Wicked Magic: Harper Shadow Academy (Book Three)

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Wicked Magic: Harper Shadow Academy (Book Three) Page 20

by Luna Pierce

  I study Silas’s serious face, searching for any clues of a lie.

  “Slow down,” he says randomly.

  Sydney does what he says, and a moment later, a deer runs across the road, right through our path. “Thanks.”

  Silas puts his hand on my thigh and grips it tightly. “I’m me, I promise.”

  I sigh and let myself accept his answer.

  That doesn’t mean I won’t be on the hunt for any uncharacteristic behavior, though.

  A short drive later, we pull off onto a dirt path, only a little distance away from Sydney’s main driveway.

  This trail leads us into a heavily wooded area that’s rather dark from the tree coverage being so thick.

  Sydney takes the trek slow, considering the bumpy terrain. He parks the car near some tall bushes. “Okay.” He rotates in his seat to look at all of us. “Let’s make this snappy.”

  We funnel out of the vehicle and form a circle.

  A strange chill overtakes me the moment I realize these are the woods where his parents attacked. Where demon Silases were mutilated by my hands. Where I yelled at Sydney and told him to leave me alone.

  Like he senses my discomfort, Silas reels me in close.

  Sydney points up ahead. “House is less than a minute walk through there. We’ll go in, grab whatever books I have, then rush back here and leave. In and out.”

  “Sounds good,” Cameron is the first to confirm.

  The rest of us offer a silent authorization.

  The walk really is a short one. Once we bust through the overgrown foliage, the small home that Sydney used to live in isn’t far at all.

  We collectively creep our way toward the building.

  I keep an eye on the mansion beyond Syd’s place.

  So far, no sign of life. No lights, movements, noise, nothing.

  It’s eerie and a bit unsettling if you ask me.

  How could a family just abandon their son and their incredibly lavish shelter?

  One by one, we approach our destination.

  Sydney puts his hand on the door, but instead of turning the handle, he pushes the creaky thing open. He turns to us and puts his finger over his mouth to signal to be quiet.

  We follow him in.

  He locks eyes with Silas, and they share a mental exchange.

  For two people who don’t care for each other, they sure do seem to always be on the same wavelength.

  Sydney flips the light switch on the wall, and once the bulbs are illuminated, I’m pretty sure each one of our mouths drops open.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The last time I was in this building, it smelled of Sydney—that familiar woodsy scent. Books and clothes were strewn about but in an organized kind of way. Sydney style. The apartment was nice and cozy and inviting.

  But now? It currently seems as though a mini-tornado ripped through the area.

  His posh tables are overthrown. Couch cushions ripped apart and the stuffing scattered about. Dishes from his fully equipped kitchen are crushed on the floor. His bookshelves are toppled over, and a strange, unsettling putrid stench fills the air.

  I go to his side and place my hand on his back. “Syd.”

  He swallows and, steps over his personal belongings. “They must have known.” His voice is quiet and broken. He clears his throat and snaps himself out of his shock. “Take a look around. See if they left anything behind.”

  The next few minutes are spent digging through the wreckage with not a valuable thing found. Don’t get me wrong, there were plenty of monetary items like a rare photo that even Silas did a double take on, just not anything that could help us with our research.

  “It’s a lost cause.” Sydney’s shoulders slump with his exhale.

  In a few days, Cameron regains his home while Sydney loses his.

  “What about the bigger house?” Deghan asks from the entryway.

  “If they went through the trouble here, there’s no doubt it’s taken care of, too,” Silas answers. “Our best bet is to move on.”

  And that we do.

  With a flip of the light, we leave Sydney’s the way we found it—a disaster.

  About halfway to the car, Silas holds out his arms to stop us. “Wait here.” A second later, he’s back but hovering at my side. “Someone slashed the tires.”

  “Shit,” Cameron mutters.

  “What do we do?” Deghan adds.

