Elsie and Her Namesakes

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Elsie and Her Namesakes Page 3

by Martha Finley


  Noticing now that weak little Ned began to look weary and sleepy, Mrs.Travilla bade the other children go out and amuse themselves a whilewherever they liked about the house and grounds; so they quietly leftthe room.

  "Please don't go away, grandma. Please stay beside me while I take mynap," murmured the little fellow, opening his eyes to look up at her,then closing them again.

  "No, darling, I won't," she said soothingly. "I have a book and amgoing to sit here beside you and read while you sleep."

  Elsie and the others refreshed themselves with some lively sport uponthe lawn; then the young guests, thinking it time to return to theirhomes, mounted their bicycles and departed, leaving Elsie sitting inthe veranda, whiling away the time with a bit of fancy work whilewaiting and watching for the return of father and mother and the otherloved ones from their city shopping.

  Meantime, she was thinking how very much she would like to give herdear sister Grace a handsome wedding present, and regretting that shehad not expected the wedding to come so soon and saved her pocket moneyfor that purpose. She had not wasted it, but had been more liberal ingifts to some others and spent more in self-indulgences than now seemedto have been at all necessary.

  But these regretful meditations were at length interrupted by thecarriage turning in at the great gates and coming swiftly up thedriveway.

  "Oh, I am so glad you have come back at last, papa, mamma, and all therest of you dear folks," she exclaimed, hastening to meet them as theyalighted and came up the veranda steps. "I suppose you have bought everso many beautiful things."

  "Yes, so we have," replied her mother.

  "Many more than were at all necessary," laughed Grace. "If this sort ofkindness killed, I am afraid I should not live very long."

  "But it does not, and you look very rosy and well for you," laughedElsie as Grace reached her side, put an arm about her and gave her akiss.

  "Yes, she has stood the ordeal very well so far," remarked Dr. Harold,giving his affianced a very lover-like glance and smile.

  "I am ever so glad of that," said Elsie. "And oh, I do want to see allthose pretty things! Mayn't they be carried into the library, mamma?Grandma and Ned will want to see them, and they are in there."

  "Yes," replied Violet, leading the way, "and we will all go in thereand examine them together. I hear Ned talking, so there is no danger ofwaking him out of a nap."

  All followed her lead, a servant, bearing the heavier packages,bringing up the rear. All enjoyed examining the purchases--rich silks,laces, ribbons and jewelry--and some minutes were spent in lively chatover them and about other pretty things seen in the city stores.

  Then Grace was summoned to the sewing room to inspect the work going onthere. Violet went with her, and Harold hastened away to see a patient,the captain and Elsie following him as far as the veranda, he seatinghimself and drawing her to his knee to pet and fondle her, as was hiswont when they happened to be alone together.

  "Well, darling little daughter," he said, "I hope you have had apleasant time at home with grandma and Ned and cousins while papa andmamma were away?"

  "Yes, sir; grandma was telling us about Washington and Braddock'sdefeat, and it was very interesting. So the time passed verypleasantly. Papa, what beautiful things you and mamma and the restbrought home from the city! I wish"--she paused, blushing and hangingher head.

  "Well, dear child, speak out and tell papa what you want," he saidencouragingly.

  "I was just wishing I could buy a handsome wedding gift for dearSister Grace; but I did not think she was going to be married so soon,and--and my pocket money is almost all gone."

  "Well, never mind," he said with a smile and patting her cheek. "I havebeen considering an increase of pocket money for you and Ned just atthis time. I shall give each of you $50 to-morrow, to do with exactlyas you please--buy for yourselves or for others or save up for somefuture time."

  "Oh, papa, thank you, thank you!" she cried joyously. "And now can youtell me what to buy for Sister Grace?"

  "We will consult mamma about that," he said, "and perhaps she will gowith us into the city to-morrow to make the purchase."

  "Ah, Elsie wanting to do some shopping, too?" asked Violet's pleasantvoice as she stepped out from the hall door to the veranda and camequickly toward them. "No"--to her husband--"do not get up; I will takea seat by your side," suiting the action to the word.

  "Yes, mamma," answered the little girl; "surely I ought to givea wedding present to Sister Grace; and papa is going to give memoney--$50--to buy it with."

