Got to Be Love

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Got to Be Love Page 12

by Vanessa Miller

  While David was saying those words, Gina flashed back to something Jarrod had said at church the day before. “Hold on, I need to check on something.”

  “What’s wrong?” He asked as he viewed the scowl on her face.

  “I don’t know. Does Bill live in Dallas?” She asked as she pulled her laptop out of the bag and turned it on.

  “No, ma’am. He can’t stand the heat. He lives in New York.”

  Her computer powered up, she went to Twitter and once again viewed the video of Michelle attacking David at the mall.

  “Are you for real right now? Do you really think I want to watch that?” He tried to turn off her computer.

  Gina snatched it away from him. “This is important, David. Let me watch this.” She kept watching the video, searching the faces of the bystanders who stood around enjoying the show.

  “How long is this going to take?”

  “Shhh, I’m concentrating.”

  “Concentrating on what? I don’t know what you expect to see other than I woman who is clearly off her meds.”

  She ignored him and kept watching. Then, as she watched the police put handcuffs on Michelle, she saw the woman struggle with the police and curse them out, jerking and screaming that David was the one who needed to be arrested. Then her eyes got real big and she looked terrified. She then stopped struggling against the police and walked out, submitted to the process. But it was at that moment that her eyes filled with terror that Gina saw the same man Jarrod must have seen when he watched the video. She hadn’t noticed him before, because she had assumed that the thought of going to jail was the thing that terrified Michelle.

  She stopped the video and rewind it. When she had it back at the spot she needed David to see she said, “Come over here and tell me if this is your friend Bill?”

  David had a questioning look on his face. “What would Bill be doing in Dallas?” But he looked anyway, and then said, “Yeah, that’s Bill.”

  “Do you notice how scared Michelle looks when she sees him?”

  He sat down at the table with Gina, seeing things he didn’t understand. “She does seem scared, doesn’t she.”

  “Tell me something, David. How did you meet Michelle?”

  He thought for a minute, then said, “It was at Bill’s retirement party two years ago. But we didn’t start dating until a year later, I ran into her again at a fundraising event. I was one of the speakers.”

  “And she told you that if she doesn’t get that money, something bad is going to happen, right?”


  “Why don’t you call and ask her to meet us at the restaurant. Tell her you’re thinking about giving her the money.”

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were asking me to let a woman who I just filed a restraining order on back in my personal space.”

  “I know this isn’t going to be easy for you, but you know how you said you wanted to help me because I had been abused.” He nodded. “Well, the same thing goes for Michelle. She is being abused, and you can help her.”

  “I didn’t abuse that woman,” he shouted those words.

  She put a hand over his to calm him. “I know you didn’t. Remember, I’m the one who has believed you from the beginning.”

  “Not the beginning, you were going to quit because you thought I was a woman beater.”

  “Okay, well, I believed you once you explained everything to me.” She rolled her eyes. “Is that truthful enough for you?”

  “Yep, that’s about right.”

  “Are you going to call her or not?”

  “She spit in my face, Gina. Did you forget about that?” David shook his head. “I don’t want to be anywhere near that woman for the rest of my life.”

  “Think about this for a minute, David. You tried to make atonement for your sin against Serita by paying a bill for me, but what if God put Michelle in your life for that very reason. I see this so clearly now. Don’t miss it, David. God has given you an assignment, will you help this woman or not?”

  MICHELLE STEPPED INSIDE the End Zone like it was Friday, and she was about to get paid. David escorted her to a table in the middle of the restaurant but when she saw Gina seated at the table, she bulked. “What’s she doing here?”

  “Gina is with me,” he told her. “If you want this meeting, then you will have to talk to both of us, or you can leave right now.” He shrugged. “Don’t make me that much difference, Gina is the one who thinks we should help you.”

  “What? Gina tells you what to do with your money now? Mmph, I guess we didn’t get that far in our relationship.” She sat down and did the gooseneck while giving Gina the evil eye.

