Cocky Suit: A Hero Club Novel

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Cocky Suit: A Hero Club Novel Page 11

by Harlow Layne

  “I don’t need a lot of sleep, so I get up early, take the dogs for a walk, sometimes I take Sarah and Orvy for a run, and then hit the gym for some weight training.” It showed too.

  I liked my sleep too much to get up early to workout. It was all I could do to keep my eyes open at the moment, but I liked talking to King so I pushed through the exhaustion. Even though he said he didn’t open up to anyone, he didn’t seem to have a problem talking to me and letting little snippets about his life slip.

  His lips trailed down my neck and across my shoulder. “When we wake up, I want you to sit on my face and come all over it.”

  Hello! That woke me up. I loved all the dirty ways King wanted me. He made me realize I was lucky Haider had cheated on me because never once in our relationship did we have sex like this. I think King had given me more orgasms in one day than my three years with Haider.

  “I heard your heart pick up. You like the sound of that, don’t you?” His teeth nipped the curve of my shoulder.

  “Very much so.” It was a little embarrassing my body gave me away so easily. Now that he’d mentioned our next time, I needed to bring up birth control and condoms. Every time I’d tried, he deflected with his mouth in a strategic place. While I loved every ounce of pleasure he’d given me, I wouldn’t love it if he gave me an STD. “King.” I started off, moving onto my side as best as I could and wrapped my arms around him in an attempt to keep him from fleeing.

  “Yes, Pria?” The arm draped around my waist gave me a little squeeze.

  I wasn’t sure how to say it so I did it the only way I could. I blurted out the words and then wanted to bury my head into my pillow. “I thought I should put it out there, but we haven’t used a condom.”

  Without any effort on his part, King slipped out of my arms to lean on his elbow and look down at me with an unreadable expression on his face. “I’m aware.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “I don’t want an STD.”

  “Neither do I.”

  I huffed. Why was he being so obtuse? “We didn’t discuss our sex life and I haven’t had a chance to get tested since I found out that my ex was cheating on me.”

  King’s brows furrowed. “I hadn’t thought about that. Do you think he gave you anything?”

  “I don’t know,” I exclaimed a little too loudly. In all actuality, I hadn’t thought about it until now. “I didn’t think he’d cheat on me in the first place. The only saving grace is that it had been a few months since we’d slept together, but who knows what that hussy gave him.”

  King dipped down and laughed into my neck. He seemed to like it and spent a great deal of time there. “Hussy? That’s what you call her?”

  “Do you have a better word?” Now I was getting annoyed.

  “Bitch? Slut? I can think of more words that are from this decade.”

  “Ha, ha. You’re so funny. But really none of this is funny. Even if Haider didn’t give me anything, you very well could.”

  His laser like green eyes narrowed into slits at me. “Is that what you think of me? That I’m a walking STD?”

  “No, of course, I don’t, but I don’t know where you’ve been. You’ve got the reputation of a womanizer. And while you’re great and all, I’m not ready for a baby.”

  King sputtered next to me. “A baby?”

  “Yes, you do know how babies are made don’t you?” And here I thought he was smart.

  King rolled his eyes at me. It looked so foreign on his face. “Yes, I know how babies are made.” I continued to look up at him waiting for him to say more and watched as his eyes widened. His throat bobbed as he swallowed. “Are you not on birth control?”

  “Yes, I’m on the pill, but it’s not one hundred percent effective. I would have appreciated if you wouldn’t have blocked me every time I tried to ask you about it. Each time you touched me, my body betrayed me, and I forgot all about being safe. Now that you’ve dumped your cum in me half a dozen times, I thought it would be smart for us to have the talk.”

  King rolled over until he was hovering over me, looking me in the eyes with his laser like focus. “Contrary to what others say, I don’t sleep around. When I was younger, I can admit I was a bit of a womanizer, but that got old when the women I slept with wanted more.” I wanted to ask what more they wanted, and it must have shown because King answered my unspoken question after letting out a frustrated breath. “Either they wanted more attention than I was willing to give, which wasn’t much, I’ll be honest, or they wanted me to spend money on them for fucking them. I don’t play that way. The worst were the ones who used me to get ahead any way they could. They weren’t worth the hassle. You know the hours I work.” He gave a half shrug. “It’s easier all the way around for me to use my hand.”

