The Zahkx Alliance: A Sci-Fi Dystopian Adventure (Dominion Rising Book 2)

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The Zahkx Alliance: A Sci-Fi Dystopian Adventure (Dominion Rising Book 2) Page 5

by Katherine Bogle

  Selene froze, her eyebrows furrowed. A head of white hair bobbed inside one of the makeshift shops with shelves for walls, and dozens of modded tech lying across three tables on each side, blocking in two men.

  Her heart leapt and a grin spread across her face.


  Forgoing the stairs it’d take five minutes to reach, Selene grabbed the railing and flung herself over. Stabs of pain shot up her feet and ankles as she landed, and she bit her lip hard to keep from crying out.

  “Damn, that hurt more than I remember,” she hissed. It wasn’t the first time she’d taken the quick way down, but it was the first time she’d done so without her own body.

  Rem looked up, a startled gasp flying from his lips.

  Selene smiled and raised an eyebrow. “Enjoying your new job, Rem?”

  Rem stumbled as he made his way to the front table blocking him in. He looked down at it, irritation flashing through his eyes at the table stopping their reunion. With one big push, Rem threw the table aside, sending tech everywhere.

  He closed the space between them, and Selene enveloped him in a hug as water swelled in Rem’s eyes.

  “Rem, don’t cry!” Selene looked up at the tall man and swiped a thumb under his eye. “You thought I died once before, remember?”

  That was probably the wrong thing to say, as tears poured down Rem’s pale cheeks. “L-Last time was under suspicious circumstances,” Rem defended. He cleared his throat, and finally let her go so he could wipe his eyes. “But when I saw you, err… not you, on TV…. Zelena Stein. I thought they’d killed you for sure.”

  Selene’s heart ached. She hated the pain she’d caused him. Though it wasn’t quite her fault, she still felt responsible. It was just another reason she needed to get her body back and make Zelena pay.

  “They didn’t,” Selene said. She paused to bite her lip. “Well… they might have wanted to, but I guess in a way, Pate kind of saved me?” She’d never really thought about it until now, but Pate did kind of save her life, even if he was the reason for all of this in the first place.

  Rem’s eyes widened in shock and confusion. “What the hell?”

  Selene snorted. Her thoughts exactly. “Right?” What was the world coming to?

  “Selene?” Lanny peeked from behind Rem’s booth, a big wrench in hand, and black oil the same color as his hair smudging his normally clear olive skin.

  “Hey, Lanny.” Selene waved.

  Lanny grinned and dropped his wrench, rushing over to envelop her in a hug of his own. After a quick embrace, he pulled back, holding her at arm’s length. “You’re alive! Does that mean the others are safe? Is Sav with you?”

  Her heart sank, every bit of elation fleeing her body.

  Before she could say a word, Lanny’s face darkened and he stepped back. “Damn. Really shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up there.”

  “I’m sorry Lanny.” She sighed. “I haven’t seen Sav since the night of the election.”

  Lanny nodded. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Just got myself worked up over nothing.”

  Her chest panged. She knew exactly what he meant. She’d tortured herself with ‘what if’s for weeks, and even after she’d gotten free, she’d still dwelled on them all the way from New Manhattan.

  “We’ll find him.” Selene squeezed his arm, and Lanny forced a smile before returning to their small weapons shop. He scooped up some of the discarded pieces of tech while Rem looked after him. “You okay?” she asked.

  Rem glanced back at her. “Yeah. It’s just hard for him when we have no idea where Sav is.”

  “None?” Selene’s chest ached.

  “Nope.” Rem shrugged. His eyes were still bloodshot, and his elation had vanished along with hers. Had Rem thought she’d bring back Sav too? Or was it something else?

  “So where is everyone?” Selene asked. She couldn’t hold back any longer. “What happened after the election? Did everyone make it out okay?” Everyone but Sarah. Did Rem know about their fallen comrade?

  Rem sighed and swiped a hand through his shaggy white hair. He had always refused to get it cut until Sarah forced him to sit down. For the entire haircut, she’d lecture him about the importance of one’s appearance.

