The Moon Prophesy: (Maya Strom Series - Book 3)

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The Moon Prophesy: (Maya Strom Series - Book 3) Page 13

by A. B. Marie

  She giggles, “Penny said that you would just be a fuck buddy for the rest of your life, and I voted that you would eventually cave and have pretty babies with her and bond.”

  He laughs out loud. “Well, then you’ll win. I know I’ll eventually succumb. The guys all accepted me, but we keep everything quiet. I would love to have kids one day, once my business calms down. I want to be around for my kids.”

  He leaves a little while later and we decide to take a break from the magic room for the night and spend time in the jacuzzi.

  “So, you really knew about him this entire time and never said a word?” I look down at her and can’t take my eyes off her naked breasts.

  “Mmm. I didn’t want to jinx it. He belongs with them. My mom already has six men, what’s another? I kind of caught on when I was about ten and saw my mom and Brant walk into their special room.” She shrugs and leans her hair back to get it wet again.

  “I wonder when it’ll happen.”

  We spend the next two weeks getting our shop ready to open, and Luna’s entire family, along with Brant, show up opening morning to congratulate us, and help out with the store.

  We had a long, successful day and we filled up on our weekend seminars. The academy opens up next week and Nolan also received a handful of new recruits for his private school.

  This weekend we will be doing our seminars on specific potions and spells: healing, warding, and protection. It’s sad that so many witches and warlocks need help, but some signed up to work different weekends to “pay” for their time. We have about twenty others that paid.

  Lucifer takes Luna and I out that night for dinner and we head to his castle in the Hell realm for the night. He has dessert brought to his room and we feed Luna by hand and lick chocolate off of her body.

  “Fuck, someone fuck me, please!” She moans out after about half an hour of teasing.

  Lucifer licks her clit and rubs her ass with his hands. “When are you going to stop the birth control potions, my moon?” He kisses her lower stomach and groans. “I need to see you full of my children.”

  She chokes. “Children?”

  He chuckles and shoves his fingers into her pussy. “We’re shapeshifters now. You’ll have at least three at a time, Luna. Did you not learn this?”

  She groans and writhes around his fingers, “No. We did not learn the reproductive systems of demons. Just what they are and how we can’t kill them, but how to harm them.” She pants out in between breaths.

  He hums and rolls over and nods to me to take over. I check her pussy to make sure she’s wet and I slam into her with my cock. I give her a second to adjust and I pound into her thinking of her having our children. “Yeah, babe, when can we?” I chuckle out as I shove my hand in between us and pinch her clit.

  She glares at me before arching up and moaning loud while she comes. I pump through her orgasm until she clamps down too hard and I release deep inside her.

  She catches her breath, “I wanted to enjoy being out of school and running our shop before I start popping out kids. We JUST mated.”

  I roll over and give her a look. “Your mom got pregnant with you at eighteen. Look at how successful and happy they are.”

  Lucifer chuckles at the look she’s giving me and flips her over to her front. He spanks her ass and bites down on her neck. “Just think about it.” Then he slams into her with his massive cock, that makes even me wince, and she screams out as he pounds into her and holds onto her hips with a bruising grip. I wiggle my hand under her hips and rub her clit and I kiss her while she’s moaning. They both come after he gives her another bite on her neck, and we lay down to catch our breath.

  “Fine. Soon. Just let me enjoy life before we have a million screaming kids like my parents.”

  Chapter 18

  A Year Later



  Our first year of business has been amazing. We have at least two helpers per weekend to pay for their seminars, and we’re fully booked every weekend we have them. Lucifer spends a majority of his time with us at our estate but leaves to go to his meetings while we work at the shop.

  We spend a lot of time with my family and have gone on a few short trips to the family island and our vacation home in the Florida Keys. The princes come with us a lot and it’s always insanity when they do. They drink so much and encourage everyone else around them to drink and get into trouble. Lucifer has been hinting to me to spend more time with them, but I haven’t done more than kiss Lust and Pride so far. Lust is every woman’s dream with his silky blonde hair, glowing green eyes, and a perfect, lean and muscled body. Pride has short light brown hair, and gorgeous, deep maroon eyes, but he’s more heavily muscled, just like Wrath.

  About six months after our shop opened, Brant took my mom out to dinner and begged her to bond to him. I guess he couldn’t take it anymore.

  He’s hiring more help and project managers so that he can spend more time with them being a part of the family instead of a family friend.

  He moved in shortly after and sold his home, and I tease them about when they’re going to have their babies. Brant always glares at me and my mom laughs her ass off. Kimberly is only two years away from going to the academy, so I’m sure my mom wants a break. It’s not like they don’t have the time. Her and Brant travelled for a month after they completed their soul bond, and because of her whacky magic, it still fully bonded to him. It was hilarious watching him try to teleport and not be able to leave the grounds. After a month, he finally got the hang of it and can teleport everywhere we all can. He’s still getting used to the excess magic, but he was already a really strong warlock, so it is going well for him.

  Vick, Lucifer, and I are thick as thieves. We spend some nights in Hell and run around in our shifter forms, well I did until they knocked me up, about three months after the shop opening. I couldn’t handle their begging anymore, and I stopped taking the potion without them knowing.

