The Watchman

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The Watchman Page 5

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Susan smiled again and said, “I will. It won’t be too much for you. I’ll tell them,” and she left us to go to the changing area of the women’s clothing shop where Viola had taken the two ladies from Antonio’s house.

  Paul and Antonio talked together about various properties and houses that Paul knew of, and once again, I quit listening carefully. Antonio’s plan was a good one. We should each do what we were good at. Paul and I were good at seeing where kindness could be increased. We could see that a new school was needed. Now we had a man who would be good at building and running it. I would have been happy to do it myself, but this was better. Antonio had the experience, reputation, and even the authority to make it happen. The young women were already sent with him to be taken to the school. Now he would bring them to our school, here in Bonvale. He already collected the women who had no homes to go to. Now he would bring them to his house and care for them until an arrangement presented itself. In the past, he had to find arrangements as quickly as possible. Now he could let the woman stay until a more perfect arrangement could be made. I suspected that from now on, only the best proposals would result in a match, not every man who made a successful bid.

  I said, “Antonio, your events may change in nature.”

  He said, “I think that they must. For one thing, I will have them here and men will travel to Bonvale. But what’s on your mind?”

  I said, “I picture something like this: you hold an event and introduce all of the women who currently need a home. Then, after they’ve all been introduced, you take a break and give the men time to consider what they’ve seen and how a woman would fit their situation. The men who like a particular woman will sit down with you and tell you their situation, about their lives, the challenges they face, and what plans they have for her. If you like what you hear, you set a fee that you collect for supporting the school and the women. If he’s a good man, but poor or young, you might adjust the amount downward for him. If you don’t like what you hear, tell him to come back another day or ask him to consider a different woman, one who you know might suit him better. That’s what I think might happen. It’s up to you.”

  Antonio smiled and said, “As if it were! But I’ll see what you’ve said and what you think might happen. If I do as you say, the event will take all day. But we have only one every two weeks, so I spend two days at it each month, not twelve or fourteen as I do now. I gain ten days each month from it. Now, by having a man tell me his story, what do I gain? I might not send a women with a man as readily, but when I do, I will have more confidence that both of them will be happy. If one man needs labor and another needs love, I will choose the one who loves and I will never see the woman in my events again. It will not be because he gives me more, but because I believe that he will give her more in terms of a happier life. So what about the fees? But wait. At this theoretical event, the man sits with me. But after he sits with me, if he seems good, he goes and sits with the woman for half an hour and gets to know her. At the end, if it stills seems good, to both of them, then an arrangement can be made. It’s a further assurance that a good match is possible. Ah, this way it’s a match, not an auction. There’s more respect and less expediency. I start to think that it should have been done this way many years ago. But again, about the fee. I can set the fee at one hundred, a hundred-fifty, or two-hundred according to my estimation. If the man won’t pay, then he’s free to move on. A man should pay for the treasure he wants, and the women will be treasures, not burdens. As you say, if he’s young or poor and when I tell him the fee, if he looks downcast and I think it’s because he wants to make her happy, but can’t afford it, I can do what I can for them both. If he gets angry, I’ll send him away immediately. Let him come back when he’s more mature and more gracious and I won’t hold it past against him. And I’ll tell him so if he’ll listen to me.”

  I said, “And if you tell him that the normal fee is always two hundred, but for him you make an exception, and if the women know that it’s always two hundred, but an exception can be made because of the man’s circumstances, not because a women is not worth as much as another, what then?”

  Antonio laughed and said, “Then every woman knows that she is as valuable as any other and every man knows that he has a treasure in her. The woman knows that the man would pay two hundred if he were able, but that a kindness was shown to them both and they think that I have given them a generous gift. The man will know that he has received a gift and should be gentle and gracious to the woman out of gratitude for my gift.”

  Paul laughed as well and said, “Every other time Joshua opens his mouth, I hear the hoof beats of unicorns.”

  Antonio said, “That’s a good way to describe it. It is very much like that. He says that he predicts that my events will be different in the most simple way, and the way that they’re different changes everything and makes everyone richer in ways that we couldn’t have imagined for ourselves. We hear the hooves of unicorns. So, the plan’s a good one? I’ll work it through and discuss it with my partners and bring it to you before making any moves.”

  The girls were just returning as he said this and Paul asked what partners he had in mind.

  Antonio smiled and said, “Why, these new women who have said that they’ll share my life. I make no decisions about things like this without making them part of it. My dears, have you chosen some new clothing that we can buy for you today?”

  Blossom said, “We wouldn’t insist, least of all me, since I feel that I ride on the reputation of my sister. It is she that you came for, not me.”

  Antonio said, “Blossom, we haven’t even embraced yet! Please, may I kiss you?”

  The woman smiled and said, “You may, if that’s your wish.”

  Antonio put his hands to the woman’s face and kissed her tenderly on the mouth.

  He said, “And Orchid, may I kiss you?”

  Orchid smiled and slid into his arms and he kissed her in the same way.