  "Oh, that is nice," said Violet. "Levis, my dear, you are certainly thebest of fathers, as well as of husbands."

  "According to my very partial wife," he returned with a pleased littlelaugh.

  "And this one of your daughters, too, papa," said Elsie.

  "As well as all the kith and kin who know him well," added Violet."What do you think of buying with that large sum of money, Elsie?"

  "I want your advice about that, mamma."

  "I believe Grace feels very rich now--in silks, satins, laces,jewelry"--Violet responded in a musing tone. "Ah, well of that lastfew ladies can have too much. A ring, a bracelet, would hardly comeamiss."

  "No, mamma, I do not believe they would; and they would be becoming tosister's beautiful hands and arms. I wonder if Ned would not like tobuy one or the other for her with his $50."

  "Let us go to the library now and consult him about it," said thecaptain, setting Elsie down and rising to his feet as he spoke.

  "The best plan, I think," said Violet. "He is sure to want to spendyour gift to him in something for Grace."

  They found Ned still awake and pleased at their coming.

  "You may be newsteller and questioner, Elsie," said their father, andshe told in hurried, joyous fashion what he had promised, and what shethought of buying for Grace with her $50, concluding with the query,"What will you do with your fifty, Ned?"

  "I do not know. I cannot go to the stores to find anything," he sigheddisconsolately.

  "But you can trust mamma and the rest of us to select something foryou," suggested his father in tender tones.

  "Oh, I guess that will do," responded Ned more cheerfully; "and be surethat I want it to be something handsome, if it costs every cent of the$50."

  So that matter was settled, and the next morning the captain, Violetand Elsie drove into the city, visited the best jewelry store, andselected a beautiful ring and bracelet. Elsie was so charmed with themthat she seemed hardly able to think of anything else on the homewarddrive.

  "I hope Ned will be pleased with the bracelet," she said; "but if hewould rather have the ring for his gift to Gracie, he may, and I willgive the bracelet."

  "That is right, daughter," said the captain. "I think they are bothbeautiful, and they cost very nearly the same."

  They found Ned awake and full of eager expectation. He heard thecarriage wheels on the driveway, and cried out, "There they are,grandma, and oh, how I wish I could run out to the veranda to meetthem!"

  "Never mind about that, sonny boy; they will be in here directly," wasthe kind response, and the next minute Elsie came running in, holdingup two little parcels.

  "We have bought them, Ned," she cried. "They are just lovely, and youmay open the packages and take your choice which to have for your giftto Sister Grace," and she put them in his hands as she spoke.

  He looked delighted, hastily tore open the larger package, and criedout, "Oh, I will take this for mine. It is the prettiest bracelet Iever saw!"

  "But the ring is every bit as beautiful," said Elsie, "and I do notcare in the least which you give and which will be my present toGracie."

  "And since you do not care in the least, it won't matter who giveswhich," laughed their mother.

  "And that makes it easy for you both," said the captain, drawing up achair to the side of the couch for his wife, then seating himself byher side.

  "What do you think of them, mother?" turning to Gr
andma Elsie.

  "That they are both beautiful," she replied. "Grace is sure to begreatly pleased with them. Ah, here she comes!" as the young girl cametripping in, followed by Harold.

  "Oh, Gracie, here are our wedding gifts to you--Elsie's and mine. Comelook at them," cried Ned, raising himself to a sitting posture in hisexcitement.

  "Oh, they are lovely, lovely!" she responded, taking them from hishands, turning them about in hers and gazing upon them delightedly."But," she added in a regretful tone, "I am afraid you have both spentfar too much on me."

  "Not at all, daughter; they were bought with both your mamma's and myfull approval," said the captain. "What do you think of them, Harold?"as he, too, seemed to be giving the trinkets a critical examination.

  "I entirely agree in the opinion Grace has just expressed," he replied."They are quite worthy of the admiration of us all. Must have cost apretty penny, I should say."

  "But not too much for gifts to our dear sister Grace," said Elsie.

  "No, no; I quite agree with you in that opinion," replied Harold, witha smile and a look of ardent love and admiration at the sweet face ofhis betrothed.