  “Let’s don’t get it twisted and misrepresent up in here. You and I never had a relationship. I just took you out on a few dates. That’s it.”

  The look on David’s face told Gina everything she needed to know. He was ticked and would probably blow up in here if this meeting went left. So, she was going to try her best to keep everything on track. “Do you think we should eat now,” Gina asked David, trying to give him something else to think about.

  “Oh, yes, right.” He turned back to Michelle. “I took the liberty of cooking a meal, so we can have something to chew on during our discussion. Let me bring the food in here.” He left the two women alone as he went into the kitchen.

  “I didn’t ask for anything to eat,” Michelle was aggravated. “And what do we need to talk about. I thought he was going to help me.”

  “We do want to help you, Michelle. But the help you need is not the money you are seeking.”

  “What do you know about it?” Michelle snapped at her.

  Gina wasn’t put off, she understood where the brass, hard exterior was coming from. “Actually, I know a lot about it. I’ve been where you are.”

  Michelle hissed, “You don’t know anything about me. You’re just David's new shiny object. But believe me, he’ll get tired of you soon enough. And when he throws you away, you’ll be trying to get paid just like I am, so don’t sit there like you’re so above me.”

  “I’m glad that your eye is healing. You can barely make out the bruise anymore.”

  Michelle lifted her hand and touched the space just below her left eye. “If David knew how to keep his hands to himself, I wouldn’t’ve had a black eye in the first place.”

  “David didn’t hit you, we both know you’re lying about that. So, why don’t we cut the charades so we can get somewhere.”

  “What are you talking about? You weren’t there... you can’t really say for sure whether he hit me or not.”

  Shaking her head, Gina declared, “I’m a hundred percent sure. And you know who else knew it also... the police.”

  Michelle opened her mouth to say something, then closed it and folded her arms around her chest in defiance. “Then why is David about to give me this money? I’ll tell you because he’s guilty. You just better beware and get away from him while you can. David is a vicious and angry man. He’s unpredictable.”

  “That’s the worst part about it, isn’t it, the unpredictability. One day things will be going along great. He takes you out to dinner, he buys you flowers and tells you he loves you. The next day he’s in a rage and you are nothing but a burden to him. Anything you say might set him off, so you keep quiet, but he hits you anyway.”

  “Yeah, that’s how it was,” Michelle agreed.

  “I was terrified of the man who used to beat me. He told me that if I left him, he would find me and kill me. So I stayed even after he broke my arm and my ribs. I believed he would kill me. But I wanted out even more than I wanted to breathe, so I plotted my escape. I moved out of the country so he couldn’t find me. That’s how bad things had gotten for me.”

  Some of Michelle’s defenses were falling as she stared at Gina as if she’d found a kindred spirit. “So you do know how it is?”

  Gina nodded. “But I also know that you’re not afraid of David, not even a little bit.”

/>   When she didn’t respond, Gina said, “Can I show you something?”

  Michelle looked around the room, which was empty except for her and Gina. “How much longer is David going to be?”

  As if on cue, David came out of the kitchen pushing a cart towards them. “All the starving people in the house, raise your hand. I’ve got pasta with chicken or shrimp, salad and some garlic bread for us to feast on.”

  Gina raised both her hands. “You know I’m starving. I’ve been here all day, and you didn’t feed me.”

  “I know you’re not complaining because I’m always feeding you.” He smiled at Gina with eyes that said, you-light-up-my-world.

  She was grinning right back at him, oblivious to the fact that they had company.

  Michelle harrumphed. “You too can stare at each other all day long for all I care.” She stuck her hand out. “Can you just give me the money so I can be on my way.”

  David asked Gina, “Did you show her the video yet?”

  “I was just getting to that when you came back in.” Can we get our plates and then show the video?” Gina looked back to Michelle, do you mind hanging out with us for a few more minutes. I’m a witness that this man is an awesome chef. So you will enjoy the food.”

  Michelle harrumphed again. “He might be trying to poison me for all I know.”

  “Trust me, Michelle, I am not going to prison behind you and no one else,” David assured her.

