Dawning Ascent (The Pearson Prophecy Book 1)

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Dawning Ascent (The Pearson Prophecy Book 1) Page 5

by Jen L. Grey

  He takes a deep breath. “Why do you have to be so logical? Can’t we just forget about everyone and enjoy our time together? Can we meet tomorrow night in the gardens, after everyone goes to bed?”

  “I think I just might be able to manage that.” I smile. “Goodnight!”

  He pulls me close once more, kissing my lips softly.

  I really don’t want to leave him. Will I even be able to at this point? I take a deep breath and give his lips one last quick, chaste kiss before I force myself to turn and walk away. It’s the hardest thing I have ever done.

  Chapter Six

  I walk into the dining hall ahead of Nick and avoid eye contact as much as possible. What if someone saw us together? Is the king already here?

  The dining hall is huge, capable of seating the entire palace and staff. There are a hundred large, rectangle tables placed throughout the room. In the front center of the room, there is a raised platform for the royal table. This is where the royal family sits. It’s large because it was built during the time when all the kingdoms were allies and would visit.

  I head over to the cooking staff and ask for some food to go. As I wait for them to gather the food, Emerson and Elizabeth come into view.

  Elizabeth is sitting there, looking at me and laughing. She rises from her chair and walks over to me. “Hey, Raven, heard you were kicked out of our classroom. I don’t know what Lydia was thinking, trying to scold me in front of everyone over someone like you. I knew Father would take care of the situation for me, and here I am, back on top, with you kicked out and disgraced. The only reason you are still here and tolerated is because we needed you in order to get Emerson. And Logan is kept around is because he’s strong, so he’s good for heavy lifting and protecting. It doesn’t hurt that he is gorgeous. Maybe one day I’ll get the chance to try him out.” Elizabeth licks her lips.

  How can someone be this cruel? Elizabeth is a different kind of cruel than her father, though. Her father is physical and doesn’t care, while Elizabeth attacks your mind and emotions.

  Nick walks up to us. “Lizzy, why are you acting this way? You know Logan won’t give you a second thought because of how you treat his sister. Unlike some families, some siblings care about how their family is treated.”

  “Why are you so interested in this conversation, brother dear?” Elizabeth arches an eyebrow.

  Nick grimaces, but his face is a stone of indifference. “Come on, Lizzy, let’s go eat. Father’s getting impatient, and I’m hungry.” He pulls her along with him to their designated table.

  Elizabeth glances back, a disgusted look clear on her face. Once they reach the table, she sits next to her father so Nick is stuck sitting between her and Emerson.

  How is it fair that Emerson, my own sister, can easily sit next to Nick but I can’t?

  The king is smiling and talking to them all, as if she is already a part of their family.

  Still upset, I focus back on my task, glad to see the food is ready for me to take back to my quarters. I grab the package and walk out of the room. I can’t believe how Elizabeth treats me. One day, someone will put her in the place. I just hope I’m there to witness it.

  Right before I’m out of the dining hall, I run into Father. That’s just how my day is going. We look at each other awkwardly for a moment. Not able to stand the awkwardness, I finally walk around him and continue my journey.

  When I get to our room, I find Logan still passed out on the couch in our den. I shuffle to the kitchen and lay out all our food on the table, then fix Logan a plate and pour him a glass of water. I walk in the den and set the food and drink down on the coffee table. Sitting down on the couch next to him, I softly touch his arm. “Hey, you need to get up. It’s time for your second dose of herbs, and you have to eat something with it so it doesn’t upset your stomach.”

  Logan stirs and opens his eyes, then grimaces as he moves.

  Feeling bad for him, I lean over to help him.

  “I feel like I’ve been run over. However, I am actually starving, so that’s a good sign.”

  I can’t help but grin at his attempt at optimism. I hand his food to him and scoot the table closer, so he can reach it with no issue.

  When we’re both finished eating, I hand him his herbs. “Hey, let’s get you changed into some clean clothes and then get you into bed.”

