Home > Romance > REFRAIN: A ROCKSTAR ROMANCE > Page 6

by Anne Mercier

  “E,” Linc says softly, grabbing my hand and threading his fingers through mine. “We didn’t even think. We never had to.”

  “You do now,” Cage says, his tone losing the bite. “You’re in the spotlight. It was a conscious decision, and now you need to be conscious of your every move when the media is present.”

  “How bad is it?” I ask.

  Sera turns to me and rests her hand over mine and Linc’s. “It’s ugly. It’s cruel.”

  “We said media blackout, but I need to see this.”

  Cage nods. He holds up his phone.


  Ramirez and Ashcroft were spotted today at Nunzio’s Italian Family Restaurant, but their behavior was anything but family-like. The two disappeared from their table—both entered the restroom. When a patron tried to enter, the door was locked, and he heard sex noises coming from within.

  A family establishment with high-class clientele and these two have a quickie in the bathroom. Their actions are deplorable. What if the door hadn’t been locked and a young child entered?

  To the two classless gentlemen: If you two can’t keep it in your pants long enough to get home, maybe you shouldn’t dine in public places. It’s one thing to be gay. It’s another thing to flaunt it.

  - Dave Richards, The Tattler

  “Christ that man is vile,” I mutter.

  “He’s a prick,” Cage adds. “He’s the worst of the worst.”

  “And the best of the best?” Linc questions.

  Sera smirks and hands over her phone. “This just came out.”


  Pay no attention to the narrow-minded, hypocritical bigots out there. Lincoln, Ethan, I’ve gotta say, there’s nothing sexier than a little tryst after a good meal.

  For those who haven’t read the trash my classless nemesis is spewing (no pun intended), Lincoln Ramirez and Ethan Ashcroft were scene at Nunzio’s Italian Restaurant, and like any normal red-blooded couple in love, passion got the best of them. No one knows what went on behind that closed and locked door, but fifteen minutes later both were spotted exiting the restroom with smiles and flushed faces.

  Is it hot in here or is it just me? Good on you, gentlemen. You made me a believer—true love is passionate and tumultuous, and you two wear it well.

  - Margo Phelan, Announcements

  “Have I mentioned how much I love this woman? I need to meet her,” Linc announces.

  “She’s Lucy’s favorite,” I inform him.

  “I can see why.”

  Cage sighs as we pull into the gated community that houses CFD. “Look. I get it. I really do.”

  Sera wiggles her eyebrows, “Does he ever.”

  Cage’s lips twitch, and he lifts a brow at his wife. “Sometimes we act before we think, and normally that’d be okay. But for the next few months, you aren’t normal.”

  Linc chuckles. “Dude, we were never normal.”

  “Understatement of the year,” Sera adds with a smile.

  “So, in other words, keep it in our pants when we’re in public,” I deduce.

  “Yeah. That doesn’t mean you can’t be affectionate, just keep it PG—”

  “—13,” Sera adds. “PG-13.”

  “What the fuck is PG-13? Holding hands? Kissing? Hugging?” Linc asks.

  Sera nods.

  “Just no banging or—”

  “Right,” Cage says, cutting him off.

  Linc nods. “PG-13.” He looks at me. “We can do that.”

  “Just imagine Kadi being around whenever you’re in public. That’ll help you a lot,” Sera suggests.

  “Heard about all of that, huh?” Ethan chuckles.

  Sera laughs. “Aren’t kids fun?”

  “Some of them are, others not so much,” Linc says honestly, squirming a bit in his seat.

  “What…?” Sera asks.

  I chuckle. “He had a moment where he thought about us adopting kids and imagined one of them was just like Kiki.”

  Sera gasps. “Why? Why would you do something like that to yourself?”

  Linc shudders. “It wasn’t by choice. Her and that fucking puppy show.”

  “Ohhhh,” Sera says. “Yeah, you’re better off avoiding her at all costs during that show.”

  “She looked at me and talked to me like I was stupid,” Linc admits.