  "Put them on, Gracie, and let us see how they will look on your prettyhand and arm," pleaded Ned, and she complied.

  "Ah, they fit nicely," she said with a pleased little laugh; thentook them off and replaced them in their boxes, adding, "but are toohandsome and costly to wear just now. They should be shown first alongwith the other Christmas and wedding gifts."

  "Such a long time to wait," sighed Ned disconsolately.

  "Not so very, Neddie boy," returned Grandma Elsie in a cheery tone;"this is Friday, and Christmas comes next week on Wednesday."

  "Oh, I am glad it is so near! But, oh, dear," he added with a sigh, "itwon't be so delightful as it has been other years, because I cannot goout of doors and run and play as I have on other Christmas days."

  "No; but do not fret, my little son; you shall have a good time in thehouse," said his father.

  "Oh, yes, papa, and will we have a Christmas tree? I am not too old forthat, am I?"

  "No, not at all; and I doubt if you ever will be," returned his father,smoothing his hair and smiling down into his face.

  "Oh, Sister Grace, will your dresses be done by that time?" askedElsie.

  "Hardly, I think," smiled Grace; "but it will be another week before wesail away in our _Dolphin_; and if they are not all finished then theycan be sent after us to Viamede."

  "I suppose, grandma, you will be wanting us all at Ion for Christmas,"said Ned. "Uncle Harold, do you think I will be well enough to go?"

  "No, my boy; but we can have a fine Christmas here in your own home,"replied his uncle in kindly tones.

  "Oh, yes, of course we can. There is no place better than home, anyhow;at least, not if grandma and you, uncle, are here with us."

  "Just what I think," said Elsie; "and you will be here, won't you,grandma and uncle?"

  "Part of the time," replied Mrs. Travilla; "and I think it likely thatmost of your other relatives will make a call on you some time duringthe day."

  "And you will stay with us between this time and that, and tell us yournice true stories, won't you, grandma?" entreated Ned.

  "I have planned to be here a part of almost every day until we go onboard the _Dolphin_, Neddie dear," she said, smiling kindly on him asshe spoke.

  "And you will, too, won't you, uncle?" queried the little fellow, withan entreating look up into Harold's face.

  "Yes; I intend to give my little patient all the care he needs from hisuncle doctor," was the pleasant-toned reply.

  "Thank you, sir; that is good; I am glad I have such a kind unclethat knows how to treat sick folks," returned Ned, closing his eyes,composing himself for a nap, and adding, "I am tired and sleepy now.Please everybody excuse me if I do not keep awake to enjoy yourcompany."

  An hour later the little boy awoke, looking and feeling stronger andbetter than he had at any time since the beginning of his illness; andhe continued to gain as the days passed on, listening with pleasurewhile his grandma and others tried to entertain him with stories,and now and then joining in some quiet little game that called for noexertion of strength.

  At last it was Christmas eve, and he and Elsie went early to bed andto sleep after hanging up their stockings for Santa Claus to fill.They knew there was to be a Christmas tree, but the sight of it was tobe deferred till the next morning, because after his night's rest Nedwould be better able to enjoy it.

  Over at Sunnyside Evelyn sat beside the crib of her sleeping babe, busywith her needle, fashioning a dainty robe for the darling, when Lucillastole softly in, came to her side, and speaking in an undertone, not todisturb the little sleeper, said:

  "Chester and I are going over to Woodburn to help in the trimming ofthe Christmas tree, and should be happy to have your company. Will yougo along?"

  "Thank you, Lu; I should like to but for leaving baby, and I won'tdisturb her, taking her up to carry her along, she is sleeping sosweetly."

  "You are quite right; it would be a shame to rouse her out of thatsweet sleep. The darling; how lovely she is!" responded Lucilla,leaning over the crib and feasting her eyes with a long, tender gazeinto the innocent little face. "But could not you trust her to the careof her nurse for a half hour or so?"

  "Thank you, but I think I am more needed here than there just now.There will be a good many to join in the fun of trimming the tree--goodfun, too, it will be, I know."

  "Yes; and you have already sent over your and Max's lovely gifts. Well,good-by, sister dear. You will be missed, but no one will blame you forstaying beside your darling."

