Donuts and Detours

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Donuts and Detours Page 25

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “Yes. And all time stamped.”

  “Great. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

  Dan hung up the phone and went to the conference room where there was a big screen television hooked up to the computer. He loaded the files from the garage and set them for a few minutes before the attack occurred.

  Robbie walked in and closed the conference door behind him.

  “Wait,” Dan said. “I need to get Andrew. He wanted to see this as well.”


  Once Pastor Andrew was in the room Dan hit play on the video recorder. “Too bad there’s no sound to go with this.”

  “Better than nothing,” Andrew offered.

  They viewed the attack on Titus and the short break where he was alone, and then when Bethany came in to make the phone call and put her coat under his head.

  “Where is Bethany now?” Robbie asked.

  “Probably at the hospital. Titus and she are dating, but on Sunday he seemed sad, as though something had happened,” Dan offered.

  “Maybe the other tapes will reveal something.”

  They viewed the one from the garage.

  All three men sucked in breaths when they saw Miles beating on Bethany Joelle. “Keep it rolling. I want to see what happens after this. That police officer escorted Bethany out, but we’ve not seen them here yet,” Roberto said.

  They saw her arrested and taken outside as the paramedics entered the other door.

  “She was the one they arrested?” Dan asked.

  Andrew shook his head. “That was an accident. She was trying to get away from him and he flung her at that wall like a rag doll. She’s got to be hurting.”

  Roberto frowned. “I need to call my office.” He left the room to do that and returned shortly. “She made her one call and left a message on the voice mail, but the receptionist forgot to write it down. She was a temporary employee.” He frowned. “Bethany Joelle would have already been to court, probably with a public defender since I didn’t show up in time. I’ll head over to the jail and see if I can visit her—find out what’s going on. I’ll contact the District Attorney as well. I’m sorry men, this is inexcusable.”

  “Wow. What do I tell Titus?” Dan asked.

  “The truth,” Andrew stated. “She tried to save him and Cooper, and it was a terrible accident. Not sure how they decided they had cause to arrest her, but still. Titus needs to know.”

  “I’ll go visit him after my next appointment.”

  “Stop at the garage and see if you can get her phone and jacket too. They might hold some clues as to what happened.

  “We’ll have to give this to the police as evidence.” Roberto said.

  “I’ll inform the elders and management team, so they can be praying,” Andrew said.

  “Great.” Dan shut down the computer after saving the files to two thumb drives. He headed to the police station with the files. On the way, he called Skye to fill her in on what was happening.

  “So, that’s why she hasn’t answered my calls. I wanted to find out how her car shopping went.”

  “She bought a new car?”

  “That was the plan after we had lunch. Let me know where she is so I can visit her. She has to be terrified.”

  “And possibly injured from the looks of the video. I’m here. I’ll call you later. I love you.”

  “Love you too, Dan. Tell Titus I’m praying for him and Cooper. If Will needs us to take the dog for a while we would be glad to do so.”

  “Poor pup wouldn’t get much rest in our home,” Dan protested.

  “During the day he would, and he would be loved and not alone. Will can’t care for him working full time.”

  “Fine, I’ll make the arrangements.” Dan hung up shaking his head at his wife. Life had become so much more interesting since he’d met her. He spied the green vehicle at the back of the lot with temporary plates. Must be Bethany’s. It looked like a sweet ride. He unlocked the garage and let himself in.

  The phone was where Miles had kicked it. Dan took a photo of that and forwarded it to Roberto. He found her jacket in the office, stained with blood. Hers or Ty’s it was hard to tell. He took a snapshot of that to forward as well, picked up the jacket and took it with him. A crinkle alerted him to something in the pocket. He pulled it out. An envelope, stained with blood, addressed to Titus. He headed to the hospital.


  Titus was finally able to open his bruised eye. His sporadic nightmares, of what he suspected was the attack, kept him from sleeping well.

