The Curse

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The Curse Page 7

by Jaimi Wilson

  I nod, feeling slightly dazed. It’s like all this information that was in my mind, locked away from reach, has suddenly been freed. The memories and emotions flash through my mind faster than I can track.

  Benji moves into my line of vision, looking down at me with a concerned gaze. "Jasmine, are you sure leaving right now is a good idea? You were just acting possessed!”

  I sigh, shaking my head sadly. "I wasn't possessed. Do you remember how I used to have spurts of rage as a teenager? Like the time I kicked you in the nuts?"

  He nods with a grimace. "Well, that came from the same part of me that you just saw. It was like an alternate personality that helped me cope with everything. She finally just had enough of me being weak and letting you all walk all over me. So, she took the reins." He stares at me, trying to process what I’m saying, but I continue. "The only difference is now she isn’t hidden away in the depths of my soul; she's a part of me."

  "So it was some kind of possession? Like another person inhabiting your body?" Liam chimes in hopefully.

  "No, that was definitely me. It’s just a part of my personality I suppressed to survive living with my mother. It’s hard to explain exactly, which is why I need to see my mother and get answers. I mean, seriously guys, my mother is the earth itself! She is probably the only person who knows what I'm truly capable of."

  Jenkins clears his throat. "While I agree that you should see your mother, I also think Benji’s right. Do you really think this is the right time to meet with her? You just had what would be termed as a mental breakdown in the human world. I’m just a little nervous about you traveling at such a sensitive time."

  I smile at him, glad he was honest and laid all his reservations out. Now to assure him his concerns aren’t valid.

  "What happened here was my rage monster becoming one with me." I look at Benji with a grin. "You know how we used to joke about me having those little blackouts where I wouldn't remember yelling at you or someone else? That was her. Or me, depending how you think of it. What if there are more parts of myself that I'm cut off from? Like my wolf? Don't you think I deserve the chance to find out?"

  Benji opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. "What about why she sent me to live with my mother? Why she didn't keep me? Don’t you think I deserve to get those answers?'

  "Of course I do," Benji agrees with a sigh. "But if you think I'm letting you out of my sight after what happened with the Order, then you've got another thing coming. Before you try to object, remember Josh is more than capable of staying back to look after the pack.” He grins wickedly, and Josh blanches.

  "No, I should come with you. Right, Ric?"

  My father, or Ric as Josh called him, smirks. "Technically, I only need one of you and Jenkins will do fine. Besides, Jenkins hasn't had the pleasure of truly meeting the earth yet. It’s probably about time, especially since he seems to have a special connection with Jasmine."

  I blush, ignoring Benji and Liam's curious looks, choosing to focus on Josh, who’s pouting in disappointment and looks like nothing more than a spoiled child in this moment. And as much as I hate to admit it, I'm glad he's staying behind. I don't think I could handle being around him at the moment. Between the kiss we shared earlier and the fact that I am still hurt he kept something so vital from me, it’s probably a good idea for him to stay home.

  With my mind made up, I meet Benji's stubborn stare. "Okay, you three can come with me, and hopefully we'll get some answers. But if any of you does even one tiny thing to piss me off, then I will magically transport your asses back here, got it?"

  Benji nods and I glance over his shoulder to see Liam doing the same. I should have known that if Benji wanted to go, he would too.

  "Great, then where and when are we going?" I turn to my father, who smiles at each of us before his gaze settles on Liam.

  "We're going to Maine. Our headquarters are underneath the pack lands. Your parents guarded the entrance for years before their death. Unfortunately, no one had the foresight to inform you of their role. Then again, none of us could have predicted what happened to them," he adds sadly.

  “What? My parents would have told me if they were protecting some underground headquarters for the Soldiers," he growls adamantly.

  "How do you think they really died? They weren't attacked by a goddamn bear! That was just a lie they concocted. After all, they couldn't exactly reveal the truth of what happened, especially in front of the whole pack, who gathered around them when they came back with their injuries. They were attacked by a group of vampires who were trying infiltrate our stronghold.

