Taming the Darkness

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Taming the Darkness Page 21

by Sarah Carter

  His eyes widen. “That’s how I know you!”

  My eyes scan around. “Why are you here?”

  “Changed my ways,” Scott replies. “I’m trying to better myself.”

  “You must have been pretty hard core for Raven to come after you,” Avery says.

  Scott nods and looks down. “Yeah, I know. I was stealing from people. I turned myself in, just got out of jail. I’m on probation right now. I’m working to repay back all the debts I owe and I started going to church so I can learn how to help others not be like me.”

  “Wow,” I exhale. “I’ve never seen a mark after they repented.”

  He smirks. “You saved me. You saved my soul.”

  “You did that,” I emphasize. “You repented and changed who you were.”

  “If it hadn’t been for you though,” Scott says. “I wouldn’t be here.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t remember who I was as soon as you saw me,” I state.

  Shaking his head, Scott says, “It’s all like a dream. Like, I wasn’t even sure if it really happened. It fades over time. The memory of what happened is there but it’s hazy.”

  “Huh,” I say. “We don’t deal with people after a reaping, so I don’t think any of us are aware that our marks lose the memory of what happens between us.”

  His eyes dart around. “You’re reapers, too?”

  The others eye him up. “Maybe,” Katerina replies.

  “Whoa,” Scott exhales. Then his eyes widen. “Are you here for a reaping?”

  “No. No reaping,” I state. “Another mission.”

  “Anything I can help with,” Scott asks, putting his hands in his pocket.

  Laughing, I say, “This isn’t a fight that you want to be part of.”

  “Listen, I have a lot to make up for,” Scott replies. “I can help if needed.”

  “I don’t think there is anything that you can help us with, but thanks for the offer,” I reply.

  He nods. “Well, thanks for what you did for me. I’m going to continue to help others as much as I can.”

  “Good, be well.”

  With a big smile, Scott says, “Thanks, Raven.”

  “You’re very welcome, Scott,” I say.

  He gives a knowing smile and then turns to walk away. “Whoa,” Wyatt exhales.

  “Have any of you seen a mark after a repentance?” I gasp, looking at the others.

  They all shake their heads. “No,” Israel answers. “I can’t believe they don’t remember the reaping.”

  “We would have never have known if we hadn’t talked to Scott,” Katerina adds with a shrug.

  “I wonder if it’s because he truly repented and began living a different life.”

  Avery says, “Maybe they start to forget when they don’t need to remember anymore.”

  “It’s a pretty scary situation,” Wyatt replies. “But yeah, maybe the more they change, the more they forget.”

  “That’s interesting to know,” I whisper, deep in thought. I never really put much thought into what happens after we are finished with a mark. I know we’re sent back if they relapse into bad habits, but I didn’t really think about what happens after they repent.

  “Either way, at least you know you changed someone,” Avery says. “You saved a soul because of your light.”

  A smile creeps across my face. “I’m glad there are alternatives to hell.”

  The line moves forward, and we are finally at the front. “Make it quick,” I state.

  Avery furrows his eyebrows. “I’m surprised you aren’t dancing around in line waiting for the next toilet.”

  “Because I never have to use a toilet,” I reply.

  He makes a disturbing face. “How is that even possible? You eat and drink stuff.”

  “It’s all part of the perks of being an angel.” I brag.

  His makes an even worse face. “What?”

  “Heavenly toilets aren’t necessary, Avery.” I laugh.

  “How weird,” Avery exhales.

  I shrug. “It’s just the way life is for us.”

  “Huh,” he grunts.

  We all laugh. Finally, it’s Avery’s turn to go inside. “We’ll be here,” Wyatt says.

  Katerina and I take a stance outside the bathroom. My eyes scan the crowd and the people in line. It’s only a few minutes before Avery and the guys come back out. “That bathroom was gross,” Avery gags. “I washed my hands but feel as though I still need sanitizer.”

  “Another reason I’m happy I don’t need to use the bathroom,” I laugh. “Nasty.”