  Pain flashed through Selene, and her eyes burned. She’d never watch and laugh as Sarah went on a tirade, and Rem gave Selene desperate looks for help, again. Her best friend was gone, and as far as she knew, everyone else might be too.

  Her throat tightened, restricting her airways. Stop it. She couldn’t dissolve into tears now. She had to stay strong and find out what went on.

  “We got out all right. Lanny knew some hideouts and we stayed there for a couple days until Kayl showed up,” Rem explained.

  “Kayl?” Selene started.

  Rem nodded. “He came to let us know Sarah was dead, then left without another word.” He shook his head. “We tried to get him to explain, but he just ran away.”

  “Sarah was shot during our escape.” Selene’s voice hitched, and she forced herself to take a steadying breath before she continued. “But I can explain all of that later. Where are Rikkard, Darius, and Flik? Did they make it out okay?” Though she’d had her doubts about Rikkard’s safety, seeing Rem and Lanny alive and well gave her hope that something had gone right that night.

  Rem looked at her sharply, and Selene’s stomach sank. “Darius and Flik are fine,” he began. “Darius is working at Radley’s and Flik should be back from gathering intel sometime soon.”

  Selene’s heart raced. She didn’t miss the one person he left out. “And Rik?”

  Rem looked away, even as she took his arm and shook him, begging for him to answer her. “Flik is gathering intel about him right now.”

  “Intel?” Selene squeezed both of his arms, and forced him to face her. “Rem, what the hell happened to Rikkard?”

  Rem hesitated, even as her blood burned and her mind raced. “Rikkard was captured by the Dominion… he’s being held west of here in a work camp.”

  “He’s where?” Her voice rose and she barely kept herself from shrieking. Selene’s fists balled as Rem stepped out of her grip, barely able to pull her hands away from his shirt.

  “That’s all we know right n-now,” Rem stuttered. His hands shook until he pocketed them. “Flik is finding out more. We only know he’s at the work camp because some of the guards are dirty, and one of them told Darius the infamous Captain of the Smugglers Legion had finally been caught.”

  Selene turned away from Rem, her chest suddenly on fire. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t answer him. How could this have happened? How could Rikkard not have gotten free when she did? He was the most resourceful, most cunning, most cutthroat out of all of them. If anyone could have escaped the Dominion’s grip, it was Rikkard.

  Taking a deep breath, Selene spun towards him. “So what’s the plan to rescue him?” Rem glanced at everything in the market but her. “Rem!”

  He sighed. “We don’t really have one yet.”

  Selene pursed her lips, irritated. “Then we’re going to make one.”

  She took Rem’s arm, and turned them both back to the makeshift shop. “Come on Lanny, it’s time to get the gang back together.”

  Lanny looked up from his work. He’d cleared the floor of their supplies, and moved the table mostly back into position, leaving enough room for them to slip in and out. “To Radley’s?” he asked.

  Selene nodded. “To Radley’s.” She couldn’t help the small smile that quirked her lips. When she’d seen the Alliance boys last, they’d all been shocked to find out Selene and the rest of the crew were smugglers, frequently dealing with Bakura and all the baggage that came with it. Now, only a couple weeks later, Lanny might as well be a local. He sure looked like it with the grease smudging his clothes.

  “Good plan. I need a drink,” Rem said, sagging against her.

  Selene smiled ruefully. “I think we all could use one.”

  The light
on the neon L in the Radley’s sign had gone out sometime in the two weeks she’d been gone, but besides a missing light, the bar was exactly how she remembered it.

  On the right, tables and booths full of her fellow lowlifes. On the left, the bar, stools, glass shelves covered in liquor bottles, and Darius.

  The tall, broad man looked up as they entered, his shirt nearly busting open over his wide chest. He raised his hand to wave at Rem, but froze when he spied Selene standing beside him.

  His mouth fell open and he remained stock still for a good ten seconds, even as one of the patrons waved an empty glass at him and yelled for another scotch.

  “Selene,” Darius said as they approached the bar. “How many damn times are you going to come back from the dead?”

  Selene grinned despite herself, a laugh bubbling from her gut. “At least a few more times.”

