The Zahkx Alliance: A Sci-Fi Dystopian Adventure (Dominion Rising Book 2)

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The Zahkx Alliance: A Sci-Fi Dystopian Adventure (Dominion Rising Book 2) Page 12

by Katherine Bogle

  Selene nodded, and looked at Lanny. “How good is your aim?”

  Lanny’s eyes widened. “Not bad, I suppose.”

  That didn’t fill her with confidence. “Want to stick around and help Rem out in the ship?”

  The others exchanged glances.

  “Suuure,” Lanny said, more of a question than an agreement.

  “The first thing we need to do is take out sentries.” Selene pointed at each tower, a plan forming in her mind. “We’ll have to fly in, fast and hard, and gun them down. We might take out two before we start taking fire.”

  “We’ve got a front shield now that can absorb some damage,” Rem said. “Your pirate captain friend installed it while you were out. He said if you were going to keep crashing into the desert, you might need it.”

  Selene grimaced. Add that to her list of favors she owed Erock. “All right. You think it can absorb a few shots?”

  Rem nodded. “A couple, but it takes up a lot of power, so we can only use it for a few minutes at a time.”

  “Better than nothing,” Selene said. “Then we’ll take out two sentries. Rem will impress us with his shields and flying skills…” She grinned as Rem shot her a startled look. “Once they’re out, we’ll have a few seconds of panic to slide down into the main yard from the airlock.”

  Flik sat back. “Ah, I see where you’re going. Then while we’re on the ground, Rem can fly and Lanny can focus fire on the outer rim.” He pointed at the space between the two main fences with the armed guards. “They’ll have to go for cover, or risk being shot out in the open.”

  “Exactly.” Selene smiled.

  “The only place they can go is this building.” Lanny pointed at the small employees’ only building at the corner right beside the main entrance.

  “What if they have back up out here?” Darius leaned forward to point out the larger building outside the fences, position at the east side of the camp.

  “They’ll still have to stay under cover if Lanny is firing at them,” Selene said. She zoomed out on the aerial view of the complex. A few speeders were parked beside the outer building, but nothing else indicated it was anything but an external employee office. It was probably for processing new inmates, and housed the warden, or whoever ran the place, along with some overnight guards.

  “So what about when we reach the ground?” Flik asked.

  Selene froze. This is where she drew a blank. They had no idea where Rikkard would be inside the yard, only that he would be there during inmate work hours. Those would end soon, and everyone would be tired from the long day of work. It might be best to wait overnight until morning when they first came out. That way Rikkard might realize what was happening and come to them.

  Then again, if they stuck to the plan and came in at dusk, like they were on schedule for, not only would the inmates be tired, but so would the employees. They had no choice. It was perfect timing. They’d find Rik, one way or another.

  “Once we’re inside, we find Rik,” Selene said. She sat back and crossed her arms. “We’ll split up to cover more ground, keep in contact over coms. First one to find him, just call it out and we’ll all come back to where Rem drops us off. That’ll be the extraction point.” Selene motioned at the dead center of the work camp, atop the pinnacle of the rock mound.

  “That seems risky,” Lanny said. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and he tapped his foot nervously.

  “Well, I’m all ears. Any other ideas?” Selene asked.

  They all exchanged looks, and shook their heads.

  “All right,” Selene said. “Then we have a plan.”

  “Hey guys!” Rem called, his voice panicked.

  Selene spun in her chair to look out the front window. Over the horizon, tall towers emerged in front of the faintly pink sky as the remainder of the sun disappeared over the sand dunes.

  The work camp.

  Selene turned in her seat, locking her chair in the forward position before dragging her three-dimensional images back to the console. Her heart raced as they sped toward the camp, and Rikkard. They were about to get their captain back—the boss Selene couldn’t imagine living without.

  A nervous smile tugged at her lips, and she took a deep breath. “It’s show time, boys.”

  “Take it out,” Selene ordered.

  “Roger that.” Rem narrowed his eyes and yanked up the command module for the ship’s new gun system. It clicked into place atop the console and two handles lowered with red buttons atop them. “Let’s do this!” Grabbing hold of the handles, Rem pushed them forward. The propellers revved hard as they dove, red lasers flying from beneath the ship.

