Brotherhood Protectors: Falling for Her Temporary Bodyguard (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Brotherhood Protectors: Falling for Her Temporary Bodyguard (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 1

by Christine Glover

  Text copyright ©2018 by the Author.

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  A Brotherhood Protectors’ Novella

  Christine Glover

  Dedicated to my fabulous physical therapist Emily! Thanks to her I can sit in the chair and write more books!!


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Also by Christine


  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  When it came to her own life, Claire Murray didn’t believe in fairy tale endings, but seeing other people grab hold of the brass ring and tie the knot did. And almost made her forget the potential danger she faced. She’d wanted to hope for more out of life again, especially here in Eagle Rock where she’d been able to start over. Maybe, just maybe, the looming threat she feared wouldn’t chase her to Montana. So now, standing with her newfound friends, she pushed down her anxiety and joined them in clinking her champagne glass to ring in Delaney and Ethan Walker’s wedding toast.

  Swede spoke for a few minutes, razzing Ethan for taking almost the prettiest woman in Eagle Rock as his wife. The prettiest being Swede’s wife Allie. “Congratulations to both of you,” he said, raising his glass. “May you always have a shared sense of purpose.”

  Standing around her, the rest of the SEALs who’d joined Hank Patterson’s elite Bodyguard Protectors’ agency shouted, “All in, all the time.”

  “Hold up,” Ethan said, laughing. “To us and to this family. Semper Fi.”

  “Just kiss her again so we can chow down,” Hank said from the corner of the room.

  Beside her, Delaney’s brother called, “Enough with the kissing. I’ve been watching them make out for a week.” Jacob Lawson made a gagging sound. “Save it for the honeymoon. Please.”

  His father nudged Jacob’s right shoulder. “Now son. You could be next.”

  “Doubtful,” he responded.

  Giving him a sidelong glance, Claire caught the subtle way he moved his body out of range. He nursed an injury of some sort from her professional point of view, possibly a tear or worse. Briefly, she mentally ran through her current list of physical therapy clients. Yes. Her assistant at Brighter Side’s satellite office had a Jacob Lawson on the schedule for the following Monday. Tendinitis or something worse. A rotator cuff issue. Not good if he planned on returning to Coronado to hook up with his SEAL team.

  “I’m nowhere near done with being single and free. SEAL team’s my steady date,” Jacob said. “Now where’s the food? You know I only came here for the stellar catering.”

  “Yeah right,” his father said. “You came because you love your little sister. And she’s thrilled that at least one of her brothers was able to attend her wedding.”

  “I got lucky. My last rotation to Afghanistan lasted four months.” Jacob lifted his glass to his lips and drank. “But the team’s on call for another tour in Afghanistan. We’re prepping for our mission next month.”

  “Still, we’re all glad you were able to get away from the base in Coronado to see your sister get married.” His father clapped his arm around Jacob’s shoulders. “Your brothers are missed.”

  Claire heard Jacob’s sharp intake of breath. “Yeah. Big time,” he said after a beat of silence.

  Again, she checked out his profile. Though not in the market for a man yet, she couldn’t help but give an inner female sigh of appreciation. He was incredibly good-looking with ginger red hair cropped short, accentuating a high brow, straight nose, strong jaw and an endearing sweep of bronzed freckles covering his face. And he had a full-lipped mouth which probably kissed a lot of willing women, but right now a thin white line bracketed his lips.

  He’s in pain. And she had to fight her natural urge to provide relief, comfort him. He’d be a client soon enough. And she definitely didn’t tangle with big, strong SEALs who had powerful, muscular bodies designed to win battles in and out of the bedroom.

  While she wasn’t technically his physical therapist yet, she figured she’d get him out of harm’s way. No reason to make his injury worse, and her job harder. “They’re serving the buffet outside,” she said softly. “Looks like you’ll have to hurry if you want to beat Swede to the roast beef.”

  “I’m heading there now. You guys eat enough to feed a small town,” his father said, then left them to hurry to the deck where two lines had formed on either side of the long linen-covered tables.

  She expected Jacob to follow immediately. Instead, he turned to look at her, his brilliant blue eyes locking on hers, searing her with their intensity. “You want to grab a plate with me?” he asked, not hiding the appreciation in his gaze as he raised one brow in question.

  An electrical spark seemed to travel between them and she flushed. Oh, another woman would know exactly what to do with a big, masculine masterpiece like Jacob Lawson, especially when he lasered his focus on her. But not Claire. Though a part of her wanted to give him on a shot.

  But three days ago she’d been alerted that her newfound peace of mind might be in jeopardy. And she’d lost sleep, tormented by her growing concern that her decision to leave Atlanta and move halfway across the country would fail to protect her.

  “No thanks.” She broke the connection arcing between them to look at her friend Hannah across the room. “I’ve got someone to sit with.” Plus, she wanted to be on alert for any messages from her mother just in case the worse case scenario unfolded.