  Darius swung the leaf of the bar up and came around front to hug her. He lifted her off the ground and spun her in a circle before setting her back down. “It’s never been so good to see that hot ass of yours.” He grinned, flashing his teeth.

  Selene rolled her eyes and punched his arm. “You never change.”

  “Never.” Darius winked.

  Glancing between Darius, Rem, and Lanny, she was reminded of the last time she’d come back from the dead. Their reactions had been similar, even though much more time had passed. She wasn’t sure if it was because they’d really thought she was dead this time, or they felt lost without a leader. Either way, she was back and ready to change all of that.

  “Let’s head back to the ship to wait for Flik,” Lanny suggested.

  Selene’s eyebrows shot up. How the hell did they afford a ship? She supposed they had to be staying somewhere, as Bakura wasn’t known for its luxury accommodations, but a ship of their own?

  “Let’s go!” Darius agreed. He grabbed a bottle from behind the bar, and saluted his fellow bartender goodbye before they headed back the way they’d come, and out onto the deck.

  Stars flickered overhead, a bright, round moon clear in the sky. This far from New Manhattan, every night was a show in itself. She smiled faintly as she followed the others back to the ship, a weight settling in her stomach.

  Even though she hadn’t been sure that she’d come back to Rikkard and the others, she’d still hoped to find their captain doing his usual job, staring coldly at the others with his you-better-do-what-I-say look. Her heart ached. They needed to get Rik back, and they would. But to get Rikkard back, she needed her body. But to get her body back, she needed Rikkard.

  Selene shook her head. How could she do both at the same time, or do one without doing the other? She needed both to happen simultaneously, but she couldn’t be in two places at once.

  The others slowed toward the peak of the ship, and Rem pulled a remote from his pocket, aiming at an old scrap cruiser and hitting a large red button to open the rear doors.

  She raised an eyebrow. “This is your ship?”

  The metal seemed pieced together by sheets and bolts, and the hangar door creaked all the way down. It was even worse than the one she’d bought after Kong had stolen their cargo ship. Her heart sank. She hadn’t even thought about Kong yet. He would have been on the ship when they were taken too. Did that mean Kong was back in the Dominion’s hands?

  “Yep, it’s not a looker, but she works all right.” Darius shrugged, and Rem narrowed his eyes at his comrade. It was clear that Rem didn’t agree.

  “Not a looker? It’s hard to believe this thing even flies.” Selene cringed at the thought of flying anywhere in that thing. She could just picture it, jetting out over the desert when all of a sudden the engine fell out the underbelly, stranding them in the middle of nowhere with no water, and no food—nothing but a scrap ship for shelter. She shivered at the mental image.

  “Well with the meagre dollars these two are bringing in, you should be thankful we have a ship at all,” Darius grumbled as the rear door creaked and stuttered, slowly lowering to stop a foot above the ground.

  “Lovely.” Sarcasm dripped off the single word.

  “Meagre dollars?” Rem snapped.

  “You charge too much!” Darius bellowed as he stepped into the small cargo hold of the cruiser.

  The others followed as dim lights slowly flickered on, some continuing to flicker even after the others illuminated. The hold was full of scrap metal, and parts, just like Rem and Lanny’s shop tables had been. Boxes upon boxes were piled against the back wall, and a small table held a few new inventions.

  Darius hit the button on the door at the back, to the left of Rem’s mess. He glared at the boxes before stepping through the doorway, and heading down a short hall.

  “Welcome to our humble abode.” Darius spread his arms as he emerged in the cockpit. Two chairs at the front, and two doors along the hall. That was it.

  Selene clicked each of the doors open. They whooshed into the wall, and revealed a small room with two bunk beds on one side, and a kitchen and bathroom combo on the other.

  “Cozy…” Selene closed the doors.

  “We mostly hang out in the cargo bay.” Lanny shrugged. “We’ve got a few chairs back there.” Selene hadn’t even seen them in all the mess.

  Darius rolled his eyes and waved them back. He took a pit stop in the kitchen-bathroom while the rest of them returned to the cargo bay. Lanny and Rem produced a few folding chairs from behind their hoard of boxes, and set them up around the small table littered with laser rifle parts.

