Taming the Darkness

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Taming the Darkness Page 5

by Sarah Carter

  I drop my seraph blade into my hand. Azrael appears. “Whoa, what the shit?” Avery stutters.

  “My name is Azrael.”

  “And that’s supposed to mean something?” Avery scoffs.

  “Mind your manners boy,” Azrael growls.

  Stepping in, I say, “Azrael, go home.”

  “I will,” he says, “And I will take him with me.”

  “Why do you guys want him so badly?” I ask. “Before I hand him over, I need to know.”

  Azrael licks his lips and looks at me. “I will tell you for a kiss.”

  “Oh, what! No, no way in hell. I already did that once and felt like I needed to scour my face,” I state.

  “You kissed that,” Avery says. “And you were talking about my morals.”

  “Oh, it’s a long story,” I scoff. “We can get into it later.”

  With a sinister smile, Azrael purrs, “We can get into it all night long.”

  “Azrael, why do you want to have sex with me so badly?” I snort. “It’s ten shades of wrong.”

  “You will be my wife someday,” Azrael declares. “Just wait. You will succumb to the darkness and be mine.”

  My jaw drops. “You want me to marry you?”

  “Yes, my sweet girl,” he replies. “I want you to be mine…forever.”

  “I didn’t think you guys got married. There’s no love among you, so why call it marriage? Marriage is supposed to be based on love and commitment.”

  He smirks. “If I marry you, no other demon can touch you.”

  “All my souls will be yours,” I exhale. “I get it.”

  “You’re the best at what you do,” Azrael states, stepping closer to us. I whip out my seraph blade and point it at his throat. “Oh, does the reaper think she can kill me?”

  “I have more marks for injuring you guys than I do reaping souls,” I reply seriously. “You will just be more points.”

  “What the fuck is going on?” Avery yells.

  Azrael’s eyes blaze red. “See, he will fit in nicely in hell.”

  “Hell,” Avery gasps. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Tell me why you want him,” I say again. “Tell me and maybe I will consider giving him to you.”

  Sizing me up, Azrael says, “I can’t tell you.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s a prophecy,” Azrael states. “It’s a prophecy that I have to stop.”

  Backing up, I make sure my back is flush with Avery’s front. The instant we make contact a warmth spreads over me. It makes my whole body feel…I’m not sure. I don’t want it to stop. Pushing that aside, I whisper, “Wrap your arms around me.”


  “Wrap your arms around me,” I snap. “Now!”

  Azrael’s eyes blaze like they are on fire. “Don’t do it Raven. Our deal will be off the table. You will be fair game.”

  “Am I not the best reaper there is?” I purr. His eyes narrow. “That’s what I thought. So, bring it bitch.” I grab Avery’s hand and he wraps his arms around me, and with a blink, we are gone.

  We land hard in a darkened building. I cry out and fall on the floor. My seraph blade skids across the ground. Avery goes to pick it up. “Don’t touch that!” I scream. “Only angels and reapers can touch a seraph blade. You will, literally, catch on fire.” Pain rips through my body and I cry out again.

  Avery rushes over to me. “Are you okay?” He gasps. “What’s wrong?”

  “It burns, oh God, it burns,” I whimper. He gently touches me and it stops. “What…” I stutter. “Why did the pain stop?” He withdraws his hand and the burning starts all over again. “Touch me,” I gasp. Avery does again. I breathe. I can finally breathe. “Please, don’t stop touching me.”

  “Why?” He asks.

  “Because I’m not allowed in churches,” I state. “But neither are demons.”

  With a look of shock, Avery snaps, “That’s what that was. That was a demon!”

  “Azrael,” I exhale. “Level 10 demon.”

  “Level 10?”

  “There are different choirs of angels,” I explain. “There are 10 levels for demons.”

  His eyebrows rise. “Demons and angels.”

  “Don’t ever mess with a level 10 demon. They are the archangels for hell. Azrael is Lucifer’s favorite.”

  “How do you know this? Are you a demon, too?”

  Very close my boy. “No, I’m a reaper.”

  “A reaper?”