  Gina got out of her chair. “I’ll get my plate first. That way, if I don’t croak, you’ll know it’s all good.” Gina and David fixed their plates. David said grace and then they went for it, smacking their lips at each scrumptious bite.

  “Okay, I’ll eat.” Michelle filled her plate and then joined them back at the table. “You never cooked for me while we dated, so I’m sure this was done just to impress Gina,” she complained.

  David squeezed Gina’s hand as he looked into her eyes. “I like cooking for Gina. She appreciates good food, and that puts a smile on my face.”

  “Is this an act? Are you two trying to throw your love for each other in my face to make me feel some type of way because if it is, it’s wasted on me. I simply don’t care.” Michelle put a fork full of pasta in her mouth and savored the taste.

  Gina believed her. Michelle didn’t care about David, his love life, or anything else that had to do with him. But Gina knew what the woman did care about. She put her laptop on the table as they ate and turned it back on. She had already downloaded the video and had it at the exact spot she needed.

  As the video played, Michelle put her fork down. Her eyes widened as they came to the part where fear was clearly displayed in her eyes. Gina hit the pause button. “The look you have on your face right now is the same look you had when you saw Bill. He’s the one you’re afraid of, isn’t he?”

  “Bill, who? What are you talking about?” Michelle’s hand shook as she tried to regain her composure.

  “You were at Bill’s party the night I met you, so please don’t try to act like you don’t know who he is.” David pointed toward the laptop screen. “The look on your face when you saw him tells us you know exactly who you’re looking at.”

  Michelle’s shoulders slumped. “I never wanted to do this. But if I don’t get that money from you today, something bad is going to happen.”

  David had told her that when Michelle said those words to him, he took it as a threat. But Gina wasn’t so sure if Michelle had been threatening him at all. “Who is something bad going to happen to?” She asked Michelle.

  Lowering her head as tears began to fall, Michelle said, “He’s said he would kill me this time. I’m sorry David, I didn’t want any parts of this, but Bill wants that money, and he will kill me if I don’t get it.”

  “My abuser used to threaten me like that too,” Gina told her. “But a kind elderly woman prayed for me, and suddenly I knew what I needed to do in order to get away from him. Can I pray for you, Michelle?”


  THE DAY HAD COME, DAVID and two other contestants were back on The Grind to determine a grand finale winner. But before a winner would be selected, the audience and the judges would view video clips on each of the contestant's restaurants to determine if they were handling their grind. They would also see video clips concerning the charity each contestant represented and the final event would be a cook-off. Actually, while the video clips are shown throughout the hour-long program, each of the contestants will be preparing their three-course meal.

  “You ready for this?” Gina asked David.”

  He pulled her into an embrace and kissed her soundly. “I’m ready for anything as long as you are with me. Will you be with me, Gina?”

  “I’m going to be right in the audience rooting for you all the way.”

  “I’m not just talking about today. I want you with me for a long, long time to come. You’re the one I want, Gina.”

  The door to his dressing room opened and in walked his business manager. David smile, while still holding Gina close, he said, “Hey Katie, my lady, long time no see.”

  “I wouldn’t go calling a woman your lady while you’re holding onto another woman,” Katie told him, then popped his arm with the manila folder she was holding.

  “You mean this beautiful lady right here?” David pulled Gina closer and kissed the back of her neck. “I’m over the moon about her, Katie. Can’t you tell?”

  Katie smiled at him, “I can indeed. But I came in here to tell both of you that the network likes all the coverage they been seeing. And as long as everything goes well today, we should be in.”

  “That’s awesome!” Gina exclaimed.

  But David wasn’t ready to jump for joy just yet. He told Katie, “I can’t make any promises about how today will go. But I can tell you that I plan to be authentically me, and I’ll just trust God with the rest. If it’s His will for me to have this cooking show, then it will be. But I have to finish what I started.”

  Katie turned to Gina. “What’s he talking about?”

