From Dream to Destiny

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From Dream to Destiny Page 10

by Caddy Rowland

  Finally, all of them went to dinner and then dancing. Mic was seeing a couple of different women and brought Christelle along that night. She was all over Mic on the dance floor, so Gastien knew Mic would be bringing her home.

  As August ended and September arrived, Gastien and Sophie grew very close. He was crazy about her, but would not admit it. She had always been crazy about him.

  She was, however, extremely frustrated because he would not even kiss her. She knew he had slept with other women all summer. It made her unhappy that he would not at least kiss her. Why was he so determined to keep her at arm’s length?


  Finally, one night at Au Lapin Agile, she was staring out at Gastien while waiting for drinks. Another server noticed and decided to offer her advice.

  “When are you going to give up on him, Sophie? I am telling you, he prefers married women! There is no future for you there. Oui, he is gorgeous; but he will break your heart. He is way too experienced for you.”

  “You don’t know anything about him,” Sophie snapped.

  “I know what I hear. And from what I hear, he is not what you need!”

  “But he is what I want.”

  The problem was it did not seem like he was ever going to make a move toward romance. She knew he wanted her as badly as she did him. For being a womanizer, he sure was worried about doing the right thing by her! She decided she would have to be the one to move it where it needed to go.

  That night, while they walked, Sophie asked him to kiss her. Gastien stepped away.

  “Non! I won’t kiss you, Sophie. You don’t know what you are asking for! You have felt the heat. If we kiss, we may not stop! We both know that I am not right for you.”

  “Gastien, are you in love with me?” she asked softly.

  Mon Dieu! He could not tell her that he thought of her constantly, that he wanted her so badly that it was her face he saw every time he had another woman! An affair with him would ruin her chances with a decent man, one who could provide her a home and family.

  Non. He could not tell her the truth.

  “Non, Sophie. I am sorry, but I am not in love with you.”

  He sat down on a bench. She sat down on his lap. Before he knew what was happening, Sophie kissed him. Gastien tried to pull away at first. Then he noticed that, oui, her lips were indeed like wild berries.

  He was a dying man in a desert, drowning in her kiss. It was sweet, yet full of heat. When her tongue came out and hesitantly touched his teeth, he thought he would die of ecstasy on the spot. Her kiss was so simple, yet he had never been made hotter.

  He kissed back. Pretty soon his tongue was exploring her mouth. Then he remembered. He had promised himself he would not do anything to hurt her. Gastien pulled away.

  “Sophie I – “

  “Silence, Gastien. Your lips lie when you speak, but not when you kiss.”

  She met his lips again. Eyes closed, Gastien relaxed, letting the kiss take him wherever it meant to. He could only fight so much. For a virgin, this woman knew how to kiss!

  Sophie reached up under his shirt, running her hands along his back. She felt the scars, but did not hesitate or stop. No explanation was needed.

  Oh God, the feel of his bare back on her hand! She had wanted to touch him so badly for so long! Sophie kissed deeper. Gastien was hard as granite; she could feel him as she sat on his lap.

  Gastien groaned. Her hand on his bare skin, it was sexier than any naked woman he had ever lain with. That hand moved around to his chest, feeling the hairiness of it. She gently pinched his nipple. Gasping, he could not help but caress her breast outside of her bodice.

  All of a sudden, realizing they were in public, he pulled away.

  “We must stop, Sophie. What if someone sees us?”

  Sophie clung to him.

  “Take me to your bed, Gastien.”

  He drew a shaky breath. “Non! Non, you shouldn’t want me! I am not going to be able to give you what you want! Please! Please understand that! Use your common sense and stop!”

  She reached down and touched the outline of him outside of his trousers.

  He cried out, “Don’t make this any more difficult for me! Mon Dieu! I have wanted you for so long that I am almost insane!”

  “Take me to bed, then, Gastien,” she whispered in his ear. “Let me finally see you naked.”

