Got to Be Love

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Got to Be Love Page 9

by Vanessa Miller

  “Did you go to the police?” Gina asked.

  “This is none of your business.” Michelle gave Gina the hand as she stepped to David. Pointing in his face and getting loud like he owed her rent money. “You gon’ regret doing me like this. I’m not the kind of woman to just take no and then go on about my business. So you better pay up!”

  “Why are you doing this, Michelle. You know I don’t owe you anything. I didn’t do anything to you,” David tried to reason with the woman.

  “You owe me everything,” Michelle declared.

  David’s eyes flashed with confusion. “Are you off your meds or something?”

  Michelle spat in his face and then slapped him.

  “Girl, have you lost your mind.” David was enraged, yet he didn’t strike back. One of the onlookers handed him a tissue.

  “Oh, that’s it!” Gina took her cell phone out of her purse. While David whipped the spit from his face, she dialed 911. “I’m calling the police.”

  “Call them,” Michelle said, hands on hips. “He’s the one whose going to jail. I’ve got the black eye, remember?”

  Ignoring the maniac in front of her, Gina reported the incident. Mall security was approaching as the woman tried to strike Gina. The security guard restrained her. “The police are on the way, Gina told him as she hung up the phone.

  Once again, David was amazed at Gina. Because if she hadn’t been with him, he’d probably be the one being carted off to jail instead of Michelle. But because she was such a loudmouth, David had thirty witnesses and they were only too happy to tell the police what they saw.

  “WHAT A DAY, WHAT A day, what a day,” Gina kept saying that to herself while in her hotel room, packing her bag to head home in the morning. She was just happy that David was finally able to purchase the items that his mother needed. They took them back to the nursing home and then she grabbed some take-out and drove straight to the hotel.

  She was worn out and needed to get some rest. Putting her pajamas on, Gina climbed in bed and was about to let her head hit the pillow, but her cell phone rang. She picked it up off the nightstand and saw that Toya was calling. “Hey girl, you back from your two-week-long honeymoon?”

  “And not a minute too soon, I see. Did you know that you are trending on Twitter?”

  Sitting up straight in bed, Gina said, “What? Why would I be trending?” Then she realized that every one of those onlookers at the mall probably had their cell phone with them. So much for improving David’s image. If his Foodie network TV deal was in jeopardy before, it was scrapped at this point. “Oh my God, I didn’t even think about people that might be recording.”

  “Oh, they recorded it, alright. And if you’re interested, you’re trending as ‘The Lie Slayer’.”

  “The Lie Slayer, huh?” Gina repeated after Toya as she grabbed her laptop bag and turned on the computer. “The woman was lying through her teeth. But what I can’t figure out is why she is doing this to him.”

  “She looked like she was out of her mind. But she didn’t scare you. My friend put the po-po on her.”

  Shaking her head as she waiting on her computer to load, Gina said, “I don’t even want to talk about that woman right now. Tell me about the honeymoon and let me live vicariously through you and Jarrod.”

  “We loved every minute of it. When Jarrod first surprised me with two weeks away, I thought that was too much time, that we’d get bored and be longing for home. But that was not the case at all, girl. We did everything we could think of, couple massages, long walks, we ate at so many restaurants that I brought ten extra pounds back with me.”

  “You’ll work that off at the gym, so don’t give it a second thought.”

  “I’m headed to the gym first thing in the morning,” Toya told her.

  “Too bad, I won’t be home until tomorrow afternoon or I’d go with you.”

  “So, you have to leave David, are you going to be okay? Do I need to come over and give you a shoulder to cry on?”

  “What are you talking about, Toya. I am on an assignment. I’m working for David. There’s nothing romantic going on, so I doubt I’ll be crying.” Gina was not about to tell Toya about the kiss that almost happened between her and David at the mall. David was just messing around with her. He had just gotten caught in the moment. Because she saw the type of women that attract David, and Gina doubted that she was his type.