  “People pee on things,” Katerina states, with wide eyes. “Then you touch it.”

  Avery gives her a look. “Thanks, that makes me feel so much better.”

  “What now?” Wyatt asks.

  “Another concert?” Keifer says, smiling. He doesn’t smile.

  I nod and we head to find one. We spend the rest of the day bouncing from concert to concert. We eat horribly greasy food, too, but that’s alright with me.

  Finally, it’s time for Red to play. There’s a huge crowd. Avery looks over everyone. “Man, I wish we could be closer to the stage.”

  Turning to look at him, Israel says, “We have auras. Watch this.” He turns to the people in front of him. “Move.” They turn to look at him and then move out of the way. I press my aura out, too. We slowly make our way to the front.

  “Man, this is great,” Avery laughs.

  We put him against the front guard rail and make a circle around him.

  “I’ve never experienced a concert like this before,” Avery laughs, excitedly.

  “You look like a kid in a candy store,” I snort.

  He looks at me with wide eyes. “I’ve done more in the last few days than I’ve done in the last few years.”

  “I’m glad you’re having fun despite everything else,” I laugh.

  “Me too,” Avery laughs with me.

  Suddenly, someone grabs my ass, hard. I spin around to face a guy behind me. He grins. “Hey beautiful.”

  I’m pissed. I press my aura out. “You shouldn’t have touched me.” The darkness takes over.

  The guy starts to back up. “Sorry. Really, I’m sorry.”

  “Be lucky we are in a crowd otherwise you would be less a hand to assault women with.”

  He puts said hand up. “I’m sorry.”

  “I would go away if I were you,” I seethe. “Don’t put your unwanted hands on women or I will find you.” I press out my aura hard.

  “Yeah, sorry,” the guy stutters, grabbing his friend and going back into the crowd.

  Avery looks at me. “That’s the opposite of light.”

  “He grabbed my ass,” I growl. “He should be happy I didn’t snap him in half.”

  “He should be happy I didn’t snap him in half,” Avery adds.

  “He’s probably safer if you attack. I might accidentally decapitate him.”

  Avery laughs heartily. “Death is a pretty big punishment for an ass grab.”

  “Let’s just watch the concert,” I snort.

  Leaning in, Avery whispers, “Can I grab your ass, or will you tear my head off?”

  “I’ll reap your soul,” I tease.

  “You may get into trouble for that,” Avery laughs, winking.

  I shake my head and roll my eyes. “Don’t worry about me. Watch the stage.”

  That’s when everyone starts screaming and the band comes out. They pick up their instruments, wait a few seconds, and then start to play. The whole crowd starts to cheer. The music is pretty damn good. The crowd starts to move to and sing with the music and the energy is stifling. I can’t help it, I get into it with everyone else. Avery looks hypnotized and he’s banging his head.

  My eyes scan the stage. The band members are putting on a good show. During the chorus, everyone around is distracted by the music, but I notice a figure step onto the stage from the right. No one seems to notice. At first, I think it’s a roadie, but then I
sense that something is gravely wrong. “Oh shit,” I exhale. I scream, “Protect Avery!” With that, I jump over the guard rail. Two security guards jump for me, but I’m too quick. I make it on stage and the band members stop, looking terrified. The figure steps forward and pulls out a bow and arrow. He pulls back on the string. I am almost to him when he releases the arrow. I jump forward and take the arrow into my shoulder. I fall to the stage floor and the band members scatter. Pain is erupting in my shoulder. I reach around with my other hand and pull the arrow out.

  The figure pulls back another arrow and I scramble to get up. I’m in pain, a lot of it. I try to lurch forward towards him. The arrow soars free and I’m not fast enough to stop it. I turn around as the arrow pierces Julius’s back. He used himself as a shield in front of Avery. Rage consumes me as I reach for my seraph blade. The demon in front of me smiles and then disappears in a whirlwind of fire. Level 10. Shit.

