The Wicked Wallflowers

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The Wicked Wallflowers Page 40

by Tammy Andresen

  What was more, she might finally have the opportunity to tell Lord Roger Parks what a piece of pond scum he was.

  * * *

  Pierce sat behind his desk as he stared down at the ledger book before him. On his other side was a list of projected cargo and potential sales for his joint venture with Dryden and Harding. Satisfaction rippled through him.

  Despite the pile of work for which he needed to attend, he rose from the desk and donned his Redding coat, pulling the bell to have his horse saddled. He had to speak with Caroline. It was time to win the lady he loved.

  Billings stepped into the room. “Can I help you, my lord?”

  “Yes, Billings. See that my horse is brought round.”

  ‘Of course.” The man nodded and started to leave but then turned back. “My lord.”

  “Yes,” he asked.

  “About your mother…”

  “She’s gone, and I doubt she’ll ever be back.”

  Billings shook his head. “I mean your real mother.” The man took a breath. “Your father, he loved her with all his heart. He married the countess because it was expected of him but...” Billing paused again.

  Pierce’s heart hammered in his chest. He’d been faced with that same dilemma. Of course, he’d chosen differently than his father. He was going to marry the woman he loved and live the life his father had been denied. “But what?”

  Billings straightened. “He told me when he died that he wished he’d given you more affection. He wanted me to explain to you and I’ve struggled for years how to say this to you. He said every time he looked at you he was reminded that he’d lost his heart and soul. He wished, however, that he had remembered that it lived within you.” Billings bowed his head. “I’m glad you’ve become earl and I want you to know, I’ll guard your secrets until my last breath.”

  Pierce stared at the other man. Quietly, he’d had allies all along. “Thank you, Billings.”

  He nodded. “Now go get your future countess.”

  Pierce raised a brow. How much did Billings know exactly? But he smiled anyway. “I will.”

  Billings turned then and headed down the hall as Pierce grabbed his gloves and hat.

  He was just about to leave the room when the butler arrived again.

  “My lord, this letter was just delivered from Lady Caroline’s house,” he said.

  He straightened, his gut clenching as he took the sealed note. Scanning the contents, he flipped to the next page to read Helena’s letter. Bloody hell, he tore off his hat and raked his hands through his hair, Caroline was going to confront Parks.

  He couldn’t even rejoice over her confession of love as he thought about what Parks could do to her. If she confronted the other man in the quiet shadows the way she had Pierce, there was no telling what nefarious deeds the man could commit. “I need my horse, now,” he barked, tossing the letters on his desk and sprinting for the door.

  Chapter Twenty

  Caroline stood next to Helena. “We’ve lost them,” Helena whined clutching Caroline’s arm.

  “They have to be here,” Caroline answered in a whisper. They had been on the garden path, winding their way through the rhododendron bushes not seconds before. Then Caroline saw a tiny space between two bushes up ahead. “There.” She pointed, pulling at Helena’s hand. “Let’s check there.”

  They crept up, squeezing between the branches, Caroline first and Helena just behind. Sure enough the bushes opened revealing a small clearing in their center. Lord Parks held Lady Jane tight against his chest as he assaulted her mouth.

  For Jane’s part, she attempted to extricate herself, pushing at his chest and making small noises. “Wait..stop…give me a moment…” But Parks heeded none of her protests.

  Caroline straightened. Her spine mimicking the resolve she felt within. This was the moment she’d been waiting for. She couldn’t change what had happened to her, the decisions she’d made, but she could fix this. “She asked you to stop.”

  Helena gasped behind her and then pushed around, yanking on her sister’s arm until Parks let go.

  “Get her out of here,” Caroline commanded as she turned back to face Parks.

  Helena pulled her sister back toward the entrance and out of the bushes. “Follow me.”

  Caroline had a few bits to say first. She squared her shoulders as she assessed the man before her.

  Parks eyed her, his gaze travelling up and down. “You know, it comes to mind that you never asked me to stop. In fact, you were quite eager for more.”

  Heat flooded her cheeks. That was the worst of it. She had been eager and wanton. Over this filthy man. “I didn’t understand what a swine you were.”

  He began moving closer, his lips curled into a disgusting smile. “Still, I should have stolen far more than a kiss. You, my dear have the potential to be—”

  “I’m not your dear,” she said as she took a step back. She was glad she’d helped Jane, but all the same, she was now alone with Lord Parks. She should have left as Helena instructed. “And I never will be again.”

  “You have the potential to be an excellent lover.” He took a step closer. “You’ve only grown more stunning, I must confess.” His eyes travelled up and down her length as she took two more steps back in the security of the branches. Two more steps and she’d be back on the public path.

  She didn’t answer as she quickened her feet, trying to spin as she took the last two steps. She saw the path and, out of the corner of her eye, caught sight of another pedestrian. Relief made her limp but all of a sudden, Parks lunged and grabbed her arm, yanking her back into the branches. They whipped at her face, scratching her cheeks until she was in the clearing and up against his chest. She tried to push away as she gasped for breath, but he tightened his grip on her arm and dropped his lips to hers, crushing her mouth in a bruising kiss.