  “Well, you sure looked like you were defending your man. And he looked like he wanted to take a swing at that woman.”

  “Of course, he wanted to take a swing. She spit on him for goodness sake.”

  Toya told her. “I saw that. How nasty do you have to be to spit on someone? But David didn’t look like he wanted to fight when she spit on him, or even after she slapped him. He looked more like he wanted to be anywhere but there, like he wanted to escape. But he was about to leap on that woman when she tried to hit you. I’m telling you, if that security guard hadn’t been there, David and that woman would have been carted off to jail, because he would have hit her.”

  “So, what are you saying, Toya? Do you think David is violent? You think he could have hit Michelle? Because if he had done that, he would have validated everything she’s been saying about him.”

  “I don’t think you’re hearing me, Gina.” Toya tried to make it plain to her friend. “David is an ex-football player, which is a violent sport. But don’t see him as a violent man. What I did see was something in his eyes when that woman tried to swing on you. And yes, I think he would have hit her, but only to protect you.”

  “David doesn’t need to protect me,” Gina said, and I certainly wouldn’t want him to lay hands on any woman, not even that nutcase we just dealt with.”

  “Of course not,” Toya agreed. “But I think the man is falling in love with you. I could see it in his eyes.”

  Gina laughed at that. “If you saw the beautiful women that this man has at his disposal, you’d know that David isn’t thinking about me.” But something in Gina rejoiced at Toya’s words. Why did Toya’s statement excite her? She knew the man’s reputation with women. But didn’t operate like that anymore, Gina was convinced of that, but she wasn’t trying to hang around for the backslide.

  “You need to watch that video, Ms. Lie Slayer.”

  “Will you be at church on Sunday?” Gina wanted to know.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Okay, let me get off this phone and check out this video. I’ll see you on Sunday.” As they hung up the phone, Gina’s computer had finally loaded. She went to Twitter and typed in The Lie Slayer.


  “DID YOU SLEEP WELL,” David asked as she drove them to the airport.

  “I should be asking you that, since you’re the one who had the eventful evening. The whole incident is trending on Twitter.”

  “And Facebook and Instagram,” he added. “Friends kept calling me all night, but I didn’t even open the video. But you’re right, I didn’t get much sleep, because I spent a lot of time praying.”

  “You did, huh? Do you mind if I ask what you prayed about?” The look he gave told her the question embarrassed him. “I didn’t mean to pry. You don’t have to tell me.”

  “No, it’s okay. I was praying about my decision making and the type of women I have allowed into my life. I want to learn how to judge a woman more for what’s in her heart than her outer appearance.”

  Giggling, Gina asked, “So now you’re going to start dating ugly women with good hearts?”

  Holding up a hand to slow her roll, he said, “Let’s not get stupid up in here. My daddy told you that I like the pretty ladies, but let’s just say I’m not just looking for pretty anymore. I’m also looking for substance.”

  “Yeah, ‘cause Michelle didn’t have any substance... more like she might be a substance abuser.”

  “Right, that’s what I’m thinking. That girl is on a little somin-somin.” David shook his head. “She was willin’ out. Straight buggin’.”

nbsp; “Does she live in Dallas?” Gina asked.

  “Not that I’m aware of. I met her at a party in New York, and as far as I knew, that’s where she lived. Why she was out here, I couldn’t tell you.”

  “I hope she hasn’t started stalking you.”

  “You and me, both. But I think the restraining order I’m going to file should stop that.”

  “Good, you should get that filed a-sap. Before she tries to file one on you now that her scheme is out in the open.”

  Gina parked the car in the rental car lot. Then David held on to her hand as he turned to her. “I wanted to thank you for believing me and not thinking badly of me just because Michelle started spouting off a bunch of lies.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, I know she’s lying on you, and if I am called as a witness, I would go to court and tell them exactly how I know she’s a big liar and schemer.”