  The reality of what just happened starts to set in. The pain in my shoulder is excruciating, but that doesn’t matter. Julius is hurt worse. When I turn around, sound starts to register. The crowd is in full stampede, screams and cries from every direction. I hobble my way to our group. Avery and Katerina are bent over Julius. Wyatt, Keifer and Israel are standing guard. I leap from the stage and land next to them. Julius isn’t breathing, blood is pouring from his chest.

  “What can we do!?” Avery screams.

  I put my hand on his chest. “There’s nothing we can do. He’s dead.”

  “Dead!? No one was supposed to die because of me!” Avery continues to scream.

  My head starts to spin and I begin to fall over. Katerina moves and says, “Let me look at your shoulder.”

  “It hurts,” I whine.

  “Oh my God,” Avery gasps.

  Blood is trickling down my arm from my shoulder. “I don’t think this is good,” I whisper.

  “Lay down,” Katerina instructs. I do as she says. “It’s a pretty deep wound.”

  “Obviously,” I growl.

  Avery asks, “What can we do about your wound?”

  “I don’t know,” I hiss. “Raphael!” I scream.

  There is a burst of light. He looks down. “Raven.”

  I seethe, “Julius is dead! I have a bleeding wound. We weren’t supposed to die. And hundreds of people saw this go down. When is heaven going to step in?”

  Raphael smirks. “I can heal you.”

  “What about Julius?” I snap. “He’s dead.”

  “He goes where reapers go when they die,” Raphael says, kneeling down next to me.

  “And where’s that?”

  He smiles. “They are reborn as white angels.”

  All the reapers freeze. “Seriously?” Wyatt says.

  “Yes,” Raphael replies, looking at my shoulder. “The ones who do not fall to Lucifer get reborn as full white angels.”

  “How do we not know about this?” Katerina gasps.

  “When you are reborn you do not talk about it,” Raphael answers. “God’s instructions.”

  My mind reels at those words. We’re safe? We go to heaven… The pain shoots though my shoulder and I scream. I half gasp, half sob.

  Raphael bends over and looks at the wound. “It’s deep.”

  “You think?!” I snap. I want to scream and swear but every time I open my mouth to cuss, nothing comes out.

  With an amused expression, Raphael replies, “It’s your soul, Raven. You’re a white angel now, no more swearing.”

  “This is ridiculous,” I grumble. Pain shoots through my shoulder and I scream again.

  Raphael says, “Let me heal you.” He puts his hand on my wound and the other under my back. A warmth starts to spread across me and relief creeps inside.

  “It’s working,” Avery gasps.

  “Of course it’s working,” Raphael whispers.

  Finally, after a minute the pain subsides and I take a deep breath. “Oh my gosh,” I exhale.

  “You’re okay,” Raphael says. “You will need to rest.”

  “How are we supposed to do that?” Keifer snaps. “We’re not safe anywhere.”

  “We have a place where you can hide for now,” Raphael says.

  Avery yells, “Why can’t you do more than a safe place to sleep for a few hours!? What is the purpose of all this? How am I supposed to save the fallen? I’m human! I don’t have anything to do with the angels.”

  Raphael stands up and looks at him. “Your love will set the fallen free.”

  “I’m so sick of hearing that,” Avery seethes.

  “It’s because you have yet to believe the truth,” Raphael replies. “It’s this path that you have to follow to find it.”

  Looking pissed, Avery asks, “Why don’t you just tell me what to do?”

  “Then you wouldn’t learn the necessary lesson,” he answers simply. “You must learn and grow from this experience. We can’t show you how to love. You have to learn it and experience it.”

  “Am I supposed to bring the two sides together?” I ask, finally sitting up.

  “You have a path to follow also,” Raphael says. Suddenly, he swings his arm out with his seraph blade and stabs behind him. We all jump. A demon is on the end of it. At least level 9. The demon gasps and then bursts into flames.

  Avery scrambles back. “What the hell? How did it get so close?”

  “It just appeared,” Raphael states. He brings his seraph blade back around. It’s glowing blue.

  “They are just popping out of nowhere now,” Avery spins around. “That’s really bad, and you’re an archangel.”

