The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series)

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The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series) Page 27

by Siobhan Davis

  He nods, and I see the acceptance in his eyes. “I pushed you to it last night.” He grips the nape of my neck harder. “It was bullshit, babe. I told him what he needed to hear.”

  “If you thought I’d betrayed you, why wouldn’t you have meant it?”

  “You already know the answer to that.”

  Prickles of awareness dance around the room, and he’s saying so much by not saying anything.

  My tongue darts out, wetting my lips, and his eyes follow the movement greedily. “I’ve been so pissed all week that you did it. We didn’t think you would.”

  I narrow my eyes to slits, because really? He smirks, instantly understanding my implication.

  “Okay, Galen thought you would, but the rest of us bet on you remaining true to us.”

  “Figures Galen would be the doubting Thomas.”

  “Galen’s got…issues,” he says.

  That’s putting it mildly.

  “Discovering The Sainthood was responsible for your abduction softened him a bit, but he still doubted your loyalties because it takes a lot for Galen to trust people.”

  “I can’t dispute that, because I did do it in the end.”

  “You’re making it right now.” He pulls me into his chest, and I wrap my arms around his waist.

  I look up at him, as his hands rest on my hips. “I’m sorry, and I regretted it the moment I did it.”

  “It’s okay. There’s no harm done, and maybe, it was a good thing.” He takes my hand, bringing me back to the bed. He pulls back the covers, and I climb in.

  “Why?” I ask when we’re sitting up, side by side, with the covers pulled up to our waists, our backs leaning against the headrest. “What don’t I know?”

  “The Arrows have been making aggressive moves to take over our patch since we relocated to Lowell. They have gradually been getting braver. Sinner’s going nuts, and he’s not the type to sit around and wait to be attacked. He likes to bring the fight to his enemies.”

  This is something I already know.

  “One of our initiation tasks was to come up with a plan to draw them out. To force them into making a move so we can begin to take back control. Everyone wants to know where our warehouse is. It’s our most closely guarded secret.” He threads his fingers absently through mine. “So, we came up with a strategy. We’d give them a false location. False details of a new shipment. And then lie in wait for them to attack. Neutralize the threat.”

  “The warehouse isn’t in Landing’s Lane?”

  He shakes his head, grinning. “We use that premises for interrogation purposes, but we never store our supplies there. What most people don’t know is, we have a number of hidden locations. That’s just one of them.”

  “If I didn’t fall for the trap, how were you going to lure them out?”

  “We have a large crew who stays in the shadows. They have their finger on the pulse of the streets. They would’ve slipped the intel and ensured it got into the right hands.”

  I twist around on my side so I’m facing him. “I didn’t give them the intel, so who did?”

  “I have no idea, and that changes things.”

  “What does Sinner think happened? Did you tell him it was me?”

  “Hell no!” He stares at me incredulously. “He thinks we planted the intel.”

  “And if I hadn’t fessed up, would you have told him the truth?”

  He shakes his head. “No way. I’m trying to keep you out of that asshole’s net.” My eyes pop wide. He cups one side of my face. “I meant what I said before. If he got a hold of you this time, he would fucking break you apart, Harlow. I couldn’t save you last time, but I’m sure as fuck going to try to now.”

  I want to believe him, yet it doesn’t explain their treatment of me at the start. “You obviously didn’t care about that when you first came here, so what’s changed?”

  He caresses my cheek with his thumb. “A fuck ton of stuff. But mostly, we know Sinner and the controlling board of The Sainthood have been lying to us. They told us you had evidence that could put half the organization in jail. We were told to intimidate you. To scare you into telling us where you were hiding it. But you fought us every step of the way, gaining our respect and admiration. And everything that’s happened since has us questioning the whole fucking thing. It reeks of something darker at play.” He holds both my cheeks in his hands. “We know you’re planning something, and I think it’s time we joined forces.” He rubs his thumb along my lower lip. “War is imminent, and you need to be on the right side.”

  The implication is clear, and if it was just standing by their side, I could handle it. But there is a lot more to it than that.