  Gina wiggled out of David’s embrace. She told Katie, “Come on, let’s take our seats because I guarantee that you don’t want to miss a minute of this show.”

  Katie took the end seat on the front row. Gina sat in-between Mary and Toya. Jarrod was on the other side of Toya, and Bill sat next to Jarrod.

  Mary leaned toward Gina. “Senior wasn’t in any condition to fly this morning. I didn’t want to upset him, so I let him stay at the home.”

  Gina saw the pain in the woman’s face. She had no idea how hard it must be to love a man who didn’t even recognize you most of the time. She hoped her news would bring some small comfort to Mary. “I have a surprise for you. I pitched the Alzheimer's story to NBC and Lester Holt wants to interview you.”

  “Me?” Mary looked surprised.

  “Yes, Mary. They loved how you championed this issue at the Alzheimer's walk and how loving you are to your husband.”

  “Will Junior be able to fit this interview in his schedule?” She asked.

  Gina shook her head. “He doesn’t have to fit it in. Lester won’t be interviewing David, just you. The angle for this story is about the power women display when faced with insurmountable odds. And they already have the film with you, David and your husband so they may use some clips from that.”

  Mary patted Gina’s hand. “Thank you,” she said with a shaky voice.

  “It was my pleasure,” Gina told her. The show began, so everyone was transfixed by the three contestants preparing their meals. The announcer spoke with each contestant as they prepared their meals.

  When he reached David, the announcer said, “Now, as I understand it, all of the meals you are preparing have been named after people who are special to you.”

  David flashed that million-dollar smile toward the camera as he moved around the kitchen. “That’s correct. Today, I’m preparing Beloved’s Down Home Gumbo which is one of my father’s favorites and is based on a creation out of his home town
of New Orleans. I also have Jarrod’s Crabby Cakes and for dessert, I will be serving Big Mama’s Famous Sweet Potato Cheese Cake.”

  The announcer licked his lips. “Is that sweet potato cheesecake anything like them Patty pies?”

  “What you talking ‘bout? Patty ain’t got nothing on my Big Mama.”

  Do it, baby! Gina wanted to shout and jump out of her seat; David was killing it. But she kept her composer and just relaxed in her seat. The contestants finished their meal and then stood before the judges. This was the part that kept Gina awake all night. How would the world receive David after this segment? She prayed that they would hear his heart and understand why he needed to do this on national television.

  Just before the judges tasted the creations of one of the contestants, a two-minute video played. This video showed the contestant in the work environment to show off their grind and then it gave them time to highlight the charity they represented. Each contestant had a very good story to tell. However, David’s video and food tasting were last because his was the most impactful and literally show-stopping.

  As David came on the big screen for everyone in the audience to view, Gina held her breath. Pictures of him as a star athlete filled the screen; then within a flash, he was shown with an apron on and working in his restaurants. Then David was shown standing next to a picture of his father, who was on his wall of trust. “When I first began this competition, I picked Alzheimer's as the charity I wanted to donate to. I did that because my father has been dealing with this illness for the last five years and it has been really hard on my family.” He held up a check that had an amount of fifty-thousand dollars on it. “To help other families suffering through this devastating illness, I am donating $25,000 to the Alzheimer foundation.”

  He walked away from his father’s picture and then stood next to Bill Hoffman’s picture. “I have decided to bring awareness to another devastating issue that millions of women deal with daily... domestic violence.”

  David looked straight into the camera as if searching for someone specific, then he said, “Mom, please forgive me, but when I was nineteen years old, I hit my girlfriend. Back then, I felt awful and vowed to never put my hands on another woman, and I have from that day to this. But Serita,” David sighed as he looked very much ashamed of the man he used to be. “That was my college sweetheart’s name. Anyway, Serita ran into another man who didn’t just put his hands on her, he killed her. And I don’t want that to happen to not another woman, so I want to help in any way I can. And if we can rescue just one woman from a violent situation, then we stop the pain that a family feels when they have to say goodbye too soon. So, I ask that we begin by helping Michelle.”


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