  “Your parents defended us, managing to kill all the vampires before I was able to get out and help them. But by then, it was too late to save either of them. They asked me to help them get back to you because they wanted one last chance to see you before they died. So, I dropped them off at the edge of the clearing near the pack house and went back to dispose of the bodies that were left behind. It was always my intention to tell you the truth, but unfortunately I never had the chance.”

  I really feel for Liam in this moment. I know how hard it is finding out something you believed for your entire life is nothing but a lie. He’s having to come to terms with the fact they kept this from him for all those years, while also probably reliving the night of their death.

  I move into his arms and hug him, offering him the only comfort I can in this moment. He needs time to process this new information, so it doesn't surprise me when he squeezes me and then backs away. He gives me a broken look before shifting into his wolf.

  His torn clothes drop to the ground and he takes off into the woods, his mournful howl filling the air. Benji bends to pick up his clothing, and then heads back to the pack house. My father, Jenkins, Josh and I follow after.

  Once inside, we stop in the living room. I turn to my father. "How long will we be gone? I need to know so I can pack accordingly," I explain when Benji raises an eyebrow in question.

  "Uh, that will all depend on you, Jasmine. It shouldn't take more than a day to get there. If you're up for it after the plane ride, we can go straight to your mother, or we could rest first if you’d rather. If we do, then we could go visit her first thing the next morning. If you choose to stay with us for a time so you can get to know your mother, then who really knows how long you’ll be gone? That’s all up to you. I would pack for a week just to be safe. If you end up staying longer, we can always buy more clothes."

  I nod, satisfied by his answer, and make my way to my room, with Benji following after me.

  As I step inside, he moves over to the cupboard just outside of my room. He pulls out a large suitcase and brings it inside, throwing it on the bed. He undoes the zip before moving to the dresser where Liam’s and my clothes are stored.

  We work together, packing up our clothes. When we’re finished with Liam’s stuff, Benji moves to the bottom drawer, the one I know I left empty. But when he opens it, I see a bunch of clothes crammed inside. He begins digging out clothes, which I realize are his, and throws them into the bag while I watch on, completely surprised.

  "Did you throw your stuff in my dresser?"

  He shrugs and looks over his shoulder at me. "So what if I did? You going to go all rage monster on me?” he taunts. I shake my head in disbelief.

  I worried that Benji and Liam would fear me after the display out there, but judging by the distinct bulge in his pants as I approach, my display of dominance and power did nothing but turn Benji on.

  Thank God for small mercies because I don't know how I would handle it if my mates were afraid of me.

  "Come on, let’s pack up the last of your stuff before Liam comes looking for us and finds us naked on the bed." He waggles his eyebrows playfully, but then grabs a few shirts of mine and continues packing. I do the same, not really caring about what clothes I bring. As long as I'm not running around the streets naked, then what does it matter? Then again, maybe I should bring something a little nicer for when I see my mot

  Ugh, why does this have to be so hard? I've never even met her so there's no real reason for me to be this worried over what to wear.

  Benji notices my worry and stops what he’s doing. He zips up the now overflowing bag before approaching me. He takes the shirt that’s in my hands, putting it back in the dresser. "Hey, talk to me. What's going on in your head right now?"

  I frown, reflecting on my thoughts, trying to articulate my fears as best I can. "What if she doesn’t really want me? She made my father abandon me on the doorstep of a woman who wanted nothing but the power of the people around her. What if she did that because she knew I was never going to live up to her expectations?"

  He looks at me, his fierce blue eyes filled with love and pride. "You are an amazing person, Jazzy. Even though your parents left you with that monster, you still managed to become one of the strongest people I know. And if she doesn't see that, then you never have to see her again after this. You were right about one thing you said out there. You have the choice to walk away. It may kill you emotionally to do it, but if you don't want her in your life, then she doesn't have to be."

