The Bet 3

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by Jessica G Rabbit

  The Bet

  by; Jessica G.Rabbit

  © Copyright 2015 by Jessica G.Rabbit- All rights reserved.

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  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Yvaine couldn't believe what had just occurred in the middle of her foyer. Her head was swimming a bit from all the wine she had consumed earlier, and at the thought of what she just partook in. It hit her like a ton of bricks. She was lying on top of the table in the foyer. The centerpiece had crashed to the floor and shattered into a million pieces. Jackson was on top of her motionless. The only indicator he was alive was his deep, steady breathing. This felt so good. She hadn't had sex like that off of camera in months! Hell, if she was really honest with herself it had been years. It was passionate, intense and most of all it was completely fun. As if he felt her doubt he shifted his weight and looked down at her. She saw his emerald green eyes filled with something she had never seen. A mix of desire and passion and just as fast as she had seen it. It was gone. His expression changed. He withdrew his semi-erection out of her. She jumped at the sensitivity of it.

  He stood up pulled his pants up and ran his hand through his disheveled hair.

  “Yvaine... I should go,” He said quietly.

  She sat up on the table. Her tank top was over her perfectly exposed breasts. Her nipples were hard. She pulled her tank down and gently got down from the table. She watched as he hurriedly located his shirts and briefcase. She had ripped his dress Shirt. He was tucking it in and buckling his pants.

  “I'm so sorry this should have never happened,” he rushed out as he tried to readjust his clothing.

  Despite his efforts, his hair was still disheveled. His eyes were filled with remorse and something else she couldn't understand. He looked a mess. If Yvaine weren't in sex shock, she probably would have laughed. His shirt although tucked in was open because of his lack of buttons. Yes, he was a sexy mess she thought. She wanted to run her hands through his dark black tresses, but knew she would make things worse. He looked as if he were going to say something else, but he didn't or rather couldn't.

  He opened the front door and left. Yvaine stood there in bewilderment. What the hell had just happened? If they hadn't made a mess of her Foyer, she would swear Jackson hadn't touched her. She closed and locked the front door. She thought about cleaning up but knew her housekeeper Lola would be there tomorrow. She looked at the grandfather clock on the wall of the foyer by the stairs it read 1:00 a.m. Her and Jackson had had sex for three hours! WOW ! She turned the lights off downstairs and in her white tank she walked up the stairs. Her legs were wobbly, and her pussy was sensitive fromthe hot fuck session she had just endured. A nice hot shower would do the trick she thought and did just that. Once she was showered, she got into her large comfortable bed and thought about Jackson.

  She had never thought she and Jackson would share such a hot lovemaking session. It was intense. She had never really even thought of Jackson in that way. Even though he did help her that day, after that, she rarely saw him. When she did, it was at parties. He was always so awkward when she was around.Clumsy even. She recalled how surprised she was when he got out of the range rover. He was so sexy to her. He had turned into a full grown man. She hadn't expected any of this to happen, and she didn't know what any of it meant. Her date with Addison had been phenomenal. She felt a guilty pang. She had forgotten all about Addison while Jackson had his dirty way with her. She smiled because she hadn't minded him taking control of the situation. She loved his new-found confidence he displayed with her.Not to mention his bed skills were on point. She felt comfortable around him. Safe. A word she rarely got to use in correlation to a man. She admired the fact that Ellery treated him like a son but yet in still he worked harder than any person in her agency. It was a mistake she said to herself. The sex was amazing, but she was pretty sure it wouldn't happen again.He was the sensible type. She snuggled deeper into the covers and tried clearing her mind the last thing she thought about was passion filled emerald green eyes staring into hers...


