Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series Page 17

by McKayla Jade

  The conversation stopped as their food was placed in front of them and they, along with everyone else, ate their fill of the delicious foods. He watched everyone in the room before him. Across the room in a somewhat secluded corner he noticed Riley dancing slowly with a woman in his arms. He leaned close to his own mate and asked her. “Do you see Riley, just there across the hall?” At her nod he continued. “Who is the woman he has wrapped so neatly in his arms?”

  She leaned closer and looked out over the crowd, to get a better look. “I know not, M’ Lord, but she is lovely.” She whispered.

  “They seem to suit each other well.”

  Tears shined in Cassidy’s eyes and he took her hand gently in his. “He lost his family in the massacre, as I did mine. I was so grief stricken at the time I took no notice of his pain and heartache.” He had known that, but it explained her emotions to him. She continued. “I am happy he has found at least companionship again. Perhaps they will suit.”

  “Perhaps they will.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Here. Come sit with me.” He indicated his lap and watched her cheeks turn a rosy red color.

  “In your lap, M’ Lord?”

  He refused to repeat himself. He simply nodded and waited. She leaned her head close and whispered. “I cannot. In front of everyone here. This is not our realm. Things are different here.”

  “You can and you will. Let me hold you. Who will tell us nay?” He challenged her. “Do you not feel affection for me, as I do you?”

  She lowered her eyes when she spoke. “I do, M’ Lord. I am just unsure of myself. Forgive me.”

  She stood. No one paid her much attention. She moved slowly next to his chair. Looking out over the crowd, she was making sure no one would see her next move. Hawk suddenly grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down onto his lap. Right there in the great hall, in front of the whole crowd of people. To her utter shock, the men cheered, and the women clapped. She happened to look up and see Jenna standing against the far wall. Jenna grinned at her. That gave her a bit of confidence, and she finally leaned back against Hawk, earning a smile from him. He picked her up just a bit and adjusted her on his lap.

  He told her. “M’ Love, all they can see is, we are deeply in love. They care not to see more than that.”

  She framed his face with her hands. “I love to be this close to you. I do. It just feels strange because it is new to me.”

  “Well then, we must change that. We must do this more often.” He teased her. Taking her hand from his face he kissed it, then placed it on his shoulder. He leaned forward and took her lips in a fiery kiss. One that had her pressing herself closer to him, just where he wanted her. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled away slightly when he heard the cheers. “You see. Even our people enjoy it when you sit on my lap.” He laughed under his breath when he saw her turn that lovely shade of red again.

  Again, he kissed her, taking possession of her thoughts as well, willing her to let her tension leave her body. He wanted her to relax here as she did in H’LS V’N.

  ‘But this is not H’LS V’N and here we are not known to be demons.’

  Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead against hers and whispered. “You are correct. We are not and I had forgotten that you, as well are now a shifter. We must take care that you do not shift in front of these people. We know not how they will react.”

  “So perhaps it is best if you follow me to our chambers for the night and let the others speculate.” She completely surprised him then, kissing him and hopping off his lap to reach out her hand for him. “Sire?” He liked this new boldness she had. Where had it come from?

  How could he have forgotten; she was new to the demon shifting form? She could easily shift, and all would see her. They could not risk that. He took her hand in his. “Of course.” He stood up and took no more than a step forward. He turned back to her and picked her up. Much to the delight of everyone in the room, he tossed her over his shoulder. She squealed and called him a couple different names that had him raising an eyebrow. He swatted her backside and told her to hush, to which she wiggled, trying to get free. He did not put her on her feet again until they had reached their chambers.

  Chapter 25

  Hawk watched the sky fade from blues and greys of twilight to yellows of early morning. The sun washing through their bedchamber window, was his confirmation it was time to get this day started. They had a long journey ahead of them. Their destination was his former home. They would need to do the same there as they had done here. The accounts and taxes would need looked over and plans made for a family to care for the entire estates for their lifetime. It was a long list, but he had no doubts they would accomplish it all and then journey home, as nothing here in this realm was amiss. There was nothing here to hold him.