  Antonio put his arms around the shoulder of each of them and said, “Now, we’ve been intimate, never question my commitment and love for you. You’ve known me for many years and I’ve known you. I went to look for Orchid today because our friend Joshua insisted that I find happiness. And I have found it with you both. Oh, and not having been kissed for a very long time, I must say that it’s better than I remembered. I was out of my mind and didn’t think about all of the treasures that might be in Meadows, but looked only for the most obvious. Oh no, please, I don’t mean the only treasure! I mean that Joshua told me to think about just one who seemed to me to be um, like the two of you, um, special. I never knew anything about you until I met Viola and had no way to even think about it.”

  Blossom said quietly, “Husband, I teased you. You’re a good man and I’m very happy. And I promise that you won’t think that we took advantage of your goodness when you see what the girl has made us buy this afternoon.”

  Orchid laughed and said, “No indeed. Your flowers will be well displayed for your pleasure.”

  Antonio smiled and asked, “Then where to next? Do we have shopping or other errands?”

  Orchid said, “Master, as we’ve said, it has been an emotional day, full of changes to our very lives. Let us go and retire at the inn and rest for a while before dinner. Your women are overwhelmed at their good fortune and need an opportunity to express their new love for you in private.”

  Antonio said, “Oh, yes of course. I’m inconsiderate of you out of ignorance and excitement. I’ll take us to the inn and you can rest and refresh yourselves and do what you need.”

  Blossom grunted in exasperation and said forcefully, “Husband, we can’t be more plain than we have been! We want you to take us to bed and fill us with man-meat before we explode here in the market. Take us to the inn, and take us to bed, and see if any of the three of us still know what it is to fuck your lover to paradise. You kissed us, but we want to be naked and sweaty. We want your penis between us and your hands on our tits! For p
ity’s sake! We have new night dresses and our brains are full of lust for our mate. Take us to the inn!”

  Antonio looked shocked throughout the woman’s short, but passionate speech and quickly tried to find coins in his pouch to pay Paul what he owed. In the end, he slammed a handful of coins on the counter and said that Paul should keep the excess or return it to him at a later date and then started to hurry off…in the wrong direction. We yelled after him and pointed, directing him toward the inn.

  Chapter 5 - Ending The Day

  The rest of us stood laughing, some of us more embarrassed than others. It seemed that Paul and I were blushing a bit, but the women all took it in stride.

  Ellie, who had been standing by all this time said, “I like them.”

  We all laughed again and agreed that we did indeed like both Antonio and his women.

  Ellie then said, “Well, take Viola and I to the inn. We are…”

  I cut her off, sure that she was about to repeat most of what she had just heard and probably to embellish it herself. And then we all laughed even harder.

  Instead of going to the inn, I took Ellie and Viola back to the farm where Viola and I had a very nice time making love together in the bed in our apartment. When we had first come to Paul’s farm, he had given us the use of an apartment within his home that had a front room, a bathroom with a shower, two bedrooms, and a small sitting area with a table by a window that we could eat at in private if we wanted to. It had been less than three weeks since I had woken up from my long sleep, and the apartment had been occupied by two or more of us continuously ever since. Now, it was likely to be just two at a time, either two of the girls, or me and one of the girls, because most of us spent the majority of the time at the house in the woods called Havenrest.

  Dinner was good. We had no friends visiting and we ate indoors, in the large dining room. It was a full house though. Since the addition of Marvella, it was Paul and his five mates, and me and Viola and Ellie; nine in total. Ellie excused herself, since she didn’t need to eat anyway. The others didn’t know that Ellie had no need for food, but accepted that she often, actually never, ate the same food that was served. Everyone accepted it as one of the quirks of the nymphs and didn’t give much thought to it.

  As we finished up dinner, I said, “Things are busy and I need to establish a routine. I think that I’ll make some changes.”

  Paul asked, “What kind of changes, my boy?”

  I said, “You have said that your work is to make and sell clothing. You go to the shop every day because that’s your business.”

  He said, “And you are not a clothier, but a treasure hunter, and so, you don’t try to work in my shop, but go about your business. We discussed that when you first came here.”

  I said, “And that’s what I’m thinking about. I need a shop to go to in the mornings to do my work, whatever that is. I think that life will be easier for me if every morning, I go to the cafe and sit for part of the day. I meet with Antonio or Bart, the woodworker, or others as we decide on new things. Antonio will have a school to build, but he’ll want to discuss it with me. And at times, Paul, you and I will need to have a meeting with one or more people about various things. We have friends, but really more than friends, various villagers, and I expect that soon there will be some from other villages who have business to discuss with me. I’m thinking that if people know where to find me for a few hours every morning, then I won’t have to go this way and that arranging appointments and meetings. What do you think of that? Men will know that if they want to speak to me then they come to the cafe in the morning. If I’m there, we can talk. If I’m away on an errand, they can come later, until a certain hour, or come again the next day. If I know that I won’t return that day, I’ll tell Jonah and Lucy and they will relay my message if anyone is looking for me.”