  She bit his ear gently.

  Gastien could no longer think of anything but his desire for her. He scooped her up in his arms, almost running the three blocks to his studio.


  Mic saw them from his window and knew that finally, at long last, their love was going to be consummated. It’s about damn time, he thought. For a man that has placed so much importance on sex, you sure took your time about it when it really mattered.

  He would have to remember to drop off some food on the doorstep tomorrow morning, knock, and leave. From the looks on both of their faces they would need plenty, as they would not be coming out for a few days.

  Mic smiled. Gastien had finally succumbed to love. He hoped his ami would not think of his past and do something stupid to ruin it for both of them.

  Gastien fumbled for his key.

  Sophie whispered, “Let me down, it will be easier.”

  “Not on your life,” breathed Gastien. “Now that the decision is made, I am not letting you go until I have you locked up in my home.”

  He kissed her again, and they momentarily forgot about opening the door.

  Finally, he got her inside. When he let her down, he went and closed the shutters. Then he found his kerosene lanterns, lighting them. Candles would not do tonight. They were going to be occupied for a very long time. He was glad that his cleaning lady had just been there. The wood floors glowed in the lantern light, and the bed beckoned.

  All of a sudden, they were both a bit shy. Knowing this was the start of something very special in their lives, neither wanted to rush. Gastien reached out to unbutton her bodice.

  “Shall I light the stove, Sophie? It is still warm out, but I don’t want you cold.”

  She shook her head non.

  “I think, Gastien that soon enough you will be keeping me very warm.”

  They both laughed softly as Gastien ran a finger along her cheek.

  “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” he asked huskily.

  “Non, I don’t think you ever have,” she quietly replied.

  “Then I will now. You are more beautiful than any masterpiece I have seen in the Louvre. You are like both the sunrise and sunset mixed together; yet you make them plain by comparison. There is not a paint made that can capture the pure essence of beauty in you. To me, there was never a truly beautiful woman until the first time I saw you.”

  He kissed her face gently all over.

  “Oh, Gastien, that is not true! Think of all of the beautiful women you know.”

  “Take a look around Sophie! Go on. Move over to my living room and my painting area.”

  As she did, she finally saw them. There were paintings of her scattered all over the place. He had captured her every detail from many of the times he had seen her; the paintings glowed with love.

  What he may never be able to fully express in actions was all said in those paintings.

  “Oh Gastien! They are exquisite!” She was crying and smiling at the same time.

  “And now you know,” he said shyly.

  He looked away and said quietly, “Je t’aime, Sophie.”

  He looked back at her then. “Je t’aime,” he repeated.

  She reached out, caressing his face with her hands.

  “Moi aussie je t’aime, Gastien. I always have.”

  They quietly explored each other’s mouths, kissing languidly. As he undid the buttons of her bodice, he kissed each one. Removing it and her skirt, he lifted her. Carrying her over to the bed, he undid her shoes and removed them. Gastien kissed every inch of leg that he exposed while unrolling her stockings. Fina
lly, he removed her underwear.

  She lay before him naked. She was so perfect, so tiny! He was afraid he would break her if he got on top of her. He reached to take off his shirt.

  Sophie sat up.

  “Non, please let me,” she whispered.

  Sophie stood and slowly pulled off his shirt, revealing his magnificent chest. She ran her hands all over him, kissing and tasting him. He was breathing so hard he thought he would expire. His heart was about to burst through his chest and fly out the window. He wanted her so badly, yet he wanted to make it last forever.

  She reached down and undid his sandals, pulling them off. Then she reached for his trousers. Sophie hesitated for just a moment.

  “I want to remember this forever,” she said. She stepped back, gazing at him. “You are magnificent.”

  She unbuttoned his trousers and pulled them down, along with his underwear. She jumped, startled when his cock sprang forward, standing at attention. Her eyes were huge as she looked into his.

  “Gastien! Oh, my! Do you think this is going to work?”

