
Home > Romance > Omerta > Page 15
Omerta Page 15

by Sienna Mynx

  “What’s the matter?” Shae called out to her little helper. Jilly rushed into the kitchen. She grabbed Shae by the arm. She pulled her so hard that Shae nearly dropped the knife she held.

  “Jilly, my goodness. What’s wrong?”

  “Come! Before it’s gone. Come!” Jilly said. Shae hurried with the girl confused by her excitement. She went into the television room and saw an image of Marietta and Mirabella on the screen.

  The fashion world is once again focused on the American Italian designer Mirabella Battaglia. Since the closing of her Paris fashion house run by her sister in-law Catalina Battaglia there has been little news to share on what direction the designer would take next. Today the fashionista released a statement:

  ‘Mirabella’s’ has always been a family run business. I have decided to take some time to focus on my renewed inspiration. My children. That is why I have promoted Kyra Greco and Jamie LePete to run both the North American and Italian operations. As we transition into the future our sole focus will be Mirabella’s. Therefore, we will not be releasing a collection this year. All other fashion lines outside of our popular shoe collection have been suspended. Thank you for your support and respect of our privacy.

  The news report then flashed to Mirabella’s husband Giovanni Battaglia and mentioned his criminal ties. They reported on his recent shooting and miraculous recovery. An image of Giovanni flanked by men while ignoring cameras pointed at him flashed on the screen. Shae’s heart skipped a beat as she searched the faces for Carlo. He was not among them. Then the broadcaster switched to another topic.

  “See! Something is going on with the Battaglia’s.”

  “I should have never told you about that family.” Shae sighed.

  “No. I loved hearing about them. I’ve researched everything I can.”


  “The Sun and the National Enquirer talk about them all the time—”

  “Gossip rags?”

  “Yes! I have them in my room. They say there is a mafia war in Italy. And that the Battaglia women are missing. Catalina and Marietta Battaglia are missing.”

  Shae shook her head. “It’s nonsense.”

  She went back into the kitchen with Jilly on her heels. There was no way out of the conversation. Shae only shared Carlo’s story with the Battaglia’s with Jilly to get the girl to open up about her troubled past. Now Jilly was fixated on the Battaglia’s.

  “I think you should go back to Italy. Tell Carlo about the baby. I can go with you. Please!”

  “No. Absolutely not.”

  “Then call him Ms. Shae. You said you love him. You said he wants kids. Call him and tell him that you’re pregnant. You always tell us to be honest. What about you? Doesn’t that apply to you too?”

  Shae picked up the knife and started again to cut the potato.

  “Ms. Shae?”

  “I did,” she confessed.

  “You did?”

  “Yes. Carlo is gone. There’s no trace of him. Marietta is gone. I tried calling three numbers for her and even asked for her husband. Either people hang up on me or say they no longer live at the residence.

  “And Mirabella’s businesses are closing. Something is happening in Italy. It’s gangster. A Mafia war! A real one!”

  Shae shook her head smiling.

  “I’ll show you. They have pictures of car bombings and mafia men going to jail. They don’t discuss on the news here but it’s big news over there.”

  “Nothing is happening. They aren’t the mafia.”

  “Yes they are! You said—”

  “I was exaggerating like those gossip rags you read. There’s nothing happening.”

  “You have to go back to Italy. To see him. To tell him the truth. You owe that to him and the baby.” Jilly insisted.

  Shae sighed. “How? With what money? All we have is the money for this place. For you and the girls.”

  “Take out a loan. Borrow it. I dunno. Do something! When you have the baby it will be too late. Please Ms. Shae. I want you to be happy. I see how sad you get. I know you want to go. Can’t you find a way?”

  “The doctors won’t let me travel.”

  “Have you asked? You aren’t too far along now. If you ask they might. Right?”

  Shae glanced to Jilly. The girl gave her a smile and she gave her one in return. She had a few dollars saved away. She was holding tight to them now that the baby was coming and she had no insurance.

  “I’ll think about it. Okay?” Shae said.