  Flames exploded from the first sentry tower as it erupted, shrapnel flying in every direction.

  “Nice aim!” Selene grinned.

  “Thanks!” Rem twisted the handles to the right, and the ship rotated to follow before he shot again.

  Red light ripped through the second sentry tower as chaos erupted in the camp below.

  “Let’s go boys!” Selene unbuckled herself and stood. The artificial gravity would keep them steady until they opened the airlock, but still she held onto the back of her chair, just in case.

  Flik and Darius joined her, while Lanny took her seat.

  “Hit system control, and pull up the weapons menu,” Rem instructed Lanny.

  “I know how to bring up the weapons menu!” Lanny snapped as his fingers moved across the console with similar speed and precision to Rem.

  “Hurry then!”

  Selene and the others disappeared down the hall to the cargo hold as Rem and Lanny argued over who got to command the new gun system and who would fly. She rolled her eyes and hoped that whoever it was had decent aim.

  The ship rumbled as it took return fire, and Selene hoped the new shield would hold out. They raced down the hall and the door whooshed open to the cargo hold. The few crates left were already strapped down, and Rem’s worktable was surprisingly put away.

  Flik slipped passed her to the wall where he pulled three harnesses from a mesh bag. He tossed one to each of them before yanking on his own.

  Selene stepped into the leg straps of her harness and pulled it up snug around her hips before yanking each section tight and buckling it. Flik and Darius stayed at the right side of the hold, yanking their ripcords from below the bar that lined the wall. Selene did the same on the left side, pulling the cord from the wall and clipping it to the silver loop on her harness, right below her utility belt.

  Once it was on, she tugged out some loose cord for her to jump with. As soon as they leapt from the airlock the cord would slowly unravel to lower them to the ground. Later, to get back up, Rem could unravel it automatically from the cockpit, but for now, they needed to concentrate on getting to the ground.

  Another rumble shook the ship, and Selene’s heart raced. Hitting the coms stuck in her ear, she asked: “What’s going on Rem?”

  The ship banked suddenly, and Selene grabbed the safety bar along the wall to keep from falling.

  “Just dodging fire. They sure are accurate with those cannons,” Rem replied.

  “Concentrate on flying and let Lanny take over on guns,” Selene commanded. She knew Rem would have a hard time giving them up, but this was about more than his love for tech.


  Selene pretended not to hear his teenager-like sigh of defeat, and instead grabbed her rifle from the wall. She checked the power output, fully charged, and slung the strap over her shoulder.

  “Ready?” she called across the cargo hold as the ship shook violently beneath their feet.

  “Ready!” they called back.

  Darius held a gatling gun at his hips, the power output hooked to a large battery on his back, slung over his shoulders like a backpack. Her eyebrows rose in surprise and jealousy. She wanted a big gun.

  “We’re almost ready to let you guys off,” Rem said. “Are you ready?”

  Shaking her head, Selene hit coms again. “Ready when you are

  The airlock at the center of the cargo hold lurched, and the door in the floor began to part, pulling back to reveal sand dunes, and a work camp full of people scattering every which way.

  Her stomach lurched into her throat. They were at least fifty feet up; zooming through the sky at speeds only Rem could love.

  A flaming sentry tower passed below and the cruiser slowed.

  “Sentries are taken out. Get down there, and find our captain!” Rem buzzed in her ear.

  Now who’s being bossy?

  Selene smiled despite her hammering heart. That’s right. That’s why they were there, and any minute she’d find Rikkard and their crew would be reunited.

  Adrenaline raced through her veins as she walked up to the airlock. The floor shook as the doors locked into an open position, and the propellers quieted slightly, aiming down and kicking up sand from the pile of rock at the center of the yard.

  “Let’s go!” Selene glanced at her comrades before she leapt from the cruiser.

  A torrent of air embraced her on all sides, and whipped her hair against her face and neck. All sound disappeared but the wind blowing in her ears, and then she was yanked up.