  I follow him into his room and pick out some loose clothes for him to change into. Seeing how stiffly he is moving, I help him take his shirt off and put his clean one on.

  Logan then looks at me. “Thanks so much. I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have you. I love you, but please leave so I can change my pants. I don’t want your help with that part.”

  I laugh. “I guess you’ve had twenty years’ experience with that chore, so I’ll leave you to it.”

  I leave his room and decide that a hot shower is needed to relax and just be clean after the day I have had. Afterward, I get ready for bed and climb under the downy soft covers.

  When my head hits the pillow, all the things I haven’t been able to think about keep me up.

  I hope my mother is okay and getting some time to herself, without having to worry about Logan and me all the time. She believes she is part of the reason our family fell apart. She thinks by complying and having the second daughter so soon made Father change, and if she had held strong and allowed him time to bond with me, our family wouldn’t be broken today.

  Logan and I try to explain that it wasn’t her fault, that fate just had this life planned out for us all, but that doesn’t resonate with her. It breaks my heart that she carries this burden.

  I also hate that Logan is part of the guard. Yes, the women are the warriors, but we stand behind the front-line guards. They protect us while we use our magic to attack the enemy. Even though Logan and I are unfavored, our father holds a prominent position. Having Logan as part of the Guard is a slap in our family’s face.

  Then, of course, there’s Nick. I never thought in a million years that he would be interested in someone like me. However, he is taking care of me and helping in ways no other person ever has.

  Just thinking of him makes me happy, and I’m reminded of the magnitude of my feelings for him. Granted, I’ve had a crush on him for years, but to have his focus on me is a whole different experience than I ever imagined. The kiss we shared before we went into the dining hall runs through my mind, and I fall asleep with a grin on my face.

  Chapter Seven

  I’m completely rested this morning. My sleep was uninterrupted, and dare I say, I almost feel normal. I jump out of bed and check on Logan.

  He is still sound asleep, and it appears that he didn't move a muscle last night.

  I make my way into the kitchen to warm up some breakfast. There is some French toast left over from the breakfast that was delivered yesterday. First off, coffee is the priority.

  The noises from the kitchen must have woken Logan because he comes shuffling into the room soon after. He sits in front of the plate I set out for him, and I try not to watch him struggle eating. There is a notable difference in him between yesterday and today. Some of the color has returned to his face, and he is able to move easier. Logan turns to me. “What are you up to today?”

  “I'm going to the stables to do some chores and will be back in time to bring some dinner up. There are some leftover eggs and sausage in the fridge you can eat for lunch.”

  He nods and goes back to bed.

  I get up from the table, clean up our dishes, and head to my room to get ready. A day at the stables requires a shirt and pants. It’s no place for a skirt. Yeah, that's it.

  As I meander down the halls, I find that the staff is cleaning more than usual. They are running around, preoccupied, almost in chaos. Not wanting to get run over, I hurry on to the stables. I’ll ask Nick about it tonight.

  I reach the stables and work on cleaning and feeding the animals. The best thing about working down here is that I am apart from the r
est of the world. I can be me, and the animals don’t look at me with pity or disgust.

  After working just a few minutes, I get in the groove and don’t even realize the wind has started blowing, aiding me in my chores. It just seems natural for the wind to push the dirt I miss while sweeping in the same direction, or blow the feed that had been thrown too far away back toward the chickens. I don’t realize how odd it seems until Dave gasps behind me.

  “What in Knova is going on here?” He laughs awkwardly.

  “Nothing, I was trying to control the wind and it was giving me problems.” I laugh hard, trying to downplay everything he just witnessed.

  “Well, it sure looked like it was helping you instead of causing problems. But hey, I’m a lowly guard, so what do I know?” His smile fills his whole face.

  I grimace. The best thing I can do is skirt over this whole incident and not focus on my powers in front of him. The last thing I want him to do is realize I just lied to him. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you down here before. Did you give the captain the note?”

