Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series Page 9

by McKayla Jade

  He leaned up on his elbow and kissed her cheek and licked her ear lobe. He trailed his tongue down her neck, to her lush, beautiful breast. Taking the nipple in his warm mouth he nipped and sucked until she awoke. Her fingertips swept across the side of his face, like a breath, soft and barely there. Running her fingers through his hair she murmured.

  “Is this the way you choose to wake your wife?”

  He chuckled under his breath and growled low in her ear. “It seems a good idea to me.”

  She rolled over towards him. “Mmm...You think that? Do you?” Lifting her arms above her head she pretended to stretch lazily, pushing her breast towards his lips.

  He took the offered fruit, gliding his teeth back and forth across her nipple. She tilted her head back, exposing her throat to him. Her pulse beat there called to him. She gasped as the magic flowed through her. “Hawk!”

  He did not, could not, hesitate. The pull of the magic was too strong. He sunk his teeth into her willing flesh and pulled poison from her blood and into him. The magic rushed through him. Powerful. Unstoppable. It was overwhelming. It was euphoric. He slowly retracted his teeth and kissed her neck where two tiny pin pricks were already healing.

  He then kissed her delicate collar bone. Leaving a trail of warm gentle kisses, he worked his way to her breast once more.

  “Hawk, you are more than I ever could have hoped for.” She breathed the words onto his chest as he moved over her.

  Her warm breath made him twitch. “Cassidy. Love. I have not the words to tell you how much you mean to me. Let my body show you what my words cannot.”

  She moaned her agreement, and it was all he needed. He continued kissing her all the way to her belly button and just when she thought he meant to keep going he changed directions. Trailing kisses over her belly, then breast, over her collar bone up to her mouth once more he whispered. “Do you trust me?” She smiled at him and nodded. He slid his large rough palms down her curvy sides to her hips and lifted her up. She sat upright, facing him on the edge of the bed and he kissed her again. Before she could blink, he had her lying face down on the bed. She squealed as she landed face down in the pillows.

  “Lift that lovely rear up for me,” he commanded.

  SLOWLY, SHYLY, SHE got on all fours facing away from him. Her entire body warmed. She secretly loved when he commanded her. She didn’t know what would come next, but completely trusted him. This new way of loving made her nervous and her body warmed. Her skin tingled and her nipples puckered, making them look like tiny rosebuds.

  She let him hear her racing thoughts, trying to figure out what he would do next. This mind link they had could come in very handy indeed. He brought his hand down on her rounded rear, giving her a slap. She yelped and tensed. He rubbed her hip in slow circles and waited until she relaxed and then kissed where he had just slapped. Murmuring her name. Her head was swimming, she felt good. So good. She had never dreamed being with her husband would be so amazing.

  He leaned over her, resting some of his weight on her. He whispered to her. “Cassidy, I’m going to drive you wild, but if it is too much, tell me.”

  “Yes, Sire.” She drew out the words on a whisper, glancing over her shoulder at him. He was in his demon form, his wings stretched out wide, and she loved it. She could feel her core pulsing, becoming wet, begging for release. Release from what, she was not at all certain. All she was certain of was an almost unbearable tension was building and he held the key to fixing it.

  She nodded her head and he lifted himself off her slightly. He rubbed her rear with the palm of his hand, alternatively grabbing and squeezing a cheek. She leaned back into it. She liked this new way of loving. With both hands on her cheeks, he slid them forward just slightly to grab her hips. He gently guided himself inside her velvet heat, sheathing himself to the hilt. She gasped as his shaft pressed deep inside her.

  SHE WAS SO TIGHT, GRABBING his shaft with her velvet softness, he almost came undone right then. He eased back, making sure she was ready. Sliding back in place, he listened to her thoughts. She was so ready but had no idea what it was she needed. He growled low in his throat. He would spend the rest of their lives teaching her. He leaned forward and kissed her shoulder just before he rammed himself back into her. Her moans and whimpers driving him onward. Again, and again he pumped his shaft into her. Needing her as much as she needed him. Her shaking arms gave out and her face hit the soft mattress. He paused just a moment. She turned her head to look at him and raised just one eyebrow at him.

