Wicked Magic: Harper Shadow Academy (Book Three)

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Wicked Magic: Harper Shadow Academy (Book Three) Page 16

by Luna Pierce

  “What do you mean? You haven’t coordinated with your dates yet?” Remi lets the warm lock of hair fall and grips another. “The dance is in a few hours.”

  “I’ll figure it out.” What I really mean is, I won’t. I’ll go to the event alone since no one bothered to ask me to go with them. I’d rather simply make an appearance and get the hell out of there anyway.

  The hours are ticking down until the stone will be charged by the full moon, and being around a bunch of people only adds to that nagging anxiety.

  Yay for being socially introverted.

  The moon will be at its fullest mid-Sunday, so I don’t have much more of a wait until I can attempt to locate my mother again.

  Walker continues to have no updates on my mom other than the occasional ‘the trackers are on her trail.’

  But that’s the same thing I’ve been hearing since this happened. And I refuse to keep letting my flesh and blood slip away. If I want something done, I have to do it myself.

  Remi curls the rest of my hair and then strategically pins it up all over my head. With an ultimate mist of spray, she says, “All done. But if you screw this masterpiece up, it’s on you to fix it.”

  “It’s gorgeous.” I stare at the loosely flowing locks around my face and onto the somehow beautiful bird’s-nest-looking thing she created. It really is quite beautiful.

  “Now, for makeup. I’m thinking subtle.” Remi fumbles through her cosmetic bag. “Your hair is stunning, and your dress is killer, so we’ll want to go for a natural face.” She sets a small round container with a see-through top next to me.

  “Gold is natural?” I study the shining eye shadow.

  “Eh, it’s only to add a little pop. Trust me.”

  And that I do.

  Fifteen antagonizing minutes later, she tosses the stick of mascara aside. “Man, I’m good.”

  The door to the dorm opens, and I glimpse in the mirror to see Lillian entering.

  “Just in time,” Remi says.

  “Good. I need to take a shower, and Cam could use some help.”

  Looks like it’s my turn to clock into bake sale duty.

  That has to be better than sitting here while Remi pokes and prods and tugs at me.

  I spend the time between Remi’s torture session and the formal measuring out more supplies while Cameron bakes his massive heart out.

  He comes up with heavenly brownies, triple chocolate cheesecake bites, decadent cookies, and beautifully designed cupcakes of all kinds—the white chocolate macadamia nut being my fave—mini apple pies, and macaroons.

  And that’s only to name a few.

  The selection Cameron came up with is insane, but considering the turnout this morning, it’s safe to say he made all the right choices.

  “I need more blueberry muffins. People are going crazy over them.” He grabs a large metal bowl. “I think we’ll be good if we can get more of those.” Cam stares off into space for a minute. “Yeah, we should be.”

  I place my hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

  “Thanks, I needed that.”

  “Anytime. Now, what can I do?” I scan the room.

  “Keep me company, that’s enough. I have the rest under control.” Cam gives me his signature wink. Those gorgeous baby-blue eyes sending shock waves through me.

  I’m taken back to last night to our sexy encounter.

  “God, can you believe we didn’t wake Deghan up?” I shake my head and laugh.

  “Right? I thought for sure we were going to.” He adds a dash of cinnamon into the mixture and then dumps a bowl of blueberries inside.

  “Did I hear my name?” the voice of a sexy man calls out.

  Cam and I exchange a look of terror followed by busting out laughing.

  “Nope,” I lie.

  “Aw, are you two keeping secrets from me?” Deghan frowns. “Is this a face you can keep secrets from?”

  I pinch my mouth shut and try to stop giggling.

  “Well, break my heart then.” Deghan clutches his chest dramatically and then smiles. “But you’re free to leave. I can take over from here.” He runs his finger along the side of my cheek. “Beautiful.”

  I glance at the clock. There’s only another hour until the dance. “You better hurry if you’re going to have any time to get ready.”

