Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series Page 6

by McKayla Jade

  He gently took her hand away from his swollen member and held both her wrist in one of his hands. Reaching them above her head, he pinned her down so he could concentrate on his assault. Her body stretched out gloriously beneath him. He loved to see her every curve. He kissed first one of her breasts and then the other, making her nipples stand erect. Trailing his tongue between the two as he moved from one to the other, he took her nipple between his teeth. Gently licking his tongue across the tip made her moan deep in her throat. The sound of her pleasure made him throb. It tapped against her flat belly and she squealed excitedly.

  “Please.” She whimpered to him, lifting her hips, trying to press herself against him.

  “Please what, little one?” He teased her, taking her nipple between his thumb and finger and rolling it.

  She opened her mouth to answer him and instead he took possession of her lips. His kiss silencing her verbal response, but not the responses her body was giving him. She writhed beneath him, trying to slide her body down his. Trying to get herself lined up with him, but just not having enough freedom to do so. He made sure to hold her, so she was not in any pain.

  ‘Just tell me if it is too much or it brings back memories of that night.’

  She knew what night he meant. ‘I will always tell you. I promise.’ She smiled at him and lifted her head to kiss him. That gave her just enough freedom to reach his hard shaft. She wiggled herself in position to slide it inside herself. She looked up and he smiled, just as he moved his hips away from her. She cried out! “Ahhh!” He chuckled as he buried his face in her hair.

  “What is the matter, love?”

  She tried to be outraged, but her giggling gave her away. “You brute!” She cried, pounding the heel of her foot into the bed! “I was almost...well. I almost.”

  As the blood raced through her veins, her skin turned a rosy pink color.

  “You almost had your prize? Is that it?” He teased her.

  She nodded her head and bit her bottom lip. He let go of her hands and grabbed hold of her hips, he gave her the prize she sought. Her soft warm wet velvet lips slid down over his hardened shaft. She cried out and he paused. She connected mind to mind with him. Showing him what exactly he made her feel. Their mingled thoughts in the same moments was more pleasure than he had ever felt in his life.

  He let go of her hips and traced his fingertips up and down her curves. His feather light touch driving her mad. He loved watching her eyes, while he loved her. He smiled at her, grabbed her hips and rolled underneath her, in one swift movement. Perched there on top of him, impaled on him, she tensed. After all the times, and ways, he had loved her, she was still shy. Her inner muscles clenched him tight, making him grit his teeth. He almost came apart right then. Taking a deep breath, he lifted her just slightly up his shaft. Showing her what he wanted her to do. Her face was red and warm with embarrassment.

  ‘No, love. Nothing we do between us should ever be embarrassing to you.’ He gently touched the side of her face with his palm. She smiled at him and closed her eyes as she leaned her head into it. Her body relaxed. ‘That’s a girl.’ He coaxed her. He trailed his fingertips down her curves, to her hips, where he held her. Without words telling her she belonged to him and this moment belonged to them alone.

  She gained a little confidence then and began moving herself slowly up and down. He laid his head back on the bed and closed his eyes. He was enjoying his wife and her shyness. For all that she was shy she had a natural gift. His pleasure building from deep inside, he looked up to see her flushed face. For just a moment he reached for her thoughts and found her almost ready as well. “Come with me.” His whispered voice coaxed her.

  “I cannot. It is too much. I’m afraid.” She confessed. He felt her muscles tense as she got closer to her climax, making his own that much closer.

  “It is so much more, than ever before, m’ love.”

  “Fly with me, little one. I will catch you.” He held himself in check waiting for her.

  He felt the moment she let go of her shyness and let the magic guide her. Sliding up and down on him she began to whimper and shake. Nothing had ever felt this good. Nothing could control this need building within him. Reading her thoughts made him smile. She moved her hips faster and faster. Velvet steel against silky softness. The friction almost seemed too much. No matter what it was or how much it cost her. She had to have it. She could not stop. “Hawk!” She cried out to him as wave after wave, overtook her and she indeed flew with him.