  When I found out, I had Lucy bake a cake and invited my whole family over and when it was presented, both Vick and Lucifer had tears in their eyes and wouldn’t let me out of their sight for months. The cake read: We’re having a baby! Yeah… We didn’t tell my parents about the multiple babies thing until Beatrice did my ultrasound. I only let my mom come in the room with me because I was getting annoyed with their obsession with me and my stomach. I got huge, fast.

  Turns out, I have four babies growing in my massive stomach. I’m about thirty-two weeks along and should be going into labor soon since it’s a multiple birth. Three boys and one girl, and Lucifer is hoping for at least one boy to be the heir.

  Vick doesn’t care if any of them are his, he’s just obsessed with my belly and holding onto me all hours of the day. I have a feeling they’re his though, since I’m with him a lot more. We’ll see.

  As the weeks go by, I’m put on bed rest and Vick takes over working at the shop for this last week before we close for two months. We’re going online only and will be working from home to sending out orders and doing online meetings for the seminars.

  Today at thirty-five weeks, my water broke and I’m in my tub in my bathroom crying and groaning about how rude these men are for impregnating me with so many children. It’s damn offensive is what it is.

  Beatrice, the healer that delivered me, and my mom have been with me for six hours now. We kicked out all the men until it’s time to push.

  I glare over to Beatrice and groan. “How much longer?”

  She laughs, “You’re about seven centimeters dilated. Soon, my Luna girl.” I try to smile at her, but I can’t. I’ve known her my whole life. She attended to all of my mom’s births and is around a lot to deal with our massive family. She still works in the infirmary at the Goddess Academy and loves it. Her short, black hair is tied back, and her green eyes are narrowed with concentration. She’s wearing pink and blue scrubs that say, ‘happy birthday’ all over them.

  My mom sits beside me and braids my hair back
again after wetting it and wiping down all of the sweat. “I love you. I can’t believe I’m going to be a grandma!” She giggles and I growl at her.

  “When you and Brant start popping out babies, I’m going to sit next to the tub and drink champagne and poke at you.”

  She laughs at me and rubs my back as another contraction hits.

  When it’s time to push, Beatrice calls out for my men to come into the room and I push for what feels like hours. First one out is my little girl, with black hair, swirling eyes with green, blue, and black colors, and she’s so tiny. She cries out and Lucifer takes her to hold and cradle to his chest.

  “My daughter.” I smile at him and nod at him to name her. “Penelope Maya Strom.” My mom sobs and stares at her granddaughter.

  The next one finally comes out with blonde-purple hair and the same colored eyes as Penelope. Vick immediate takes him after he’s cleaned up and cuddles him to his neck. “Carter Raymond Strom.” Which is dad C’s real first name. Vick chose to also use Raymond as a nod to mom’s, dad T’s, and dad R’s dad, which is also the full name of my middle name.

  Baby number three looks identical to Carter and Lucifer groans while Vick chuckles. “Malcolm Markus Strom.” My mom smiles and takes turns smiling and kissing them all. She has tears pouring down her face.

  Number four takes the longest to push out. Turns out he’s a triplet. “Jensen Riggs Strom.”

  My mom laughs out, “Now how many more babies do you plan on having if you’re naming them after our family?” I close my eyes and groan.

  “I think I’m four and done.”

  Lucifer chuckles, “Ah, oh well. Hello, my daughter. Future Queen of Hell. The heir.”

  Beatrice gets us all sorted and in bed. I spend what feels like hours nursing all four of them until I finally am able to sleep. We have four bassinets side by side along my side of the bed, and four nurseries along the hall that the guys set up as a surprise a few months ago. After getting all of the babies settled, Lucifer helps me into the shower and helps me wash up. He brushes out my hair and carries me back to bed.

  The first few months of having four newborns was torture, thankfully I had a lot of help with my mom, Aunt Penny, my men, Lucy – my housekeeper, Lucas – my chef, and all of my siblings. Vick ran our shop on his own after we opened back up when the babies were two months old, and I tried to come in for a few hours a day to help.

  At six months old, we brought them to work with us and when they napped, I would work downstairs, and Vick, Lucifer, and I would switch off watching the babies or working. The seven princes are pretty much running hell on their own, until they really need Lucifer for something. They are actually really great with the babies, but I make them dampen their crazy magic while around them.

  Lust likes to use his lust powers on me at night when the kids are asleep, just to get a rise out of Lucifer, since he’s so back and forth on what this connection I feel to them means. Vick and I basically start stripping and wanting to fuck him and then we end up having fun in bed for hours. Hopefully over time that dampens, or Lucifer just gives up and lets them all join.



  Thirty Years Later


  We’re about to be great grandparents. This is terrifying. All of our children are living their own lives, we still have two attending the academy – one is in their last year and the other has two more years. The others are busy with either their businesses, traveling, living in a different country, or even another realm.