  Eva was missed and her absence regretted, but the work of trimming thetree went merrily on, the captain, Violet, Harold, Grace, Chester andLucilla all taking part in the work, while visiting relatives camepouring in, bringing both Christmas and wedding gifts. There was amerry time, and Grace seemed almost overwhelmed by the multitude ofrare and beautiful presents, some of them very costly, bestowed uponher. There were laces, jewelry, gold and silver tableware, severalhandsome pictures for her walls, pretty toilet sets, books; and fromHarold's mother and Grace's father certificates of valuable stock,which would add largely to the income of the young couple.

  The tree was a particularly large and handsome one when brought in, andmade a grand appearance, indeed, at the conclusion of the work of itstrimmers.

  There were many expressions of gleeful admiration, then all wereinvited to the dining-room and feasted with cakes and ices.

  "Dearest, I fear this has been almost too much for you," Harold saidin a low aside to his betrothed when the last of the guests had biddenadieu and departed. "I hope excitement is not going to keep you awake."

  "I will try not to allow it to do so," she returned in the same lowkey, and smiling up into his eyes. "I hope to show myself to-morrow apatient to be proud of."

  "As you are to-night, love, and always," returned Harold gallantly,taking her hand and carrying it to his lips.

  "In the estimation of my very partial lover doctor," laughed Grace.

  "Ah, yes; and in that of many others. The lover is craving atete-a-tete with his best beloved, but the doctor knows she should atonce retire to her couch of rest. Good-night, darling. Only a week nowtill I can claim you for my very own."

  "Good-night, my best and dearest of physicians; I will follow yourprescription, as has been my wont in the past," returned Grace, gentlywithdrawing her hand from his grasp, then gliding into the hall andup the stairway, while Harold passed out to the veranda, where thecaptain and Violet, arm in arm, were pacing to and fro, chatting cosilyof what they had been doing and were still to do to make the morrowa specially happy day to their children and servants. They paused intheir walk at sight of Harold.

  "You are not going to leave us to-night?" they asked.

  "Yes; I have a patient to visit, and must hasten, for it is growinglate."

  "Well, come in as early as you can to-morrow," said Vi
olet, and thecaptain seconded the invitation warmly.

  "You may be sure I will do that," laughed Harold, "for both theenjoyment of your society and the good of my patients here. Au revoir."

  "Dear fellow!" exclaimed Violet, looking after him as he moved with hisfirm, elastic tread down the driveway and through the great gates intothe road beyond; "he is worth his weight in gold, both as brother andphysician, I think."

  "And I am pretty much of the same opinion," smiled the captain. "Nowshall we go upstairs and oversee the doings of Santa Claus with thosestockings?"

  "Yes; for I presume the youthful owners of the stockings are alreadysafe from disturbance in the Land of Nod. Will Grace hang her stockingup, do you think?"

  "Hardly, I suppose; but we might steal a march upon the darling aftershe, too, has reached that Land of Nod."

  They had passed up the stairway while they talked, and were now nearthe door of Grace's sitting-room, and hearing their voices, thoughtheir tones were rather subdued for fear of waking the children, sheopened it and came smilingly out.

  "Ah, papa and mamma, I presume you are about to personate old SantaClaus, and I should like to help a little," she laughed, holding up toview a string of coral beads and a pretty purse of her own knitting.

  "Ah," said her father, "those will give pleasure, I know. The childrenwill be well satisfied with those articles of Santa Claus's selection.Ah, this reminds me of the first Christmas in this house, and thedelight of my two daughters--Lu and Grace--over the treasures theyfound in their stockings. Suppose you hang up yours to-night in memoryof that time."

  "Oh, father dear, I, having already had so many, many gifts far beyondmy deserts, should feel ashamed to be seeking more," Grace replied witha look of ardent, filial love up into his face.

  "But do you think you could be wrong or foolish in following yourfather's advice?" was Violet's smiling query.

  "Not if it be given seriously and in earnest, mamma," returned Grace,giving her father a look of loving inquiry.

  "You may as well take it in earnest, daughter mine," he answered,drawing her to his side, putting an arm about her and giving her a fondcaress; "should you find nothing in it of more worth than a paper ofsugar plums, you will have lost nothing by the experiment. But go onnow with your preparations for bed, and do not let anxiety concerningthe filling of the stocking keep you awake."

