
Home > Romance > Omerta > Page 11
Omerta Page 11

by Sienna Mynx

  “I didn’t... didn’t think.”

  Belinda walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Now can we stop pretending that we don’t like each other. I have an idea how to get you into my bed every night. Give you some more of this sweet stuff. Don’t stand here and act like you don’t want more.”

  “I want more,” he licked her lips.

  She groaned with a sexy smile to her lips.

  “What is this idea?” he asked.

  “You come with me to Milan. I’m leaving with Kyra to start my apprenticeship. Mirabella trusts you. If she sends you with me then it will be perfect. We can see each other. I’ll let you do whatever you want to my body.” She rubbed her pelvis against his groin.

  “No good. Dangerous,” he pulled her arms down.


  “Against the rules.”

  “Rules? There are always rules? Either you’re a man who breaks them or a man who follows?”

  Leo nodded. “Two men dead for breaking them. I’m dead, if boss finds out. We can’t. No good.”

  “Hey? I get things are different here. But we’re grown. They don’t own you. The Battaglias can’t control who you are friends with. I like you Leo,” she touched his face. He smiled. He softened. “So be my friend. Fuck me and I can help you fuck them.”

  “Sei pazza, crazy girl.”

  “You like my crazy. I can tell.” She started making sexual faces and mocking the sounds he made when he came inside of her. “Oh, uh, oh, si sente bene, oh, ugh, ugh—”

  He covered her mouth to stop her, but he couldn’t help but laugh. She was like no woman he’d ever known. Their differences freed him. She didn’t care that he was Roma and grew up fatherless. She didn’t care that he had scars over most of his body. She didn’t flinch or recoil when he kissed her or touch her. Either it was bravery, compassion, or the best acting performance she’s ever done. It didn’t matter. He’d take whatever she offered. He couldn’t get enough of her.

  Leo tied her robe and took her hand. Together they stepped out from the darkest corner of the boxing room and headed to the stairs. Neither expected to find the Donna waiting for them in the cellar.

  MIRABELLA STEPPED FORWARD with her arms crossed over her breasts. Leo froze first. Belinda gaze lifted to lock eyes with her and she seemed less surprised. Both looked a sight. It was evident what they were doing.

  “Leo. Go to your room, shower and meet me in my office in one hour.”



  Leo nodded. He looked to Belinda and then let go of her hand. He walked out of the cellar leaving the ladies behind. When they were alone she stared at Belinda. She waited to see what her next move would be.

  “I guess you want to send me home now, huh?” Belinda asked.

  “Is that what you want?”

  Belinda shrugged.

  “What if I were to tell you that you have my blessing. That you and Leo can see each other without sneaking around? What if I were to tell you that nothing is going to happen to him. Would that make you happy?”

  “I... I, uhm, yes, I’d be happy.”

  “No you wouldn’t. You’re a smart girl. You’ve been snooping around here for weeks, asking questions, paying attention. You know what you did with him could cost him his life. And you didn’t care.”

  “I like him.”

  “I’m sure you like toying with him. But it doesn’t go further than that. Does it?”

  Belinda rolled her eyes.

  “I knew a young woman like you; beautiful, dangerously reckless. Her name was Rosetta. She wasn’t as smart as you, but she had the same addiction to attention that you have. Got thrills out of other people’s pain. She was a good actress too. Do you know where Rosetta is now?” Mirabella asked.

  Belinda shook her head no.

  “She’s two graves down from Rocco.” Mirabella took another step forward. “Right now you’re young and the world feels like a game. That’s how it is for all of us at your age. But that fades, so does beauty, so does second chances, so does opportunities to meet someone special that loves you no matter what. Leo is a good kid. He deserves more than a game.”

  “I didn’t mean to cause trouble.”

  “I’ll ask you again. The truth this time. Do you like him?”

  Belinda shrugged. “I dunno. I guess.”

  “But you had sex with him? On a guess?”

  Belinda shrugged again.

  “Answer me.”