  Cameron pours the batter into the tins. “These are fast. No biggie.”

  I take the opportunity to head back to my dorm and finish getting ready. Although, all that entails is throwing on the dress that mysteriously appeared in my room a few days ago and putting on the costume jewelry Kyra let me borrow.

  I can’t exactly walk in the four-inch heels that Remi insisted I wear, and since they’re not even visible under my gown, I opt to wear my Chuck Taylors instead. She’ll kill me if she finds out, but here’s to hoping she doesn’t.

  I do everything that needs to be done and end up with another thirty minutes to spare. Not wanting to sit around and twiddle my thumbs, I head to the library and do a little research.

  Maybe I can figure out what the hell a Malachi is and why everyone is refusing to talk about it.

  I poke my head out of my room, and when the coast is clear, I head straight to my destination. Somehow, I make it all the way through the school without running into anyone I know. My friends must all be busy with the finishing touches to their outfits.

  I clutch the train—I think that’s what it’s called—of my dress to not step on it on my way down the library stairs.

  I end up finding my study room without needing the compass Abigail made for me. I’m getting better at navigating the hidden portion of the library, but I’m not completely confident.

  I run my finger along the spine of a few books until I find one worth pulling out. I flip it open and scan the first few pages. Nothing. Just some talk of herbs and their medicinal powers. I shut the text and search for another. I check the time. Ten minutes left.

  Rummaging through the few stacks sporadically spaced on the desks, I try to find the one with minimal information on the Harlow family. Maybe that one will have something useful to help me crack this mystery.

  I scan the books once, twice, then a third time. That one is nowhere to be found.

  Of course it isn’t. That’s my luck.

  Defeated and annoyed, I sit in a chair. So much for using the spare time for something productive.

  The ticking of the clock reminds me that not only is it time for the formal, but each passing second is one more that I lose my mom, and that I lose Silas to the stone that could potentially help me find her.

  What a fucking contradiction. The thing that can help me find her, can potentially ruin Silas forever.

  Two minutes go by, and I grow aware that if I don’t show my face soon, everyone will come looking for me. The girls because they think I’ll bail, the guys because they worry something bad will have happened.

  I pick up the long part of my dress and leave the library behind, along with any chance I have of figuring out this Silas thing.

  I round the corner from the stairs. Various couples make their way, arms locked together, into the dining hall.

  I sigh. Guess I’m going to do this one alone.

  Spotting a familiar back of the head, I stop myself from going any farther.

  Cam and Deghan, both dressed sharp as hell, walk side by side behind Lillian and Ethan. What a gorgeous group of people.

  I step forward, deciding that now is a better time than never. I take in a breath, holding it and getting in line behind everyone else.

  A strange sadness consumes me. How is it possible to feel so full of love and lonely at the same time?

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “You’re stunning,” a voice whispers into my ear.


  My heart seems to sputter out of my chest.

  “He’s not wrong.” Another person.


  Each of my guys weave their arm through mine.

Here, let me have this.” Silas takes the handful of dress from my hand and holds it himself.

  “For you.” Sydney extends a beautiful white lily with light-purple insides.

  “Thank you.” I blush.

  Here I was thinking that neither one of them wanted to escort me to the dance, and now I’m walking in with both of them.

  My sorrow is quickly whisked away by their presence.

  They lead me into the room and toward a crowd of people.

  Deghan’s jaw quite literally drops. “Dude.” He clasps his hand on his mouth and shakes his head. “I’m gonna pass out.” He steps forward and grabs my waist, spinning me in a circle. “You are absolutely stunning, Willow Oliver.”

  Cameron grins from his place on the floor. “Total knockout.”

  Deghan sets me down, and I have to nearly dodge the assault from Remi.

  “I am so mad at you.” She swats at my arm with her small purse—this time actually making contact. “Those shoes are dreadful.”

  “No one will notice. It’ll be okay.” I escape yet another blow from her.

