The Mirror of the Moment

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The Mirror of the Moment Page 15

by Richard Palmer

  communication with a friend; finding happiness in your career

  choice; receiving pleasurable financial news; striving for greater

  harmony in workplace relations; building on your pleasurable

  success in a current relationship.

  When The Six of Cups is revealed Reversed in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: romantic wishes remaining


  living in the false light of a past love; clinging to

  outworn friendships; nurturing false hope concerning a potential


  The Mirror of the Moment

  relationship; disappointment in your career progress; financial

  wishes remaining unfulfilled; a friendship that will not blossom

  into romance; emotional disharmony between friends; the possible

  need for a trial separation.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Earned Success

  Mercury in Aquarius


  Beneath a gray and cloudless sky a man uses a long pole to propel

  a small boat containing a woman and a young child away from a

  place of turbulent waters towards a calmer shore in the distance.

  The woman’s head and body are completely covered and six

  swords stand upright in the bow and appear to enclose the two

  figures as though forming a partial cage. Even though their points

  have been thrust into the bottom of the boat they do not seem to

  cause any leakage. Success has been earned through the

  invigorating and rejuvenating energy of Aquarius informing the

  mind. The dream of a passage to the mental freedom of calmer

  waters and a tranquil shore has finally been realized.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Mind when informed by the higher mental waters of Aquarius

  rises up to the level to a level of insight where it can perceive how

  to earn a successful passage out of its difficulties and move

  towards a better situation. The power of Mercury is enhanced by

  the higher mental energies of Aquarius and even though some

  difficulties may still remain the new sense of freedom that an

  earned passage to calmer waters brings allows the mind to

  experience a new strength and emerge from the cage of it’

  s current

  mental difficulties.


  When The Six of Swords is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: surmounting present difficulties

  through union with the Higher Mind; a passage opening up to a

  calmer shore; success after troubles and anxieties; a better future

  coming into sight; discovering new financial freedom; difficulties

  and obstacles in a romantic relationship being overcome; the need

  to move forward into better employment circumstances; resolving

  to deal with your problems; attaining a new sense of mental

  freedom; obstacles to a successful career finally being overcome.

  When The Six of Swords is revealed Reversed in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: remaining stuck where you are;

  finding no easy way out; discovering only temporary relief from

  your troubles;

  making the best of a bad situation; the need to

  “tough it out”for the time being; there being no immediate way








  relationship struggles lying ahead; more effort being necessary to

  overcome obstacles to your career advancement; not giving up

  hope for deliverance.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Material Success

  Moon in Taurus


  A successful and prosperous merchant expresses the highest and

  noblest character of the earth sign Taurus by sharing his abundance

  and good fortune with two individuals who are in need of financial

  help. In his hand he holds an evenly balanced scale from which he

  in turn dispenses a just and equal measure of golden coins to each

  individual kneeling before him. The sky is neutral gray while the

  walkway is of a deeper shade of gray. Six golden pentacles hang

  suspended in the air above them. To the rear there is a hint of

  greenery and the castle manor home of the merchant lord can be

  seen far off in the distance.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  A noble and compassionate Moon acts upon the material energies

  of Taurus and a generous heart achieves emotional balance in the

  material world by sharing part of the blessings gifted to it with

  those of





  stature. Through this

  compassionate act the higher dimension of Taurus is attained and

  enduring values are created which serve as a foundation for a life

  well lived. Such a life is worthy of self respect and the admiration

  and emulation of others.

  True humanity consists of spiritual

  identification with those whose lot in this life is more difficult than

  our own and in the recognition that true wealth lies in the

  generosity of one’

  s spirit and not in the size of one’

  s fortune.


  When The Six of Pentacles is revealed Upright in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: success; sharing your prosperity

  with the less fortunate; expressing greater philanthropy in your

  life; good fortune approaching you; continued financial prosperity

  ahead; success and profit in a current undertaking; an increase in

  your social status; good fortune in a personal relationship; a need

  to express greater compassion towards others; achieving moral

  success in your life.

  When The Six of Pentacles is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: failure; a lack of compassion

  toward others; being miserly when you should be generous; debts

  piling up without your knowledge; succumbing to financial

  carelessness; potential loss through theft; ones prosperity being

  threatened; a failure to face the harsh financial facts confronting

  you; living a life consumed by greed; financial insolvency

  overtaking you; courting economic failure; ill fortune in a personal



  The Mirror of the Moment

  The Sevens


  Seven are unstable numbers. After the beauty and perfection of the

  Sixes degeneration begins to set in. Seven’

  s sort of “sit on the

  fence”and they can go either way depending on what decisions are

  made and what forces are set in play. Will finds the stability of its

  path upset by those who would contend against it and block its

  way; Soul is confronted with conflicting choices undermining its

  sense of emotional certainty; Mind becomes unstable and

  impulsively undertakes something unwise without taking time for

reflection; Earth finds the dream of prosperity not quite

  meeting its expectations and cannot figure out why.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Courage

  Mars in Leo


  A courageous young man contends against six wands menacing

  him from below the edge of an outcropping. He stands firmly on

  the higher ground and has a position of advantage on which he

  maintains his foothold. This gives him a slight edge in this struggle

  for supremacy but he still faces tough odds as he strives to defend

  himself against the superior forces contending against him and

  impeding his path from below. His fierce concentration and look of

  grim determination shows he realizes that his survival depends

  solely upon his aggressive Mars energy and his courage and

  willingness to stand courageous and unyielding against very tough

  odds. His aggressive courage and lion like vitality make him equal

  to the struggle and assure that he will emerge victorious in the end.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The aggressive Mars animal will fights for survival and the

  preservation of its foothold in the territorial sign of Leo. The self-

  determination of Leo blends well with the courage and aggression

  of Mars giving this young man the large measure of personal

  resolve necessary to triumph in the face of at first may seem to be a

  no win situation. Holding on with tenacity and strength and putting

  up an aggressive defense will allow this young warrior to seize the

  initiative and win through the heavy opposition he faces in order to

  pursue a clear path ahead.