  “I reap souls and deliver them to hell,” I reply. He starts to back away. I grab his hand. “Please, don’t. You have no idea how painful this is. I don’t know why your touch stops the pain.”

  “But you’re evil…”

  I shake my head. “No, not exactly evil. I’m half light and half dark.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “I’m an angel,” I whisper. “Half fallen and half good.”

  “That makes you a reaper?”

  “Yes.” I look up into his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes. We stare at each other for I don’t know how long. 5 seconds, 5 minutes, 5 hours. All we do is stare at each other.

  Finally, he narrows his eyes and says, “I think you’re full of shit,” and withdraws his hand. I scream out in pain. It hurts. It hurts so badly. “I’m going to walk out of this church and you better not follow me.”

  “He’ll grab you and take you to hell,” I gasp.

  “Whatever, hell doesn’t exist,” Avery snorts.

  I sweep my hand across the ground. It opens up to the bowels of hell. There is the usual screaming of pain and torture, though all the demons cower in fear. They are scared of churches, because they burst into flames if they enter one. Avery scrambles backwards and falls over a pew. I wave my hand and the hole closes. The pain. It’s searing every inch of me. I cry. I have never truly cried before, but I cry, like a baby, because the pain is that bad. I can hear the rain starting to fall outside.

  Avery finally comes back. “Whoa, hey,” he whispers. He kneels down next to me, and pulls me into his arms. The pain stops, but the crying doesn’t. “Hey, stop,” Avery says, stroking my hair. “I’m sorry.”

  Finally stopping, I wipe the tears away. The downpour outside slowly stops. “Sorry,” I gasp. “It burns. It burns because I’m half dark. I don’t burst into flames entirely but it’s pretty damn close.”

  “Then why did you bring me here?” Avery asks. “Why not take me someplace else?”

  “This is the safest place for you,” I sniffle, sitting up. It’s then that I realize I’m sitting in his arms. He has me cradled. It feels…good. So, incredibly good. I don’t know what I’m feeling. Oh God. I’m feeling something and none of this is allowed. “Raphael!” I scream.

  “What?” Avery replies.

  “Raphael! Get your fluffy white ass down here. Right now!”

  Laughing, Avery asks, “Are you okay? Can reapers have break downs?”

  Um, yeah. “Yes, we can have break downs. That’s when we fall into the darkness and lose ourselves forever.”

  “Please tell me that’s not what you are doing right now.”

  “No,” I say, sitting up more. Trying to suppress whatever is going on inside of me. “Raphael!”

  “Yes?” I hear from behind us. We turn around.

  “Oh snap,” I gasp, bowing my head. “I called for Raphael.”

  A figure stands before us, the most beautiful being you will ever see. Not boy. Not girl. No identity. Just the most beautiful being. “Hello, Raven.”

  Avery is just staring, transfixed. I take his head and bow it down. “I didn’t think you let humans see you.”

  “He won’t remember after I leave,” God replies. There is tinkling of bells, which means they’re laughing. “You have a very special mission my young child.”

  I finally look up at them. It’s overwhelming. I‘ve only done it twice before. It’s the only times I’ve fully felt my light side. That fact has never been told to anyone. Not e
ven Gale. I don’t want people to know. “What’s the mission?” I barely get out. Their presence is so overpowering. I mean, it is God.

  “You must protect this boy for a week,” God states. “His life and the existence of the angels hangs in the balance.”

  “So, it’s true. The prophecy is true,” I whisper.

  God comes and kneels down before us. “Protect him, Raven. Protect him with everything you have.”

  “Azrael…” I exhale. “Azrael wants him. Hell wants him. He knows how to find me.”

  Bending over, God kisses me on the forehead and touches the necklace. It’s in that moment, that I stop existing. I just am light. I don’t feel my physical body. I don’t feel anything. I just feel light. I’m transfixed. They pull away and I’m sucked back into reality. “Be safe my child. Hell cannot find you right now.”


  “Keep him safe. By doing that, you may save the fallen.”

  “How is he going to save the fallen?” I ask. “He’s human.”