  “Too bad. Would have been nice to have company,” he said. “See you later.”

  “Oh you will,” she said. “You’re coming into Brighter Side Rehab on Monday morning. I’m your new physical therapist.”

  Jacob blinked twice, then touched his right shoulder and leaned forward, closing the inches separating them. “Do me a solid, and keep that appointment on the down low,” he said. “I don’t want to spoil Delaney’s big day or worry my folks.”

  “Will do,” she said, his request endearing him to her even more than the way his freckles dotting his cheeks and forehead.

  He might be big, strong, built to go into dangerous places and do a job only the most elite military people performed, but his gentle tone regarding his family revealed a softer side to him which called to her.

  She played with the locket on her necklace, rubbing the well-worn heart, remembering how easily families changed without warning. Families like hers. And those changes had made her vulnerable to a monster. Then she’d learned very quickly to rely on herself. So, while the attraction pinging between them tempted her, Claire wouldn’t act on it.

  Not when she had another potential call waiting in the wings that could make believing in fairy tales next to impossible again.

  “Who’s the blonde?” Jacob asked his new brother-in-law while loading his plate with another round of roast beef, horseradish and a hoagie bun.

  “New physical therapist Hannah hired to operate the Brighter Side Rehab satellite facility in Eagle Rock,” Ethan said, grabbing a bun, a few carrot sticks and some puffy pastries with a savory filling. “Claire Murray. She’s from Atlanta. Don’t know her too well ‘cause Delaney and I were on location when she arrived a few months ago to take the position. But Taz thinks she’s great and Hannah raves about her.”

  “She seeing anyone?” Jacob asked, wondering why she’d shut him down so quickly when he’d been sure the attraction sparking in him had been mutual.

  “Not that I know of. Why? You interested in her?”

  “Sure, she’s nice, but I don’t think she’s looking for a hookup.”

  “Hookup? Of course not. Claire’s careful and she’s incredibly independent,” Hannah slid between them to reach for more veggie sticks. “She’s also extremely professional. I’d hire a hundred more like her. She’s an excellent physical therapist.”

  Good to know she had the chops for the job considering his shoulder needed serious intervention. If he couldn’t get this shit fixed, he’d need surgery. That’d put him out of commission for months. Maybe permanently.

  And Hannah was right about Claire’s professionalism. She hadn’t balked when he’d asked her to keep mum about his shoulder issue. He’d wanted to avoid worrying his family about his shoulder, not telling them the additional reason he’d accepted his sister and brother-in-law’s offer to stay at their place while they soaked up the sun in Aruba. He’d arranged his physical therapy at Brighter Side via his military insurance before arriving in Eagle Rock.

  Claire moved into his line of vision, sent him a smile, then crossed the open living room toward where Taz sat. Damn. She had an awesome figure with curves in all the right places. Her full hips swayed just enough to be sensual without being suggestive. The floral dress she’d chosen to wear accentuated her slim waist and the hemline danced around trim, well-defined legs. Oh. Man. She definitely hit all the marks in his I’d-do-you checklist.

  “Whooo boy, you do like her.” Hannah spooned some dip onto her plate. “If you want, I’ll feel her out to see if she’d go out with you.”

  “Nah. I’m good.”

  “Okay, I’ll catch up with you later,” she said, leaving them to join Taz inside.

  He gave the trio one last look, then moved to a group of chairs filled with the small wedding party and his parents. They chatted animatedly while flames flickered in the outdoor fire pit.

  “Nice spread,” he said, sitting next to his sister, then tucked into his second helping.

  “You think you’ve got enough to tie you over until tomorrow?” Delaney asked. “Or do you need me to tell the caterers to get another side of beef started?”

  “Ha ha, very funny.” Jacob turned to Ethan, who had followed him to the chairs. “You sure you don’t want to get out while you can?”

  “Nope. I’m good with the status quo,” he said, draping one arm around her. “Best thing I ever did was beg your sister to give me another chance.”

  “I’m glad she did,” Jacob said, meaning it. Not only had Ethan saved his kid sister’s life, the man loved Delaney for who she was as a person, not for all her big A-list star status. And he’d made his sister happier than Jacob had ever seen her.

  “Aw. Now you’re getting too mushy,” Delaney said, poking him in the shoulder.

  Pain shafted through him, lancing deep. “F…” he stopped the swear when his mom gave him her trademark don’t-you-dare-buster-or-else look. Cringing, he shot her an apologetic look. Sometimes he thought mothers all over the world were given a special training manual to teach them how to perfect their evil-eyes.

  “I saw you talking with Claire,” Delaney continued. “She’s super nice. You thinking about asking her out?”

  He rubbed his shoulder, then glanced her way. She’d pulled her cell phone out and seemed alone in the sea of people while checking the screen. It was almost as if she used the device to create a wall between her and everyone else.

  A strange feeling settled in his chest. He couldn’t help wondering why she did. He banished his curiosity with a mental stand-down. “Nope,” he said, repeating his earlier assertion.