  Her muscles begin to clinch around him. It was all the encouragement he needed. He lifted his hips to her as she rode him. Her hair falling down her back to brush against his thighs. Her beautifully exposed neck called to him. He leaned up as his climax overtook him, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck. He pulled her closer. His fangs lengthened and sunk deep drawing the poison from her once again. It seemed the magic was not done with them for the night. Her body relaxed in his arms and slowly he withdrew his fangs and kissed her neck once more. Sliding his hands up and down her back, he pressed her breast to his face and kissed them each once more. He could not seem to taste her enough as her body trembled in his arms.

  He laid her down, careful not to hurt her new wings. He wondered if she even realized she still had them.

  She smiled up at him and said. “I remember. I am still awed by them, but I remember.” He kissed her softly and told her. “They suit you, my dear.”

  She turned to lay on her side facing him. She reached behind her to pull her tail out in front. “I had not bargained for the tail, however.”

  He blinked. He had given no thought to that either. He smiled though, as new thoughts filled his head.

  Cassidy gasped! ‘Do not even think it!’ She scolded him.

  He chuckled. ‘Never my dear. T‘was just a thought. Nothing more.’

  ‘It better have been.’ She nipped his chest with her teeth.

  He howled in mock pain. “At least you were not given fangs! You little minx!” He lifted the covers on the bed and laid back against the pillows. His wings stretched out wide and then were gone. Cassidy tried to do the same and was dismayed to see them still there. He caressed the side of her face with his curled fingers drawing her gaze and told her. “It is all right. Not everything goes as planned the first time. I have had years to practice. Lay here on my chest and rest. I am sure they will fade by morning.”

  It was not long at all when he felt her body relax into sleep. Soon thereafter her wings faded, as he had hoped they would. He sighed. Relieved, he kissed the top of her head and rested his chin there. He wanted this life to be easy for her. He wanted her to be protected. He could not protect her as well if she were fighting by his side, but at least now she could fly away if need be. If the battle got too brutal, he would send her away without question. He would protect her above all else. To that thought he let sleep finally claim him.

  Chapter 8

  Cassidy woke to the early light of dawn, just peeking through the drapes. Hawk’s strong steady heartbeat beneath her ear, where her head laid upon his chest. She knew the instant he woke. His heartbeat changed and his chest rose high with his yawn. He slid his rough palm up and down her soft creamy thigh. Then drew his fingers upward to her breast where he lowered himself on the bed to suckle it once more. She could not stop herself from crying out, and reached to pull his face up to hers, kissing him deeply. She raised herself up to smile down at him.

  A grin curled his lip. “Little one. We need to leave this bed. We have work to do.”

  She giggled. “I know. Although, staying abed seems a much better idea, just now.”

  She stretched her arms above her head, arched her back, pressed her breast high and close to his lips. He growled and wrapped his arms around her as he took her offering between his teeth. “mmm... I too wish we could stay here, but alas. It is not to be.”

  Hawk’s sudden growl when someone knocked on the door, interrupting them, sent tingles all the way to
her toes.

  “‘Tis me, M’ Lady.” Megan called and stepped through the door. “I have come to help ye get ready for the day.” When the door latched behind her, she looked up.

  Hawk tossed the covers aside with another low growl, exposing himself and Cassidy to Megan. Cassidy yelped and tried to tug back the covers and he grinned at her over his shoulder. Her blood rushed to her face, sending her temperature soaring. ‘Hawk.’ She scolded him. He sent her his love and told her.

  ‘Forgive me if I forget, you are as shy as you are gorgeous.’

  Megan just shake her head. “’Tis no more than I’ve seen before, M’ lady.”

  “Megan! He is your king! One would think he is more, than most.” Cassidy rolled over in a fit of giggles.