  “Hell is getting desperate,” he replies softly. “Time is getting short.”

  Avery drops his hands. “Wait, you know when all of this is supposed to go down?”

  Raphael smiles. “It’s a prophecy.”

  “You think you could clue us in on the specific time and day,” Avery snorts. “You know, so we’re ready?”

  He shakes his head. “You are looking at this the wrong way, but I can’t help you anymore. You need to learn this lesson on your own.” Raphael looks down at me. “You have a lesson to learn, too.”

  “And what is that?” I ask. “I found my light.”

  “But, what are you going to do with it?” Raphael asks. “What purpose does it serve?”

  I open my eyes and glare at him. “How are we supposed to rest with demons appearing out of nowhere? And need I remind you that hundreds of people just saw this happen.”

  “There is a house for you to stay at,” Raphael says. “You will need to rest to fully heal from your wound.”

  “I can’t believe that’s all you’re willing to do to help. A human could have died tonight.”

  “But, no one did,” Raphael replies. “You sacrificed yourself to protect them and thus embraced your light.”

  “What is that going to do though?” I snap.

  He smiles at me. “You will figure it out. Now, come with me. I will take you to where you need to go.”

  Katerina bends over Julius. “What are we going to do about him?” As she says that, his body starts to disappear into light.

  “He will be reborn,” Raphael states. “There is good in the end for you. He sacrificed himself to save another. Come my young reapers, it is time you rested.” With a burst of light, he’s gone. I grab Avery and follow Raphael wherever he may be leading us.

  Chapter 14

  We appear in a house. I spin around and look at Raphael. “A house? It doesn’t look

  like sacred ground.”

  “This used to be a church,” Raphael replies. “It has been blessed and wards have been put up.”

  “That’s great for tonight, but what about tomorrow?”

  He walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder. “You need to follow this path on your own.”

  Swatting his hand away, I say, “Where are we supposed to go that will not put humans in jeopardy? How am I supposed to keep Avery safe and not get anyone else killed in the process?”
  Raphael looks into my eyes. “Things will come as they are supposed to.”

  “So, what if a human dies?” I counter.

  “Do you think God would let a human die?” Raphael says.

  “No, but one of us can?”

  With a smile, Raphael replies, “Trust that everything is going to be okay.”

  “It’s difficult to trust when I don’t know whether humans, or even Avery, will be safe,” I rebound.

  “God is watching,” Raphael declares. “Never forget that.”

  Mumbling, I say, “Good to know.”

  “There is food here for you,” he states. “You will need to gather your energy to heal properly.”

  Avery points to me. “I thought you already healed her.”

  He smiles again. “It takes more than just angelic touch to fully heal an injury like the one Raven sustained. Besides, it’s not my job to be the healer, not officially anyway. Remember, God is with you…always.” With a burst of light, he’s gone.

  Wyatt turns around in a circle. “Do you think they have anything hard to drink in here?”

  I counter, “Doubtful.”

  “Let’s look around,” Katerina says.

  We walk through the house. There are enough bedrooms for everyone, plus two bathrooms. “Do you think we can all sleep at the same time?” Avery asks. “Will the wards hold up?”

  “Yes,” I reply. “Archangel runes are the strongest. If Raphael says it’s safe, it’s safe.”

  Katerina lets out a heavy sigh. “We should rest. It’s been a long day and we didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  I nod in agreement. “That’s probably best.”

  Katerina points to a room,“I will take that one.”

  Keifer starts to walk down the hall in the direction of the other bedrooms.

  “Come on,” I say to Avery, grabbing his hand. I pull him down the hallway to the master bedroom.

  “So, we get the big room?” He laughs.

  I smirk. “Yeah, I guess so. There’s two of us.”

  Avery shuts the door. “What kind of mischief can we get into?”

  I laugh. “Sleeping isn’t mischievous.”

  “That doesn’t sound as fun.” Avery whispers, giving me a very heated look.

  My breath gets caught in my throat. “I…we…”


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