  The question in her eyes said, ‘Why did you stop?’

  He smiled and grabbed hold of her hips, while he continued to pump into her. Once. Twice more and he felt her body tense and heard her gasp. “That’s my girl.” He coaxed her. “Fly with me.” As he stroked into her again, she came apart with her climax and he followed her. He wrapped his arms around her and collapsed on the bed pulling her with him. Gently he brushed the hair from her face. “I’ve got you, little one.” He whispered and kissed her cheek as they lay there, both trying to catch their breath. She smiled and his heart flipped over.

  “You still owe me flying lessons, M’ Lord.” She teased.

  “Did you not, just fly with me?” Her blush was answer enough and he grinned at her. Relenting he said. “Indeed, I do owe you proper flying lessons. I seem to be a bit worn out just now. Perhaps tomorrow evening. As the sun sets on the horizon.”

  Chapter 13

  Morning brought with it all the duties of a king and queen. They discussed ideas while getting dressed for the day. This was a whole new realm and new life. They wanted to start traditions that would last and traditions that would be important for them and their people. They went to the great hall together, her arm in his. This was a tradition they wanted to start. Neither would start the day without the other. They had also decided wearing their crowns was not needed. They would save that for special occasions.

  Cassidy’s stomach growled, and Hawk smiled down at her. The food smelled heavenly. “Hawk, I am famished. The food smells so wonderful.” She mirrored his thoughts. He held out her chair.

  “Then break your fast, love.” He bowed low over her hand and kissed it. She smiled at him and sat to begin her meal. He took a sweeping glance over the hall. It seemed all his warriors were up and about. All seemed ready to go.

  This day he would need to decide which men he would give certain duties to and who already had duties. Today for him would not be about a battle. Today would be about getting answers from the prisoner if it were possible. He was making a mental list when Cassidy drew his attention. His food had been brought and still he stood looking over the room, his hand still on her chair. He sat down to eat.

  “What is it that takes away your attention?” She asked him.

  “I was making a list of all the things that must be done.” He replied.

  “Like flying lessons?”

  He had momentarily forgotten. “Yes. Those as well, but that I will enjoy, I think.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps? M’ Lord?”

  He smiled. “Perhaps.” He knew they would not see each other for most of this day. He saw no harm in teasing her a bit before they parted.

  Jenna approached from across the room. Did the woman never eat? He noticed she never came in the great hall until most everyone was done eating. She still had that confidence that had men clamoring for her attention. She smiled, but again not directly at him, or any other man, for that matter. Again, she was dressed for battle. Ready for anything, at any moment. He wondered what made her that way. What made her tougher than a battle-hardened warrior? What made her so distrusting of everyone?

  “Good morn’, M’ Lady.” She bowed to Cassidy. She bowed to him. “And you, M’ Lord.”

  “Good morning, Jenna.” They both replied, Cassidy taking the lead. “Jenna, today I would like you to show me the kingdom. I want to be familiar with my new home and the surrounding fields and village.”

  Jenna smiled. “T
hat is a good strategy, M’ Lady. When you are ready, I will be at the stables.” She turned and left the hall.

  CASSIDY FINISHED HER meal and went to find Jenna. Hawk had not mentioned anything about them having to take guards with them, outside the castle walls. She had not given it thought until she glanced toward the gates and saw the armed men standing there. Usually they were upon the walls at places, but never by the front gates. Jenna brought out her mount, Renegade and Lucifer at the same time. They mounted up and left the castle at a trot. Followed by four men she had not yet met, she would talk to Hawk about it later, for now she did not care that they followed. The day was clear. Not a cloud dotted the sky. She stood in her stirrups and inhaled the warm clean air.