  She cried out, but his mouth swallowed the sound, as his teeth bit down on the tender flesh of her lip. “I want to see every inch of you stripped bare. I’m going to enjoy this.”

  Fear made her stomach pitch as tears welled in her eyes. What was she going to do?

  * * *

  Pierce saw the group of picnickers and jumped off his horse, scanning the ladies and gentleman for signs of Caroline. It was the third group he’d tried and he grew more desperate the longer he went without finding her.

  Suddenly, Helena appeared, half dragging a girl, behind her, looking wild. He raced toward her. “Lady Helena,” he called. “Where is…”

  He didn’t need to finish. She dumped the girl on the nearest blanket. “Lady Cecelia,” she barked. “My sister fell on the path. Please see to her.”

  Then Helena gave him a small wave and started back down the path she had come. He raced after her, easily catching her.

  “Just up here,” Helena gasped. “She’s alone with Parks.”

  Fear tightened his muscles as tingles raced down his spine. From between the branches a skirt appeared and for a brief moment, he saw Caroline’s face. She yelped as she disappeared again. “Go back to the party,” he growled to Helena without looking at her.

  He was going to kill Parks.

  Leaving Helena, he sprinted toward the gap in the bushes and crashed between the branches. It was only a few steps and he was upon them. What was more, he had the element of surprise. He intended to use that advantage to its fullest.

  He grabbed Parks about the neck, ripping him away from Caroline. With his other hand, he planted a stiff fist into the man’s face.

  Parks dropped like a stone without throwing a single punch.


  Caroline’s voice quavered behind him and he spun about. He might have made it through unscathed but she hadn’t. Her face was scratched, lips swollen, and her skin was a deathly shade of pale. “”Sweetheart,” he crooned wrapping her in his arms. “It’s all right.”

  “Of course it is,” she gasped out. “You’re here.” She buried her face into his chest. “Oh Pierce, I was so frig

  “I know, love.” He swept an arm under her knees and cradled her body against his chest. “But I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  She wrapped her arms about his neck. “Can you forgive me for being such a fool?”

  He dropped his face to her hair, the soft strands tickling his cheek. “Of course,” Then he planted a light kiss on her head as they made their way from the bushes, and back onto the path. He didn’t go toward the party but in the opposite direction hoping to find a nearby gate. “But what am I forgiving you for exactly?”

  She let out a hiccup. “I should never have rejected your courtship. Please tell me you haven’t changed your mind.”

  He smiled against her hair as he found a gate and exited the park. Setting her on her feet, he hailed a hack. “You only denied me for my benefit.” Then he swept his head down and softly kissed her mouth. “But I am no longer offering to court you.”

  “You’re not?” He saw her eyes widen. He was a cad for teasing her.

  “No, I must insist that we skip the formality and marry at once.” He held her against his side as a hack stopped in front of them.

  “Pierce,” she breathed, as he handed her inside. “I accept your terms.”

  He followed, climbing in. “Thank the lord.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Caroline tried to remember a more pleasant carriage ride. Then again, she’d never been locked in the kiss of a man who’d asked her to marry him. They clung together until the hackney stopped and then Pierce all but carried her out and into the house.

  Up the stairs and down the hall, Caroline didn’t even think about where they were going, she only felt the joy pumping through her body. But as he opened a door, she realized that a large bed filled the room they were about to enter. “Oh,” she said, tapping his shoulder.

  He raised his brows, as he kissed the shell of her ear. “We don’t need to do anything, love, but I can’t take you home now. I was too worried for you and I need to be in your company.” Then he set her down. “Allow me to pen a quick note to your aunt and make sure my horse is retrieved.” He kissed her again. “Then, we can take a nap, if that’s what you desire. As long as I am close to you, I don’t care.”

  “A note to my aunt?” What would he say?

  “Announcing our engagement and marriage in a fortnight.” He stepped back but took her hand in his. Carefully unbuttoning the glove, he raised her palm to his lips. “Sooner if I can arrange it.”

  “Oh,” she said again as though she knew no other words. What a ninny she was being. But the man had stolen her breath and her ability to think straight. “Nothing would make me happier.”

  He turned and left then but came back in just a few moments, with pen and parchment in hand. He pulled her toward a desk. “We’ll write it together.”

  She stood behind him, kissing his neck as he quickly penned the details of what had happened with Lord Parks and their decision to marry. He finished by adding that he hoped she understood but he needed to be with Caroline this afternoon. He invited Aunt Millie for dinner and to come stay at his home as they planned the wedding.

  “We’re going to stay? For the next fortnight? Both of us?” Caroline asked as she kissed the lobe of his ear.

  “Well, your aunt will live with us, won’t she?” he asked turning back and pulling her into his lap.

  Her eyes lit but then she pressed her lips together, worry making her shoulders hunch. She remembered the other topic they needed to discuss. His mother. “I hope she will. She’s all the family I have but—”

  “She’ll be all the family I have too,” he reached up to stroke her cheek. “Of course she can stay with us.”

  “All the family you have?” Her breath caught. “You know?”