  It’s hard, but I manage not to laugh at his pout.

  “Oh my,” Sera says softly, placating my man. “She’s done that to me, too. Don’t take it personally.”

  “It’s not just me?” Linc asks.

  “No, it’s just her,” Cage replies.

  “She’s got the mojo, you know. Nana had to suppress it. I think Kiki’s found a way to break through. Lucy and I are planning on going to see Nana tomorrow to discuss it. That girl, she’s nothing but trouble,” Sera says with a fond smile.

  “She is!” Linc declares.

  I cough to hide my laugh.

  His eyes narrow. “Are you laughing?”


  He looks at me some more. “This is not funny.”

  “Of course it’s not,” I say.

  “Are you messing with me right now? It’s not a good time to do that, E,” he warns.

  “I would never,” I defend.

  He nods. “Better not. She freaks me out.”

  “Dude, she freaks everyone out,” I agree.

  Even Cage nods. “You’re home.”

  “So we are. Thanks for the lift. No fucking in public, we got it,” Linc says as he steps out of the SUV.

  I kiss Sera’s cheek and shake Cage’s hand. “Thanks for the quick lift.”

  “We were close by and Dave got wind of the story right away. It was more like twenty minutes,” Sera notifies me with a wink. “And from the flush on Linc’s cheeks, it looks like it was well worth the backlash.”

  I wink back. “Thanks.”

  “Let’s not make it a habit,” Cage advises.





  “Yeah,” Cage agrees.

  “I hate this for them,” I admit.

  Cage nods. “It’s temporary.”

  “Temporary or not, it’s bullshit. If they were male and female this wouldn’t be a big deal. More people would be like Margo rather than Dave the Dick.”


  “What can we do to help them?”

  Cage sighs. “Nothing but keep them out of bathrooms.”

  “So, they should just bang at the table? In a booth in a club?” I’m angry.

  “Fee,” Cage says softly, taking my hand between his.

  “What happens if they want to go to a club? Can they sexy dance like everyone else? Or do they have to follow the personal space rules?”

  “I don’t know, Fee. I wish I understood the rules in the bigotry game, but I don’t. I don’t entertain them, I don’t encourage them, and I certainly don’t support them,” he says.


  He nods again. “But… these aren’t just any two men. These men are family. These men are important. These men are in the spotlight because of who they are and what they do. That means that these men should absolutely maintain PG-13. It’s not only adults who look up to them. There are also children and teens. Imagine the disappointment the teenage girls have now that Ethan’s admitted to the world that he’s gay. Imagine how confused young men are who’ve looked up to Lincoln K.O. Ramirez for so long and now his image has changed.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “Life isn’t fair, Fee. You know that better than anyone. I know they want to maintain the same image they’ve always had. Clean, wholesome idols, someone the world can look up to. They’ll never forgive themselves if they taint that image,” Cage tells me.

  I nod and slide closer to him, as far as the seatbelt will allow. I wrap both my arms around one of his and rest my head on his shou

  “The world is a cruel place. I refuse to let it break them in any way.”

  “As do I.” Cage dials his phone.

  “Black,” Damian answers.

  “I think it’s time someone leans on Dave Richards.”

  “It’ll be a pleasure.” I can hear the smile in Damian’s voice.

  They hang up without saying goodbye, like always.

  “Dave’s in so much trouble,” I snicker.

  Cage nods.

  “Twenty bucks says Damian makes him piss his pants,” I bet.

  Cage looks at me, brow raised. “I’d be a fool to bet against Damian.”

  I roll my eyes and huff. “You’re no fun.”

  “Is that so?”

  I look up at him, and he’s got that look. Holy smokes. “Um…”

  “I’ll prove differently when we get home.”

  As Margo said: Hubba hubba.



  “I’m about fed up with this negativity shit the media’s shoveling.”

  Lucy sighs. “You know how it goes. It gets worse before it gets better.”