  Jilly nodded and grinned. “I want to meet him so bad! I know he is bad ass! I just know it!”

  Shae chuckled. “I think he would like you too, Jilly.”

  “Can I help you cook?” Jilly asked.

  “Go wash your hands.”

  Jilly walked out of the kitchen. Shae stopped cutting the potatoes. She looked toward the television room. There was something going on. Something in her gut said Carlo was in trouble. He needed her.

  Island of Capri - Italy

  GIOVANNI WALKED INTO the room in his red and white striped swim trunks. He’d spent so much time in the pool with the kids and relaxing on their outside veranda smoking his cigars his tan had darkened his skin to the color of his children. In his arms he carried both of his sons. The twins had their curly afros in braided rows that went from the front to the back of their heads. They were giggling at first, from adventures with Papa. But the moment they entered their mother’s room and found her sleeping they respectfully silenced. Mirabella woke after a few minutes of them hovering over her.

  “What time is it?” she yawned.

  “Seven, or a little after.”

  Mirabella squinted up at him. She then looked at her children and around the room. She slowly pushed up on her elbows. “Where’s Belinda? Why are you wet so early in the morning?”

  “We went swimming.”

  “This early?” she frowned.

  “The kids wanted to swim, so we swam.”

  “But...” Mirabella rubbed her baby belly. “Where’s Belinda?”

  “She’s still in her room. Sleep. I guess.”

  “Can you ask her to come see me?”

  “Why?” Giovanni frowned.

  “I just want to check on her Gio. Has everyone eaten?”

  “Yes, except you,” he smiled. “Are you hungry? Do you need a back rub? I can give the boys to Belinda and get back in bed with you,” he said. She could tell by the inflection in his voice what his ‘rejoining’ her in bed would mean. She was too tired to give him her body. In fact the mere thought of sex made her ache with exhaustion.

  “Maybe we can take a nap together after lunch? If I feel up too it,” she winked.

  Giovanni smile broadened. “It’s a date.”

  “I said maybe, Gio—”

  “Hear that boys? When you take your nap today Papa is going to take one with mommy.”

  Mirabella chuckled.

  “Get some rest, Bella, I’ll have breakfast brought up to you.”

  “Tell Belinda to come see me!” she called after him. He left the room and closed the door. Mirabella closed her eyes and slipped back into the comfort of her sheets. Sleep was no longer a problem for her.

  THE TRIP WAS PRE-PLANNED. Two weeks after the big party Mirabella told Belinda to dress and come downstairs. She was freed once again from captivity. The kids were put in the car and luggage loaded. Mirabella informed Belinda that she would go with her and the children to Capri. All her things were packed by the staff. And in a blink of the eye she was on the Battaglia yacht sailing to the island. To Belinda, Mirabella had risen to the status of a Queen in her life. Nothing was done or accepted without the Queen’s explicit approval. She watched her stroll around the boat with her floral summer dresses and golden accessories. She watched her cuddle up against her brooding husband who rarely spoke or smiled. Belinda studied Mirabella’s every move and grew to envy and admire her. She even mimicked her when she spoke her wishes to the staff. Belinda wanted to gain her
trust again. She worked hard at being the perfect niece, the perfect babysitter, the perfect apprentice. And she made sure to avoid Leo as best she could.

  The family’s first night was for just the women. Giovanni had to leave them for an emergency of some sort. The men stayed outside or on the lower level. Leo and Umberto were the only ones permitted around the children and Mirabella. Belinda wasn’t sure if Giovanni would arrive later and was okay if he didn’t. Mirabella gave her and the children more attention when Giovanni wasn’t present. Belinda discovered this fact very early on during her internment after being caught with Leo. It turned out that she loved Mirabella’s soft-spoken lectures and looked forward to the tutorials Mirabella gave her on fashion and art. For now, her wanderlust was under control.