  They stroke their fingers down my face. “Everything has a purpose and plan. I do not create mistakes.” With that, they are gone.

  Avery shakes his head and holds it. “What’s going on?”

  “Sorry, sometimes time shifts when I’m around,” I state. That is a total lie, but it’s all I’ve got right now. Good job, Raven.

  “So, who were you yelling for?” Avery asks.

  “The archangel Raphael,” I reply.

  “Well, he’s not coming,” Avery states.

  Shaking my head, I say, “No, he’s not. We should get out of here. I don’t need you to touch me anymore.”

  He gets a disgusted look on his face. “It’s not like I want to touch you.”

  Those words sting. They do more than sting. They stab at my heart. The darkness takes over. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Where are we going?” Avery asks, glaring at me.

  I glare back. “I’m not sure.”

  “That demon will find us again.”

  Shaking my head again, I reply, “No, he won’t. Trust me. We should get out of here though. People will be scared of me in a church. They will feel the darkness.”

  “I don’t feel darkness,” Avery mumbles. “Not at all.”

  “I think you are immune to it,” I state. “For whatever plan Heaven has for you.”

  “Heaven has a plan for me?” He laughs. “Okay.”

  I turn to him. “You’re the key to saving the fallen angels.”

  Avery stares at me and then bursts out laughing. “Okay, chick, I believe you.” He lets go of me and I scream out in pain. Grabbing ahold of me again, Avery says, “Want to get us out of here, if it hurts so much?”

  With a flash, we’re gone and in an apartment. We pause for a minute and then I yank myself away. He glares at me and we scramble away from each other. “I need a drink,” I mutter.

  “Angels can drink?”

  “Our stuff, not liquor,” I reply. “But yes, we can drink.”

  “Speaking of vices,” Avery says. He pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I just stare at him as he lights one up. After putting them away, I continue to stare at him. “What?” He snaps.

  I shake my head. “That is so disgusting.”

  Avery scoffs, “I’m not out to impress you.”

  “Obviously,” I drawl out. “Don’t you usually ask before lighting up in someone’s home?”

  He raises an eyebrow. “This is where you live?”

  Making a face, I say, “No, this is my safe house.”

  “Safe house?”

  I step up to the wall and start to walk down it. I trail my hand as I go. Glowing blue symbols appear. “Angelic runes,” I say. “Wards off demons.”

  “How is that not effecting you?” Avery asks, taking a drag. That is so disgusting.

  “I’m not demonic,” I reply. “I’m half fallen. All angel, just half light and half dark. My dark side is my prominent side.”

  “So, you’re evil,” Avery rebounds.

  Rolling my eyes, I say, “No, I’m not evil. I’m dark. Like I’m not all rainbows, butterflies and kittens. I’m angry music, and I like to punch the bad guys in the face. I get a sick pleasure from reaping souls.”

  “That makes you evil.”

  “Would you not take pleasure out of reaping the soul of the bastard who raped eleven little girls? The same man who paid to watch other children get molested and raped.”

  Avery flinches. “Seriously?”

  “Yes, that was one this week. The other two were serial killers,” I state. I go over and pour a glass of clear liquid. I take a big gulp and then burp. “Burns, but makes you feel so much better.”

  “Can I have some?” Avery asks.

  I look at him. “How old are you?”

  “21, who gives a shit? I started drinking at 16,” he snaps.

  “You can have some of this, but it will have no effect on you,” I reply.

  “Damn, this whole thing is wigging me out.” Avery shivers.

  Eyeing him for a second, I flick my wrist. The table skids into the middle of the room. He jumps back. Two chairs meet up at the table, on opposite sides. “Sit down,” I instruct.

  “Screw you.”

  “I think I will pass,” I reply slowly.

  “Yeah, got to save yourself for a demon,” Avery snorts.

  I open a cabinet and take out a bottle and two glasses. Walking over to the table, I slide a glass to the other chair. “Sit down.”

  He looks at me apprehensively. “What are we doing?”

  “Sit down or I will make you sit down and it won’t be pretty,” I warn.