  Sydney is still, but fearful energy pours out of him.

  “This way,” Silas demands. “I have a place not too far. It’s protected. We can regroup there.” Silas puts his hand on my back.

  In preparation, I draw my magic forward and let it rest right below my skin.

  Not thirty seconds into our voyage, a cloaked figure appears in our path up ahead.

  If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it was Silas, not Sydney, who was in on this ploy, considering he told us to go in this direction. But I do know better, and Silas would never purposely put me in danger.

  “Deghan, go,” Silas urges.

  Without the figure catching on, Deghan disappears from behind us, his stealthy wolf-like tendencies coming in handy.

  “Stay behind me.” Silas maneuvers his body in front of me.

  I grasp on to Cameron while Sydney closes in the back.

  Cameron shakes slightly, his nerves taking hold.

  I push my calming energy into him, careful to not be excessive and use too much of my reserves.

  As a group, we hesitantly move toward the being and then stop.

  It continues to close the distance.

  About a hundred feet away, the thing reaches out and removes the cover from its head.

  Sydney’s body shifts from his spot. “Mom?”

  “Only by birth. Don’t flatter yourself.”

  Sydney flinches, the verbal wound cutting deep. Another one added to the stack of already low blows from his shit parents.

  How could a mother be so cruel?

  With a flick of her wrist, Silas goes flying from his spot and lands in the dirt to my right.

  “Ophelia, you may call me. It’s only fair that we’re on a first-name basis since I’m so knowledgeable of you, Willow.” The woman taps the air and somehow locks on to me, Cam, and Syd, and pulls us forward.

  I draw a wad of energy up but find myself unable to conjure it.

  “Fuck,” I mutter.

  “You children really are rather foolish,” the grumpy yet lavish lady retorts. “There is no stopping us. You’re wasting that precious energy of yours even trying.” She sighs. “The energy that belongs to me.”

  Despite being restrained, I’m still able to spit on the ground and speak. “Over my dead body.”

  An evil grin covers her face. If she weren’t such a hateful woman, she’d be rather gorgeous. But personality does a thing or two to the way one is perceived, and currently, she’s uglier than hell.

  “Be my guest.” She holds out her hands. “And to think, I was going to do you the honor of keeping you alive, but if you’re so willing, then by all means, please make this easier for us.”

  “Mom, why are you doing this?” Sydney pleads. “Don’t you have enough? Can’t you let her go?”

  “The angels cursed us with you.” She picks at her nails like she’s bored of us already. “If you must have any explanation—your father and I, we have nearly pure demonic blood. One of the darkest known in existence. We’ve always wanted to take it one step further, and that’s what we needed her for.” Sydney’s evil mother points to me. “But in some sick attempt to stop us from gaining the power we desire, they gave us you. A complete anomaly.”

  What could that possibly mean?

  She goes to speak but is cut off by a flash of brown shooting through the tree line.

  Deghan, in wolf form, tackles her and sends her spiraling away.

  Thanks to his contact, our magical restraints are broken.

  Immediately, I summon a ball of protective power and coat Cameron with it. “
This should help.” I take a split second to cup his face in my hands and stare into those gorgeous blue eyes.

  I hope like hell this isn’t goodbye.

  Not only with Cam, but with all of us.

  “Run,” Silas yells.

  Deghan raises his gorgeous dark head to the sky and howls loudly.

  Is he calling in backup? Wouldn’t that add to how dangerous the situation is, considering what happened yesterday?

  If we have to pick battles, though, maybe this is the best chance we have.

  With my hand grasping Cam’s, we take off toward Silas’s cabin in the woods.

  Silas significantly slows his pace to stay by our side.

  I’m sure he’d rather whisk me into his arms and get there in an instant, but I’m not leaving Cameron behind. He can’t protect himself in a supernatural situation this dangerous.

  A whimper bellows out, and when I look over my shoulder, Deghan’s wolf form is lying on his side next to a tree.