  She was scared now.

  He smiled tenderly. “It will work Sophie. I promise. I will be gentle until you tell me differently. I am bigger than most, and you are so small.”

  She finished getting his trousers off and then faced him. He reached out to take her hand, placing it on his shaft.

  “Touch it, Sophie. You have waited quite a while to see me naked!”

  They both laughed nervously.

  She ran her hand along it, and Gastien sucked in his breath. She had no idea what she was doing to him, but it was making him crazy! It was going to be very difficult to keep himself in control. Taking her hand, he climbed onto the bed.

  “Your last chance to run, Sophi-belle,” he warned.

  “I am not going anywhere except into your arms.”

  “Then come here, Petite Oiseau. Come here,” he whispered, opening his arms.

  They explored each other endlessly with their tongues and fingers. Sophie, of course, did not know how to use her tongue on his bite. He would wait to teach her later, if she ever asked to learn. He did not want to scare her, nor did he want to explode. He thought he might if she kissed him there.

  Finally, when she was very wet, he moved away. He gently laid Sophie on her back.

  “There are many ways of doing this, Sophie, and I plan on eventually showing you every one. I want to look into your eyes while I make you mine.” He kissed her again. “It is going to hurt the first time, maybe more than it should because of my size. If you want me to stop, say so. I am so sorry that it has to hurt at first.”

  She nodded mutely. She wanted him badly, yet now she was quite frightened. He moved on top of her, holding himself up on one elbow. He then opened her with his left hand, guiding himself to her entrance. He looked at her tenderly.

  “Je t’aime, my precious. Je t’aime.” Then he lowered his mouth onto hers and began. Gastien moved slowly, yet still she cried out. He stopped, giving her time to relax.

  After a few minutes, he whispered, “Are you sure?”

  She answered by lifting her hips to him. That gave him the signal he needed. He moved in further. She was so little underneath him, so tight! Mon Dieu, he had never felt anything like this against his bite! Fighting for control, he stopped to get his senses back.

  The sounds of their heavy breathing filled the air. The room now felt anything but cool. Gastien lowered his mouth to hers again. He pushed most of the way in.

  Sophie cried out again, and he felt tears on his lips. He looked into her eyes, silently asking if he should continue. Sophie brought her hands to his head, running them through his hair. She bit his lip gently, pulling him closer to her chest.

  “Make me fully yours, Gastien. I am ready,” she whispered.

  Gently, he moved in her. Soon she was responding to him. It was tender; unlike anything Gastien had ever experienced. In spite of all the partners, all of the sex that he had enjoyed, this was completely different.

  For the first time in his life, Gastien Beauchamp made love.

  Eyes locked on each other, they partnered in the dance as ancient as creation itself. Gastien increased the pace. Innocently, Sophie moved her hips in time with his strokes. It still hurt her some, but she also could feel the beginnings of pleasure. She knew that, although this time was special because it was the first, in the future making love with Gastien would bring the intense pleasure she had dreamt of.

  For now, she was happy watching his face. She continued to watch the emotions play across his features and knew he was in a world of intense sensation. It looked almost painful, yet his body language showed he wanted more and more.

  Gastien, for his part, was in such a state of arousal that he no longer knew where he was. Forget flying! This was the invocation and the benediction, the beginning and end. This pleasure, this moment, was eternity. As he hit the peak of his orgasm, he cried out loudly.

  Sophie watched as his eyes shut and his eyelids fluttered. His mouth opened and his jaw clenched, his breathing became ragged; sweat dripped from his forehead, and the tendons in his neck looked like they were about to snap. His tongue convulsively licked at his lips. Then, he pushed deeply into her while holding her even closer. He threw his head back, uttering the most primal noise she had ever heard. As he came down, his body shuddered.