  Jenna smiled and agreed. “I too enjoy just the freedom of being out. Should I show you your village, M’ Lady?” She smiled and told her.

  “Yes, Jenna. Please do.”

  Jenna showed her the village where most of her people stayed with their families. She showed her how everyone, even the wives had skills of one kind or another. Jenna showed her which home the seamstress lived in. She was the wife of the wood cutter. The next house was that of the brewer. Who made all the ale and mead for the castle and village. The baker and the farmers. She loved learning where everything in the village was, and how many craftsmen and women they had. Glancing over her shoulder at the guards following them, she wondered if there were places to hide? It seemed her past wasn’t ready to let go.

  That’s when Jenna began showing her the almost unnoticeable things. The trail leading into the woods just to the left of the village, behind the woodworker’s shed. It was an escape route to an underground hiding place. Everyone here had a past and had seen unspeakable things. Everything here was prepared. The tree limbs were thick and grown twisted to hold the weight of the warriors. Should there be need to be high above their enemy.

  The moat around the castle was also part of a river which would lead them away from the castle in times of danger. It was covered and not easily seen. If one did not know it connected to the river it would take them a long time to find it. Jenna then showed her the truly unique places one could hide. She had found everything from a hollow tree to a small outcropping of rocks. Spaces just big enough to hide a person in if need be.

  She followed and dutifully listened and made mental note of all these things. As she had learned from experience, it never hurt to be too careful or over prepared. Her father had been prepared, but alas, it had not mattered. Still he and the rest of her family were killed. Sometimes it felt like it had all happened yesterday, other days it felt like a lifetime ago. Oh, she missed them so much her heart ached, and her throat tightened. Hawk’s voice broke into her thoughts then. ‘How do you fare, so far today?’

  ‘Just fine Sire.’ She replied to him, a smile cracking her lips. ‘Just missing my family.’

  ‘You will tell me when you have need of me.’

  ‘Of course, M’ Lord.’ She smiled and shook her head. She secretly liked it when he checked up on her.

  Jenna must have noticed something because she leaned over her horse’s shoulders and asked. “Is everything all right, M’ Lady?”

  She blinked and looked at her. “Yes, Jenna. Hawk was just checking on us. I’m afraid he is a bit overprotective.” They both laughed. Hawk was extremely protective of her and everyone knew it.

  “I would say, after yesterday’s events, he is not wrong to worry.” Jenna told her. “In fact, that’s why I am showing you all these places today. If it should happen again, and I can’t be with you, a way out is possible.”

  “I understand. It is odd to be worried about and looked after. I am sure I will learn to adjust.” Cassidy nudged Lucifer ahead. She needed to clear her head. Her thoughts were headed down a dark road.

  “Jenna. I think today I would like to shoot my bow. I have not practiced in a while and it is something I enjoy. Is there a place we can do that?”

  Jenna grinned. “Perhaps the archer’s field, near the fletcher’s home.”

  Her heart skipped a beat, as excitement raced through her. “We have a fletcher, as well?”

  “Of course, we do. What kingdom does not?” Jenna scoffed.

  “This is excellent! Do we also have a bowyer?”

  Jenna confirmed it. “Of course, we do. The man who makes the bows, also makes the arrows. His son makes the arrow heads in the house next to his.”

  She was almost bouncing on Lucifer’s back. “How far?” She asked excitedly. Jenna pointed. She and Lucifer were thundering toward the house at the far end of the village near the field. Jenna gave her horse it’s head and let it try to keep up with Lucifer. Their constant guards had done the same, but it was no use. Lucifer’s speed was unmatched even in this realm. They reached the home of the bowyer and waited for Jenna to dismount. Before she could take a step toward the cottage, a tall stocky man with a barrel chest came out to greet them.

  “My Queen. What an honor.” He bowed low when he saw who had stopped at his home.