  Yvaine slept in. She was exhausted. Jackson had worked her body like she was his full-time job. She couldn't complain. Their lovemaking was electric. She rolled onto her back and felt the soreness radiating through her muscles.She stretched her entire body hoping it would help but, it was to no avail. She heard voices downstairs and knew the girls were there. She flung the covers back and decided to get dressed. She chose a Lime green off the shoulder sweatshirt and snow white velour jumpsuit pants she pulled her hair into a messy bun. She appraised herself in her cheval mirror. She nodded her appreciation for her good looks and keen fashion sense and went downstairs to see her friends. She descended the stairs quickly. She noticed the foyer looked as if nothing had ever happened last night. She saw Lola, her housekeeper, had replaced the broken vase with another, a time filled with white lilies to sit in the center of the table.

  “Where are you two? She said loud enough so her voice would carry.”

  “In the game room,” Dior furnished back.

  She went to her left and walked in the direction of her game room. When she entered, she saw Dior and Echo playing pool. Echo was bent over in concentration.She looked cute today she had her blonde hair pulled away from her face, but she wore it down. She had on yoga pants and a hot pink sports bra.

  Yvaine knew Echo just wore the outfit because it was cute and not actually to work out in. She looked up and immediately smiled at Yvaine.

  “Hello, ladies,” Yvaine said as she walked over to the bar by the billiard table. She got herself a glass and pulled out a snifter of vodka. She didn't usually drink, but she just couldn't seem to shake how last night went. She didn't want to tell the girls, but she needed clarity and possibly advice.

  “So tell us Ms. Thang how was your date with Addison?” Dior asked as she watched Echo make her shot. Dior rolled her eyes. “This broad over here going to win. I don't know why I play her.” They both smiled at Echo.

  “It was fun. He was a perfect gentleman. He walked me to my car an- ”

  “Wait a minute, wait a minute. Echo let's eighty-six the pool and go sit and talk,” Dior said as she put her pool stick gently down on the pool table. Echo followed her lead.

  “Agreed.” Echo said as she followed Dior's lead.

  “O.k.,” Yvaine said. “ Let's Sit by the pool. My new patio furniture just got here.”

  All three ladies liked the sound of it. They walked over to the all glass wall in the game room and Yvaine opened the sliding glass door beside it that led out to her back yard. It was a clear California day. The sun was sitting high in the sky, and there was no breeze. Her pool looked refreshing and enticing, and her hot tub beckoned as the Jets automatically turned on when the patio sensors went off. The girls walked over to the black wicker patio set. It was beautiful with red brick cushions that had lime green palm tree designs on them.

  “Dang Yvaine I love it. The patio furniture is on point,” Dior said. She was the first to sit down on the couch.

  “Yea, this is lovely,” Echo agreed and sat in a chair beside the couch Dior occupied.

  “Thank you,” Yvaine said as she sat in the chair on the opposite end of the couch. All three girls put their feet up on the patio table.

  “Now, Ms. Thang, you were saying.”

  Yvaine smiled. “Oh yes. So, we went to Portobello's, and He was so sweet.”

  “Did he look like his pictures?” Echo asked.

��Even better Echo.” Yvaine said dreamily as she remembered his all-American gorgeous boy features.

  “Damn.” Echo and Dior both said at the same time.

  “He walked me to my car and asked me out on a second date, and then he kissed me.”

  “Oooooo,” both girls said.

  Yvaine smiled.

  “The second date sounds nice,” Echo said.

  “I thought so too! Until Jackson showed up on my doorstep last night.”

  “Jackson ? Who is that?”

  That was how irrelevant Jackson had been. He had been working for Ellery’s agency So Fresh Entertainment for six years and was running the entire east coast agency, and no one knew who he was. Everyone thought he was a nerd. And to Yvaine's shame, until their passionate encounter Yvaine had felt the same way about him. She felt a pang of guilt stab at her.

  “C'mon guys, Jackson…”

  The girls gave her a blank stare.

  “Jackson. ”

  Blank stare.

  “Jackson... the one who works at the agency. ”

  “Oh nerd boy! ” Echo said

  “I didn't even know he had a name.” Dior said. She and Echo laughed.