  After the children were put to bed she and Mirabella sat on the veranda and did sketches together. Mirabella let her have a glass of wine to sip. Belinda didn’t care for the taste of Chianti, but she loved the fact that the wine was offered to her. While they sketched, and Mirabella asked her many questions about her life back home. The moment she started to exaggerate or tell lies. She was corrected, and her facts were challenged but she did her very best to explain. Soon she found herself being honest with Mirabella in ways she had never been with her mother.

  For instance, the first time she lost her virginity was with a loser nobody kid who worked as a maintenance man for her church after he dropped out of high school. The whole affair lasted a total of six minutes and was a huge let down. But she wasn’t a virgin anymore and that did thrill her. In typical Belinda fashion she bragged to her sister and girlfriends that it was in the car near a creek where the senior kids hung out to drink and smoke weed. She named the most popular athlete in their town as her Romeo. The girls gossiped so much about it her mother found out and Belinda’s father confronted the accused and his family. The boy was from the other side of town. He denied it, but the town stood behind Minnie and her outrage. The self-righteous flock damn near banished the family from church, but their minister wouldn’t have it. And Belinda never confessed to the truth.

  “Bee, hey, I want to talk to you,” Trevon said.

  Belinda looked up from stuffing her books in her locker. She had stayed after school for tutoring. Trevon was in his practice gear. He was tall for sixteen and his thick hair dreaded. It was flat to his head from wearing his helmet. His eyes were brown but darker as they narrowed on her. She should’ve been scared. She should’ve ran and avoided the confrontation. But she refused.

  “Why are you lying on me?”

  “Lying? Who’s lying?”

  “Cut the bullshit. You got the whole school talking. My mama isn’t speaking to me and Vicky has broken up with me! Why! Why are you lying on me?” he said with clenched teeth.

  Belinda gave him a sweet smile. “It’s only a lie if you say it is.”

  “What?” His brows dented with a disbelieving frown.

  “I see the way you look at me Tre. Especially during cheer practice. When I do those jumps that Vicky can’t.”

  “I do not.”

  She leaned in and raised up on her toes and gave him a kiss on the lips. At first he froze, but to Belinda’s surprise he kissed her back.

  “Tre!” Vicky screeched.

  He stepped back as if shoved. He turned to find Vicky, the captain of her cheerleading squad and two other girls on the team with her. Vicky ran in the opposite direction. Trevon immediately ran after her calling her name. The other girls glared at Belinda. She’d quit the squad soon after the incident. Not because she feared Vicky’s wrath, but because her father was now ruling over her with an iron fist. She had to obey.

  She picked up her book-bag and started away. One of the girls called her a slut. Belinda shot up her middle finger and kept going. Trevon never denied he was her first again. In fact, he told his own stories and gained a lot of popularity on his own. When they were in the same class or in the cafeteria he’d stare at her, but not once approach her or question her motives. She figured he had his reasons.

  “WHY NOT SLEEP WITH him?” Mirabella asked.


  “You created a lie about the boy you liked—”

  “I didn’t like him—”

  “—instead of seducing him and making him your first. You caused drama you didn’t have too. So why not sleep with him?”

  Belinda paused. “I dunno. I never thought of it, I guess.”

  “You do know. Trevon was popular and had the popular girlfriend. You weren’t.”

  “I was no nerd,” Belinda interjected.

  “You were a church girl, possibly ignored and overlooked by the boys because of who your family was.”

  Belinda was stunned into silence.

  “So sleeping with Trevon wouldn’t change that. He’d have the power. And you’d just get labeled. But making Vicky think you slept with him and destroying his relationship gave you power. Over the rumor and the truth.”

  “You think I was wrong, dontcha?” Belinda asked.

  “You were wrong. But that was the point, right? To be wrong and force everyone or convince everyone you were right.”

  Belinda shrugged. “I think so.”

  “I know what it’s like. I knew what it was like living in that town and wanting to be free. I did things... I’m not proud of.”

  “I’m a liar,” Belinda confessed. “I lie all the time. I think I liked lying on Trevon more than I liked that kiss.”

  “I lie, we all do. My sister lies, more than I thought one person ever could.”

  “So, you’re saying we lie to hide the truth. About our insecurities.”