  “After he told you what would happen to him, you had sex with him.”


  Mirabella sighed. “I’m not sending you to Milan. You don’t want to be an apprentice. Do you?”

  “I do! I swear it!”

  “I’m keeping you here. With me. And I’m going to teach you the lessons no one taught me, Fabiana, Catalina, Rosetta or my sister. The lessons I wished my mother had shared. Because someone has to learn them, damn it. Until I tell you otherwise you are to stay in your room. Your meals will be brought to you. If you need tampons you write a letter and slide it under the door. Do you understand me? Defy me and I’ll put you on that plane. Myself. I don’t have time for this shit tonight.”

  “You can’t lock me up like a prisoner! I’m not a child!” Belinda shouted at her. Mirabella kept going up the stairs. “Mirabella, please!” Three of her cousin’s men came downstairs and greeted Belinda. She was certain they were sent to make sure Belinda understood that as her Donna she could and would do as she damn well pleased.


  “Come in,” the Donna answered.

  Leo sucked in a deep breath and opened the door. Mirabella waited in the room but not alone. To his horror Giovanni was in a chair. All he could see of the boss was the light of his cigar. He had no idea that the Donna would summon Giovanni. There had been countless times when mistakes were made in the family and the Donna became their salvation. His mentor, Renaldo, dalliances in America had enraged the boss. But the Donna had smoothed it all over. Renaldo was able to marry Kyra with the family’s blessing. Leo should have known that this would not be the case for him. Renaldo was family. He wasn’t.

  He closed the door behind him.

  Giovanni leaned forward. The boss eyes could be seen clearly over the shadows covering his face. Either the boss had been drinking again or he was so angry his cigar was the only thing keeping him from drawing his gun. Leo spoke in Italian and he spoke clearly.

  “I have no excuses. What I have done, I apologize. I—”

  “Stop, Leo,” Mirabella put up her hand.

  He fell silent.

  “You know the rules of this family. Things have been extremely difficult for all of us these past few months. Through it all you have been at my side. I trust you with my life, the lives of my children and family. Belinda is family.”

  “I’m sorry, Donna.”

  “She told you to be silent,” Giovanni said.

  Leo nodded his obedience.

  “I’m disappointed. But like I told Giovanni, this rule in the family has caused more secrets and conniving than any rule he’s enforced. Renaldo, Carlo, Domi, Raffaele, all of you have broken this rule. Nico was the only one to ask for permission before he started seeing Cecilia. There are hundreds of beautiful women in all of Italy, yet you continue to break this one rule.”

  There was nothing he could say to answer her. Those before him broke the rules but none were stupid enough to fuck a young American girl in the cellar of their bosses’ home. That was his crime alone.

  “I don’t see the point in enforcing it any longer. Catalina is gone. We’ve lost so much this year. Holding this family together, our clan, is my number one priority. Belinda is a troubled girl, and I know you can see that. You two don’t even understand why you are drawn to each other. I’m going to let you figure that out. But you’ll do it respectful, no more sneaking around.”

  Leo frowned. He glanced to Giovanni who
continued to smoke his cigar and stare at him. The reprieve made no sense. He knew the boss was still pissed about Tacchini. But somehow, he and his Donna had concluded to spare him.

  “Grazie Donna, Don, tutti grazie.”

  Giovanni extinguished his cigar. His eyes leveled with Leo even though Leo was standing. “Sai che potrei ucciderti, vero? —You know I should kill you, right?”

  The question was laced with such deep seething hatred Leo could not speak. He glanced to the Donna for her to interject. She said nothing. She stood there staring at him. It was a chilling threat that they both meant. And it was then that Leo saw the change in her. She no longer peered into their world, she was now part of it.

  “I’ve let you down more than once. Don Piero was a family friend and I believed him to be trustworthy. I was not aware of his plans. If I could change any of it... I would.”