  Her cheeks could not get any hotter. She slapped a hand over her mouth. Her boldness astonished even her. Hawk could not hide his amusement. It was clear to read there on his face. Their telepathy was not needed. He looked over his shoulder at Megan as she left the chamber, and when the door latch clicked, he made his move. He jumped back into bed right on top of her, pinning her beneath the covers.

  Cassidy squealed and struggled to get free. “Oh, you great beast! Off with you now!” He kissed her hard and when he finally let her breathe, she said, “Do you not have something to do this day? Or somewhere to go?”

  “Trying to get rid of me, are you?” He kissed her again, sneaking a kiss to her breast while Megan was still in the other chamber preparing her bath. She swatted at him, her fingernails just grazing his lower back as he escaped.

  “Oh, careful now, love. Would not want to hurt a certain important part of me, now would ye?” He teased her, making her smile again. Oh, her cheeks hurt. This man was as frustrating as he was handsome.

  “Be gone with you! Let a lady take a bath! I have things to accomplish today!” She teased him right back. She knew if he did not leave soon, she would not either. Already she was sending naughty thoughts to him through their connection. In her thoughts she could be as daring as she liked. Only he could hear her.

  “Be thankful for that.” He said and to her astonishment, sauntered into the other room still fully naked.

  She laughed again, hopping out of the bed and went to find Megan setting out her clothes for the day. “Ah. Megan. And how are you finding this new realm?” She asked and her breath caught. Megan had laid out battle training gear. Her heart skipped a beat. Energy sang within her. It was training day. Dresses were so impractical when one carried a sword.

  “Quite nice, M’ Lady.” Megan told her; Gareth had begun to teach her about the healing arts. Here in this realm they need not worry about being thought of as witches. Here they are known as healers. As she sunk into the warm water and began her bath, she listened to Megan talk about how excited she was to be of value here. How wonderful it was to learn about herbs that can be used to heal as well as to cook.

  It was a shame the way some people were treated in the world they knew. Wales had always been her home. This place resembled that, so far. What would the land look like? What game would they hunt? What crops could they grow? There were so many questions and she was sure as the day went on; she would have many more. She could not wait to get started. Megan must have agreed because they hurried through her bath and getting her dressed. They hurriedly left the chamber and headed below stairs to the main hall. There the women joined the men in breaking their fast, before leaving for the day. Once she was seated, Jenna approached the high table.

  “M’ Lady.”

  “Good morn, Jenna. Will you break your fast with me?” She asked her.

  “Of Course.” Jenna sat down. She nodded to Hawk and made all the right words, but never once looked directly at him. That seemed odd.

  “So, what do we start with today, M’ Lady? Flying lessons perhaps?”

  Heat seared her face, but she answered. “I would prefer to get those from my husband. If he is not too busy with other duties.”

  Hawk leaned over to whisper to her. “Never too busy for you, little one.” He raised his voice when he said. “Later this evening. I promise to take you to the skies!” He kissed her hand and went back to his food.

  “Well then. Sword fighting.” Jenna stated. “I will meet you near the stables when you are ready, M’ Lady.”

  HAWK NEARLY CHOKED on his food. Sword fighting? How was he supposed to concentrate on his duties if Cassidy was off somewhere being hacked at with a sword? She could be mortally wounded, and he would be far away training his own men. She could lose a limb. What if she tripped and was run through with the sword? Accident or no, it was still a mortal wound. How was he to get her mind off sword fighting? Good gods. He wanted her safe. Gareth patted him on the back and stood up to take his leave. He looked up to see his friend was trying not to laugh. He glared at him as he retreated out the door. Coward. He turned his thoughts back to Cassidy.

  Cassidy watched Jenna leave, wishing she had that much confidence. “But you do. I saw it in you last eve.” He whispered to her.

  She paused for what seemed like a full minute and told him. “I was angry with you. That’s different.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

  She playfully swatted his arm. “Yes. I do not usually get angry when I am sword fighting.”

  He leaned in close as if to whisper and said. “Perhaps that is your problem. You need anger to fuel your courage. It might be worth a try.”