  Cassidy rolled toward him in the bed and snuggled close. He wrapped his arm over her and kissed her forehead. Sliding his hand down her side to her hip, he kissed her cheek, loving the way her skin felt beneath the tips of his fingers. She was soft everywhere he was hard. Her eyes fluttered open. “Good morn, m’ love.” He whispered and leaned in to kiss her breast. She murmured something back to him and rolled so he could have access to the other breast. He smiled. He loved how responsive she was to him.

  “Mmm. As much as I love what you do to me,” He growled in her ear, wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. He kissed her deeply. “We have a journey to make today. There is work to be done.”

  She stretched his favorite way, putting her breast near his lips and sighed. “Yes, Sire.” She giggled when he growled. She knew that word drove him wild.

  “I wish to lay abed this day.” She told him.

  He glanced up at her with her nipple still between his teeth. He let go to say. “I too wish to stay here all day, but it is not to be. Gareth is coming down the hall as we speak.”

  She squealed and pulled the covers up to her chin just as Gareth knocked upon the door.

  Chapter 26

  Hawk watched the others make their way out the gates. Keith in the lead, leaving he and Gareth to follow. Cassidy, Megan, and Jenna were just ahead of them. He hoped for a safe and quick journey. It was only a two-day ride from here, but between here and there many things could happen.

  Gareth moved his horse closer and said. “Fear not. We have made this trip many a time before and I am certain we will make it many more without incident.”

  He nodded his agreement. “I am sure you are right, my friend, but I can’t help but to be cautious.”

  “That is understandable, as we have run into trouble before on a journey such as this. Tonight, however we can shift into our demon forms and be ready for anything.”

  “I had not thought of that. Do you think we would be safe enough?”

  “We have the other realm to escape to and if we are already in our demon forms, we will be ready when an attack comes. Likely leaving no witnesses.”

  It could be a big advantage to them if marauders did happen upon them during the night. They could build the fire high as well, to keep the camp site warm. He knew just the place, that it could work. He still was leery of revealing their secrets in this place. He rode ahead to Marcus and told him to ride ahead and scout the location he meant to use. His warrior rode off over the distant hills and he moved closer to Cassidy. It took all his will power not to pull her onto his lap.

  “Good day, M’ Lord.” She told him. “Where does Marcus ride to?”

  “I sent him ahead to scout our intended camp site.” Had he not been looking at her he might have missed her reaction. Her whole body tensed up for just a moment. “Cassidy?”

  She blushed. “’Tis nothing, M’ Lord. Simply a weak moment.” She shook her head. “I will move past it. I must.”

  He reached for her hand and kissed it where a scar should have been. Apparently, immortals held no scars. “I remember that day as well, and I swear to you, it shall not happen again. So, remove the thought f
rom your mind. I swear I will keep you safe.”

  “I do not doubt you, M’ Lord.” She watched their surroundings every carefully.

  “If we could reach my holdings without destroying good horses, I would say we could do it in one day. However, we are prepared well, this journey is well planned and well-armed. My men are the best of the best.”

  “I know this, M’ Lord. I do not doubt them. In truth, they impress me.”

  He smiled. “As they should. I accept nothing less, from them. It is how my reputation was built.”

  He left her to ride in the front of the group. He must lead, he could not dally with his wife too much. He did not want his warriors to think him soft. Many men had tried to enter the ranks of Lord Hawkins Elite Warriors, many had failed to impress him. Of course, now, he was King Hawkins from the realm of Hells Vane, H’LS V’N. Now he had warriors, more impressive than he could ever have imagined. He heard Cassidy’s thoughts and smiled. He liked that she paid attention to he and his warriors and was well versed in the ways of a warrior. It should make any woman feel safer to know her warriors were so exceptional in their skills. He noticed Marcus returning and dropped his connection to Cassidy’s thoughts. She knew she was well protected, and it made him happy. Marcus chose the telepathic link to communicate.