  Gastien was panting and covered in sweat. Unable to speak, he collapsed on the bed next to her, pulling Sophie close. Sophie wiped the sweat from his eyes with the sheet, kissing the rest of it away. Then, she gently smoothed his hair back behind his shoulders. Eyes closed, he stayed motionless, gradually breathing less hard. She kissed his neck, shoulders, and chest, rubbing them gently. Then she moved down to his navel and kissed that, too.

  When she moved back up to lie on his shoulder he wrapped his arms around her. Burying his face in her hair, he inhaled her warm, female fragrance. Sophie reached down and pulled the covers up over them.

  “Are you cold, Sophie? I sure am not!”

  “You will be soon. You are bathed in sweat. Just lie here with me a few moments and relax. You look like you had quite an enjoyable experience! You need to get your senses back.”

  She licked his breast, enjoying the salty taste of him.

  About fifteen minutes later, Gastien said candidly. “Sophie. I have to confess, that was the best orgasm I have ever experienced. Mon Dieu! I thought it was like flying other times, but this? This, I think, shook me to my soul. For a short instant I believed I was one with eternity. It was the most amazing thing, like I had lost myself as an individual. All that existed was energy.”

  He tilted up her chin and bent to kiss her. The kiss lasted a very long time. Gastien coaxed her into more arousal by gently sucking her tongue, exploring her mouth, softly biting her lips. As he did so, his hand cupped a breast, playing with the nipple. The nipple grew even firmer. Gastien slid down to suck it and its twin.

  “They are not very big, are they?” Sophie pointed out. “I imagine you like big breasts.”

  Gastien stopped and looked up at her. “Sophi-belle, don’t ever try to make comparisons to others in your brain. Your breasts are perfect. Trust me, if a man is a breast man, he loves them all: large, small, long nipples, short…it does not matter, as long as they are attached to the woman he wants to be with.”

  “Are you a breast man, Gastien?” she teased.

  “I am a man who loves the female body in all of its fascinating possibilities. Strangely, I have discovered I am more of a Sophie man than any other kind of man, as of late.”

  “How long will that last, do you think?” she asked.

  He was now down between her legs, facing her stomach and licking her navel. He looked up at her and pretended to consider.

  “Probably not long. Only as long as you will put up with me.”

  Then he slid down, showing her another way that he could use his tongue. She gasped and tried to move away.

  “Enjoy it, Soph
ie. Just relax. Most men don’t care if a woman is satisfied, but you will find that I do. I will always love doing this to you.”

  “But I must taste awful!“

  “I taste woman. I happen to love woman. I also taste me. I like the fact that the taste in my mouth lets me know that, oui, you are definitely mine. I have marked my territory, and that taste tells me so. You are mine.”

  He began again in earnest, using the techniques he had learned so well under Nath’s tutoring. Those techniques had been perfected over the years.

  Sophie soon arched toward his face. “Ahhhh. Gastien, the way you do that, I guarantee that I will put up with you for a very long time.”

  He looked up and grinned. “Just wait until you find out how I can make you feel with my bite once you are fully broken in.”

  “Will I look like you did when you climaxed? Could it possibly be that good?” she teased.

  “How did I look?” he asked, puzzled.

  She laughed. “Like you were dying or in pain, yet like you wanted to be punished even more. Your face ran the gamut of emotional agony and pleasure.”

  “If I am as good as I have promised, then, oui, you will look like that. That is, if you will be quiet long enough to let me do my magic!”

  She laughed, obligingly resting her head on the pillow. As Gastien worshiped her with his tongue and fingers she felt the heat rise even higher. As it did, she grabbed the back of his head, pushing him down closer, not even realizing where she was.

  Suddenly she felt the intense sensation of her first orgasm. As she rose higher and higher she arched her back. When she came, she also cried out, moaning, “Ohhhh, ahhh, Gastiennnnnnnnnnnn!!!”.

  Spent, she lay breathing hard. This time it was her hair that was wet with sweat. Gastien moved up by her and let her get her breath back. Then, he inserted two of his fingers, moving them in her while he kissed her.


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