  “I know.” He gently pulled her closer until their foreheads touched. “On some level, I’ve known for a long time.”

  She nodded, closing her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” He held his face in his. “I’ve got love now.”

  “Yes, you do,” she answered, her chest aching with emotion. “All of it.”

  He kissed her again, but this touch was longer and deeper. Their mouths melded together as their tongues touched. He still held her face and Caroline threaded her fingers into his hair. She couldn’t get close enough to him to be satisfied.

  They kissed over and over until her heart thrummed in her chest. He slid his hands down her neck to the pearl buttons that held her dress together, his nimble fingers undoing them in quick succession.

  As her dress slumped forward, she pulled back. “I thought we were just napping?”

  He chuckled. “You wouldn’t be comfortable napping in that gown. In fact,” his fingers gave the string of her corset a tug, “we should probably remove this too.”

  She smiled as she dipped her lips lower to kiss his again. “And what of your clothing should we remove?”

  He groaned then, as the strings gave way. “Caroline,” he rasped between kisses. “I love you, darling.”

  She didn’t answer as he cupped her breast and his thumb grazed her nipple. Instead she groaned, arching her back into the touch. He answered by doing the same to the other.

  In response, she began to tug at his cravat, wanting to feel his skin, touch his chest.

  “Darling,” he murmured against her lips. “We should wait. I—”

  “I don’t want to wait. I’ve waited long enough for you.” That was the truth. She knew this wasn’t the way she was supposed to let a man court her. But, unlike the last time, she’d picked the right man. A man who loved, cherished, and protected her. “I want all of you.”

  It was his turn to groan as he stood, holding her against his body. “I want all of you too. Now and forever.”

  Their lips joined again as they fumbled with their clothing, pieces coming off one by one, landing in a slow trail toward the bed.

  While he still had his front fall breeches and boots on, she had nothing but her chemise and pantaloons as they finally reached the giant frame of the bed. After lifting her, he lay her down and settled his weight on top of hers.

  There was something so right about the feel of his hard muscles pressing into her softer flesh. She let out a sigh of pleasure as he traced her curves with his hands. “I need to ask one more time if you’re ready for this.” He kissed down her neck. “We can wait until after we’re married.”

  She pressed her fingers into the small of his back. “No.” Caroline shook her head. “I’m ready now.”

  He stood, untying his boots and kicking them off. With sure hands, he skimmed his palms along her thighs, then hooked her pantaloons, pulling the garment off. Slowly, he pushed the chemise up as he knelt down and kissed the skin of her leg, higher and higher as more of her flesh was revealed. “So lovely,” he murmured as the fabric reached her waist and exposed her most intimate area to him. He brushed a finger through her curls and she bucked as heat and desire ricocheted through her quivering thighs straight to her center.

  He made another pass, this time parting her curls and touching the sensitive flesh underneath. She fisted the blankets in her hands as she arched to meet his touch.

  Again and again, he rubbed her sensitive nub until she could barely stand the passion building within her.

  When she thought she might faint from the pleasure, he stopped before he stood and stripped off his breeches.

  She hadn’t studied Pierce much, but her mouth dried as she stared at the rippling muscles that tapered from his broad shoulders down to his narrow hips. But her admiration ceased as his member sprung from the folds of his pants. “Oh,” she said, realizing she was doing it again, using the least descriptive word in the English language. “It’s rather large.”

  He gave her a knowing grin. “Yes, it is.” Kicking off the pants, he slid up her body, pulling her chemise over her head. “But try not to worry. Your body is meant for lovemaking.”

  “You’re certain?” she aske
d, even as she slid her arms around his neck. Any fear she’d felt vanished at the warm touch of his skin.

  “I’m certain.”

  When the tip of his manhood pressed against her folds, she caught her breath. The touch was rather nice, then as he moved back and forth it was far better than nice. It was only when he began to slide inside her that she tensed again. He’d barely begun and she already felt stretched.

  “Should I stop,” he asked, running a thumb along her lip.

  She shook her head. “No. Do it. Quickly.”

  He did, pushing inside her as something tore deep within her womanhood. She winced, the ripping sensation burning through her nether region.

  “It’s done, love. That’s it.” Then he gave her a long, slow kiss.

  They stayed like that for a while, neither moving as her body adjusted. Then when he did finally pull out and push back in, most of the pain had evaporated.

  And Caroline had to confess that the discomfort had been worth the closeness she felt to him. Pressed together as they were was a dream come true. She’d never felt more in her life. Desire, comfort, and love filled her body as they lay pressed together.

  And when he moved inside her again this time, it didn’t hurt. Instead, pleasure zinged along her flesh, her hips rising to meet his. “Pierce,” she moaned.

  “I know.” He brushed her nose with his and pulled out to push back into her again.

  Over and over they joined together until the pleasure was more than she could stand. Suddenly, she shattered into a thousand tiny bright lights and then came back together in his arms.

  He must have shattered too as he cried out her name, his body shuddering above hers before he collapsed on top of her and then rolled them both to the side.

  She didn’t have the energy to untwine her arms from his neck as her eyes drifted closed. “I do believe you were right about that nap.”


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