A Mother for His Twins

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A Mother for His Twins Page 10

by Jill Weatherholt

  “That’s a relief.” Faith wiggled herself to sit up. “Is Bella with you? I’d like to see her.”

  “The doctor wanted you to rest—lie down.”

  Faith frowned. “I’ve got too many things to do to rest. So how is Bella? How did she react to me being rushed to the hospital? I’m sure all of this has scared her.”

  Joy could only dream of ever having the kind of bond Faith had with her child. There was something so special about a mother-and-daughter relationship. Since she and Faith had lost their mother when they were young, and she’d never have children of her own, it would always remain an unattainable dream. “She’s dying to see you. I know the doctor said to hold off, but should I go and sneak her in?”

  Faith clutched her sister’s wrist. “I’d like to talk with you first, if that’s okay.”

  Joy nuzzled up on the edge of the bed. The concerned look on her sister’s face made her uneasy. “Of course. Does the doctor know why you passed out?”

  Faith nodded. “Yes. Apparently I have a condition called preeclampsia.”

  Joy had heard of this, but wasn’t quite sure how serious it could be. “I think I’ve read something about this, but I don’t remember exactly what it is.”

  She squeezed Joy’s hand. “I know you’re a worrywart, but I don’t want you to be worried... Promise?”


  “It’s a condition caused by the pregnancy...or complications, something like that. Anyway, it typically occurs in the third trimester and it causes high blood pressure and elevated protein levels in the urine.”

  Joy’s heart raced. “This sounds pretty serious.”

  Faith’s face turned somber. “It can be.”

  Why was this happening? Her sister didn’t need any more challenges in her life. She’d had enough already. “Is there some medicine he can give to you?”

  “The doctor is hopeful that with bed rest, I’ll be okay.”

  Joy’s shoulders relaxed at the encouraging news. “Bed rest here or at home?” Joy knew Bella wouldn’t take it well if her mommy had to stay here.

  “Actually, that’s what I wanted to talk with you about. The doctor wants to monitor the babies for a day or two, so that means staying here. You know this is the last place I want to be. There are so many bad memories here, but if it’s best for the twins, I’ve got to stay.”

  Joy couldn’t agree more. If she had her way, she’d want Faith to stay here until she gave birth, but she knew that would probably be impossible. “What do you need me to do?” Faith never liked to ask for help. “Anything. I’m here for you.”

  “Can Bella stay with you until I come home? It would make it easier on Joshua. He’s so busy with the resort. If she stayed with you, he wouldn’t have to worry about shuttling her to and from school.”

  Faith looked pale and so tired.

  “Of course.” Joy squeezed Faith’s hand. “She can stay with me as long as necessary. Don’t you worry at all... Everything will be fine.”

  The two sisters rested side by side, listening to the sound of a black-capped chickadee chirping on an oak tree outside the window.

  Joy sat up a bit and looked at Faith. “Are you scared?”

  A tear slipped down her sister’s cheek and she nodded. “Yes, but I have to trust God that He’ll protect my babies. I think I’m more scared for Joshua. Since I told him I was pregnant, I’ve never seen him this happy. He’s always wanted children. I want to give him that gift.”

  Joy recalled when they were in the third grade and both had come down with strep throat. Their grandmother had sent them straight to bed, but Faith kept sneaking outside. She said she didn’t feel bad and she was bored. Joy had followed her grandmother’s instructions, and once better she’d ended up visiting Faith in the hospital, after she’d ended up with pneumonia. “You will, but you’ll have to follow the doctor’s orders. I know that you don’t like to lie around. But please, promise me, for the sake of your twins and your own health, you’ll follow his recommendations.”

  “Of course I will.” She rubbed her belly. “Could you bring Bella back? I need to see that sweet little face.”

  Joy kissed her sister’s cheek. “You got it. After you visit, we’ll head back to the Black Bear and help out the staff with the remaining activities.”