  He lowers his eyes and kicks the ground. “Yeah, I did. The captain says he has a week, but then must get back to his normal training. So, I wanted to let you know, and also get away from all the craziness.”

  My ears perk at that. “The craziness, yeah. I noticed there was more activity in the palace than usual. Do you have any idea of what’s going on?” That was really smooth, Ariah.

  “You don’t know?” His eyes widen. “Weren’t you there at dinner last night, when it was announced that the Orlon King is arranging a visit here very soon, to talk about the disturbances that are going on in the West?”

  What? The Orlons haven’t visited us here in decades. Why in Knova would they be coming now? Out of all the kingdoms, they are more of an ally, but there is still immense distrust between us all. That tells me there is something big going on. “No, I don’t usually eat in the dining hall, but prefer to eat with my family in our quarters. I don’t see Logan much during the day, and that’s our opportunity to catch up with each other and our mother.”

  I turn away and get back to my chores, hoping that he’ll get the hint to leave. I’m not comfortable telling him things. I don’t know the guy, and now, he has popped up twice, just to talk to me.

  Dave stands there for a little longer before he speaks. “Well, please let Logan know I checked on him and will see him back in training in a week. Let me know if you need anything. I’m around.”

  Then he walks away, much to my relief.

  I put everything up and my stomach growls. I look at my watch. It’s still lunchtime at the dining hall. To make things better, lunch is almost over, so most people won’t even be there.

  I go to the bathroom to wash up, then head over to grab a quick bite to eat. As expected, no one is there, and I choose something and sit down. Trying to eat quickly so I don’t get kicked out, I startle when Emerson sits down across from me.

  It has been years since we have seen each other like this, and I’m not sure what to expect, since she and Emerson are friends. Granted, Emerson doesn’t say anything during Elizabeth’s tirades, but that’s not the point.

  Emerson looks at the table and not at me. “Hey, how are you doing?” She pauses.

  This is strange. What does she need? And where is Elizabeth? They are always together.

  She exhales and her tone is soft. “What I mean is, is Logan okay? Not that I don’t want to know how you’re doing. It’s just, I heard that he got hurt the other day during training.”

  “Uh… yeah. Yeah, he is. I mean, he’s hurt really bad, but we got him stitched up and he’s taking an herbal remedy from the healer, so he’ll be fine. He just has to be careful for the next few days, to make sure he heals well.” This day has been so weird.

  “Okay. I’ve been wondering. You two are close…”

  Elizabeth walks over to us quickly with her usual frown on her face. “Emerson, I’ve been looking for you all over. What in Knova are you doing sitting with her?”

  Yes, because I’m such a bad person. I’m so tired of being talked down to. The reason I keep my mouth shut is because the king and Elizabeth will also take out their anger on my brother.

  Elizabeth rolls her eyes. “Come on, Raven, haven’t you brought enough pain and torment to us all already? Don’t beg your sister to sit with you just because you think blood matters. It’s bad enough that you have my brother trying to protect you.” She grabs Emerson by the arm and pulls her out of the room, leaving me once again alone in the dining hall.

  And I had hoped that I could avoid her today. Making myself still eat despite my anger, I finish my meal, just wanting to get home. After taking my last bite, I throw my garbage away and head back down to finish my chores.

  When my day is done, I pick up dinner then head to our quarters. I hope Logan has been okay today. When I walk in, he is sitting on our couch, looking out the window.

  “Hey, how are you doing today?” Making sure I don’t jostle the couch too much, I sit down beside him.

  “Really? I’m stuck here alone all day while you get to go do whatever you want.” He pretends to pout.

  “How I wish I could just do whatever I want. For one thing, I wouldn’t be shoveling horse poop.” I smirk.

  “Yeah, speaking of that, why don’t you go take a bath? You smell.” He holds his breath.