  “So…” Selene said once they all took a seat. Rem went right in to fiddling with his toys while Lanny propped up his feet. Darius returned a few moments later, setting out glasses for each of them and pouring some kind of clear liquid into each.

  Selene’s eyebrows furrowed and she sniffed the liquid sceptically. The scent of alcohol burned her nose, and she quickly withdrew. “Smells… tasty,” she lied.

  Darius grinned. “Made that moonshine myself. Radley showed me how. Apparently he distils a lot of his own liquor.”

  “Really?” She was more surprised that a Radley still existed with that sign having been up so long. It made sense that someone had to create the liquor around there.

  “Really,” Darius confirmed.

  “So you like working at Radley’s?” she asked, painfully aware that this was all small talk when they had bigger things to discuss.

  “It’s a job.” He shrugged. “Paid for this hunk of shit, and puts food in us at least twice a day.”

  Selene winced. Once or twice a day was fine for most clones, but to keep up Darius’ crazy muscle mass, she knew he had to consume a lot, and to be without his trusty kitchen, he must have been devastated.

  The ramp up to the cargo hold clanged several times as someone mounted it. Selene turned to find the red haired, orange-skinned alien who had been missing from their ranks.

  “Hey Flik,” she said.

  Flik froze, his eyes widening as he stared at Selene. “You’re alive?”

  Selene looked down at herself. “As far as I’m aware.”

  A grin broke across Flik’s handsome face. He picked her up around the waist, pulling her right out of her chair. He squeezed her ribs and buried his face against her hair. “Where the hell have you been?”

  He pulled back, and Selene squeezed his arm before taking a seat again. Flik joined them, and they all crowded around to hear the tale of how Selene escaped. Unfortunately for them, Selene wasn’t in the mood for storytelling. “That can wait for another time. Lanny said you were out getting intel on Rik.”

  Flik nodded. “And Sav.”

  Lanny started and went bug-eyed. “You found something out about Sav?”

  Flik grimaced. “Nothing to get excited about. Just that he’s being held by the Dominion.”

  “Where?” Lanny’s eyes lit with hope.

  “I have no idea.”

  Lanny deflated, his eyelids drooping and his smile disappeared. “Oh.”

  “Sorry, man.” Flik squ
eezed Lanny’s shoulder, but Lanny didn’t even look up.

  Selene looked between the two, her heart clenching at the sight of them. Lanny, Flik and Sav had been through so much together. From what she’d learned of Sav, he’d been through the same torture as her, only he retained every memory of it. Lanny and Flik helped him recover from that, and to be sent back to the Dominion again had to be a waking nightmare. She shivered.

  “What about our fearless leader?” Darius piped up.

  Flik looked at the three smugglers. Rem even put down his tools to focus on Flik’s next words. “He’s alive—”

  A huge sigh of relief fled Selene’s lungs, and her shoulders relaxed.

  “But he’s being held in a work camp.” Flik pulled out a silver screen about the size of her old phone. He flicked it on and held it out for the rest of them to see a slideshow of images.

  Selene gasped at the slightly blurry pictures of Rikkard atop a mound of rocks, his sleeves rolled up and a grimace on his face as he dug out rubble. In the next image, a Dominion guard approached from behind, wearing all black. The man pulled out a baton in the next shot, and in the fourth, the stick became electrified before the man slapped it down on Rikkard’s back in the fifth. Rikkard jerked back, and fell to his hands and knees, where the guard lashed him again in a series of shots.

  Her heart pounded against her ribs and her eyes burned as the images went by. Her fists clenched as the fire of rage ignited inside her chest. “We have to get him out of there.”

  The others looked at her, all wearing the same look of pity. It took everything she had not to snarl at them for looking at her like that.

  “We’ll get him back,” Darius said. His fist pounded the table, rattling Rem’s plethora of mechanical pieces.

  “We will,” Rem agreed.

  The others nodded. Selene gripped her glass of liquor and threw it back. Alcohol burned her tongue and throat, all the way down to her belly. “We sure will.”

  “Where is this camp?” Selene asked. “We can go tonight.”

  Flik shook his head. “We can’t just run headlong into battle, Selene. This place is extremely well guarded.”


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