  Chapter 9

  Cassidy had had enough banter about how good or bad she might be in a fight. She stood and left the great hall. Hawk was learning and so was she. Neither of them was at fault for the world they were born to. Where they came from it was unheard of for a woman to be trained in the arts of war, much less be skilled at it.

  Hawk’s thoughts followed her. ‘I mean for you to become better than ever before. I hope Jenna can teach you the difference between practice and real battle.’

  She gritted her teeth. If he kept this up, she would have no teeth left. She took a deep breath and released her jaw. She had seen a few fist fights in her father’s army. She had learned a thing or two. She might need it if he kept this up.

  ‘I can hear you; you know.’

  ‘Get out of my head!’ He was relentless this morn.

  She stepped outside into the bright morning sun, sucked in air and stopped dead in her tracks. Their kingdom was marvelous. The grounds inside the inner bailey were very well kept. No extra rubbish was scattered about. The manure from livestock was managed so well she could not smell it. The inner training field was well maintained as were the walls and towers surrounding the castle. She was, to say the least, impressed. The stables were not too far from the main stairs into the castle. The large door leading inside them was open to the fresh morning air. Leaning against them was Jenna. Her heart pinched and she grimaced, she had left behind her beloved horse and other pets. She hoped they were well cared for, but she would go back from time to time. She would see them again. So, all was not lost. Perhaps they could find a way to bring them here.

  Her steady steps forward halted so fast she almost fell face first in the gravel. Her heart hammered in her chest and she gasped. It could not be. A sleek powerful looking, black horse walked out of the stable doors saddled and ready for her. She shook her head. It could not possibly be true. No one could saddle Lucifer except her. Unsure of how she got across the inner bailey, she collided with the big horse and blinked. She wrapped her arms around his neck, hugged him tight and felt his head pull her close. It truly was Lucifer. Her horse. “How is this possible?!” She blinked again; certain he would disappear. She had thought all her animals had to be left behind. “How did you get here?”

  Jenna stepped forward. “I can’t explain it either, but somehow they follow us.” She whistled and a horse like Cassidy had never seen before came trotting up from the outer bailey. It was brown with large white spots or patches. It was not as lean as a racehorse, nor as large as a war charger. Instead it was stocky and
robust, a bit larger than the ponies in the mountains to the north. Jenna patted its neck affectionately. “This is Renegade. He is fast, strong, and agile.”

  “Did you saddle Lucifer?” She was stunned.

  Jenna simply nodded her head and mounted her steed. She sheathed her large sword in the saddle scabbard and then swung herself into the seat. It seemed like a lifetime ago since she had ridden. The stableman came out to wish them ‘good ride’ today. She paused, dark memories assaulting her. He looked so remarkably familiar. She asked him. “What is your name, sir?”

  “My name is Lear, M’ Lady.” He bowed to her and she looked him over. She was certain she had seen him before, but not certain of when or where. The memories were just out of reach, but her certainty was strong. She dismissed him back to his duties and turned back to Jenna. She hoped she would be a new friend for her. Someone always on her side. Someone to guide her through this new realm. Someone to teach her new battle techniques. She was excited to say the least. It had been a long time since she had had a friend other than Megan, and never one as skilled with weapons as she.

  She watched in amazement as Jenna mounted her horse with no saddle at all.

  Jenna only somewhat explained. “I was taught to ride without the aid of a saddle.”

  “Why would you ride without one?”

  “Ah, that M’ Lady is a story best left untold.” Jenna said and before she could say more, Jenna continued. “For now. Please. M’ Lady.”

  She nodded her head to Jenna in understanding. She knew a thing or two about having a secret. They rode out of the bailey and through the front gates out into the open. When Lucifer started prancing, she realized she was the cause. She was still uneasy out in the open. She found her warrior training start to kick in. She was wondering from which direction the attack would come and not if, but when it would come. She shook her head to clear her thoughts.

  “Is everything all right, M’ Lady?” Jenna asked her, while surveying the surrounding landscape.


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