  Faith smiled. “Joshua would really appreciate that. I’d like for him to get back, too, but I have a feeling he’s going to want to stay here, which really isn’t necessary.”

  She was fully aware of Joshua’s feelings for her twin. She and Bella were his world. He’d always put his family before business. “Well, you know that’s not going to happen, so don’t try to fight it. I’ll take care of everything. You rest and let your husband spoil you and those precious babies.”

  Joy reached for her crutches leaning against the bed. She stood and her shoulders dropped a notch. Her sister was so blessed. To have a man who put his wife before his own wants and feelings was a rare find. At least it’d always been for her. “I’ll go get Bella.”

  She kissed her sister’s forehead and slowly hobbled out of the room. Despite lying in a hospital bed, she thought her twin was the most blessed woman she knew.

  Twenty minutes later, Joy spotted Joshua and Bella coming down the hallway. After visiting with Faith she’d taken her seat back in the waiting room in order to get off the crutches. Nick had been quite concerned about her sister’s condition and offered to help in any way. For the past ten minutes, he’d been in the play area entertaining his boys, who were already missing Bella.

  “Come see the puzzle, Bella!” Tyler shouted when the twins spotted her skipping down the hall.

  Her niece grinned from ear to ear. That was a good sign.

  Before heading to the playroom, the little girl stopped by Joy’s chair.

  “Mommy’s going to stay here for a little while so the babies can get better, but she said I can stay at your house.” A huge smile spread across her face. “Can we invite Jordan and Tyler over for a cookout and to watch a movie tonight?”

  Bella’s voice carried across the room and undoubtedly straight into Nick’s ears. He turned at the mention of his boys. Of course, the twins heard and immediately jumped to their feet. “Oh, can we, Daddy, please?” both cried out.

  A solemn Joshua stood quietly and observed.

  Joy had been afraid this would happen. With Bella staying at her house and being so close in proximity to the boys, it was only natural they’d want to play together. “We’ll talk about it. Why don’t you go over with the others so I can speak with your father?”

  Bella scampered across the room.

  “You okay?” Joy reached out for her brother-in-law’s hand.

  His boots clanked against the tile as he approached. He raked his hand across his face before reaching for hers. “That woman is amazing. She’s the one in the hospital, but she’s comforting me. I could barely hold it together back there.”

  “That’s because you’re a great husband. Thank you for being so good to my sister.”

  He sucked in a deep breath and then released. “If anything happens to her or the twins, I don’t know what I’ll do.” He sank down into the empty chair next to hers and covered his face with his hands.

  She reached over and rubbed his back. “You know my sister is as tough as they come. Those babies are going to be safe—she’ll make sure of it.”

  “Did she tell you the doctor might have to induce labor early if they can’t get her blood pressure down?”

  Faith hadn’t mentioned it, perhaps in hopes that if she didn’t, it wouldn’t come to fruition. “Even if she’s induced, she’s far enough along the twins would be okay. Please, don’t worry. Just pray. Our grandmother always taught us that prayer was powerful—it changes things.” As she spoke the words her mamaw preached, Joy wasn’t quite sure this applied to her. There’d be
en a lot of things she’d prayed for, but she always seemed to be left waiting.

  The two sat in silence for a couple of moments until Nick approached.

  He extended his hand to Joshua. “I’m sorry, man. Please, let me know if there’s anything I can do.”

  Joshua gripped the hand and rose to his feet. “Thanks, bud. Right now, I don’t know what end is up, but I appreciate it.”

  Joy had been around the resort enough to know the daily operation. Plus, with the top-notch staff, they’d keep things running smoothly. “Since I know you’re not going to leave your wife’s side, let me take Bella and we’ll go back to the Black Bear. I can handle the awards ceremony set for later this evening and wrap things up. Plus, there’s a lot of the school faculty there to help, too.”

  Joshua shook his head. “Oh, I was so concerned about Faith, I completely forgot about the ceremony.”

  “It’s all handled. You stay here and take care of my sister.”