  He’d see plenty of her when he started his physical therapy sessions. And that meant keeping his distance. No point in muddying the waters with starting something he didn’t plan to continue when she had new roots her. Besides he’d see her all over town whenever he came home.

  “Too bad,” Delaney said. “I like her.”

  So did he, but other than the brief flash of interest he’d read in her hazel eyes, Claire hadn’t accepted his invitation to hang with him. Cool with him. After all, they’d only met each other today. And she’d be his physical therapist come Monday. Maybe she didn’t cross the line with her clients.

  “I’m sure she’s nice, but she’s not my type.” His type being the kind of person who enjoyed a little fun without any big deal promises about white picket fences and babies in the cradle.

  “Then why’d you ask about her when we were at the buffet table?” Ethan asked.

  “Just curious,” he said, talking around the bite of roast beef sandwich in his extremely dry mouth.

  “Jacob Allen Lawson, did the SEALs make you forget your manners?”

  “Sorry Mom.” Damn. He’d been home for a week and his mother had turned up the nagging meter. “Got used to downing my MREs.”

  His mother raised her hand to her mouth and her eyes grew wide. “I didn’t… I’m sorry Jacob.”

  “It’s all right,” he said, meaning every word. He’d never blame her for being tough on him. After all, she’d wrangled him and his twin along with two other kids while working full time, which meant she brooked no nonsense from any of her children.

  He respected her, loved her even more for it. “Got anything else to drink in this house besides this fancy champagne?” he asked.

  “Beers are in the coolers on the lower deck,” Ethan said.

  “Excellent,” Jacob stood, walked over to his mother and kissed her cheek. “Catch you later for a game of Chicken Foot?”

  She patted his hand, lingering a little longer than necessary as if reluctant to let him go. And as if apologizing again for her earlier nag. “Absolutely,” she said. “I love that game.”

  “Great. Later all.” He carried his plate to one of the trays the caterers had placed on serving stands, then made his way to the stairs.

  He’d grab a beer, party with his family and friends until the reception ended. Later tonight he’d play a few rounds of dominoes with his parents, then knock off. A decent night’s sleep in a real bed would take his mind off his shoulder pain and the pretty physical therapist who’d help him fix the problem.

  He stepped down, then stopped in his tracks when he heard a loud crash. Whipping his head around, he saw Claire scrambling to pick up shards of her broken champagne glass and her plate’s shattered pieces.

  His heart rate accelerated and adrenaline spiked along his nerves. He didn’t stop to think, reversing his direction until he reached her.

  “Let me help,” he said, kneeling beside her.

  Her hands trembled as she attempted to herd the mess into a pile. “No. It’s… I’m…,” her voice pitched high and he heard a sob under her refusal.

  He stilled her frenzied movements and she stiffened. Damn. She was afraid. Of him? Or someone else? Quickly, he removed his hands from hers. “You’re in no shape to clean this mess,” he said, waving over one of the servers who had the foresight to grab a broom and dustpan before rushing to them.

  “I’ve got this,” she said.

  “And I’ve got you,” he said to Claire, easing his arm around her waist and helping her stand before she stopped him, then letting her go before she lost it again.

  His shoulder screamed with pain, but he didn’t care. He only cared about figuring out what was wrong with her. People closed in around them, and her pulse fluttered wildly in her throat.

Whatever freaked her out had leached the color from her cheeks. Someone or something else had unglued Claire.

  Chapter 2

  “I’m so embarrassed,” Claire said, gulping in air and trying desperately to get her heart to stop beating at warp ten. She shouldn’t have come to the wedding. It had been a selfish move, but she’d wanted to take her mind off the possible threat looming over her head.

  “Don’t be,” Jacob said. “You want to tell me what spooked you?”

  “I—I can’t…” She stared at the cell phone she’d dropped onto the floor. She didn’t know how to tell anyone about the man she sent to prison fourteen years ago… the man who’d tried to molest her less than a year after her father died suddenly… the man her family trusted… someone she trusted…

  Her coach had mauled her while heading back to Atlanta from a soccer meet. He’d been drinking and thought he’d cop a feel of her, but she fought him off and he’d lost control of the van he’d been driving. They crashed into the median and three of her teammates lost their lives that night.

  She’d survived, but her injuries had permanently sidelined her. A shudder traveled through her and her legs buckled. Jacob caught her again, his strong arm bracing her. “Easy. Let’s get you to another room,” he said gently. “Someplace more private where you can regroup.”

  A panicked sob mingled with a long buried hysterical laugh. “I doubt I’ll ever be able to regroup now…” Around her people stood and stared. Old shame washed through her, making her want to hide her face, but Jacob’s calm, steadying presence helped ground her. “Yes. Please, I’d like to gather my wits before I leave.”

  “You’re not going anywhere until we talk,” Hannah said, approaching her with Allie by her side. “We’ll take it from here, Jacob. Go rally the troops, let them know everything’s all right.”


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