  ‘The place you asked about is safe and the surroundings are as well.’

  Hawk answered him back in the same manner. ‘Thank you, Marcus.’ Marcus nodded as he brought his horse close and fell back in formation with the group.

  Soon after, they arrived at the campsite, just as Marcus had said, it was a good place. Readily defendable and yet sheltered from the winds and prying eyes, should that happen. The plan was for the men to shift into their demon forms for the night. This would accomplish two things. They would be ready for an attack and they could keep the women warm inside their wings. No need for tents and the like. Which meant, the decision to travel light, had been a good one.

  He stayed mounted, as did Cassidy. They watched everyone else dismount and begin the process of setting up a camp for the night to rest the horses and themselves. He saw Gareth tell Megan and Jenna the plan. Jenna nodded in what looked like agreement, and Megan looked concerned.

  Cassidy murmured. “She is worried about the men changing. She worries they will be seen.”

  He liked that she was able to read her friend so well. “There is no need for her fear.” He told her. They finally dismounted as well, and she went to her friend. The two women talked, and Megan nodded at Cassidy. Whatever it was she had said, worked to calm Megan’s fears. The women began helping to prepare camp.

  Night would be upon them soon enough. He led his horse to the creek bank to drink and took the saddle from it. Giving the reins to Dalton, he carried the saddle back into the middle of camp with the others. Dalton had been the only man Hawk had seen that could carry only a rapier sword and defeat men in combat with great swords. His speed was most probably his greatest attribute. Dalton was smaller and faster than any of the other Elites, but no less deadly. He liked having advantages his enemies did not, and Dalton was one of those.

  Seeing Cassidy and the other women were near the fire already, he set his saddle down near the others and went to join her. He could feel her unease. Walking up behind her, he leaned down and kissed her neck just beneath her ear.

  ‘What is it that has you so tense, love?’ He put his hands on her shoulders and began rubbing the tense muscles he found there.

  ‘I know you and the other men plan to shift into your demon forms, when night falls.’

  He was puzzled. ‘That bothers you?’

  She relaxed into his arms. ‘That does not, however, I am not certain, I can shift. It is not easy for me.’ He started to speak, but she continued. ‘I am afraid to show the others, it is still a struggle for me. I cannot yet control the pain.’

  Dipping his head down close, he nuzzled her neck. Rubbing his unshaven stubble on her soft skin, made her giggle. ‘Love. You need not shift tonight. It is just us warriors, male warriors.’ He quickly corrected himself. ‘We will be prepared to protect you. If it is needed you can shift, then. Until then, I will wrap you in these arms and my wings, to hold you tight all of this night and every night here after.’

  She tipped her head back and truly relaxed into his embrace, and the magic hit him. He growled as his wings exploded from his back almost making him lose his hold on her. Instead, he held tighter, and she turned in his arms and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. Pulling her close, he kissed her back, slipping his tongue past her soft lips to tangle with hers. Her fingertips trembled as they glided up his arms, sending bolts of lightning across his skin. He pulled back just slightly and kissed her cheek then her jaw. Making his way to that spot on her lower neck calling to him. He kissed her one more time as her fingers slid through his hair, messaging his scalp. He growled and sunk his already exposed fangs into her pulsing vein.

  Pulling her closer still, he wished for privacy, that was not to be. He took a breath through his nose. He had to calm down quickly or he would have her beneath him before anyone could stop him. His member grew thick and his instincts seemed to roar. ‘MINE!’ Stronger than ever before. One breath at a time, he was able to pull back from her enough to see Gareth standing close. Megan was now behind Gareth; she had been in front of him a moment ago. He must have seemed fiercer than normal this time. A part of him still resented Gareth’s feelings for Cassidy. Platonic or not, he did not like it.

  Gareth turned around and took Megan back into his arms. ‘I was just making sure you were okay. You dolt! You sounded angry. Not like yourself.’ Gareth communicated to him and walked away with Megan protected within his embrace.