  The only child that stayed right down the road has been Luna. About five years after Maya had Kimberly, Maya and Brant had a set of adorable, blonde-purple haired twins with blue and green-violet eyes. They’re about to turn twenty-seven and are both living in California for the time being. Maya was done having kids after that, until Nolan and Collins complained about only having one child each, so she had two more children.

  Grand total is fourteen.

  Luna has eleven kids so far, but she swears after each pregnancy she won’t have any more. I give it another five years before she has another set of multiples. She had the first four, then four years later had a set of all girl triplets, two were Vicks and one was Lucifer’s, and only a year later had another set of all girl quadruplets, three were Lucifer’s and one was Vick’s.

  Those were trying times.

  It still fucks with my head when they show up with all seven princes surrounding them from the Hell realm. I don’t have it in me to ask if they’re all together or not. They sure act like it sometimes.

  Not that we have room to talk, as Maya has seven of us men. I called it when she finally slept with Brant all those years ago. Maya doesn’t know, but Troy and I had a bet going the first day we met him. It took over twenty years to happen, but it finally did. And I still have the Aston Martin and a yacht to prove it. Maya just thinks they were exceptional birthday gifts from Troy.

  William is the only other one of our kids who has settled down, mated, and had kids. He’s with a wonderful, kind, and normal witch, who he met in his last year at the academy. It took over a decade for Willow to agree to even date the poor kid.

  Now they have two kids and they travel the world teaching the underprivileged, when William is on breaks. He decided to become a professor in Germany, and wants to become a Headmaster, just like his dad, Collins, was.

  All of the other brats are spread out, living their “best lives”. None of them want to settle down when they’re so young. They figured that with immortality, they want to have fun, date, travel, and split their times in all the realms since the wars are over, thanks to Maya and Luna.

  All of our parents are around a lot. Hopefully Mr. and Mrs. Riggs, and Mrs. Collins are around for a long time. They still look to be in their thirties or forties, so they should be around for at least a couple more centuries.

  We still have both of our clubs, the magic shop, and Maya’s prisoners. Lucifer has gifted her a couple more here and there over the years, and that’s where she spends her free time. She pays the most attention to Bianca and her little friend that kidnapped Luna and tried to kill her. She kills them at least once a month. Usually with fire or drowning. Sometimes she will use more magic or makes them fight to the death when she wants a show. The others she just chains up and slices up when she has a bad day. With all of our kids grown and out of the house, I wonder what we will get ourselves into when we are empty nesters after the last two graduate from the academy. I give it a decade, or less, until we start having babies again.

  The heir of Hell, our granddaughter Penelope, is the complete opposite of Lucifer. That girl took after her wonderful mom and is the sweetest woman in the world. She helps teach with Nolan, helps in her parent’s shop to help witches and warlocks with their magic, and travels all over the realms to help children and adults of all supernatural capabilities, or even just human.

  She’s starting up a non-profit foster home for orphans or anyone that just needs help. She will fund everything from clothing, food, bills, and even will pay for top-notch education.

  Heart of gold, just what we all needed.

  From what I know and have seen, she’s had a steady girlfriend for about a decade, and we all held our breath when Lucifer found out. But thank the Creator, he just smiled and hugged her girlfriend, and welcomed her to the family.

  They don’t want children so far, Penelope just wants to adopt all of the orphaned children they come across.

  “Damn it, dad, can you get out. It’s too crowded in here!” Luna yells at me while running back into the master bedroom, where I’m standing in the middle of, for some more towels. Malcolm, Carter, and Jensen – Penelope’s womb mates, is what we call all of her litters of kids - all fell in love with the same witch while traveling to Australia a few years ago. They somehow got the poor girl to fall in love with their crazy asses and knocked her up. Luckily, she’s only having twins. We don’t know what sort of magic they will have, since usually when d
emons procreate with humans or witches, the shifter side takes over and they will be born with no magic. Time will tell.

  “It’s okay, Zel, I’m right here.” I hear Luna cooing to her. The boys are sitting on the bed close to me, looking terrified.

  I laugh and sit beside them. “Boys, you do know that your mother popped the three of you out, after your sister, and within an hour… With no meds?”

  All three stare at me wide-eyed, “She fucking birthed all of us naturally? Without being knocked out? Weren’t all of us massive?”

  I shrug. “There have been too many kids. But I was sitting right where you were when my baby girl gave birth. Every time. All natural. And in that very tub your poor wife is birthing in right now.”

  Malcolm shakes his head. “Damn. I knew mom was a badass, but damn. I don’t really remember how it was with our other siblings. We were usually with you after she went into labor.”

  Luna calls out, “Time to push. Boys, get in here!”

  It’s just Luna with her today, since Beatrice actually settled down. She quit her job at the infirmary and is off who knows where. Probably opened up a hospital somewhere. Or is taking a much-needed break. Maya is with all of the others, keeping them quiet and downstairs. No one wanted to miss more babies being born.

  “Okay, breathe. Next contraction, I need you to push. Follow your body’s instincts. You got this, Zel.” I look in and Luna is rubbing Zelda’s back, and moves back in front of her. She actually got into the water with her. Damn. Beatrice never did that.

  I sit back on the counter in the bathroom, and smile at the boys. They look terrified and pale. This is great.


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