  Selene grabbed hold of her cord to straighten out. Her heart rammed against her ribs as her descent slowed, and then her feet hit the ground.

  Unhooking her harness, her skin buzzed with excitement as she brought her rifle to her shoulder, and whipped around in every direction to do a quick scan of the yard. Below her, a mountain of rocks fell away. On her right, a chasm of a mine curved toward the back fence. On her left, startled guards and inmates looked at her with wide eyes.

  Two soft thumps landed on either side of her. Flik and Darius.

  Darius growled a laugh, and Flik inhaled sharply as the cruiser pulled away, their cords retracting into the sky. The cruiser rose and arched back, laser weapons shooting from the bottom of the hull into the outer fence.

  So far, so good.

  Selene looked back over her shoulder as four guards broke away from the crowd, leaving inmates to fend for themselves as they leapt up the path curving around the rocky hill.

  “Let’s do this,” Selene said. “Split up, and if you get into trouble, holler.”

  Flik and Darius nodded before taking off down the opposite side of the slope, sliding through the rocks while four men raced up the other side of the hill.

  “You picked the wrong target, boys!” Selene tightened her new muscles and brought her eye up to the sight of her rifle. Taking aim at the first man in a black suit, she shot.

  A blue laser flared from the muzzle of her gun, and blasted right through his chest, leaving a gaping hole through which she could see the rest of the camp.

  Unperturbed, the other three reached the top of the mound. She had no problem taking these guards out. Even if they were only doing their jobs, any one of them could have beaten Rikkard with their batons. That, she couldn’t let slide.

  Selene shot the first man up the path, sending him toppling down the rocky hill. The second, a woman, whipped out a cattle prod. Electricity coursed along the black rod as she whipped it at Selene’s side.

  Selene spun and kicked the woman’s hand. The electricity disappeared as the black stick fell into the sand. The second man grabbed her gun, but Selene slammed it into his nose. He stumbled back, blood bursting from his nostrils. Stepping forward, Selene rammed her heel into his gut, sending him flying back down the hill.

  The last of her foes, the only female guard she’d seen so far, grabbed her shoulder and yanked her back. Her fist collided with Selene’s gut, and air spilled from her lungs.

  Sucking in a breath, Selene growled and drove the butt of her rifle into the woman’s lower abdomen, forcing her to her knees before Selene shot the guard through the head.

  Kicking the body down the hill, she took a breath and stood tall to assess the yard. Flik went left for the mine, and Darius went right for the inmates’ barracks. That left her with the yard to scour. Thanks guys.

  Working her jaw, Selene slid down the hillside, scanning the yard as she went. Some inmates fled back toward the barracks, while others took up arms, slamming their fists into the guards before grabbing their weapons.

  Laser fire flashed from the sky into the outer fence, tearing the metal to shreds. The armed guards were well distracted, and she had a job to do.

  Reaching the bottom of the mound, Selene raced passed inmates fighting guards, and guards lashing inmates. Her heart clenched with anger as she remembered the pictures of Rikkard being lashed. For a moment, she considered stopping to help. But unlike Rikkard, she had no idea what these people were here for. Maybe they deserved it, maybe they didn’t. Either way, she didn’t have the time.

  “Rikkard!” she shouted. The complex was much bigger than she’d realized, and it’d take forever to find her boss. But maybe if he heard her he’d come running. Or at least she hoped. “Rik!”

  She raced down the dirt path surrounding the rock pile, and a guard leapt onto the path. She brought up her gun and shot, but he was too close, and slapped her gun aside with his wrist, her laser firing uselessly into the sand.

  The man leapt, grabbing her gun and trying to force it from her hands. Selene yanked it back before thrusting it out, trying to jam it against his nose like she’d done to his comrade. Only this man was smarter, and pushed and pulled with her every motion.

  The guard yanked again, pulling her with him, only the strap wrapping her back wouldn’t break, and each pull brought her entire body with him.

  Selene narrowed her eyes, and when he pushed back again, she released her gun, grabbing his arm and twisting. Using her entire body, Selene threw him over her shoulder onto his back.