  Can I stand beside The Sainthood in this battle, even if it’s a lie? If it brings me closer to the truth, then yes, I can and I will do it. But I risk losing them if I hide my true agenda.

  I stare into his eyes, pondering what to say.

  I want to trust him so badly.

  But I just can’t.

  “He killed my dad, Saint. And even while he was alive, he made his life hell. Of course, I want Sinner to pay and I’m doing everything I can to make sure that happens.”

  “Unfortunately, your father sealed his fate the instant he laid eyes on Giana,” Saint admits. “It’s unfair as fuck what’s happened to him and to you, but you’ve got to understand Sinner is a fucking psychopath. I’m scared for you. I know he’s got plans. If you have what he’s looking for, we need to consider giving it to him. We might be able to use it to negotiate a way out.”

  “What is it he thinks I have?”

  “Video footage showing members of The Sainthood raping, torturing, and killing Commissioner Leydon’s wife.”


  “THE SAINTHOOD DID that?” I remember it well because when Daphne Leydon went missing, after failing to return home from work one evening, a manhunt was immediately launched. The case went global because she’s not just the police commissioner’s wife, she’s the niece of the US president.

  “You really didn’t know?” he asks.

  “Look at my face.” I point at myself. “I’m telling the truth. I don’t have any video.”

  “The murder weapon is missing too.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t have either of those things. I swear.” I’m so confused. So much of this doesn’t add up.

  “I believe you.” He rests his forehead against mine for a moment. “But Sinner thinks you have it because your dad had it and now it’s nowhere to be found.”

  “That’s why he killed him?” I ask, joining the dots, and Saint nods. Silence engulfs us for a few minutes, and I use the time to think.

  “Dad was trying to build a case, so if he’d had that evidence, he would’ve used it. I don’t know how or why Sinner thinks we have it, but he’s wrong.”

  Saint drops his hands from my face, turning on his side so we’re looking at one another. “What kind of evidence do you have?”

  “A few case files that would challenge convictions. Prove The Sainthood tampered or planted evidence, but it’s mostly low-hanging fruit that wouldn’t stick.” That’s not a lie, but it’s only half the truth.

  “Something isn’t right with all this.” He rests his hand on my hip, fighting a yawn.

  “I know.”

  “But we’re not going to figure it out at three a.m. when we’re both beat.”

  “When’s it all going down?”

  “Tomorrow at five.”

  “I want to be there.”

  “Absolutely not. It will be fucking mayhem.”

  “I’m good with a gun, and I know how to protect myself.” I’ve no plans on killing anyone, but I want to be there for a number of reasons. Maybe, I can get some stuff on camera I can use for leverage. I might glean some intel that could help me take them down. And I want to be standing with The Sainthood when Darrow and The Arrows show up. It will be immediately obvious I’ve double-crossed him, and he’ll want my blood. Standing shoulder to sho
ulder with the most powerful criminal gang in the state will buy me some protection and some time.

  “You’re not getting anywhere near that shitshow tomorrow. It’s not safe.” His expression tells me not to bother arguing, but he doesn’t know me very well if he thinks I’ll let it drop this easily.

  “It’s not safe to leave me unprotected. Especially when Darrow finds out I’ve betrayed him for you guys again.”

  He sighs, pulling me into his arms. “Can we have this fight tomorrow because I need to fucking sleep.” He says this even though I see the agreement in his eyes. He knows I’ve made a valid point.

  I snuggle into him. “Okay, but I’m not backing down.”

  “So fucking stubborn,” he mumbles, his voice already laced with sleep.

  “I’ve three words for you,” I say. “Pot. Kettle. Black.”

  He laughs, hugging me tighter, and I fall asleep feeling more content and less alone than I have in ages.


  The door slams against the wall, and we jolt upright in the bed, instantly awake and on guard.

  “Well, isn’t this cozy?” Sinner drawls, leaning casually against the doorway as he stares at both of us.

  “What is so urgent you had to barge into my bedroom at”—Saint glances at his cell phone through sleepy eyes “—seven a.m. on a weekend.”