  “Yeah, but how can you be so sure you’re right? Most women would have been giving me the side-eye and thinking I got what I deserved for blacking her eye. Which I didn’t do,” He made sure to get that out there.

  “I’m not most women.” Gina lowered her head and ran her hand across her forehead. When she looked back up at him, she said, “I’m going to share something with you that I don’t talk about a lot. My parents don’t even know much about this. But I had a black eye like Michelle. I also had a broken arm and bruised ribs.”

  David’s eyes widened as he leaned back, looking at her as if seeing her for the first time.

  “I was a victim of domestic violence, and I didn’t run up on the man who abused me like Michelle ran up in your face.” A tear trickled down her face, David wiped it away. “I was so terrified of that man that I did whatever he said, all the while plotting my escape.

  “I had to quit a job I loved, and I was earning good money. I even left the country to get away from that man. If you had done everything Michelle claims you did to her, she wouldn’t be running up on you and attacking you, she’d be trying to be invisible whenever you were around. Just hoping that she’d escape one more degrading moment of abuse.”

  “I don’t know what to say... I’m so sorry that you went through something like that.” His fist tightened as his nose flared. “I would have crushed that man with my bare hands had I known you at that time. It kills me to think about you being abused like that.”

  “That doesn’t mean I need you to become an abuser in order to defend me, okay.” Gina was very leery of anyone who thought violence solved problems. Marvel used to talk like that, then the next thing she knew, he was laying hands on her.

  “You might not need me to do it, but I’m not just standing around with my hands in my pocket if someone tried to hurt you, believe that.”

  Gina was done talking about this. She got out of the car and took the keys to the rental office inside the airport. They then went to the terminal and waited for their flight.

  “You’re not talking to me now or what?” David asked.

  “I’m checking on your social media pages. We were busy this week, and I want to know if your fans are engaging.” She had her phone up to her face and didn’t even look at him as she answered.

  “You sitting over there looking all tight like it’s all business between us now?” When she didn’t respond, he asked, “Is that it?”

  “I’m working, David. I’m not here to entertain you.”

  Lifting an eyebrow, he said, “Oh, it’s like that. Well, let me give you some space.” David got up and took a seat in the next row over.

  Out the corner of her eye, she saw him walk away. She wanted to say something, or at least stop tripping because she really shouldn’t be so upset over the fact that he wanted to protect her. But, last night Toya had said that it looked like David wanted to hit Michelle, and now he tells her that he would harm someone for her. Another woman might be flatter with that, but to her, it sounded more like warning signs. Stay away.

  But while she was staying away, another woman waltzed over to him. She heard the woman ask, “Aren’t you David Pittman?”

  He nodded.

  She giggled. “I used to watch you every Sunday. You had some skills.”

  “Thank you.”

  The woman looked at the seat next to him. “Are you by yourself? Because if you are, I can keep you company.”

  Gina wanted to gag. Yes, David was handsome, and yes, he was rich and talented, but did these women have to throw themselves at him like he was the only man left on God’s green earth. She rolled her eyes as he looked back at her.

  David turned away from Gina and told the woman. “I was with someone, but she didn’t want to be bothered, so it looks like I’m all alone and lonely.”

  “That just won’t do,” the woman said as she sat down next to David, opened her purse and pulled out a business card. “Call me, I’ll make sure you’re never lonely again.”

  “Are you serious?” Gina butted into the conversation.

  “Uh-uh, don’t do that.” David waved a hand at Gina. “You didn’t want to be bothered with me, so don’t throw salt now that you see someone else wants me.”

  “Someone else is always wanting you. That’s your problem, you got a big head because these women keep throwing numbers at you.”

  “Excuse me?” The woman turned to Gina. “You don’t know me, I appreciate you staying out of my business.”

  “It’s not even about you. I’m standing up for women in general.” She pointed toward David. “Ask this man how many business cards has he collected this week, and then you’ll realize that he was just feeding you a line. He’s not alone at all.”