  When The Seven of Wands is revealed Upright in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: courageously facing the many

  difficulties confronting you; moving forward in spite of strenuous

  opposition; achieving success against vigorous opposition; having

  faith in yourself and in the certainty of your success; holding your

  own even when under threat; clearing opposition from the way

  ahead of you; having the strength and tenacity to meet opposing

  viewpoints head on; protecting your personal territory from

  unwanted intruders; not yielding even when facing impossible

  odds; exhibiting strength when dealing with opposition in the

  workplace; having the courage to pursue a difficult relationship;

  the certainty of emerging financially victorious in the end.

  When The Seven of Wands is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: failure due to weakness and

  timidity; giving up in the face of overwhelming opposition;

  indecisiveness; weakness of character; your career progress being

  stalled by opposition in the workplace; being held back in life by

  your own feelings of inadequacy; progress being blocked by

  numerous financial problems; making a courageous last stand;

  sacrificing yourself so others may survive; going down to a heroic



  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Illusionary Success

  Venus in Scorpio


  A man clothed in black stands silhouetted before seven cups

  emerging from a swirling

  grey cloud that

  has suddenly

  materialized before him. He is hypnotized by this sudden

  apparition and stands in rapt amazement at the strange wonder he

  now beholds. One cup holds the face of a beautiful woman lost in

  her vanity; from the second cup a snake emerges with its forked

  tongue of jealousy; the third cup holds a towering castle of worldly

  prestige; in the fourth, a treasure of avarice waiting in a cup of gold

  and fine gems; in the fifth stands the wreath of conquest graced

  with a skull; in the sixth lurks the crouching dragon of temptation

  standing ready to pounce and in the seventh a mystery figure

  concealed beneath a white veil and surrounded by a red aura.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The desire and attractive energies of Venus rise to a fever pitch

  when fueled by the intense passionate waters of Scorpio often

  invoking a dark hunger that longs to follow one of the many paths

  to illusionary success the world has to offer. The desire for power

  and position, wealth, fleeting fame and worldly prestige can cause

  us to become dominated by the darker emotions of envy, jealousy,

  deceit and anger and make us unable to recognize that the outcome

  for good or evil in our lives depends on the choices we make and

  the balance we strike between the material and the spiritual

  dimensions of our human experience.


  When The Seven of Cups is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: illusionary success; self delusion;

  the pursuit of empty dreams; being dedicated to only your own

  selfish pursuits; indulging in deceptive pleasures; a loss of personal

  control; illusionary success in love; having an excessive appetite

  for pleasure; leading a life of dissipation fueled by vanity and









  recklessness and self indulgence; making

  serious errors in

  judgment; being unable to find your true self.

  When The Seven of Cups is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: the birth of new will and

  determination; making intelligent choices; following up on present

  successes; making careful choices in your present circumstances;

  pursuing intelligent financial actions; making informed decisions

  as to your future path; pursuing new employment opportunities;

  abandoning an excessively materialistic attitude; seeking out a

  more spiritual path to follow.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Unstable Purpose

  Moon in Aquarius


  Holding a bundle of five swords in his arms a man clad in a red hat

  and wearing red shoes silently sneaks away on tip toes from a

  military encampment. He leaves two swords behind standing

  upright in the ground and looks to his rear to insure that he is not

  being followed or observed. His over confident expression seems

  to indicate that he is absolutely sure of his success in taking as

  many swords as he needs and leaving only a bare minimum for the

  rest of the camp to survive on. He is surrounded by the light of a

  brilliant golden sky as he strikes out on his own. His cunning and

  trickery have caused this encampment to sustain a substantial loss

  and he must hurriedly escape as the soldiers talking in the

  background might observe his theft and sound the alarm.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The illusion creating power of the Moon und
ermines the higher

  mental energies of Aquarius ensnaring the self consciousness in its

  shadow laden mists and tricking it into a flawed perception of

  reality. The mind becomes victimized by illusions of its own

  creation, which often lead to vain and unwise schemes that could

  just as easily unravel as succeed. Deceit always brings instability

  to any effort and this instability will eventually catch up with the

  perpetrator in the end no matter how well laid his plans may



  While the millstones of the gods often grind

  exceedingly slow, they grind exceedingly fine.


  When The Seven of Swords is revealed Upright in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: instability of purpose; pursuing

  an unwise plan that could lead to a unexpected consequences; not

  thinking things through before you act; financial instability; bad

  decisions coming back to haunt you; a temporary victory leading to

  a long term failure; moral dishonesty; restlessness due to your

  present employment situation; pursuing a dishonest scheme.

  When The Seven of Swords is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: abandoning an ineffectual or

  dishonest scheme; the possibility of unexpected good entering your

  life; hope and confidence being restored; obtaining relief from

  financial pressures; romantic wishes being fulfilled; the possibility

  of long term career success; making a decision to abandon

  materialism and rebuild the moral foundation of your life.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Unfulfilled Success

  Saturn in Taurus


  A young farmer leans on his hoe and contemplates the stalled

  growth of his stunted bush of seven Pentacles into whose

  cultivation he has put much time and effort and hard work. He is

  very impatient and anxious as things are not going according to

  plan and his expectations of success remain unfulfilled. He is

  uncertain as how to proceed in the face of this difficult and

  uncertain situation as both choices before him are of equal


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