  His dad pushes off the wall. “You need to come with me.”


  “Don’t fucking talk back, boy. If I say I need you, I need you. Now get up.”

  Saint sits upright in the bed, gritting his teeth. “I’ll meet you downstairs. I need to grab a quick shower,” he lies.

  The look Sinner gives his son is one I’ve rarely seen him direct at Saint, and it starts alarm bells ringing in my ears.

  “Sorry, sweetheart,” Sinner says, cocking his head and smirking at me as his eyes drop to my chest. At some point during the night, I removed my sweater, so I’m only in a thin tank top that leaves little to the imagination. “A quickie is out this morning.”

  Saint yanks the covers up over my chest, and Sinner narrows his eyes at his son as he walks toward me. My instinct is to run and hide, but I’m not going to cower from this bastard. He needs to realize I’m not a frightened thirteen-year-old any longer. I tip my chin up and meet him with a fierce gaze, remaining stoic as he traces his fingers along my collarbone. “But I’ll be in the mood to celebrate tonight.” He edges his fingers lower. “You should test drive a real man for a change.”

  Saint grabs his wrist before his fingers dip under the edge of my top. “Take your hands off her.”

  “Or what?” Sinner grins at his son, and it’s downright evil.

  “Or you can find some other goons to put their lives on the line today.” He shoves Sinner’s hand away, pulling me in under his arm.

  “Careful, son. Don’t play with fire unless you’re prepared to get burned.” He walks to the door. “Get your ass out of bed. You really don’t want to keep me waiting.” He leaves the door open on purpose, and Saint jumps up, slamming it shut after him.

  “Fucking psycho,” he seethes.

  I get up. “I want to help.”

  “Not now, princess,” he snaps, and I grab my sweater off the floor.

  “Don’t take that tone with me, and don’t even think about stopping me from coming today,” I add, sliding the sweater down over my head. “I’ll expect a call later.”

  I curl my hand around the door handle when he sidles up behind me, pulling me back into his warm body. “I’m leaving Galen here with you today. He’ll keep you safe.”

  I twist around in his arms, scowling. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “I showed my cards, babe. And I don’t trust him not to try and take you, purely to spite me. I’m not leaving you unprotected. I don’t have time to argue about this.”

  “Can’t you leave Caz? Galen will just piss me off and get on my nerves all day.”

  The asshole grins. “Don’t pretend that you don’t love that shit, and you can’t have Caz. I need him.”

  “Fine. I’ll agree to it on one condition—you let me come today.”

  He closes his eyes for a second, exhaling heavy. “Do you ever give in?”

  “Nope.” I smile sweetly at him. “And you can lie all you want, but I know you like me like this.”

  “Must enjoy torturing myself,” he murmurs, and I swat at his chest before pushing him away. “Go get dressed before that bastard comes back.”

  He grabs my head, pulling my face to his and slamming his lips down on mine, morning breath be damned. The kiss is brief, but it still leaves me swaying on my feet. “Go. I’ll see you later.”

  I fling myself at him, hugging him quickly. “Be safe.” He shoots me one of his irritating amused looks, and I’m back to wanting to slap the shit out of him again, so I leave before I punch the cocky jerk.

  I don’t know what type of instructions Saint gave Galen, but the annoying douche drags me to the basement and forces me to sit through The Fast and the Furious franchise. It’s not much of a punishment, because, come on, the eye candy is to die for, but I don’t admit that because I enjoy winding Galen up too much.

  Especially since he appears to have regressed, and he’s back to hating me with his usual intensity.

  But I get it now.

  He thinks I’ve betrayed them. I consider telling him the truth, to clear the air, but it’ll only make things worse because he’ll be even more pissed with me then. Somehow, I don’t think Galen will be as forgiving as Saint. So, I say nothing, content to let Saint fill him in later.

  He watches his cell as often as I watch mine, and we share matching scowls. “What did Saint tell you before he left?” I ask for the umpteenth time.