  It took him a moment to calm down enough to look at Cassidy. She had a look on her face that told him, Gareth was right to be worried. Had he sounded that bad? His need for her this time had been overwhelming. He had felt like he was on the edge, but he had controlled it.

  “Hawk, perhaps you should rest. The others can keep watch. I will sit by the fire with Jenna and Megan.” She lowered her head and started to walk away from him. He reached his hand out and touched her arm. She flinched as if he had struck her. They both paused.

  She turned back to him with tears in her eyes. “I am sorry, M’ Lord.” Her voice came to him on a whispered breath. Barely audible. He knew none other could hear her. “I never meant to cause trouble between you and your warriors.”

  The heartbreak in her voice almost killed him. How could he be this cold to her? It was not how he was raised, and it was not part of his character. Where was this hostility coming from? His best friend and second in command, bore the brunt of his anger, while away from her. Near her, he lashed her with it. He wished for Alexandar, but it was not to be. He would have to learn to control himself without any help. He would mend Cassidy’s heart. He must.

  He could not let this be. “Cassidy.” He called out to her. She turned back to look at him over her shoulder. “Come with me?” He held out his hand to her and waited. “Please?” He was not above begging at this point. Even if his demon side did not need her, he would forever need her by his side. He smiled and released the breath he had not known he was holding when she took a tentative step toward him. He did not miss Gareth’s eyes, watching him closely. Hawk could only sense concern for Cassidy. No negative feelings toward himself.

  She slowly, carefully, placed her hand into his calloused palm. He turned his back on the entire group as he led her just out of sight. He stopped, turned back to her and gently lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes. “I love you. You need to know that.” He began to tell her his confusing feelings.

  “I know that. I love you as well, M’ Lord.” Her halfhearted smile pinched his heart. She had survived two days of brutal treatment for him and here he was treating her as if she meant nothing. As if she were no more than property.

  “I know not why my demon side has me acting the way it does, but the thought of l
osing you makes me crazy.”

  “Hawk, I am yours.” She murmured to him. “Gareth, Keith, Marcus, Dalton, and the others I treat as I would my brothers. They are no threat to you, or us.”

  He started to speak when she interrupted him. “I am embarrassed to admit this. It is not proper, nor how a lady should act, however, I find it fascinating when you,” She paused and whispered. “when you growl or snarl at someone for some perceived slight against me. Those men do not scare me. Your demon side does not scare me. This uncertainty with you does.”

  He was stunned. He was sure she was scared to death when his demon side came to the fore. He kissed the top of her head and hugged her close. “You are certain?” He asked her and watched her head nod.

  “Hawk, I can feel your inner beast. He does not want to hurt me. He wants to protect me.”

  “Let us go back then and join the others but promise me if I ever scare you or harm you, you will tell my men.”

  “Do you refer to my brothers?” She teased him. He was sure his mouth was hanging open. She just teased him.

  She smiled back at him. “I told you, Hawk. I will work through my fears. I must, if I do not, then that monster, that nitheful bastard that my late uncle was, wins.”

  He stopped them. He pulled back on her hand and swung her around to face him. “That will never happen. He is dead and can never harm you again.” The tears in her eyes made his heart ached. He wished he could heal her heartache. “Cassidy, you are safe with me. I swear it.”

  She nodded and without another word placed her hand in his and led him back to the campsite. She sat down next to Jenna at the fire and he left her to speak with Gareth. Gareth agreed it should be something all the Elite’s should know.

  “If I could have your attention please.” Hawk called out. “You all know this magic is very new to us all. Before we go any further on this journey that is now our lives, I want to explain some things. We also need to all agree on this.” He looked at each in turn. “It has occurred to me, that in us all, lies a demon. None of us has had to deal with that demon’s dark side.” Megan looked up at Gareth, where he stood towering over her. He must have noticed because he crouched down behind her but did not sit.


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