  King smirked down at me. I wasn’t sure what to think. It seemed unfathomable that he jacked off instead of using any number of women at his disposal. I believed him though. What I wasn’t sure of was if I was there because I was convenient and he was tired of using his hand or if he liked me. I hated being insecure like that, but I was thanks to my ex. I felt as if I couldn’t trust my instincts about men. I didn’t want to be wrong about another one. King had to know I wasn’t using him. No one could know that I fucked my boss for a weekend. Which was all it ever could be. Just one glorious weekend with orgasms galore.

  “If it makes you feel better, I’ve used protection with every woman I’ve ever been with.”

  Now it was my turn for my eyes to narrow. “Are you only saying that to make me feel better or are you telling the truth?”

  “One thing you’ll learn about me is that I always tell the truth. Even if it will hurt your feelings, I always tell it like it is. I don’t like liars.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “Good, now you know I’ll never lie to you and I expect you’ll never lie to me.” King was back to being the man I was used to at the office. He was commanding and serious.

  “I won’t. I promise,” I vowed softly as I looked up at him.

  “Good.” He nodded down at me before he stood. King’s mouth was downturned, our moment ruined. “Get some sleep.”

  I watched him walk away, his toned ass flexing with every step. Even dead tired and fully sated, seeing King naked before me had me wanting him again. Everything about him was all male and perfect. In a way, it made me sad thinking King probably thought he had to be perfect at all times, no matter the circumstances. Yes, I was reaping the rewards, but I also wanted to see his flaws. Inside and out. I wanted him to let his guard down and just be King. The man who had the face of a sweet, gorgeous boy and not the guarded man moving away from me.

  I must have fallen asleep while thinking about the King he showed everyone because the next time I blinked my eyes open it was dark in the room and the man himself was spooned up behind me with his arm draped around my waist and his hand cupping my breast.

  Slowly turning in his arms so I didn’t wake him up, I stopped when I was face-to-face with King. I was shocked to see how young and peaceful he looked while asleep. His long lashes fanned out across his cheeks and his lips were slightly parted letting out little puffs of air. I wanted to trace my finger over his straight nose and high cheekbones, but I held myself back, so I didn’t wake him. Kingston may have acted as if he wasn’t tired, but it was obvious he’d been more worn out than either of us had thought.

  My eyes trailed to his messy blond hair that hung over his forehead, stopping back over his angelic face, and then down over to the bronzed skin of his torso. King had a light smattering of hair on his chest and stomach that I wanted to run my finger through. Everything about him had me falling under his spell. I couldn’t let myself turn into a lovesick fool and I knew I most certainly shouldn’t have had sex with him. Maybe I should have packed my stuff and got the hell out of there before he woke up. I could have sucked it up and stayed with my dad and Lao Lao until I found a place. What I really needed to do was tell him that I knew his family.

��I can feel you staring at me,” King grumbled.

  My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I’d been so lost in my own thoughts, I hadn’t noticed him wake up. “Sorry, I was trying to figure out what to do.”

  “To do about what?” His left eye opened to peek out at me before he closed it again.

  “Pack up and leave or—”

  King’s eyes flashed open. “What do you mean, leave? I thought we were having a fun weekend.”

  “We are or were, but we aren’t being smart. I’m having sex with my boss and the more I’m around you the more… I don’t know. I guess the more I like you. You’re likable most of the time and I don’t want to get fired or hate you when this all turns to shit.” I blurted the last part out in a fast breath.

  “Why do you think it will all turn to shit? I’m not going to fire you, Pria.” He blew out a frustrated breath. “We’re both adults and can handle anything bad that may come and act amicably, don’t you think?”