  He tweaks the peaks of his faux hawk, looking like he’s ready to throttle me. “I already told you.”

  “He must’ve said more than that.”

  He grits his teeth, glaring at me. “I spoke to him for thirty seconds. Guard the princess with your life is all he said. Now, quit whining because that shit’s never attractive.”

  “So, he didn’t say you were to bring me when you were leaving?” I thought it was agreed, and if he reneges, I’ll swing for him.

  “Ugh.” He buries his head in his hands. “Someone, please save me.”

  A deep chuckle breaks out behind us, and we both whip our heads around. “Sir Caz to the rescue.” Caz bows, sweeping his arm out in a flourish as he smirks.

  I jump over the back of the couch, catapulting into his arms. “Thank fuck, you’re here. Galen wouldn’t shut up. My ears are hurting.”

  Galen gives me the evil eye before turning it on his buddy. “A call would’ve been nice.” He slaps Caz on the back.

  “We were fucking busy.”

  “I’m a part of this too. Not some fucking glorified pussysitter.”

  “And you were just accusing the princess of whining?” Caz says, his brows climbing to his hairline.

  “Are we trading off?” Galen asks.

  Caz shakes his head. “Boss wants everyone at the warehouse.” I open my mouth to protest, and he slams his palm over my lips. “You too, so no need to rip me a new one.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me?” Galen throws his arms around, aggression and frustration leeching into the air.

  “Saint says it’s too risky to leave her here unprotected.”

  Before they can change their minds, I run up to my room while Caz heads to the bathroom. Grabbing my spare gun, I check the safety is on before sliding it into the holster and securing the belt around my waist. I sheathe my knives on my other hip and shove a spare clip in the pocket of my hoodie, pulling it down low so it conceals the belt. Then, I braid my hair, lace my sneakers tight, pull on black gloves, grab my cell, and skip downstairs to meet the guys.

  “Oh joy. It’s Sports Barbie,” Galen deadpans, as Caz approaches behind him.

  “Barbie was blonde,” I point out, letting Caz open the front do
or for me. His car is parked right outside.

  “I bet you dye your hair,” Galen retorts, pulling the door shut behind him.

  “I bet you kill puppies for shits and giggles.”

  “Enough bickering, children,” Caz says, holding me at the waist as he steers me around to the passenger side of his sports car. “Daddy needs to concentrate on driving.” He tugs up the back of my hoodie unexpectedly, raising it and my tank well above my butt, and I instantly tug it back down, turning around and scowling. He holds up his hands. “Whoa! Calm down there, princess. I felt the gun belt. No need to look at me like I ruined your favorite sweater in the wash.”

  “You don’t get to put your hands on me whenever you feel like it.”

  Galen snorts. “Could’ve fooled me.” He opens the passenger door, shoves the seat forward, and gestures for me to get in the back.

  “Princess is riding up front with me,” Caz says. “I want to feel her up in those tight yoga pants.”

  Galen growls. “Who the fuck wears yoga pants to a fight?”

  I prod him in the chest. “Someone who knows how important it is to remain flexible and alert, but I don’t expect you to understand that. Not with that giant stick shoved up your ass. Can you even walk with that thing?”

  “Okay, amusing and all as this is, we’ve got some heavy shit going down today, and you two need to zip it; otherwise, someone might get hurt.” Caz is dead serious as he warns us with his eyes.

  Galen climbs in the back without further protest, and I get in the front, and neither of us utters a word to one another the entire journey. Caz strokes my thigh while he drives, eliciting a rake of delicious shivers, and it distracts me from the upcoming fight.

  We pull up to the abandoned military base thirty minutes later. It’s bigger than I expected with a bunch of dilapidated buildings scattered around the vast area. Dirt kicks up behind us as Caz drives on bumpy, cracked roads toward a larger building on the western side of the plot. As we approach, I notice the peeling brown paint, broken roof, and cracked panes of glass on the high row of windows at the top of the structure. The warehouse is bordered by woodland at the side, a large overgrown field out to the front, and rusted iron gates at the rear that appear to be only loosely secured


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