at the wheel.
schooner’s a lot the better boat. And there’s
Looking ahead into the smoky sunset,
quite a bit of money, too, dear. I threw a lot of Tiri took another dried tentacle and crunched
it away and I’d have got rid of the rest the
into its crisp, salty sweetness. He knew the
same way—money that my poor old dad made
two were talking nonsense. Lovers always did.
by bucking the game. I’ve never earned a
Was he not a lover? Was there not a girl even
cent—so far. I’m not much—but I think I
now who would be waiting for him to come
could be—it’s different now——”
back with wild ginger wreaths for his wide
They had given the raucous shoulders.
phonograph to the delighted crew. Now it
Life was good! Fight—food—mating,
suddenly blared out:
Very good!
The Pendulum of the Skull by J Page 5