  “I agree, but I’m not sure if I can keep myself from feeling things for you. You have heartbreak written all over you and I just got out of a serious relationship.”

  “Okay, slow down. I’m not going to break your heart and I’m well aware of when your last relationship ended. How about we make a deal? If you start to feel things that you don’t want to feel, we stop having sex even if you haven’t found a place to stay. Things will go back to usual and you’ll still have your job.”

  “How do you have all the answers? Aren’t you worried I’ll turn into some crazy stalker and steal your dogs?”

  “Are you worried you’ll fall for them too?” He grinned, not taking me seriously. No, I wouldn’t run off with his dogs or stalk him, but I could easily fall for him. I already had for his amazing cock and mouth. “It’s the weekend. Relax. It’s an order from your boss and you should always do what he says.”

  I smiled at him, letting it all go. He was right. I was taking everything too seriously. It was time I enjoy myself, and Kingston Avery was, without fail, the best person for me to take pleasure in. I brushed my lips against his. “I should, should I?”

  “Yes, Ms. Wang, you should. I believe you had a date on my face. What do you say you fuck my mouth and then we’ll get some takeout and watch a movie?”

  Perfect. “Sounds like a date.”



  From the corner of my eye, I spotted Pria wince from her corner of the couch. I wasn’t sure what the wince or the distance on the couch was about. My mouth had touched every inch of her body. After that level of intimacy, I couldn’t understand why she chose to sit so far away from me. Was it my speech earlier about not letting anyone get close to me and not doing girlfriends? Was that why she had wanted to leave when I woke up?

  Orvy nudged Pria’s leg, making her shift in her seat and this time she couldn’t hide the look of pain on her face.

  “Orvy, go lie down,” I commanded. I had a feeling my dear, Ms. Wang had spoiled the other residents of my penthouse while I was gone. Hell, she was spoiling me. My sex life would never be the same.

  “He’s fine. Maybe he needs to go out. I can take him.” Gingerly she tried to get up.

  “You’re not taking him anywhere like that. What the hell happened? Did you fall down at some point and I missed it?”

  Clutching a pillow to her chest, she laughed without humor. “I believe I fell on your dick one too many times, Mr. Avery.”

  Hearing Pria call me Mr. Avery while only in my T-shirt made my dick twitch. Had I been too rough earlier? Sitting up a little straighter, I asked concerned, “Did I hurt you?”

  Pria waved me off. “You didn’t do anything but give me a good time. The problem is the only thing that’s been shoved up my vagina in the last three years was no bigger than a tampon.”

  I blinked back at her words. Surely the ex was bigger than that, but given how tight she was, not by much.

  “Does that mean sex is off the table for the rest of the weekend?”

  Her eyes turned to slits. “Oh my God, King. What is with you and wanting to have sex all weekend?”

  Because it was great and felt fantastic.

  “I swear you’re trying to get me pregnant.”

  What the hell was she talking about? We’d already talked about birth control and she swore she was on the pill.

  “I thought you said you were—”

  “I am, but it’s like you want to defeat the odds by coming in me as many times as possible.”

  “I could pull out and come on you if that will make you feel better.” Now that the thought was in my head, I did like the idea of coating her skin with my cum.

  Her eyes darkened. It seemed Ms. Wang liked the thought as much as I did. “That’s not the point.”

  “Pria, you act as if your birth control has an expiration date. You do know how it works right? It’s not as if, when you have sex by some magical number say one hundred, you’ll get pregnant that time.”

  She rolled her eyes at me. “I do know how it works and I’m sorry, I don’t want to fight. I know you don’t want a child with me.” She sighed, rubbing Orvy between the ears. He hadn’t stopped laying his head on her leg and staring up at her. “I feel like a failure because my body couldn’t handle your dick.”

  “You’re not a failure. I shouldn’t have pushed it, especially when I knew how tight you are. How long has it been since you’ve had sex?” She’d mentioned it had been a while, but I wasn’t sure how long that entailed.