  “That dress really is fucking perfect for you. It hugs your curves in all the right ways.”

  I take Remi’s hand and twirl her in a circle. “And look at you. Absolutely fabulous.”

  “Right? That’s what I said,” Kyra chimes in.

  Remi blushes, and it’s the cutest sight ever.

  Silas and Sydney stand a few very awkward feet apart, waiting and watching me.

  They’re both sexy as hell.

  Silas’s fitted black suit is simple but classically trendy. His white shirt is unbuttoned at the top, and if you strain to peek inside, you can see a glimpse of his inked skin.

  Not that I know a damn thing about fashion, but I think the word I’m looking for is dapper.

  Sydney is stylish, too, with his dark-gray ensemble and black shirt. He even has a matching gray tie to go along with it. His normally unruly curly hair is still bouncing around but much tamer than usual.

  It’s safe to say they put a little bit of effort into their appearances tonight, and it definitely shows.

  Lillian shyly waves from her spot next to Ethan. The two of them go together adorably. Her off-the-shoulder dark-red dress complements her figure well. She has her hair down, and it falls in gentle waves at her sides. Ethan has a matching ruby shirt that pulls their look together wonderfully.

  I walk over to her. “Lills, you’re on fire.”

  “Thanks, Wills. I could say the same about you.”

  A slow song plays across the speakers.

  Ethan takes Lillian’s hand. “Let’s dance.”

  She hesitates, but I insist, “Go ahead. We’ll catch up later.”

  I turn to spot Remi approaching Kyra. She says something to her, and Kyra breaks out into a massive smile.

  Holy shit, it’s finally happening.

  Remi holds out her hand, and Kyra takes it, and together, they head to the dance floor.

  Pretty sure my heart might explode from seeing my friends so damn happy.

  Sydney appears next to me. “Care to dance?”

  Instinctually, I search for Silas.

  He turns and goes across the vast space and steps behind the booth with Cameron and Deghan.

  “Sure,” I answer. “Although I might be bad at it.”

  Sydney grips my hand gently. “You? Bad at something? No way.”

  I let him lead me the way to an open area. I step close to him, and he wraps his arms around my waist.

  “I wasn’t sure you were going to come,” I admit.

  “I wasn’t sure you wanted me to.” He swallows. “But then Silas came to me. Wanted to ask for sure if we were attending together. That’s when we both realized how stupid we were being. Each of us thought the other was your date, only recognizing last minute that you didn’t have one at all.”

  “Hey now, I could have been keeping my options open,” I joke.

  “I’m sorry we left you hanging.” He holds me close.

  I rest my head against his chest and soak up his steady heartbeat while we rock back and forth on the dance floor.

  I glance across the room to the bake sale. Three of my guys stand there, exchanging money for delicious treats by Cam.

  I focus in on the girl Silas is handing a cupcake to, her neon-pink dress standing out like a sore thumb. Her body moves as though she’s laughing. She turns around, and I find that it’s Allie. That stupid brat is flirting with Silas.

  I shift my gaze to his face.

  He seems unfazed by whatever antics she’s pulling.

  The song comes to an end, and Sydney and I back apart.

  An upbeat one comes on next, and the crowd goes wild.

  Remi and Kyra shake their butts dramatically, and a whole bunch of people join in on the fun.

  “Thank you for the dance,” I say.

  “The pleasure was all mine.” Sydney brings my hand to his lips and kisses it gently.

  “I’m going to check and see if the guys need anything. Want to come with me?”

  “Sure. Tonight is your night. I’m here for you.” His emerald eyes glow.

  I take hold of his hand and push myself into his head. “I love you, Syd.”

  He grins and responds with a mental, “I love you more.”

  Cameron and Deghan have on matching dark-blue suits, like they planned their outfits. Of course they would, being that they’re best buds and all.

  “What is up, party people?” Cameron shouts atop the booming music.