  Dan walked in. “Hey, Ty. Is this an OK time for a visit?”

  “Yeah. Been kind of lonely here this morning, although they did force me to walk a lap around the floor earlier. Totally wiped me out.”

  “I have some news.”

  “Good, I hope?”

  “Not sure I’d call it that. We looked at the video footage of the attack.”


  “Bethany showed up as you were knocked out. Miles went after her pretty hard. It was when he tossed her against the switch that the lift failed and dropped on him as he had been rocking the car by one tire.”

  Foolish move.”

  “Yeah. He didn’t have a chance. She and Cooper came back into the office. She put her jacket under your head, called 911, and contacted Will to get the dog.”

  “So, what happened to her after that?”

  “She was arrested.”

  Titus groaned. “She’s in jail? But Miles caused the accident.”

  “Yeah. Her one phone call was to Roberto, but the message never got to him. He’s gone to see her now and find out what’s going on. She’d been hurt pretty bad from what I could tell.”

  “Well, that explains why she hasn’t been here. I couldn’t imagine her abandoning me.”

  “I stopped by the garage before coming here. I found her phone.” He handed it over. The screen was cracked. Titus held it and tried to turn it on. It was dead.

  “I also found her jacket. She placed it under your head. It’s ruined, but inside it was this, addressed to you.” He handed the bloodstained envelope.

  Titus held the paper in his hands. His blood or hers? His name was written with part printing and script. Had he ever seen her handwriting before this? There’d never been a need.

  “I can leave you so you can read this. I need to get back to the office and hope to hear from Roberto soon. Oh, and Cooper is recovering well. He was a fierce defender of you both.”

  “I’d appreciate any updates. Thank you, Dan.”

  “You’re welcome. Skye and I are praying for you both.”

  Titus nodded, and the pastor departed the room.

  He tapped the envelope against his other hand. What did Bethany write that she couldn’t have told him when they talked? His heart raced, and teeth clenched. What was he afraid of? She’d come. She’d called for help. Obviously, she cared.

  He ripped open the envelope.

  Dearest Titus,

  Sounds so formal, doesn’t it? I’m sorry about that, but I figured if we were meeting at the garage with the guys around, having a deeper conversation was out of the question. I missed you yesterday. When I came home from work, all I wanted was to see you, to be with you. You’ve become a huge part of my life and happiness.

  I know they say that our happiness shouldn’t be in other people, but after so many years of doing life on my own, you’ve taught me what it is to love and be loved in return and I don’t take that for granted.

  You didn’t understand what happened with Sean at the wedding. Before I got the call to go to work, I used my pepper spray on the rude groomsman. I don’t want any lips touching mine but yours.

  You seemed upset about Jack. Yes. He’s my boss. He’s also a married father of grown children. He was the one who encouraged me to take a risk. To live. To date you. He’s been a silent cheerleader all these years, but it wasn’t until you came along that the dark cocoon of who I was cracked. It was scary, but I was always s
afe with you as I’ve stretched my wings.

  I don’t remember laughter until you.

  Belonging. Only in your arms. Sitting beside you in your truck. Working beside you in the garage. Walking Cooper.

  I have more friends now. I have a family. But none of that would have happened without you. God used you to bring all that about. Thank you for being an instrument of growth in my life. For being Jesus to me.

  I saw the photos on Facebook and I’m not naïve to think that no other woman would ever want you. You’re a handsome man. You make me want things I shouldn’t. But I’m not blind either. You could do better than a recently adopted orphan who masquerades as a boy to fix cars. Who has dirt under her fingernails and flour on her nose on the best of days.

  I would love to beg you to be mine and mine alone, but that’s not my choice to make. I figured I needed to let you know my heart and if we didn’t get to talk, or I couldn’t get the words out, you could read them here.