  “With a dick as big as yours? Never. With any dick? Six months. How long has it been since you had sex?” Her eyes gleamed. I had a feeling she’d wanted to know this answer before but was afraid I wouldn’t answer.

  I thought back to the last time I’d had sex. It had been quite some time. “Probably five or six months.”

  Pria sputtered and coughed, seeming to choke on the air. She looked at me with wide brown eyes in disbelief, but she knew I was telling the truth. What she couldn’t believe is that I’d gone that long without sticking my dick in someone. I’d gone longer, but I wouldn’t tell her that. If it wasn’t for the woman who sat in front of me, my celibacy streak would still be going strong.

  A look of clarity came upon her face. “Ah, now I understand. I’m sorry to let you down, but we’re going to have to slow down and give my vajayjay a break.”

  What the hell? “Is your pussy this vajayjay you’re talking about?”

  “Yes, King. Not everyone calls it a pussy.”

  “Would you rather I refer to it as your cunt?”

  “No, I would not.” Her tone turned serious and slightly pissed off. She didn’t like the word cunt. Not many women did.

  “So, can I continue to call it your pussy because there’s no way in hell I’m going to call it that?”

  “You may.” She laughed and her entire face lit up. I didn’t think Pria had any idea how beautiful she was. Her tool of an ex had no idea what he had given up, but that was fine with me because now I got the pleasure of seeing her face brighten, whether it be from sex or from simple words.

  “Is there anything that will make you feel better down there?” I gestured between her legs. She may have said I could continue to call it her pussy, but I knew she didn’t love the word, and I hated calling it a vagina. It was too technical.

  Pria cocked her head to the side, looking over at me with her lips tipped up. “You do have that big tub in your bathroom. Perhaps a soak in some warm water will help alleviate my symptoms.”

  “Are you sure you don’t just want to get into my big tub?” I joked. I’d seen her eye it with longing every time she was in the bathroom.

  “I’m not going to lie and say I don’t want to take a test run in it because I do. It’s big enough to be a small swimming pool. I bet you haven’t set foot in it.”

  “And you’d be right. Give me a few minutes and I’ll get it ready for you.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I did just brutalize you
with my cock; it’s the least I can do.” For some strange reason, I wanted to do something nice for her, and it had nothing to do with if I made her feel better, I’d get to fuck her some more.

  Slipping the blanket off the back of the couch, I draped it over Pria and headed to get her bath ready. After turning the dual faucets on, I scavenged my cabinets for anything that could be used as bubble bath. Women liked bubble baths, didn’t they? Much to my dismay, I had nothing that could produce bubbles of any kind. I’d have to rectify that when I made my next grocery order because I planned to be inside Pria Wang as much as possible for as long as she’d let me.

  Once the water was filled a little over halfway, I went back into the living room to find Orvy and Jimmy up on the couch, on each side of Pria. They looked comfortable and like it wasn’t their first time up on the couch.

  All three of them seemed to notice me at the same time. Orvy and Jimmy jumped down from the couch looking guilty and Pria flinched as she stood. She was the guiltiest out of the bunch, but I couldn’t even be mad at her. I loved how much she seemed to care for my dogs, and I knew they loved her. Well, not Sarah, but she was a hard nut to crack. It wasn’t that my trio of four-legged friends didn’t like other people, but they didn’t snuggle up to anyone but me. Until now.

  “I’m so sorry, King. They jumped up to see me and I couldn’t tell them no. They’re just too sweet.”

  “Your bath is ready.” I turned on my heel and left. I wasn’t going to mention how I doubted it was the first time.

  I laid a towel and robe out for her to use once she was finished. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do while she soaked in the tub. I always had work to be done, but there was something about Pria that made me want to live my life even doing the simplest of things instead of spending almost every waking moment working.

  Pria stepped in the room and I swear her eyes got glassy. One hand covered her mouth as the other went to her chest. She took in the candles I’d lit around the room. Thank you, Mom, for stocking up on them for me. Too bad she hadn’t put any bubble bath or oils in here, but the candles seemed to do the trick.


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