  “Do you want any help?” I yell back.

  “More the merrier.” He winks.

  Sydney and I squeeze behind the table with them.

  “What was up with Allie?” I ask Silas.

  He furrows his brows. “What do you mean?”

  “I saw her over here, having a heck of a conversation with you.” I try not to come across like an overbearing girlfriend. If it was anyone else, I wouldn’t have given it a second thought, but considering Allie kind of almost murdered me… her entire existence bothers me.

  “Nothing happened,” is all Silas responds.

  “Okay.” Apparently, he doesn’t care to tell me what she was laughing about.

  “I’m going to go.” Silas is out the door without allowing me the me a chance to stop him.

  Part of me wants to follow him, but Cameron needs me more right now.

  I guess I’ll figure that situation out when all of this is over.

  “Everything okay?” Sydney leans close so I can hear him.

  I nod.

  “Um…” A random guy breaks my concentration. “I’ll have two of the cheesecake bites, please.”

  I shift my attention to him. “That’ll be five dollars.”

  Not really surprising, the bake sale sells out before the formal is over.

  Cameron shoos us all away and says, “Go have fun. I’ll clean this up.”

  A newfound smile is on his adorable face, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s from the immense relief of now having enough money to cover the unexpected expenses he found himself having to pay.

  I hope his brother at least appreciates him for stepping up and taking care of business.

  “I’ll be back, guys.” I pick up the bottom of my dress.

  Sydney grabs my elbow to stop me. “Want me to come with you?”

  “No, it’s okay. I won’t be long.” That’s not my plan anyway. Although the last time I went to find Silas, it ended up with me getting attacked by a vampire and almost being turned.

  I step out of the dining hall and into the foyer. I close my eyes and let his soul guide me to him. I’m persuaded to go out onto the patio, but rather than going back through the formal area, I go out the front door and make my way around the old stone building.

  I round the corner, and the shape of him comes into my line of sight.

  He’s standing on the patio, hands clenched on the railing, his back to me, seeming to be staring off into the dark fore

  I get within a few feet of him, and he speaks.

  His voice is just a whisper. “I saw you that day.”

  I approach his side and reach out to put my hand on him but decide against it. Instead, I plant my palms on the wood surface next to his.

  “What day?”

  “You were hanging out of the second-story window. Desperate to get a signal on your phone. I couldn’t take my eyes off you.” He shakes his head slightly. “For once in my life, I was terrified of someone getting hurt. I didn’t know you, but somehow, I knew you.”

  “That first week,” I begin. “It always felt like someone was watching me. It took me a little while to realize it was you. Until I recognized I could sense you. Now I could pick you apart from a crowd blindfolded.”

  Without looking my way, he says, “Will you dance with me?”

  I turn to him. “Out here? There’s no music.”

  “We don’t need it.” He finally faces me and holds out his hand. “Please.”

  His expression is dark and serious, pleading even.

  It tears me in two.

  I put my palm in his, and he pulls me close.

  We do that thing we do best, become one.

  Moments pass of our silent embrace. We barely move, almost like the world has stopped turning and we’re floating here.

  He breaks the silence with his cracked voice. “You didn’t ask for this. None of it.”

  “What?” I study his fearful face.

  “I’m no good for you, Willow.” He lowers his gaze. “I’m bad. I should have stayed away in the beginning. Angels know I tried.”

  “What are you saying? You don’t make sense.” I grip his solid shoulders firmly. “Silas, you’re not bad. You realize it as well as I do.”

  “I can’t live this lie anymore.” His eyes well up with tears.

  He’s so broken it kills me.

  “Hey, don’t say that. What we have isn’t a lie.” I cup his face in my hand. “This is real. We’re real. Nothing could ever convince me otherwise. Whatever you’re hiding from me, I promise it will be all right. We’ve gotten through so much together. What’s one more thing?”

  He lowers his gaze, grips my wrist, and pushes it down. “No.”


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