  Giovanni cut his gaze over to his wife. She spoke. “Then here’s your chance. I need to teach Belinda lessons and I need to trust you that she’ll get them. The right lessons. It’s a big responsibility Leo, but I think you can manage it without screwing her in the cellar of my home. For that disrespect you will need to leave my home until I summon you again, until your Don’s temper has cooled.”

  “I understand,” he said and this time he didn’t look at the Don. He focused on Mirabella. “May I ask a question?”

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “Why me? To teach her a lesson. Why choose me?”

  “Because so far you’re the only one here that she’s been close to. And because despite everything I trust you, Leo.”

  “Si, Donna.”

  “G’night Leo,” she said.

  He glanced to Giovanni who continued to stare at him with murderous eyes. He nodded respectfully and then he left the room.

  “Here we go again.”

  Her husband didn’t respond. He dropped back in his chair and closed his eyes. She saw his discomfort and went to the bar. The meds they had him on for pain were addictive. It was her idea to reintroduce alcohol into his diet and take him off the pills. She poured him a drink from the small bar in her office and brought over the glass of Scotch.

  She sat next to him.

  The drink was gone with one swallow. She took the glass and kissed the top of his head. “Better?”

  “Better,” he agreed.

  “It’s late.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “For days you’ve been everything to them, and to me. I have not objected. But now I have to. You will rest before our party tomorrow.”

  “A minute. Just stay with me, close to me,” he wheezed.

  “Is it your back?”

  “Yes, Bella. It’s my back. It hurts.”

  “Come here, baby,” she said. He leaned and stretched out across the long sofa to lay his head upon her lap and turn over to his stomach. She was able to run her hand down his back. They stayed together in silence and darkness. When his discomfort didn’t ease she refreshed his drink once more and stayed close. After his breathing shallowed and she could feel him relax, he spoke.

  “Leo’s a good kid,” Giovanni said. “He has one foot in our world and one foot in his. But he looks up to Renaldo and tries hard to emulate him. You were right, Bella. Let them figure it out. Before long there will be no women in this family left.”

  “I like when you say I’m right?” she chuckled.

  “You know what made the difference?”


  “We’re a team now. No secrets, no games. You trust me, and I trust you.”

  “I had a doctor’s appointment when you were gone. Haven’t had a chance to show you.” She moved his head from her lap and got up from the sofa and went to her desk. She turned on the lamplight. And then she dug into her purse and removed the ultrasound photo. Giovanni sat up. He accepted the picture.

  “See. That’s our baby.”

  “I wish I was there. I won’t miss another one. I promise.”

  “Isn’t it cute.”

  He nodded. He kissed the photo. Then he turned to her and kissed her belly. He hugged her waist and buried his face in her lap. She stroked his back knowing that’s where the pain was the most.

  “Come to bed, let me take care of you,” she offered. “No sex, I promise.”

  He bit her thigh and then sat up. She reached for his cane and insisted that he use it. Together they left the office bringing the picture of the baby with them.


  La Nuova Camorra - The New Camorra

  Sorrento, Italy

  MELANZANA HAD TRANSFORMED into a true testament of family pride, tradition, wealth, and strength. Mirabella and Giovanni spared no expense. The guests who arrived at the gates were greeted by the Battaglia valets and then were personally escorted up to the front doors in chauffeured trolleys. Since the gala she hosted was in honor of her husband’s miraculous recovery she insisted that the decor be festive and classy. Sorrento at night was always the most beautiful when the moon was full. Flowers known only to that region of the world opened their petals and spread their leaves for a taste of moonlight. She accentuated the gardens and landscape of her home with lanterns along accessible paths beset by her manufactured golden luminance. Once guests were brought through the front doors they were greeted by her personally. She kissed so many cheeks she had to excuse herself and freshen her lipstick. Many who came into their home had never visited before so the welcoming was important.

  For the event Mirabella’s fashion sense could be found on every employee, and member of the family. She and Giovanni complimented each other. His tailored black silk and linen suit was sharply cut over his muscular frame to precision. He wore a black shirt and tie, with a diamond tiepin that sparkled against the dark contrast. He’d shaven his beard into a goatee that connected to his mustache and his hair had been freshly trimmed to the nape with hints of grey at the temples. She personally liked that change. He looked seasoned by life.