  Nick looked at Joy and then to Joshua. “I’ll help her. Don’t worry about a thing.”

  The children ran to the adults. “We’ll help, too, Mr. Joshua,” Tyler added. “We love Ms. Kelliher and Bella, too.”

  Joy’s heart melted at Jordan and Tyler’s declaration. But was this a good idea? The more attached the boys got, the harder it would be to deal with the fallout once the principal position was filled. She couldn’t think about that now. She’d need all the help she could get to keep the resort and Bella’s life running as normal as possible. She looked at her brother-in-law. “See, we’ve got it covered.”

  * * *

  With the kids safely buckled in, Nick and Joy secured their belts. He slid the key into the ignition and turned the switch. Pressing the accelerator, Nick drove the SUV out of the hospital parking lot and onto the winding mountain road.

  Joy had been quiet since he’d offered to help out at the resort. It was the right thing to do. He’d always cared for Faith and now her family needed assistance. For now, he and Joy would have to act like grown-ups and put their individual beliefs of who would be the best person for the principal position aside.

  As the kids chattered in the back seat, Nick eased the accelerator when he reached a stop sign. He turned to Joy, who appeared lost in thought as she gazed out the passenger window.

  “You okay?”

  She nodded. “I’m just worried.”

  He knew her mind was heavy with concern for Faith. “She’s tough. Your sister and the babies will be fine. Right now she’s in the best place she can be and her husband is there with her.”

  Nick’s stomach twisted at his words and guilt crept in. Joshua was a much better husband than he’d ever been. He hadn’t been there for his wife when she needed him. As far as he was concerned, he was a pretty poor excuse for a man. What would Joy think if she knew the truth? Would she be thankful that his family had left and she’d never married him as they’d planned?

  “Look at all of the deer, Daddy.”

  Tyler’s announcement broke the silence that hung between the two adults.

  Nick turned the wheel and safely glided the SUV over to the shoulder of the road so all of the passengers could take in the beautiful sight. He gazed out to the open meadow and was amazed by the number of deer grazing. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many.”

  Joy smiled. “They know they’re safe there since it’s part of the Shenandoah National Park.”

  Bella had her nose pressed to the window. “They’re so pretty. They remind me of my mommy. She’s pretty, too, and she loves to watch the deer.” She sighed. “I miss her.”

  “I miss our mommy, too,” Tyler said.

  Nick eyed his sons in the rearview mirror. His boys were left heartbroken after the death of their mother—a death that could have been prevented had he not been so selfish. The brief period of joy brought about by the deer faded as he put the car into Drive and slowly pulled away.

  Ten minutes later when he turned into the entrance of the Black Bear, the grounds still buzzed with activity. Nick rounded to the other side of the car to open the door for Joy. The children hopped out while he pulled the crutches from the floor of the back seat.

  As they headed toward the main house, a tall, slender blonde woman ran toward them. “Oh, no! Is it broken?”

  “No, thankfully it’s only a minor sprain,” Joy answered with an eye roll.

  The woman embraced Joy. “That’s good to hear. How’s Faith? I’ve been so worried.”

  “It’s not good for you to worry, Sherida. She’ll be okay, but she has to stay in the hospital for a bit.”

  Sherida pulled away. “I want you and your sister’s family to be reassured that the staff and I have everything under control.”

  “I know you do, and we all appreciate it.” Joy focused her attention on Nick. “I apologize for my rudeness. Sherida, this is Nick Capello and his boys, Tyler and Jordan.”

  The boys smiled and Nick extended his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  He knew the name. Faith and Joshua’s employee—the one living with Crohn’s disease, but she looked healthy. How could that be? Sherida didn’t look anything like his wife had before she died. The last couple of months of her life, Michelle had been so thin and without color. Why hadn’t he noticed it until it was too late?