  “It’s bullshit!” I shout, angry, furious that my best friends—my brothers—have to go through this. “No one talked bad about me when I fucked different chicks every night. Ethan and Linc aren’t doing anything nearly as bad as that.”

  “Calm your shit,” Linc bellows, walking into the living room. “You’re going to wake the She Devil. If you do, I’m so outta here.”

  Lucy snickers. “Big bad Lincoln “Knock Out Ramirez” is afraid of a toddler.”

  “She isn’t just any toddler and you know it. She’s like a 16-year-old in a toddler’s body. She knows way too much already.”

  “Pussy,” I tease.

  “Hell yes,” Linc agrees.

  I chuckle. “Really, it’s not that funny. Sometimes she kinda scares me too. When I imagine her as a teenager, I start to get chest pains. I think I’ll need Xanax to get through those years.”

  “We kinda fucked up,” Ethan blurts out.

  “Dude, we’ve done way worse shit than that. It’s the narrow-mindedness and the stereotype they’re labeling you with just because you prefer to fuck each other rather than chicks,” I seethe, so angry I want to hit something.

  “I, for one, don’t get it. I think it’s hot,” Meggie announces with a sigh.

  “Oh, God, yes,” Lucy agrees, nearly moaning.

  I raise by brows. “You two think these two fucking is hot?”

  “Beyond words,” Meggie tells me, fanning herself.

  Linc and Ethan grin. Trace frowns.

  Meggie edges over to Ethan. “Do you think I could watch sometime?”

  Trace growls.

  “You better quit before Styxzilla erupts,” Linc tells her.

  Trace tugs Meggie to his side. “Woman, you try my patience.”

  Meggie snickers and Lucy winks at her. I don’t think Kierah is the only She Devil around here.

  “Jesse, you need to calm down. Sera called. Cage is all over this,” my Cupcake tells me. She slides an arm around my waist and hugs my side.

  “I just think it’s bullshit.”

  Ethan nods. “It is bullshit, but it’s the way it is. I’m fine about it. The media are vultures looking for easy prey, and we just happened to hand them a freebie today.”

  “Major mood killer,” Linc adds.

  “I’m just glad this is getting dealt with now before your premiere in a couple months,” Ethan tells Lucy.

  “I’m not worried about it, E. It was a shitty movie to make—not the movie, but my co-star. Fucking coke head Aidan,” Lucy mutters.

  “He gonna be there?” I ask.

  “Yep. He’s clean—apparently.”

  “Hmm. For how long?” I mutter.

  Lucy nods. “Exactly.”

  “Do you miss it?” Linc asks.


  Linc nods.

  Lucy shakes her head. “Not really. Sometimes it was nice to be able to pretend to be someone else, but I’m pretty happy with who I am now.”

  “Good answer,” Meggie teases.

  My wife. She’s pretty fucking great. I gotta admit, having four kids at once is hard as hell, but in a way I’m glad that’s all done and over with. No more kids. No more worrying about Lucy in delivery—in labor. She’s so damn tiny. I still don’t know how she managed to carry all those babies inside her, but she did.

  “Oh, my husband’s giving me the look.” She fakes a yawn. “I’m bushed. Time for bed. Bye!” She grabs my hand and pulls me with her. I grin the entire way to the bedroom… and for at least an hour after that, too.



  “Well, this is new,” I tell Linc then pass him my phone.

  “What the fuck?” he growls.

  “What’s going on?” Lucy asks from the other side of the breakfast table.

  I look to Kadi. “Darling girl, you might want to leave the room. There’s going to be a lot of swearing and none of us will be paying this time.”

  Her mouth forms an O. “Something bad happened.”

  I nod. “It did, darlin’. I’d rather you didn’t hear any of this, so no listening at the door.”

  She blushes. “I promise.”

  I kiss her cheek. “You’re a good girl, Kadi.”

  She leaves the room and everyone’s watching me.

  “Well?” Xander prods.

  “There’s a new Twitter hate campaign,” I announce.