  I skid to a stop. There’s no way I’m leaving Deghan behind either.

  Silas grabs my arm. “Come on,” he says through his clenched jaw.

  I shake my head. “We have to stay.”

  “Oh, Willow…” Ophelia teases playfully. “Come out, come out, wherever you are.”

  “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.” Sydney’s gaze meets mine.

  He’s right. I don’t. But this can’t continue to go on any longer. She has to be stopped. The curse has to be broken.

  If she wants a fight, she’ll get it.

  This ends right here, right now.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  We lurk quietly in the shadows, and once the wicked woman is far enough from Deghan, we take the opportunity to rush to his side.

  Cameron grasps Deghan’s wolf face into his hands and places it in his lap.

  Sydney hovers his hands above Deg’s body while Silas stands watch.

  I simply kneel there, painfully waiting for Sydney to direct me.

  “Deghan, we’re here. You’re going to be okay,” I attempt to comfort him.

  “His ribs are crushed, and there is residual magic holding him in place.” Sydney’s emerald eyes stare longingly into mine. “We can do this, okay?” He lays his hand palm up, inviting me to take it. “I want you to focus on siphoning, I’m going to heal him.”

  I had no idea that was something he could do.

  “I’ve never done this.” He shifts his focus to Deghan. “This might hurt a little, but nothing like what you’re feeling now.”

  “Faster. The bitch is coming,” Silas informs us.

  I peek over my shoulder, and sure enough, she’s gliding—literally, without her feet touching the ground—toward us.

  Can this woman be any fucking creepier?

  “What can I do?” Cameron asks frantically.

  “Keep him calm.” Sydney takes a deep breath and interlocks his fingers with mine.

  Within a second, the green and pink magic courses together and gushes out around us.

  Sydney lowers his voice. “You’re remarkably stronger. How is that possible?”

  I shrug. “Magic?”

  He shakes his head, and we both place our free hands overtop Deghan.

  I block out everything except the flow of power and my task of removing the junk from Deghan.

  But it’s not quite that simple when a loud crack startles me. A nearby tree falls in Ophelia’s path, buying us the smallest amount of time.

  “Hurry up,” Silas urges.

  The bitter and vile magic courses through Deghan and into my own supply. It takes only moments before his wolf form can move.

  Quiet whines leave him while Sydney continues to heal him.

  Without really knowing what the hell I’m doing, I focus my mind on healing and press my hand gently to his torso.

  Another loud crash. This time it’s the fallen timber being thrown to the side.

  Ophelia latches magically on to Silas, his body contorting under her grip.

  How do I choose between saving one man versus the other?

  “Willow, you’re strong enough to do this.” Sydney breaks away from my embrace. “Focus on Deghan. I’ve got Silas.” Like he senses my hesitation, he adds, “I promise.”

  I take my now free hand and put it over Deghan’s body, pushing both vessels into him.

  I can do this, I tell myself.

  Cameron smooths the fur between Deghan’s eyes. “You’re going to be okay.”

  Sydney stands. He doesn’t allow his mother the chance to react. He slams a powerful blast of green energy into her side. Just enough to break the connection to Silas.

  Words are exchanged between the two men, but I can’t make them out.

  I close my eyes, willing myself to be able to figure this out. I open them, and little flickers of light appear.

  Gold, purple, blue, orange… any vibrant color you could imagine.

  Floating speckles that float up from the ground and over to me.

  I swallow, unsure of what it is that is front of me.

  Then, as they come closer, I notice the tiny wings, attached to their bodies.

  A few of the creatures land on my hands, their pulsing colorful energy flowing into me, making me even more powerful. The rest of them take their place on Deghan’s body, covering him in an unusually imaginative blanket.

  Cameron gasps, but I don’t dare stop.

  My intuition reassures me of this extraordinary experience.

  Thirty seconds pass, and miraculously, Deghan’s wolf form fills out, his ribs snapping into place and the life being brought into his once feeble body.