  I love you, Titus Rickmeyer. I can’t imagine moving forward into the future of this life without you by my side. Forever. To have you there as I go to sleep and to be in your arms as I awake. To greet you at the end of a long day or to even ride with you when you need to rescue a car. To maybe raise a family together. These are all hopes and dreams I have of you.

  I’d like to say I’d understand if you don’t share those hopes. If you can’t return my affection. At some level, I would get it and I would move on. I couldn’t stay, though. I’d sell my home and leave because to see someone else making you happy would tear my heart apart.

  So, I hope we can clear this up, so I know where I stand. I love you. I pray for you. I long for more of a life with you in it. You’ve shown me God in fresh ways and regardless of what happens, I will always be grateful for that.

  I bought a sports utility vehicle today. On my own. Traded in my beater and haggled for a good price. I’m pleased with my decision. It’s a huge step for me, but not as huge as saying “yes” to you would be.

  I love you. I know I’ve written it several times and saying it can’t convince you if you’ve decided to move on. Thanks for being a faithful friend on this journey. I hope it’s only the beginning.

  Bethany Joelle

  Tears streamed down Ty’s face. He’d misjudged her terribly and she was being gracious about the pictures. He read the fear beneath the words. Fear that he would reject her and move on. He desperately needed to get out of here and see her. He prayed. Lord, please be with her. Let her know I love her.

  He rang for the nurse and asked for paper and a pen to write a letter with. He set to work putting his own heart on the page and hoped he’d be able to get it to her.


  All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.

  Edgar Allan Poe

  What happened? Why had her lawyer not come? How were Titus and Cooper? Were they even alive? Recovering? The not knowing combined with her loneliness was almost as painful as her injuries. Once again, it seemed God had forgotten her too.

  Bethany awoke, and her hand stroked the tight series of braids Tammy had put in. Easier to keep looking nice without benefit of a shower. Tammy proved to be a good cellmate. Forcing Bethany to eat when she didn’t want to. Letting her cry and reassuring her it would be OK. Even though they both knew it likely wouldn’t.

  “Wasn’t the apostle Paul in prison after being beaten? And He praised God. Come on now. Let’s do that,” Tammy insisted.

  “You do it for me. I’m too tired to even try.”

  Tammy rubbed Bethany’s back. “He hasn’t left you. He’s here.”

  “Thank you, Tammy. You are a blessing in this dark place.”

  “You’re welcome. Maybe that’s why He let me get caught this time. So I could be here for you. And turn my own life around.” She started to hum Amazing Grace.

  “I hope you get the opportunity to do that, Tammy.”

  “Visitor for you, Miss Hansen.” The guard appeared at their door, rattling his keys.

  Bethany struggled to sit up and rise. Tammy helped her. “You be gentle with her now, you hear? She’s in pain,” Tammy admonished the guard.

  The guard didn’t acknowledge Bethany’s cellmate and put the cuffs on Bethany. The door shut, and the key turned keeping her roommate in.

  Pain lanced through her at the touch of metal on her swollen wrist and the pull in her shoulder. She gulped and blinked back the tears.

  The guard was careful with her and they traveled down the hallway slowly. He opened the door to a small room with a table. Her attorney Roberto Rodriquez was there, and he stood as she entered.

  “Bethany. I’m sorry your message didn’t get to me.” He pulled back the chair to allow her to sit. “You’ve been hurt. Have they treated you?”

  She shook her head. “Are Titus and Cooper OK?”

  “Thanks to you they are recovering well. Cooper will go to Dan and Skye’s home soon, so he can be pampered since Will is working full time. Titus is still in the hospital but is awake. He’s going to be fine.”

  She squinted. “You can’t know that.”

  “You’re right. I can’t. The prognosis is good though for a full recovery.”

  “That’s fair. Thank you. I’ve been praying for them, worried about how they were.”

  “And yet here you’ve sat all alone.”

  “My cellmate is nice.”

  Roberto smiled. “You pled not guilty before the judge.”