  "Thank you, my dearest and best of fathers. I shall do my best to obeyyour kind order. Good-night to you and mamma," she said, retreatinginto her room and closing her door. She did not fasten it, though, andlaughingly hung up her stocking before getting into bed.

  She was quite weary from the unusual exertion of the day and evening,and spite of excitement, had presently fallen into profound slumber;nor did she wake till broad daylight. Then the first thing her eye fellupon was the evidently well-filled stocking. With a light laugh shesprang out of bed, seized the stocking, crept back into bed and beganan excited examination.

  There were fruits and candies, then a paper parcel labelled "A littleChristmas gift from papa." Hastily opening it, she found a handsomenew portemonnaie well filled with bank notes and change.

  "My dear father!" she murmured to herself low and feelingly; "was thereever such another! And mamma, too," as she picked up a pretty knittedpurse, between the meshes of which shone some bright pieces of gold andsilver. "But it is Christmas morning; no doubt everybody else in thehouse is up, and so must I be," she added half aloud, and suiting theaction to the word.

  She was looking very sweet and fair in a pretty morning gown when, afew minutes later, her father came in, took her in his arms and wishedher "A merry, happy Christmas, to be followed by the happiest of NewYears."

  "Thank you, dear, dearest papa," she said, returning his caresses. "Ifeel sure it will be a happy year, because I am not to be parted fromyou--except for a few days till you join us on the coast of Florida."

  "Yes, daughter dear, Providence permitting, we shall follow you therevery shortly after you reach its shores. Now we will go down tobreakfast, which is ready and waiting for us, and after that and familyworship children and servants are to see the Christmas tree and receivetheir gifts."

  That programme was carried out, the last act producing much mirth andjollity, amid which Harold joined them. He came full of good cheer,exchanged Christmas greetings, and gave an amusing account of Christmasdoings and the effect of the Christmas tree at Ion.

  He and Grace had exchanged some trifling gifts by means of theChristmas tree, but now he drew her aside and added to the ornamentsshe wore a beautiful diamond pin.

  "Oh, thank you!" she said, with a pleased little laugh. "I have asurprise for you, but this lovely brooch quite casts it into the shade."

  As she spoke she drew from her pocket a tiny box and put it into hishand. He opened it and found a diamond stud.

  "Ah, what a beauty!" he exclaimed in tones of pleased surprise. "Thankyou, my darling; thank you a thousand times. It is valuable in itselfand still more valuable as the gift of my best beloved of earthly dearones."

  "I am very glad you like my little gift," she returned, smiling upinto his eyes, "though it compares but poorly with this lovely andcostly one you have given me. Oh, but it is a beauty! I must show it tofather, mamma and the rest."

  "Show us what?" asked Violet, overhearing the last few words, andturning toward the speaker.

  "This, that your good, generous brother has just added to my alreadyrich store of Christmas gifts," replied Grace, joyously displaying hernew treasure.

  "Oh, what a beauty!" cried Violet. "I am glad, Harold, that you showsuch good taste and generosity to the dear girl you are stealing fromus."

  "I object to that last clause of your speech," returned her brotherwith mock gravity. "It will be no theft, since her father has made it agift, in generous gratitude for my small services to your small son."

  "Oh, true enough," laughed Violet, "and our saved son is worth morethan any quantity of such jewelry," she added in moved tones, puttingan arm around Ned, who had stolen to her side in an effort to see whathad caused her pleased exclamation.

  "Oh, what a beautiful pin, Gracie!" he exclaimed. "Did you buy it forher, uncle?"

  "Yes, on purpose for her," replied Harold, smiling down at the littlefellow. "You do not think it too fine for her, do you?"

  "No, no; oh, no! nothing could be too fine for our dear, sweet,beautiful Gracie."

  "Just what papa thinks," the captain said, joining the little group."Ah," glancing through the window, "here come our Sunnyside folks tospend the day with us."

  Visits from other relatives followed somewhat later, and some who hadnot been heard from the day before brought additions to the store ofwedding and Christmas gifts. Ned was not forgotten or neglected, and inspite of having to remain at home and within doors, passed a very happyday.


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