  I nod at his words, relaxing into his arms, but he grips my chin, forcing me to keep my gaze on his. "But if you ever walk away from me, Jazzy, I will chase you down. You are my mate. I've waited years to finally have you by my side, and I won't let you go without a fight."

  I moan softly as he grinds against me. The feel of his hard cock pressed against me makes need overwhelm me. I glance at the open doorway out of the corner of my eyes before murmuring, "How long do you think we have until we have to leave?"

  Benji grins, letting go of my chin before moving to the bedroom door and locking it. He turns back to me, his eyes filled with desire as they look me over. "Take off everything below the waist."

  I hurry to do as he says, enjoying the dominance that has seeped into his voice. Once I'm naked from the waist down, I look up at him, waiting for my next instructions.

  Without a word, he unbuttons his own jeans. He doesn't pull them down though, no he just frees his cock and I feel arousal pool between my legs. Something about a man fucking me with his pants on just flat out does it for me.

  "Turn around and place your palms on the top of the dresser. Then spread your legs for me."

  I respond eagerly, positioning myself as he demands. I groan in anticipation when his hands slide over my ass, pushing my back down a little so my ass sticks out more. He spanks me once and I moan. When he speaks, I can hear the grin in his voice. "That was for making me leave you behind that night. If you ever do something like that again," he leans forward so his cock is pressed at my slick entrance and whispers, "I will do worse than give you a spank and a hard fuck."

  My breath hitches as he enters me in a single thrust, his words making me wetter than I thought possible. The idea of him doing worse to me than just spanking me and fucking me turns me on all the more. I don't know whether he will make good on his threat but I’m excited to find out.

  Once he's fully sheathed inside me, he starts to move faster and faster, and I brace myself against dresser to keep standing. He leans closer and bites down where my shoulder meets my neck, causing me to cry out in ecstasy. The pain mingles with pleasure as he fucks me, and it doesn't take long for my orgasm to strike. I cry out and Benji speeds up his thrusts, fucking me harder as if he thinks this is the last time he'll touch me. The desperation and need make me pant until another orgasm builds behind my eyes and my legs start to shake.

  Benji's rhythm falters and he thrusts one last time. His orgasm triggers my own and we cry out together. He helps me remain standing on shaky legs, before pulling out of me. Then he lifts me in his arms and takes me into the bathroom to clean up.

  After we finish, we head back to the room where we find Liam waiting outside our bedroom door with heated eyes. As much as I want to, I know now is not the time for us to do anything more. Even as I get dressed, I can hear my father getting shitty out in the living room. His irritation becomes even more obvious when we return and see him pacing angrily.

  As if he senses my presence, he turns, looking directly at me. "It's about time! What was taking you so long?"

  I look at Benji with a playful smirk. "I was just getting reacquainted with my mate."

  My father’s eyes narrow, but he doesn't say anything about my obvious hint at having just been fucked thoroughly by Benji. Instead, he just runs a hand through his hair in frustration. "Well, if you're quite done, we're on a bit of a time constraint. My plane is scheduled to leave in two hours," he says with a pointed glare.

  "Okay, we're ready. Jeez," I murmur, following after him as he storms through the house. I wonder if that's what I looked like earlier? Benji and Liam grin at me, seeing the question on my face.

  Liam is the one to answer my unasked question. "Yes, you looked very much like that when you stormed through the house, Jasmine. I guess now it makes sense, seeing where that anger came from.” He chuckles and I playfully punch him in the arm.

  "Come on, let’s go and meet my mother and find out why she left me with a psychopath."


  Nine hours later, which has so far included a four hour flight and a five hour drive, let's just say I'm getting really frustrated. Being stuck in a car with Jenkins, my father and my mates has been very suffocating. I could feel the tension radiating off Benji and Liam the moment we picked up the car from the airport parking lot. My father mentioned he had left it in long term parking in case he was gone longer than expected.