  “Correct. I didn’t kill Miles. I would never have hit that switch. And that car shouldn’t have come down like that. I didn’t like the man. He was brutal to Titus, Coop, and me. But I never would have killed him.”

  “I know. I watched the video this morning at church.”


  “Yeah. A few months back we installed video surveillance in the garage. We got the visual but not the audio. It was clear you were both attacked without provoking it. He came with an agenda.”

  “Oh. I’d forgotten about the cameras. Titus mentioned them once.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing it was there. It’s your ticket out of here. Also, Dan texted me on the way over. They found your letter and he’s taking it to Titus.”


  An eyebrow raised. “That’s it? I thought you’d be glad.”

  “I suspected Titus was going to break up with me. It was a desperate plea for him to reconsider. But now? Who’d want me? A murderer?”

  “Let’s go over everything that happened.”



  The conversation wore her out. Roberto assured her it was highly probable he’d get the charges dropped after he conferred with the District Attorney. He’d see about getting her medical treatment as well, but couldn’t get her out of jail for that without permission from a judge.

  Tammy jumped off her bunk with a thud as Beth entered the room. “Well?”

  “My attorney. He thinks he can get me out.”

  “Yay!” Tammy reached forward to embrace her and she whimpered in response.

  “Careful, please. He discovered that the officer who arrested me was a buddy of Miles and had been asked to be there to do just that. The officer never expected his friend to die so things went terribly wrong in how he reacted. He always intended to arrest me. He’s under investigation right now.”

  “Wow. Didn’t see that coming.”

  “Neither did I. I was too shook up to realize something was off with that guy. I’m exhausted and need to rest.”

  “But of course. Maybe they’ll finally get you to a doctor too.”

  “Maybe. All I want now is to sleep.”

  “You do that, and I’ll pray.”

  “You’ve been good to me Tammy.” Bethany allowed her eyes to close and the thumping in her brain to lull her aching body and soul to sleep.


  The next day a letter arrived for Bethany. She slit open the envelope and reclined on her couch to read the words.
/>   Dearest Bethany Joelle,

  I got your letter. I’m still in the hospital and I miss you. Cooper is going home with the Winks until I can take care of him.

  I’m sorry I got jealous of Sean and Jack. You really used pepper spray on your step-brother? I’m impressed. Too bad you didn’t bring it with you the other night, huh? I only heard what happened, I don’t remember anything. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to protect you.

  As for the photos you saw. I was sad. I was jealous. Pure and simple. There was never anything to those photos other than conversation. While the woman may have wanted more, my heart isn’t available right now.

  Because you have it. I love you and long to be with you, day and night, until we’re old and gray. I don’t know what that life will look like as you have choices now. And I only hope I’m one of them.

  Hopefully, I’ll hold you in my arms soon. I love you more than you could know.


  She folded up the letter and held it close. He still loved her. Was there anything sweeter than knowing that? The future suddenly looked brighter.


  Another day passed.

  Titus had plenty of visitors.

  Will sneaked Cooper in for a quick peek once the dog was released from the hospital before the dog would rest at the Wink home.

  “Hey, Coop. How’s my little hero?” The dog snuggled up into him resting his head on Ty’s shoulder. “Aw, I missed you too little guy. I’m glad you’re going to be OK.” A few kisses followed.

  A nurse walked in the room and shook her head. “Boys, dogs are not allowed in the hospital.” She came over and gave Cooper a scratch behind the ears. “But I hear this one has been a courageous pup so before anyone else sees or calls security, you’d better get him out of here.”

  Will grabbed Cooper and left with the dog’s tail wagging.

  “You have good friends, Titus.”

  “The best. But I miss my girl.” He’d already shared with the nurse what had happened.

  “We’re all praying for her, but how about we spring you from the hospital. Looks as if the doctor will be happy to let you go tomorrow morning.”


  “Yup. Your tests all came back fine. You’ll need to rest and be careful for a while, but it seems there’s no lasting damage to your brain.”


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