  He gasped as he hit the ground hard, the wind knocked out of him.

  With a grin of victory, Selene brought her rifle to her shoulder and shot a hole through his face. A battle cry sounded behind her.


  Selene dug her heels into the earth and slammed her elbow back into her next assailants face. He backpedalled, crying out as Selene spun into a crouch, flashing her leg out to knock him off his feet.

  He hit the ground hard, his eyes flying wide with surprise. He grabbed her ankle in an attempt to pull her off her feet, but it was too late. With her gun at her shoulder, Selene shot, and the man went still.

  Taking a quick breath, Selene pushed her mane of hair away from her face, and looked around for more incoming enemies.

  She froze, a gasp flying from her lips.

  A man in dirty jeans and a torn cream shirt, the same attire all the inmates wore, stood twenty feet away, his dark hair tousled and his cold blue eyes wide with shock. Stubble shadowed his jaw, but there was no mistaking Rikkard Gunnar.

  Selene grinned as the back of her eyes burned. He was alive. Rikkard was alive and she’d found him. Relief crashed over her like cold rain peppering her skin with goosebumps. She took a step forward, ready to run to him when a woman leapt across the sand, her tan arms wrapping around Rikkard’s waist. She looked behind her, eyes wide and desperate. Her curly black hair fell in waves over her shoulders, and her dark eyes flashed from whatever pursued her, up to Rikkard’s startled face.

  Rikkard looked down at the woman, saying something quickly as he grabbed her arms and pulled her upright, removing her hold on him.

  Selene’s brain stuttered in confusion. Who the fuck is that?

  Her eyebrows furrowed, and she stopped walking. Her chest burned and her heart raced. She’d never been jealous before—not like this. At least not that she could remember. She wanted to throw her arms around Rik and take him home, but there he was with some obnoxiously gorgeous woman. How was it possible to make rags look good? But somehow she did.

  “Selene!” Rikkard called. He raced across the sand, the woman looking after him with wide, confused eyes.

  Selene shook her head. She had to get a hold of herself. What the hell was she thinking? What did it matter if he was helping som
e woman? Selene was there to rescue him and they had to get out of there.

  “Rik—” Selene began.

  Rikkard threw his arms around her and pulled her tight to his chest. Even with her gun between them, she could still feel his hard muscles. Her cheeks warmed.

  “You’ve got to stop scaring me like that,” he growled against her hair.

  Selene smiled and buried her face against his chest for just a moment. “Sorry.”

  Rikkard squeezed her tightly before stepping back, holding onto her shoulders and keeping her at arm’s length. “How did you survive that shot?”

  While Rikkard inspected her face, her hair, and her body for answers, Selene looked away. So much had happened that she’d hardly had time to process it all yet. “I’ll explain later.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Selene.”

  “We don’t have time right now.” And they didn’t. He must know that. Selene stepped out of his hold, her stomach flipping with uncertainty. Confusion flashed across his face, and she avoided his eyes. Clicking on coms, Selene held her finger to her ear. “Rem, I’ve got him. Everyone meet back at the extraction point.”

  “Roger,” everyone said in her ear.

  Selene dropped her hand, and looked over Rikkard’s shoulder, unable to stop herself. The woman approached slowly, her mouth set in a firm line, and her tattooed eyebrows furrowed.

  “Are you… okay?” Rikkard asked tentatively, as if she might bite if provoked.

  Selene didn’t know how to answer that, not until they got out of there. “We’ve got to hurry.” She turned back the way she’d come, motioning for him to follow.

  “Wait.” Rikkard looked over his shoulder. “Eria, come on.”

  Eria? Where had Selene heard that name before?

  Selene didn’t argue, only gave Eria a swift nod of greeting. “Let’s go.” Leading the way back to the rock mound, Selene kept her rifle at her shoulder, scanning the yard as laser fire tore through the outer fence.

  Once they reached the bottom of the rock pile, Selene looked back over her shoulder to find Eria trailing closely beside Rik.

  Rolling her eyes, Selene turned up the path just as a flash of light flew passed her head. Her eyes widened, and she crouched. “Get down!”


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