  Looking for a place to put out his cigarette, Avery spins in a circle. I walk over to him and open my hand, palm side up. He stares at it and says, “You can’t be serious.”

  “Just do it.”

  Avery puts the cigarette out on my hand. I make a fist and then open it back up. The cigarette is gone. “Dude!” He yells. “That’s so cool!”

  I roll my eyes. “Now, sit down.” He plops down in his seat and I take mine. I take the bottle and pour blue liquid into the glass, then slide the bottle over to Avery.

  He picks it up. “What is this?”

  “Devil’s fire,” I state. “It will put you on your ass.”

  “Do I want to drink this?” He smells it and makes a face.

  “We are going to be together for the next week, so I figure we should get to know each other. Chicken?”

  His eyes narrow. “No.” Avery pours himself some.

  Picking up my glass, I take a sip. He does the same and then starts coughing. “What in the hell is this?”

  “It’s called Devil’s Fire. I figured it would be too much for you to handle,” I say, taking another drink.

  Avery glares at me and then takes a drink. He makes a face but swallows it. “Fine, let’s do this.”

  “I’m a reaper,” I state. “I harvest evil souls and deliver them to hell.”

  “You sound so on edge. Do you ever smile?”

  “You have to have emotions to smile,” I whisper. “I’m incapable of expressing emotions.”

  He narrows his eyes. “I have a hard time believing that.”

  “Well, believe it. I can’t feel happiness or love,” I whisper, taking another drink.

  “Neither can I,” Avery declares, taking a drink.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask. “You’re human.”

  Shaking his head, Avery says, “My life has been very rough. I don’t feel anything for anyone anymore.”

  “Do I need to reap?” I ask, finishing off my glass. I pour some more into my cup.


  My eyes drift up to him. “No, whoever made you feel this way.”

  “I wish.”

  “I can access your memories,” I state. “I can also feel your soul.”

  “It’s dark as night,” Avery mutters, taking a big drink.

  I tilt my head.
“Now, I have a hard time believing that.”

  “I sleep with girls to try and numb myself,” Avery declares. “I was going to do that chick in the alley.”

  “Not that I had respect for you in the first place, but I really have none now,” I snort. “That’s disgusting. She was such a skank, too. Who was going to rob you, might I add.”

  “All girls are like that,” Avery states, locking his eyes on me.

  Tilting my head, I ask, “Are you implying that I’m a skank?”

  “Can angels even have sex?”

  “God modeled angels and humans the same,” I reply. “So, yes. Azrael is desperately trying to claim my virginity. It’s like the ultimate prize for him.”

  Avery’s eyebrows go up. “You’re a virgin?”

  “Mmhmm,” I hum. “I don’t feel the need to have sex, the lack of emotional connection sort of removes the desire.”

  “You’ve never wanted to?” He inquires, staring at me like I’m some spectacle.

  “Haven’t ever been around anyone who I was interested in,” I state. “I may be half fallen, but I’m not into evil. And angels are scared of me.”

  He narrows his eyes, as I take a drink. “What about reapers? There has to be more than just you.”

  “Reapers avoid me,” I reply. “Even they are scared of me.”


  “We’ll just say I’m good at what I do,” I say. I give him a devilish smile. “I’m the best.”

  “Isn’t gloating a sin?” Avery asks.

  I smirk. “The joys of being me. I can sin. I have to sin sometimes to do my job.”

  “What do you call your…reapings?”

  “Marks,” I reply. “The Marked Ones give us our assignments.”

  “Marked Ones?”

  “Shit!” I snap. “We won’t talk anymore about them.”

  Avery smiles. “You just swore.” Smiling even more, he whispers, “That’s kind of hot.” With that he takes a drink.

  “Yeah, well you’re just hot period,” I say, downing the rest of my glass.

  “Well, honestly, you may be the hottest chick I’ve ever seen,” he states, grabbing the bottle. He pours until his glass is full. Avery shoves the bottle at me and just stares at me.

  Oh, it’s a challenge. I do like challenges boy. Let’s go. I take the bottle and fill my glass up. “Tell me your darkest secret.”


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