  “It's not funny,” she said trying to give the girls a serious look. Even though it was funny. “Jackson looks nothing like the Jackson we knew. No more nerd boy. He is more like a ... a .. Beefcake. ” That description got the girls attention. “He came over last night for me to sign some last-minute contracts and documents. We had a polite conversation. I was walking him out of the house and the next thing I know he picked me up and is fucking my brains out in my foyer. It was so good. But after, he got dressed and ran like hell.” She looked at both girls. Their mouths were open.They were clearly shocked by her confession. “ I don't know what I am supposed to do now. Am I supposed to act like it never happened? ”

  “That's kind of up to you Yvaine,” Dior said sympathetically. “Do what you think is best. ” Yvaine nodded her head.

  “O.k. Yvaine, last night while you were having fun we decided to pick the other two guys, and tonight you have a date with guy number two tonight.”

  Yvaine's eyes grew large. “ What?! I can't.. I-”

  “Have absolutely nothing to do. Echo, pictures, please.”

  Echo pulled out her Macbook pro and pulled up the two pictures of two very attractive but different men. She had made it in the form of a PowerPoint presentation.

  “This hot blonde's name is Harvey. He is into polo, Traveling, and fine dining. He is 42. No children. His occupation is Lawyer, and he enjoys a casual laid back kind of girl. You will be meeting him at six p.m. tonight at a bar called The Aisling.” Echo then moved on the cute ginger haired gentleman with a light sprinkle of freckles on his nose. “ This is Cristobal he is 37, divorced, no children, one pet. He enjoys hunting, long walks, travels frequently and loves art. You have a date with him tomorrow at seven o'clock.” Yvaine rolled her eyes.

  “So what am I wearing?” She said.

  Just then Lola, the housekeeper, came out of the sliding glass door from the kitchen.

  “Senorita Yvaine you have a visitor.” She smiled warmly at the girls they all smiled back.

  Lola was a sweet lady. She always kept to herself and never asked questions no matter how crazy Yvaine's house guests could be. Not to mention, she made the absolute best tamales.

  “O.k. Lola gracias, please let them know I will be in straight away.”

  Lola nodded her head in acknowledgement and walked back inside.

  “Excuse me, ladies,” she said politely.

  “You are good,” said Dior, “And can you have Lola bring us some mojitos to drink.”

  Yvaine smiled and nodded as she got up from her seat and quickly walked into her home. The cool air felt good on her skin and instantly made her nipples hard. She had forgotten to put on a bra. She looked down at her sweatshirt and saw her nipples were pressed taught against the material of her shirt. She walked into the kitchen, then down the hallway and back into the foyer. There stood Jackson. Yvaine's breath caught in her throat. She slowed her walking down when she was several feet away from him. She couldn't understand how he had this effect on her.

  “Hello, Jackson,” she said as politely as she could.

  She hoped he didn't sense her anxiety. She was standing about two feet away from him.

  “Hello, Yvaine.”

  “What brings you here today? Surely I didn't miss a document I was supposed to sign last night.”

  “Oh no, no. That's not it.” He looked nervous to her. His green eyes alert to his surroundings. “Can we talk in private? ”

  “Sure,” she said and led him into the living room. “ Please, Jackson, take a seat.”

  “No, that's quite alright. I came to talk to you about what happened last night…” He walked over to where she was standing. He gently put her hands on his. “Please, forgive me. I didn't mean to leave so suddenly last night's Just. I wasn't expecting us to.”

  “Fuck,” She said bluntly.

  The expression on his face told her he didn't like that she had summed up last night as just a ‘fuck’.

  “No! It was not just a fuck !” She instinctively stepped back at his raised voice. He looked indignant, not angry so she stepped forward again. He finished in a much softer tone. “ Last night was more than that. I have known you before you were you. Last night scared me because I haven't seen you in four years, and you still have this crazy effect on me. I'm back to the gangly nerd you met.”

  That comment made Yvaine smile, and he smiled back she had never noticed he had such a great smile his teeth straight and white his full lips gave it a bit of mischief. He was sexy. She wanted to kiss him and the realization excited her.