  We're finally getting close to Liam's pack, at least that's what he told me when I asked him two minutes ago.

  We're deep within a forest, and I can't help the nerves that flutter in my stomach at the thought of meeting his pack. Will they accept me as his mate? I didn’t get to spend much time with Benji's pack, apart from that first week where Josh introduced me to a few members, but they all seemed pretty accepting of me. Well, no one tried to punch me in the face for dating their Alpha, so I took that as a win.

  For the rest of the trip, my mind goes over why my mother, a woman who is the embodiment of the earth herself, the one all supernaturals desire to please, abandoned me? Why keep me for the first few years of my life only to have my father to drop me off on someone else’s doorstep? What could have been so horrible about me that she chose to get rid of me rather than keep me?

  There must be some reason she got rid of me. And why did my father come back for me? Is it something to do with what happened when I snapped, and that new side of me that surfaced? Is that what he wants, the power that comes from being my mother’s daughter? It felt like a possession, except I was aware of what I was doing and had control over my thoughts to an extent. But my emotions controlled my actions in that moment, not my thoughts.

  Instead of waiting for answers, I decide to grill my father in the hopes he may be able to fill in a few blanks. "You know, you never explained how you knew where I was. I mean, Josh has been part of Benji's pack for longer than I've been there. Hell, long before the Order even summoned me to visit the packs in search of a mate. So how on earth could you rely on Josh to be your eyes and ears regarding me when he had no idea what I looked like? How did you even know I’d even be there?”

  It’s been bothering me because Josh clearly knows my father, but there feels like there is a more significant connection than what I can see. From what Josh told me, he joined the pack years before I visited. That leads me to wonder how the hell he and my father knew each other? Josh strikes me as the type of person who is fiercely loyal, which leads me to believe he and my father must go way back.

  I lean forward in the back seat to hear better. Jenkins and Benji are on either side of me, while my father drives and Liam sits in the passenger seat.

  After a moment of silence, my father speaks, glancing at me in the rear-view mirror. "Well, Josh was sent to infiltrate Benji's pack after my attempt to take you was thwarted by Benji."

  "You mean your att
empt to kidnap me," I remind him, an edge of anger in my voice. He just winks at me from the front. Arrogant ass.

  "After I failed, I had to come up with a Plan B, as it were. Something where I could keep an eye on you without you ever knowing it. Seeing as Benji was your mate, I knew you would go back to his pack with him. He would find a way to convince you, of that I was so fucking sure. But then Josh told me that dipshit back there didn't fight to keep you. Instead, he decided to give you 'time.’"

  My father rolls his eyes at Benji's growl, and I reach out, gripping Benji's hand to comfort him while my father keeps talking. "I waited a year, hoping you would come to your senses and move to your mate’s pack, but nope, not my stubborn ass daughter apparently. So I had to initiate Plan C."

  "How many god damn plans did you have?" I ask, appalled to hear the ways he's been trying to manipulate my life since the attempted kidnapping.

  He remains silent, and I can swear I see guilt in his eyes when he looks back at me this time. "I had a plan for every possible scenario, Jasmine. You not going to the pack, you moving, you killing someone, your magic exploding. I know it probably seems ridiculous to you, but your mother knew you were going to be powerful. It was only a matter of time before that power sought a release and I had to be ready."

  I stare at the back of his head and notice that his dark hair is filled with the beginnings of gray. I don't know quite what to say, but I decide to ask, "What was plan C?"

  He hesitates for a moment and my heart races as dread uncurls in my stomach. It's like I can sense that what he's going to reveal is going to be bad before he even says it. "I had one of my Soldiers infiltrate their way into your life. Every aspect. She became your best friend, and although you still tried to distance her in certain aspects of your life, she was able to relay enough information that I never had to bother you.

  “As far as we could tell, your magic from me was active but your mother’s magic was still passive, in some kind of slumber. That's why I never made another appearance in your life until now."


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