  “Rise, my good fellow. I am thrilled to learn you are our bowyer and fletcher.”

  “Indeed, I am, M’ Lady. My name is Bruno. What can I do for you?” He looked from her and then over at Jenna.

  “Bruno, I would like a bow to fit me and arrows to shoot, as my others are beginning to show their age.” She could feel her smile reach her ears but could not stop. She was thrilled to have the chance to shoot again. When Bruno smiled, she noticed the smile reached deep inside him. He genuinely loved his work.

  “Of course, M’ Lady. Only the best for my queen.” He told her. “It will take a month to make you a special one just for you. However,” He held up his hand when he saw her smile start to fade. “Until it is done, you may practice with another that I have.”

  She almost jumped up and down. She could not wait to get to shoot again. “Thank you, Bruno. Thank you very much.”

  He smiled and said, “You are welcome, M’ queen. Follow me, ladies.” Bruno turned and led the way inside.

  The two of them spent the afternoon practicing with the bow Bruno had given her to try. He kept watch and occasionally measured her arm length or her draw length. Constantly checking the measurements. He watched her stance and just how she held herself to shoot. He had her practice while sitting and while crouching low, as if from a hiding spot.

  Chapter 14

  Returning to Rogue Stone, her chest swelled with pride. She was excited to tell Hawk about all the craftsmen and women she had met today. They were truly blessed with a rich kingdom. She was proud to call this place home. She had learned quite a few things about her new kingdom. One thing she was certain of, she would never get used to being called a queen, but she adored her people.

  She glanced up to see Hawk and Gareth standing near the well in the inner bailey. She smiled at her husband, excited to tell him about her day. She turned her attention back to the task at hand. She took her great sword from the scabbard on her saddle and handed it off to Jenna. As she swung her foot clear of the left stirrup, she felt Hawk’s large warm hands grip her sides, just under her breast. She leaned back against him, letting him hold her. Once he set her on her feet, she turned around in his arms, about to kiss him and gasped.

  “Gareth! I thought you...”

  He interrupted her. “I was Hawk. I know. I should have spoken up before I ever touched you. Forgive me.”

  “Yes, you should have!” She looked to where Hawk had been standing and he had moved to the shadows of the castle wall. She couldn’t see him clearly, but knew he was watching. What was he doing? She reached out to him with her thoughts. ‘Why did you let me think it was you?’

  ‘You seemed not to mind, and it would have been, had I not had another to attend to.’

  Her thoughts were reeling, and her body was trembling. Fear was choking her. She had felt fear before, but never where Hawk was concerned. ‘another to attend to?’ What did he mean by that?

  “I am Sorry. Please, forgive me
. Hawk walked away and I thought to help. Nothing more.” Gareth said to her, bowed and walked away.

  She was so frustrated; she could not even manage to reply to him before he was gone. Why would Hawk act this way? Gareth had always been kind to her. He in some ways, was like having an older brother for her. Hawk seemed to shake himself and then smile at her. His footsteps carried him out of the shadows, across the bailey directly toward her. He reached out his hand to her. She blinked, confused, reluctantly she put her hand in his. She lowered her eyes and her voice when she told him. “I am sorry, M’ Lord. I truly thought it was you.”

  He raised her hand and kissed her knuckles. “It is I, who should ask for forgiveness. I acted badly. I do not know what has come over me this day.” He took her by the hand and led her into the keep, while she briefly told him about part of her day. There, they parted ways. She had held back information from him, but why? Something deep inside said to be cautious with him. Something wasn’t right.

  HAWK WATCHED HER AS she slowly ascended the stairs. He watched her hips sway as she walked and her long braid bounce on her backbone.

  Gareth stepped up to him then to ask. “What has you acting so strangely?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know well, what I mean. You walked away and I simply went to assist my queen.”

  “Your Queen? You have always called her Cassidy.” He raised an eyebrow.


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