  I don’t get a chance to say my thanks when the absolutely breathtaking Fae folk fly away, their beaming lights dimming and out of sight.

  “Thank you,” I say anyway, never meaning two words more in my entire life.

  Deghan hops onto all fours and nuzzles Cameron’s side and then mine.

  I turn around to find Silas and Sydney, side by side, their arms extended, blasting off one ball of power followed by the next.

  Ophelia manages to dodge each of their attempts, but the path of their firing leaves her unable to retreat from her position.

  Good, that’s exactly how we want her.

  At least that’s what I think, until two more hooded figures appear behind her.

  We stand united and tuck Cameron to our backsides. There’s no time to get him to safety. If we try to run, they’ll only defeat us that much quicker.

  So instead, I reinforce his protective barrier and summon my strength.

  The bubblegum-colored power ripples off my hands and sends magical sparks flying.

  Sydney was right, I am more potent.

  But I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t detected it happening the last week. Each moment I got closer to the guys, realizing their love for me, and mine for them, it was like I unlocked some hidden layer of my magic, making me stronger than ever.

  Love fuels the Oliver witches.

  That’s why they took it away from us. They were afraid we would become too tough and resistant to their tactics to steal our magic.

  But for me, I’ve broken curse by curse, and found love.

  Four times over, not including what I feel for my friends.

  I threaten their very existence and ruin their sadistic plans.

  Smother the light, and there will only be darkness.

  I am Willow Oliver, descended from the angels themselves, and I will not allow these vile beings to rule over us any longer.

  The cloaked individuals step up next to Ophelia.

  One lowers his hood, and Sydney gasps. “Dad?”

  Ophelia grins and dodges another of Silas’s violet orbs. “What did you expect?”

  Anticipating her shifting her weight to avoid his blow, I send one right in the path she takes.

  Her body shakes from the impact, and fear washes across her face momentarily.

  Only long enough for another devi
ous smile to form.

  The third figure remains covered.

  I can’t help but wonder who it is. Taking things into my own hands, I send a burst of pink their way. I rapid-fire until I throw the person off their footing.

  Their jet-black shawl slides back over their face, and this time, it’s me who gasps.

  All those weird feelings, those unsettling moments alone with this person assault me like an out-of-control wildfire.

  My instincts were right all along.

  “Tremont,” Cameron whispers from his place behind me.

  So much for passing that statistics class.

  This whole time I was aware something was off, but I didn’t quite expect it to be this. I had thought that his magic was just rather shitty, and his healing powers were nothing that people praised him for. In reality, he was only lengthening my injury to weaken me.

  “How’s that bad luck treating you?” His voice is thirty times more dangerous than it had been in the past.

  That’s probably what happens when you find out that someone is actually a malicious and fucked-up person.

  “Oh, you really thought I was trying to help, didn’t you?” Tremont’s stare nearly burns a hole through me. “That was only me ensuring the curse was still firmly in place. If anything, you did me a wonderful favor by burning yourself.” He chuckles. “It was something similar to taking candy from a baby, truly.”

  Bad luck?

  So it turns out I really was cursed with misfortune.

  Part of me thought that to be true, but what a strange and silly thing to happen.

  Spilling some coffee and oversleeping was supposed to drain me of my magic?

  “Although, you are rather resistant. It’s annoying, if you ask me. You aren’t aware of your power, and yet it protects you all the same.” Tremont slowly twists his hand.

  I don’t allow him to finish with the motion. I slam a hot pink ball of power into his chest.

  “Enough,” Ophelia calls out. “We may be outnumbered, but it’s impossible to defeat us. All you’re doing is prolonging the inevitable.”

  She throws her hands up and tosses a net of glistening black magic toward us.

  Sydney and I throw our own up, shattering her attempt to contain our little group.

  “Give me your power,” she says through gritted teeth. But she’s not talking to me.


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