  “I really like you Yvaine I have always. Can we go out to dinner tonight ?”

  Yvaine wanted to say yes but she had already promised the girls she would go out with 'civilian #2' .

  The girls had worked so hard on it for her and she didn't want to let them down. They had been spending more time together. She looked down and then back up to him.

  “I can't tonight. I have a thing I have to go to tonight.” She was such a horrible liar she thought.

  “O.k. When can you? ” He was looking directly into her eyes. It felt like he was looking right through her. His thumbs were gently rubbing the top of her hands. She wished they were rubbing her in other places.

  “I will have to get back to you on that,” he looked past her. “ I'm Sorry, that sounded shallow. What I mean by it is. This took me by complete surprise. Number one, I wasn't expecting you. Ellery just said 'someone' she did not specify it was you. Number two, I wasn't expecting you to look so hot and number three I wasn't expecting last night. ”

  “Neither was I. When I was leaving, and I smelled you. You smelled so good. ”

  She saw a desire in his green eyes from remembering the sexy encounter they had less than twenty-four hours ago.

  “ You were wearing an oversized cream sweater jacket, white tank, and the panties. I couldn't help it. It was like my body completely took over and my mind had absolutely no say so.” He pulled her closer to him. There was barely an inch between their faces. “ I have wanted to kiss and tease and caress your body since the first day I got the honor to pound you into stardom so to speak. I took my chance, and I'm going to keep taking them until you see. You are mine.” He kissed her hungrily and her knees buckled. His kiss was powerful and demanding but gentle his tongue invaded her senses, and her tongue began mating with his.She felt her hands roaming all over his muscular chest. His strong hands cupped her buttocks and pressed her groin into his.

  “Yvaine ! ” Yvaine heard Dior say as she continued to kiss Jackson mindlessly.

  She was caught off guard and even though these girls had seen her get fucked in all kinds of positions on set along with ten other people. She still felt embarrassed that her two best friends found her making out with the guy they referred to as the agency

  Yvaine broke the kiss, and they both stepped away a considerable amount. Both wiped their mouths.

  "Oh my... We didn't mean to interrupt. We were just coming inside.” Yvaine wanted to die right then.

  “No..No, you're not. It's o.k…” Yvaine Stammered as she rushed over to Dior. “ We were just ...talking...Um...Jackson, You remember Dior.” She turned and looked to Jackson for help. Jackson flashed a smile so dazzling even she was distracted.

  “Hi, Dior. Yes, of course I remember you.” He said casually walking over to her.

  “Echo did you find her-” Echo stumbled through the open patio sliding glass door with a drink in her hand.She saw the trio standing there.

  “Yvaine there you are! Who is this? ”

  “This is Jackson.” Yvaine saw Echo's face light up in recognition. Dior was doing well hiding hers.

  “Nice to see you again Jackson.” Echo shook his hand.

  “Nice to meet you ladies as well.” Yvaine couldn't believe he was acting like Dior hadn't just walked in and caught them kissing like mad men.

  He looked at Yvaine.

  “Call me so we can discuss this further. I look forward to it,” and with that, he walked out of the room and her home.

  All three women still had their mouths open.

  Dior was the first to say something.

  “Damn, that boy is super fine. Nerd boy turned into a hot boy on that ass.” She walked over to the sofa and sat down.

  “Oh my gosh, he is just dreamy. Tall, dark, handsome, and great in bed.” Yvaine smiled.

  “Damn girl. I can't believe I walked in on that! Who knows what y'all would be doing had I not stumbled my ass in here.”

  “What ?! Dior you walked in on them? Doing what?” Echo asked looking from blushing Yvaine to teasing Dior.

  “He came over to apologize for last night, and wanted me to think about going out with him.”

  “Why would you even consider it ? ” Dior asked looking at Echo, who nodded her agreement.

  “What do you mean? ”


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