  Sherida’s touch was gentle when she placed her hand in his. “It’s nice to meet you,” she said softly. “Thank you so much for coming and bringing your adorable boys. Joshua, Faith and the entire staff have worked so hard on this event. It’s wonderful to see such a great turnout, especially since so many are donating to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. I’ve been completely overwhelmed by the support of the community.” Sherida smiled.

  Joy stepped closer and placed her hand on Sherida’s forearm. “According to my sister, if it weren’t for you the Black Bear would have never survived its first few months.” She turned to Nick. “Sherida was their first official hire when they opened. She has superb marketing skills. In fact, last month it was named one of the top inns in the state.”

  “We’re all a team here.” Sherida beamed.

  Nick noticed the redness that dotted her cheeks. Obviously the woman was quite humble.

  “How have you been feeling?” Joy asked.

  “Since I’ve been on this new medication, I feel fantastic. I wish this drug had been around ten years ago. It would have saved me a lot of suffering.”

  Nick wrung his hands together. If only he’d paid attention to his wife, he could have gotten her on this medication. Sherida looked like the picture of health.

  “That’s great news,” Joy said. “Since Joshua won’t be back at the inn this evening, we wanted to see if there’s anything we can do to help.”

  Sherida glanced at the children, who were running in circles trying to keep themselves entertained. “It looks like you both have your hands full with those three. I’ve got plenty of help, so don’t worry about anything. Go along and enjoy your evening. Besides, a lot of the teachers have already left. You’ve done your duty here,” she softly insisted.

  Joy hugged Sherida. “Just call if you need anything. Bella and I will swing by tomorrow.”

  They said their goodbyes and the group strolled toward the parking lot.

  “Can we grill hamburgers and hot dogs on your firepit, Aunt Joy?”

  Nick looked at Joy with an arched brow. He knew the kids had probably cooked up this plan while they were working on the puzzle back at the hospital. He hated to disappoint them, but an evening with Joy probably wasn’t a good idea.

  “It looks as though our night has been planned. Are you okay with it?” Joy asked as she adjusted her crutches under her arm.

  “Sure, it’s okay, isn’t it, Daddy?” Tyler spoke out. “Besides, you make the best burgers in the world.”

  Didn’t he get a vote? Nick’s sto
mach twisted, but he’d have to do what was best for his boys. They deserved to have as much fun as they could today. Truth be told, he was a little surprised she agreed to the plan, especially after he’d put his foot in his mouth while they were at the hospital. “Okay, let’s head back to the house.” He turned to Joy.

  “What about my clothes, Aunt Joy? And my teddy bear... I can’t sleep without him.”

  “Oh, I wasn’t even thinking. I’m glad you mentioned your things, sweetie.” She faced Nick. “You and the twins go ahead. Bella and I can meet you at the house, since my tire has been fixed.”

  “You sure you’re okay to drive on that foot?” Nick could sense his protective instincts taking hold.

  Joy laughed. “I don’t use my left foot to drive, silly.”

  Right... What was he thinking? He knew what he was thinking. He was excited to have more time with Joy. “I guess you’re right. Would you like for me and the boys to stop at the store on the way over?” he offered.

  “Let’s all ride together to the market. I have a few things I need to pick up, along with the items for the cookout.”

  Nick watched as Joy hobbled along on the crutches toward Bella’s house. He wondered how different his life would be if his father hadn’t moved his family to Chicago. Would he and Joy have gone ahead with their plans to marry? What about now? If he ever thought about remarrying, could he have a future with Joy? His throat grew thick. Who was he kidding—he wasn’t husband material. She deserved much better than a man like him.

  Chapter Nine

  A half an hour later, Joy had returned to her house and everyone was congregated on the driveway. The children were bursting with anticipation of an evening spent together. Joy had mixed feelings. Why had she agreed to this get-together? Was she doing it for the children or did she deep down want to spend more time with Nick?

  “Is everyone ready to head out to the grocery store to get what we need?” Nick glanced up at the sky. “It looks like it’ll be a perfect evening for a cookout—crisp, but not too cold, if we all bundle up.”


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