  The woman stood up. She told David, “It looks like you’re not alone after all. I’ll leave you to her while I go check on my flight.”

  As she walked away, David turned back to Gina. “Just shaking my head,” he said and did so.

  Gina wanted to tell him to stop shaking his head. But she had the good grace to realize that she was wrong. She had no business butting into David’s life. He could take as many business cards as he wanted, he could call all the women he wanted. “I’m sorry, David, I was way out of line. I don’t know what happened right there.”

  He nodded. “I think we both got a little heated. Let’s just get this trip over with and take care of business on The Grind and I’m good.

  “Speaking of that,” Gina got out of her seat and joined him in the next row. “I have another idea that I think will take your grind to the next level.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Remember those pictures you have on the wall at your restaurant?”

  He nodded again.

  “I think we need to go back to your restaurant and do a few videos. I want you to stand next to some of the photos and talk about why you selected that person to be on your wall of trust. Then I want you to invite a few of them to be with you on The Grind. We’ll get the cameraman on The Grind to pan the audience and show each of your guests as they roll the film on these people who have meant so much to you in every area of your business and life.”

  “That’s perfect, Gina. I’ll give some of them a call to see if they can make it.” He smiled at her and nudged her shoulder. “See, we work good together.”


  GINA NEEDED TO GET away from David, but they were now on a two and a half hour flight. She was seated next to him and his cologne was driving her crazy because it was pure sex appeal. Or maybe it was the man himself who exuded sex appeal. Wasn’t that why these women were always throwing themselves at him?

  And what was she thinking by getting in his business like that? That woman had every right to give David her business card, but the truth of the matter was that she was jealous. But why was she jealous and why did she act like that when there was nothing between her and David?

  “What’s on your mind?” David asked as he nudged her.

  She jumped. “Who me?”

  “No, I want to know what the pilot is thinking?”

  Resting h
er head against the headrest, she told me, “You don’t want to know what’s on my mind. It’s not like I’m thinking about world hunger or how to solve it. Actually, I wish I knew how to solve world hunger and a few other things.”

  Shifting his body so he was facing her, he said, “Why are you changing the subject? You must have been thinking about me and don’t want to admit it.”

  “See what I mean. All those women chasing after you has given you the big head. My every waking moment isn’t spent thinking about David Pittman.”

  “I didn’t say it was, but you were thinking about me just now. Why can’t you just admit it?”

  He was staring at her with those warm brown eyes of his. Eyes that seem to read her like a book. “Okay, I was thinking about how terribly I treated that woman who shamelessly threw herself at you. I had no right to act like that.”

  “And you already apologized,” he reminded her.

  “I know. I just feel bad because I shouldn’t have acted like that.”

  “You can make it up to me by giving up some of that cake my mother baked you this morning.”

  Gina stuck her lip out and shook her head. “But it’s German chocolate. Do you know how long it’s been since I had a German chocolate cake?”

  “It’s been a while for me too and my mom makes the best German chocolate cakes I’ve ever eaten. So, you owe me for chasing that very nice lady away. Who knows, she could have been wife material. Maybe God Himself sent her over to me, and you ran her off with your rudeness.”

  She rolled her eyes heavenward, but gave in. “Okay, okay, I’ve give you some of my cake.”

  “Thank you,” he leaned back in his seat and started flipping through a magazine.

  “Let me ask you something,” Gina said, interrupting his solitude. “Do you know a photographer who could handle this last session with you?”

  “Not one who could get there tomorrow. Why, you got something else to do?”

  No, she didn’t have anything else to do. He was her only client. But she didn’t want to be around him, up close and personal anymore. Things were getting uncomfortable between them and she wanted some distance. But those hospital bills weren’t going to pay themselves, so she had to do that job she’d been hired to do and find some kind of way to stop thinking of David in any other way, but as a client. If she could afford to hire a photographer and send him to Ann Arbor, she would, but she couldn’t. “I’ll be there.” Church was tomorrow, now she had something else to pray for.


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