  Paul said, “That’s an interesting idea. Sitting in a shop that you use for an office would be unpleasant if you have no one who needs to see you. At the cafe, if you have no business, you can sit and visit with any who have time, or tell stories, or have Clarice or Viola with you. But as for meeting with the men of the village, I think that you’re right. Even if it isn’t every day, but only a few days a week, they would know to come on those days. People come for clothing at the hours that they know that I will be there. If they came to our house at any time or called me to the shop for every customer, it would be exhausting. If your business is to meet with men of the village and plan your projects, then if you go to work every morning at the same time, there will be more order to your life.”

  I said, “That’s what I’m thinking. I feel like I was rushing about to this thing or that and arranging to meet here and there and in the days to come, it will be worse. Antonio will have men who need a women come to him on certain days instead of traveling every day of his life. I should follow my own advice and sit where my business can be done and let them come to me as they need to. It’s easier for everyone, not just for me.”

  Paul said, “As you say, if someone wants clothes, he knows that he can come at certain times and get them. He doesn’t have to make an appoint. It’s easier for them and for me.”

  I said, “Then that is what I’ll do. Tomorrow, and most mornings from now on, I’ll go to the cafe. I might have a light breakfast there. For the first hour, I will think and meditate and plan. After that, people can come for various business that we have. And Viola and the girls will be welcome to join me as they like and as their schedules allow. Viola, what do you say about all of this?”

  Viola said, “I like it. And I can help you with it.”

  I smiled and asked her what she had in mind and she said, “If a man comes and you discuss a project, and you need some information or a message delivered or to speak to someone in addition, I can go and find them or buy a thing or negotiate a price or get an estimate or step away and ask Clarice for information or to start a project. If you’re speaking to one man, and another comes, I can ask him to wait and tell him when you will be available to when he should come back. If a man comes and needs to give you a message, but you’re busy, I’ll write it down and give it to you and explain what was wanted later, when you’re ready for it.”

  I said, “Viola, that will be wonderful. That will be very wonderful.”

  Viola beamed and said, “Susan, I won’t be in the shop in the morning if I do this.”

  Susan smiled and said, “Of course dear, but this is what you are best suited for. We sell more of different kinds of clothes now than ever because you help the women know what’s good for them and I want that help when you can give it. But you have talents beyond clothing and we know that Joshua’s projects benefit the entire village, the eight villages really, and he will need you to do all the things that you described.”

  I said, “Viola, this makes me more happy than you can imagine. So, as my secretary and administrative assistant, what do you think of doing it at the cafe instead of hiring an office?”

  She said, “What are those things that you said just now? The things that you said that I am for you?”

  I said, “Oh, the job that you describe is what was called a secretary and administrative assistant. It’s a critical job and a specialized skill that helps run a business.”

  She smiled and said, “That sounds very official. Like a magistrate or registrar. I will be your secretary. I’m certain that Jonah will have no issue with you doing business here in the mornings. He’ll have more customers and will make more money. Let me go and arrange a monthly fee for the table, rather than paying every day. It will be better if the fee is set and he is certain about the income that he’ll. The fee is separate from any food that’s ordered. He’ll keep track of what you eat and we’ll pay him at the end of the month for that as well. It must be fair.”

  I said, “I’m always generous with them, you know that.”

  She said, “I do know that. And that’s the point. This is a business and it must be fair. If you give coins every day, Jon
ah will feel that he makes far too much from you when he doesn’t do anything. He’s a fair man and wants to be fair. I’m thinking that we’ll give him twenty coins a month for the use of his table. He will make another twenty or thirty from your food and drink. Another ten will go to Lucy. And perhaps another ten or twenty for food and drink that you buy for others. I’ll plan for eighty coins a month, but only the twenty for the table and the ten for Lucy will be set amounts. It will be generous, but not extravagant or embarrassing.”

  I said, “You’re the secretary; it’s up to you. Do what you think I’d do if I knew as much as you do.”

  Paul said, “And that brings us to the arrangement that you and I have. We said that you would give me certain amounts for your room and board and for teaching your women and for various things and for a school. But we also said that you and I would be partners in certain things and share in the profits from them. We need to renegotiate.”

  I tried to protest, saying “Paul, I’m happy to do as we said and I see no need to renegotiate.”

  Susan smiled and said, “Paul, you’ll never win if you negotiate with Joshua. Find another way.”

  Paul smiled as well and said, “That’s precisely my thinking. Viola, as his secretary, can we negotiate a new agreement?”

  I said, “Wait a minute!”

  Viola laughed and said, “I think that we can. Master, let me do my job if you trust me.”

  Paul said, “Yes, let her do her job.”

  Viola said, “Now Paul, what’s your proposal?”

  Paul said, “Obviously, fees for your room and board are now out of the question. You are family and we are blessed by all of these new daughters and their unicorn. The apartment is yours and you eat and stay as family.”

  Viola smiled and said, “Here is my offer. I will negotiate with your secretary so that you are not bothered by trivialities. Susan, I will establish an account with the food merchants. Any food that you buy in the market you will put on Joshua’s account and he will pay for it. No money will change hands between us. It’s the advantage of having a wealthy son-in-law, nothing more.”


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