

  We embraced, and however much joy was in my heart before, I’d somehow found room in my heart for even more.

  At that moment, the city stretched out in front of us, my happiness was complete.


  Seven Months Later: Shayla

  “You look so beautiful I almost want to throw up.”

  Standing in front of the mirror in my wedding dress, I couldn’t help but laugh at Jamie.

  “That’s a very colorful way to put it,” said Colton’s mother Sandra as she stepped up to the other side of me. “But seriously, honey, you look like a million bucks.”

  I placed my hands on my baby bump.

  “Even with this giant beach ball under my dress?” I asked.

  “Oh, pssh,” said Sandra. “Pregnancy’s a good look for you—you’re glowing.”

  I turned around, taking a look at myself from over my shoulder.

  “Okay,” said Jamie. “You look amazing—that’s a given. How do you feel, though? Can you believe you’re about to get married?”

  “It’s still very surreal,” I said, needing to sit down and let my knees rest. “I can’t believe it’s actually happening.”

  “Get used to it,” said Sandra. “This day’s going to go by in a blur, so enjoy it.”

  “That’s the plan,” I said.

  I took a deep breath, one of the babies kicking as I did, and walked over to the bedroom window. We were up at the cabin at Holly Lake, both Colton and I having decided that neither of us could think of a more suitable place or time to get married than Christmas season at the cabin—even if I was eight months pregnant.

  A thin sheet of snow covered the ground, the benches and altar set up on the front lawn, space heaters placed to make the guests feel warm and toasty.

  “So,” said Sandra, “the wedding’s here, then the party’s at my place.”

  “Then the honeymoon in someplace warm, I hope,” said Jamie.

  “Yep,” I said. “But after Christmas.”

  Jamie smiled. “I take it that means you’ve come around on the holiday?”

  I matched her smile with one of my own.

  “I think I’m getting there.”

  A soft knock sounded from the bedroom door. Amy, one of Colton’s cousins and now a good friend of mine, stuck her blond head into the room.

  “You guys all ready?”

  I turned toward Jamie and Sandra, taking one last deep breath.

  “I think so,” I said. “Let’s do this.”

  Amy gave a thumbs-up, and we followed her down to the first floor where the bridesmaids—all girls on Colton’s side of the family or friends I’d made over the last year through work. I still couldn’t believe that I’d brought so many amazing, new people into my life since last Christmas, but I was so grateful that it was hard to put into words.

  The ceremony began, the strains of “Canon in D” playing from the strings of a classical guitar. Colton’s dad led me down the aisle where Colton awaited me, dressed in a dark black tux and looking as handsome as the day I’d first met him.

  I took a quick look over the dozens of friends and soon-to-be family in attendance, giving a little wave to Lucas, who was dressed in an adorable tux and seated on Sandra’s lap.

  Everything went by in a wonderful blur, and by the time we shared our “I dos,” I was overflowing with happiness. And our first kiss as a married couple was like nothing else.

  Once the ceremony was over, the attendees piled into their cars and the convoy took off toward Colton’s parents’ place in Westchester, about a half hour away. Before too long we arrived at the massive, stately house, which was decked out in holiday splendor.

  A fire roared in the fireplace, a live band played Christmas tunes, and I floated through the entire party in absolute bliss. I danced with Colton, the hours drifting away as we ate and laughed and partied with everyone there. I had to take a few breaks, of course, owing to my giant belly, but I had more fun than I could possibly believe.

  After a time, Colton and I snuck away from the party to go up to the roof balcony of the house.

  “We did it,” he said. “We’re actually married.”

  “We did it,” I said. “And it all feels so strange—like I’m in some kind of wonderful dream.”

  Colton smiled and pulled me close.

  “I feel exactly the same way,” he said. “But I can say without a shadow of a doubt that marrying you is the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.”

  I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, enjoying his warmth and his love. He reached around me and placed his hand on my belly.

  “What do you think?” he asked. “Two boys? Two girls? One of each?”

  I shook my head.

  “You know I want to wait to find out,” I said. “And I don’t know about you, but I’m going to be happy no matter what we have.”

  “Same here,” he said. “I just hope that we can get this honeymoon in before they come out.”

  We held each other for a time, looking out onto the vast stretch of snow-covered land that surrounded the estate. The moon was full in the cloud-streaked sky, and the woods beyond were frosted with fresh snow.

  “It almost makes me not want to go anywhere,” I said. “It’s so beautiful.”

  Colton smirked.

  “Have I told you how happy it’s made me to see you come around on Christmas?” he asked.

  “You have,” I said. “And I’m just as surprised as you are. I guess I just needed the right person to show me how magical it could be.”

  We stayed like this for a time, stealing kisses from one another as we took in the calm of the winter scene before us.

  “I think we ought to get back down there,” he said. “Or else they might get to thinking we got an early start to our wedding night.”

  The two of us headed back down to the party where we got right back into the celebrati
ng. After a time, though, Colton and I both decided that it was time to make the reception a little more private. We bid goodbye to our friends and family, leaving Lucas with Sandra and Lionel.

  A limo was waiting for us in front of the house to take us to a luxury hotel suite in Midtown, the view from the penthouse unlike anything I’d seen before.

  Once there, the two of us alone, we pounced on one another so eagerly that it took all the restraint we had not to rip one another’s clothes off.

  Making love isn’t easy when you’re pregnant with twins, but we pulled it off. And as we lay in bed together, no lights in the room other than those of the Christmas tree we’d made sure was in the room waiting for us, it seemed like there was no one else in the world except for him and me.

  “I love you, baby,” he said. “So much it hurts.”

  “And you know I love you too. I can’t wait to see what marriage has in store for us.”

  He gave me a kiss on the forehead before hopping out of bed. I took a good look at his perfect rear as he headed to the main room of the suite.

  “I think I could go for some room service,” he said. “How about you?”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could get out a word, a wetness spread out in the bed from under me. The babies kicked hard in my belly, and my eyes went wide.

  I’d been through this before—I knew what it meant.

  “Colton,” I said. “I hope you’re ready for Christmas to come early this year!”

  The End

  We hope you’ve enjoyed Shayla and Colton’s story! Sign up to Layla’s mailing list and be the first to know about all her new releases.

  Layla & Holly x


  Also by Layla Valentine


  His Baby Secret

  Hot Pursuit


  Secret Daddy Surprise


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