  “Oh shit,” Jesse mutters.

  Linc hands me back my phone. “We’re trending.”

  “No shit,” Lucy grumbles.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Xander asks.

  “It’s just that Jesse and I never trended. We barely got a mention,” Lucy pouts.

  I cut her a glare. “Trade you.”

  She looks sheepish. “Sorry. Not for all the money in the world.”

  I look at Twitter. “I’m a fag. Original.”

  “Oh God,” Tera mutters. “They’re pulling out all the slurs.”

  “Go on,” Linc prods as he eats his eggs.

  How is he not affected by this?

  Xander cringes. “You sure?”

  Linc nods.

  “All right, if you say so,” Xander replies. “Faggot. Fudge packer. Butt pirate.”

  I chuckle. “I’ve always like that one.”

  Linc lifts a brow.

  “Think about it. When I’m there, I’ve found the treasure,” I remark with a wink.

  Xander groans. “That was so lame.”

  “You’ve got better?” I taunt.

  “Not going there today. Really not in a joking mood,” Xan replies.

  I stare. “What’s wrong with you? You’re always up for a good joke.”

  He taps his phone. “This. This shit. I hate it. I hate what they’re saying. I knew it was happening out there, but you never realize how bad until it happens to someone you know.”

  “Xan, we’re fine.”

  “Are you?” Linc asks, looking at me.

  I nod. “They’re only words.”

  “Words can hurt worse than a punch.”

  I look at the man I love and see the worry. “Babe, I’m good. If I’m not, I’ll talk to you about it.”

  He nods. “You’ve got Joan, too.”

  I put my hand over his. “I’d rather it be you.”

  His expression softens. He turns his hand over and we thread fingers.

  He looks up and frowns. “What the fuck, Xan?”

  I look over and he’s recording us. “What he said.”

  “I figure we should let them see the love not just the hate,” Xander replies, and I’m touched.

  “I never thought of that,” Jesse says. “I like it.”

  “Okay?” Xander asks.

  I look to Linc. “Fine with me. You?”

  He nods. “All good. Have at it.”

  “Uploading my first serious vid. My followers are gonn
a freak.”

  Tera sniffles. “That’s so sweet.”

  “Good Christ,” Linc mutters. “Pregnancy hormones. If you hate this for me, I hate that for you.”

  Tera sniffles again. “That’s even sweeter. I hate crying. You know how I hate it.”

  Linc nods.

  “You only have six weeks left,” Lucy placates, patting Tera’s hand in sympathy.

  “Already over two hundred comments,” Xan announces.

  I chew a piece of bacon.

  “One guy says he’d like a threesome with you both,” Xan chuckles. “A chick says she can change you—she’s that good.”

  I snort.

  “Haters. More guys wanting to bang one or both of you.” Now Xander frowns—hard.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  He shakes his head.

  “Go on,” Linc urges.

  “Fucking fag. I’m done with FD,” Xan relays, then he’s typing.

  “You think that’s a good idea?” Jesse asks.

  “It’s the best idea I’ve had in my entire fucking life,” Xander bites out.

  I groan. Linc rubs his leg against mine.

  “What’d you say?” Lucy asks.

  “I told him we didn’t want fans like that anyway,” Xan says, then takes a sip of his coffee.

  I give him a look. I know there’s more to it.

  Linc nudges my leg. “Let it go.”

  I nod.

  We’re just finishing up breakfast and the doorbell rings.

  “Hundred bucks says that’s Cage,” Linc wagers.

  “Not taking that bet because I’m one hundred percent positive it’s him,” I say.

  Sera comes barreling into the kitchen wielding her phone like a weapon. “This! This was epic, Xander!” She hugs him and kisses him right on the lips.

  “I don’t think it was epic enough for you to kiss him on the lips, Fee,” Cage chides.

  Sera rolls her eyes. “It’s just Xander.” She kisses his lips again, then kisses Tera on the lips, too, so she doesn’t feel left out.


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