  Mirabella wore the dress he’d chosen. She had several choices brought to him in his now remodeled office. Giovanni held most of his meetings inside Melanzana instead of villa Rosso. It was her idea. And when he wanted her at his side she was always there. For the evening she sent him several dresses by her staff to select from and he selected the most revealing of choices. Draped tightly over her upper torso the dress pleated out in flowing layers from the hips. The top of the dress parted her breasts from her neck to the middle of her torso. The back was totally revealed. Though she was now five months pregnant her little peanut was well hidden beneath the cinched, banded waist. Of course, the dress was black which slimmed her figure. Two splits from her left and right leg were only revealed when she walked. She’d blown her hair out and straightened it so that its length went beyond her shoulders. She wore her jewels, again chosen by him. An eight-carat diamond strand choker with matching diamond bangles on her left arm and five-inch heels designed by Kyra with crystal cuffs around the ankles that sparkled brighter than her diamonds. Her children were groomed. The twins wore white shirts, black knickers with suspenders and bow ties. Eve wore a black velvet baby doll dress with lace trim at the hem, collar, and the sleeves. Belinda had been dressed by Mirabella. Everything Marietta saw in their rebel cousin was true. She had the body of a runway model, long and slender with slight curves to her hips and backside. She had the beauty to match. In a sequined black maxi dress that was backless and short on her thighs.

  Appearance meant everything. Tonight, meant everything to her husband. It all had to be done just right.

  “Welcome to Melanzana,” Mirabella said to the wives of their invited guests. She walked the women through the open foyer giving them a small tour and a bit of history of the two-hundred-year-old palatial estate expanded and built upon by the Battaglias over seventy-five years ago. She held Eve’s hand with the little boy Auturo and Belinda sulking at her side. They passed family portraits and marble busts of famous Romans and other prominent Italians. The ladies were all
gifted with something from Mirabella’s fashion house and given champagne flutes filled with sparkling prosecco.

  “Your home is lovely Donna Mirabella,” said Donna Anastasio. Her husband had worked for the Licciardi’s for years and was set to inherit what was left of the family empire. He was Giovanni’s personal pick to reconstruct the Secondigliano.

  “Grazie, please ladies, open your gifts.”

  “Mama mia! Ma questo... questo è troppo—This is too much!” Donna Ballistrieri was the first to pull out the jeweled box and removed the diamond-two-strand anklets. The women all dug in their bags to find the same gift box. A collective gasp fell over the five of them as each woman revealed their gifts. Donna Ballistrieri’s excitement for the gift was what Mirabella had hoped. She was related to Piero Tacchini. Convincing her and her husband to join the alliance and reform the Camorristi was a personal goal of hers.

  “Donna, is that Auturo Santoro?” Anastasio asked.

  “Why yes, this is Auturo, he’s visiting with us.”

  The ladies all exchanged confused glances. The boy shyly gravitated to Mirabella who took his hand. Since his arrival Mirabella did her best to make him comfortable. Swimming and riding horses had filled his days. He was a pleasant, quiet child.

  One of her staff whispered in her ear. Mirabella glanced over to Kyra who entered the room. She nodded that Kyra should finish off the greeting and Belinda, who had already been given strict orders on what was expected, didn’t need encouragement.

  “Signoras, again welcome to my home. We’ve arranged a personal fashion show for you,” Mirabella began. The lights dimmed and the lights in the solarium along the red carpet that went down an aisle of roses of all colors lit brighter. The models arrived. “I will rejoin you shortly.”

  The women all clapped at her hospitality and took their champagne and gift bags to their seats. Staff arrived with little samples of food from Ana’s kitchen.

  “Come Eve.” Mirabella walked out and headed for the guest of honor. Her name was Donna Marie Santoro and she was married to the most important person in her husband’s plan. Giovanni explained to her what was needed, and she intended to see his plans through.


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