  I laugh, but the thought has some merit since I’m going to meet up with Nick tonight. Just the thought of him makes my heart flutter in anticipation. “All right, I’ll go take a shower and then fill you in on some of the latest gossip.” I get up and gather my stuff.

  Finally clean and dressed, I walk into the kitchen to put together some plates for dinner. I hum as I get the meal ready, thinking of Nick. When the food is ready, I call for Logan.

  As we eat, I tell him all about the Orlons coming, and how Dave came by to pass along the captain’s message to be back in a week.

  Logan takes a deep breath. “I have no idea why they are coming, but it can’t mean anything good. Since they are coming here, it would have to be the East or West, or both of them, causing problems.”

  I hadn’t thought of that. What he is saying makes sense. I have no clue what to expect, but the whole palace is brimming with unease and excitement. We chat a little longer until I notice how late it is. I clear the table.

  Logan gets up and yawns. “I’m really sleepy. I’m heading to bed. Thanks for the meal.”

  I move to help him to bed, but he waves me away when we get to his room.

  I laugh at his stubbornness then return to the living room while I wait for him to fall asleep. The minutes feel like hours, and I’m delighted when I check on Logan.

  He is sound asleep.

  I run to the bathroom to check my appearance. I’ve never done that before, but there is a first time for everything.

  I grab a yellow blanket and walk down the palace halls to the garden. It’s quiet and dark so I follow my favorite path.

  As soon as I step foot inside the garden, I’m more at peace than I have been for days. The stable is a safe place for me, but this is my sanctuary. I lay the blanket on the ground and make myself comfortable. Even though I’m excited to see Nick, I’m relaxing as I look up through the trees.

  It is a clear night. The stars are twinkling and the moon is high in the sky, shining brightly. Most people would think it’s a full moon, but my body knows it isn’t.

  As I lay here enjoying nature, my power pulsing comfortably, time stands still. However, my power alerts me that I’m not alone any longer. I raise my head to look around and grin when I see Nick.

  He’s watching me from only a few steps away, a smile on his face. “I sure wish you hadn’t figured out I was here. I was enjoying my view. I don’t believe I have ever seen you look that way before, and it was breathtaking.”

  How do I respond to a statement like that? No one has ever spoken to me like that before. I can’t even look him in the eye.

>   Nick laughs. “I wasn’t trying to make you feel awkward, but you really are beautiful.”

  He sits down beside me and leans against my side, burying his face in my hair and breathing me in. I reach behind me and wrap my arms around his neck, leaning my head against his chest.

  We’ve only been together like this a few times, but it feels so right.

  He sighs. “This is how I should end every day, especially on days like this.”

  I stiffen. “I heard rumblings that the Orlons are coming here. Is that true? I saw most of the staff cleaning all over the palace, so it seems plausible.”

  He puts his arm around me. “Yes, it seems that we need to work on our alliance with them. The West has become stronger than we realized, and they are planning to overtake us all. My father and the Orlon King will not allow this, so we are going to start working together again. They also have a prince close to my age that Elizabeth has already set her sights on. She wants to be queen someday, not just a princess.”

  Yeah, I have nothing nice to say, so I stay quiet. Awkwardness hangs in the air.

  Without warning, he pulls me closer and tickles me.

  I squeal and try to escape his evil clutches.

  “Oh, no you don’t!” He rolls on top of me so I can’t get away.

  He finally relents and lets me up, after I squirm, my squeals threatening to alert others to our presence. He scoots closer and wraps his arms around me again.

  I close my eyes, enjoying being lost in his arms.

  We talk about our dreams and our make-believe future together. After endless conversation and a few stolen kisses, we need to get back before anyone misses us.

  “No, don’t. I can already tell what you’re going to say just by how your body tenses. I need a few more minutes before reality sets back in.” His lips move against mine.

  Even though I shouldn’t, I relax back into him. It’ll be at least a few days before we have a chance like this again. My midnight training with Lydia starts tomorrow, but I push that out of my mind to focus just on this moment.


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