  Mirabella glanced over at her. “The truth always comes out regardless of the lie. I think we lie because we’re afraid of the truth. That nothing we do is ever better than the fantasy.”

  “Maybe, but your life sure looks like the best fantasy to me.”

  Mirabella chuckled. She sipped her fresh lemonade. “No more vino for you.”

  Belinda nodded. “Yea, I agree. It makes my stomach feel funny.”

  They sat in silence a bit longer and then Mirabella spoke to her.

  “What is wrong with being just Belinda? Have you ever been happy being her?”

  “Not really.”

  “Then what do you want to be? Who do you want to be?”

  “I’ve always wanted to be you,” she said.


  “You’re famous. Ma and Daddy get so much respect back home because of you. The whole town lives and works in your factories. And everyone says I look like you the most. I want that. To be famous, and special. Someone with power. I guess telling lies is power.”

  “Power comes at a price. My husband has a lot of power. Do you think that makes him happy?”

  Belinda couldn’t answer. She wasn’t sure if she should. The conversation ended on that question. She continued with her sketching. It was now Belinda’s second favorite thing. Mirabella had taught her a few techniques and gave her colored pencils to capture her art. Belinda had always been told she was gifted and good at drawing. When she sat with Mirabella she discovered that the talent was hereditary.

  Once or twice she tried to ask Mirabella personal questions. For instance, how she felt when she discovered she had a twin? How did she meet Giovanni? Why had she stayed away from home and the family for so long? Did Marietta give birth to her baby and would she return? Why did Zia remain in Sicily? Where was the woman named Catalina that the staff whispered about?

  Mirabella would either ignore her or give short clipped responses that revealed nothing. Belinda stopped prying. That night when she couldn’t sleep Belinda went to her window and stared out at the sea and moon. It was late, very late. Giovanni arrived with an entourage of men. He looked ‘bad ass’ getting out of the car the way he did. She wondered about the connection he shared with his American black wife. Why they connected. Mirabella was so calm and sweet how did she lie with a man who was so dangerous?

  She watched
Giovanni and his men until they disappeared. And later she crept from her room to Mirabella’s to listen at the door. She heard his voice not Mirabella’s and it was all in Italian. Then she was certain she heard the sounds of them making love.

  Alone and lonely Belinda returned to her room. Fame and power was addictive, but from what she saw Mirabella lived the life everyone woman should want to live and avoid.

  She now had a new goal.

  The morning came, and a breeze swept inside and ruffled the sheets of her bed to wake her. The villa didn’t have any air conditioning and she discovered why. Thanks to the high elevation along the cliffs cool winds constantly blew. Every shuttered window was left open to keep airy freshness blowing inside. Belinda was drawn to the largest window in her room. Shaped like half-of-a sphere it was six feet wide and eight feet tall. It had a cushioned windowsill that one could sit on and a view of the beaches. She stared out at the blue sea and counted the fisherman boats lined up along the shore. It was so early that the fishermen were dragging their nets across the sand, getting ready for their day. Belinda pulled her knees up to her chest. She had on one of the long maxi dresses that Mirabella often wore, it was sleeveless, held up by the elastic around her bosom. Yesterday when dawn came she welcomed the day by sitting in the windowsill and daydreaming about all the exciting things in the world she planned to see. There was no way to get this close to freedom back at home. She was not going to blow this opportunity. She broke no rules.

  There was a knock at the door.

  Mirabella typically came by her room before breakfast and laid out the list of things expected of her. But she had heard the kids up early celebrating. Each child elated that their Papa was with them. She didn’t expect any attention from the Donna when the Don was around. Belinda got up from her seat on the windowsill.

  “Come in,” she said.

  The door opened.

  No one entered.


  Little Gianni ran inside wearing a onesie and pamper. The toddler grinned at her and then his father appeared. Stunned Belinda stepped back. Giovanni never paid her a personal visit. He never acknowledged her. To be honest his dark silent brooding was kind of off-putting. She didn’t know what to make of him. Everyone acted like it was normal, as if he were normal.


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